1、物理试题物理试题 总分:总分:100 分分 时量:时量:60 分钟分钟 一、一、单项选择题(本题共单项选择题(本题共 12 个小题,每小题个小题,每小题 4 分,共计分,共计 48 分,在每小题给出的四个选项分,在每小题给出的四个选项 中,只有一个选项是正确的,选对的得中,只有一个选项是正确的,选对的得 4 分,有选错或不答的得分,有选错或不答的得 0 分)分) 1电冰箱是常用的家电,当压缩机工作时,制冷剂(俗称“药水”)在冰箱内外管道中不断循环 流动下列说法正确的是( ) A、在冰箱内的管道中,制冷剂膨胀并放出热量 B、在冰箱内的管道中,制冷剂被压缩并吸收热量 C、在冰箱外的管道中,制冷剂膨
2、胀并放出热量 D、在冰箱外的管道中,制冷剂被压缩并放出热量 2如图所示,容器内盛有部分水,气球下面悬挂一石块,它们恰好悬浮在水中,若大 气压增大,则石块将( ) A、上浮 B、下沉 C、静止 D、先上浮后下沉 3把一个带正电的物体A,靠近一个原来不带电的验电器的金属小球,然后用手去触摸金属小 球(人体是连通大地的导体) ,再移开手,这时( ) A、金属小球和金属箔都不带电 B、金属小球和金属箔带负电 C、金属小球带负电,金属箔带正电 D、金属小球带负电,金属箔不带电 4水被加热烧开后,水面上方有“白色气体”;在炎热的夏天,冰块的上方也有“白色气体”( ) A. 前者主要是由杯中的水转变成的“水
3、的液态物质” B. 前者主要是由杯中的水转变成的“水的气态物质” C. 后者主要是由冰转变成的“水的气态物质” D. 后者主要是由冰转变成的“水的液态物质” 5如图所示,质量分布均匀的甲、乙两个实心正方体放置在水平底面上,它们对地面的压强 相同,若要使甲对地面的压强大于乙对地面的压强,下列叙述中正确 ( ) A. 沿竖直方向上切去相同的体积 B. 沿竖直方向上切去相同的厚度来 C. 沿水平方向切去相同的质量 D. 沿竖直方向切去相同的质量 6小明在用可变焦的光学照相机(一种镜头焦距大小可根据需要发生改变的光学照相机) 给小兰拍了一张半身照之后,保持相机和小兰的位置不变,又给小兰拍了一张全身照。
4、关于 这个过程对相机的调节,下列说法中正确的是( ) A.焦距变大,像距也变大 B.焦距变小,像距也变小 C.焦距变大,像距变小 D.焦距变小,像距变大 7在图 7 所示的电路中,电源电压不变。闭合开关 S,电路正 常工作,一段时间后,发现其中一个电压表示数变大,则下列 说法正确的是( ) A、灯 L 可能变亮 B、灯 L 亮度可能不变 C、电阻 R 可能断路 D、电阻 R 可能短路 8物体从距凸透镜 12cm 移到移到距凸透镜 18cm 的过程中, 姓名:_性别 原初中毕业学校:_联系电话:_ 密封线内不准答题 调整光屏的位置,总能在光屏上得到倒立放大的像,由此可知,此凸透镜的焦距可能是 (
5、 ) A、6cm B、10cm C、16cm D、20cm 9在物理图像中不但纵坐标和横坐标分别代表一定的物理 意义,的斜率和面积也具有特定的物理意义。对图 9 中的两 个图像是所含信息的理解,错误的是( ) A、图 a 中的斜率越大,表示物质的密度越大 B、图 a 中阴影部分面积表示该物质的密度大小 C、图 b 中水平直线表示物体做匀速直线运动 10手持式小型抽气、打气两用气筒的构造如图 2 所 示a 为筒身,b 为活塞,c 和 d 为两个气嘴,气嘴内部 有阀门(见放大图说明)使用这种气筒时( ) A接气嘴 d,起打气作用;接气嘴 c,起抽气作用 B接气嘴 d,起抽气作用;接气嘴 c,起打气
6、作用 C向外拉活赛,两个气嘴都起抽气作用 D向里推活塞,两个气嘴都起打气作用 11甲、乙两容器中装有质量相等的水,水温分别为 25和 75,现将一温度为 65的金 属球放入甲容器中,热平衡后水温升高到 45,然后迅速取出金属球并放入乙容器中,热 平衡后乙容器中水温为(不计热量散失和水的质量的变化) ( ) A、65 B、60 C、55 D、50 12 某工厂每天早晨 7:00 都派小汽车按时接工程师上班,有一天,汽车在路上因故障原因导致 7:10 时车还未到达总工程师家,于是总工程师步行出了家门。走了一段时间后遇到了前来接 他的汽车,他上车后汽车立即掉头继续前进。 进入单位大门时,他发现比平时
7、迟到 20 分钟。 已 知汽车的速度是工程师步行速度的 6 倍,则汽车在路上因故障耽误的时间为( ) A. 38min B. 30min C. 24min D. 20min 二、填空题(每空二、填空题(每空 3 分,共分,共 30 分分) 13在一次风暴中,甲、乙两地之间的两根输电线在某处发生了 短路,如图 3 所示,为了确定智囊的具体位置,电力工人在甲地 把这两根输电线的接头接到电压为 3V 的电池两端,测出了这时 输电线中的电流为 30m。A。已知输电线每米长度的电阻为 0.01 欧,则发生短路处离甲地 _m。 测出的电流越大, 说明短路处离甲地越_。 (填 “远” 或 “近” ) 14“
8、蜻蜓点水”是常见的自然现象,某同学在研究蜻蜓运动的过程中,获 得一张图 4 所示的蜻蜓点水的俯视图片。该图片记录了在相等时间内蜻 蜓连续三次点水过程中激起的波纹,已知水的传播和蜻蜓的飞行都是匀 速运动。 根据图中弦的形状和分布可知蜻蜓当时是向_ (填“左” 或“右”)飞行的,且飞行速度比水波传播的速度_(填“快” 或“慢”) 15在机械制造中有一个给大飞轮定重心的工序,该工序的目的是使飞 轮的重心发生微小的位移,以使它准确位于轴心上。如图所示,一个质 量为 M=80kg、 半径为 R=0.6m 的金属大飞轮可在竖直平面内绕轴心 (图 中两虚线的交点)自由转动。用力推动一下大飞轮,飞轮转动若干周
9、后 停止。多次试验,发现飞轮边缘上的标记 F 总是停在图示位置。 (1)根据以上情况,可以初步确定飞轮重心 P 可能在图中 。 A轴心正下方的某一位置 B轴心左侧的某一位置 图图 11 C轴心右侧的某一位置 (2)工人在飞轮边缘上的某点 E 处,焊接上质量为 m=0.4 kg 的金属后,再用力推动飞轮, 当观到 的现象时,说明飞轮的重心已调整到轴心上了。 (3)请在图 11 中标出 E 的位置。 (4)调整前飞轮的重心 P 到轴心的距离 l 是 mm。 16按照我国交通管理的规定“红灯停、绿灯行、黄灯预备”,有 人在科技活动中设计了一个实验电路,用以模拟十字路口的红绿 灯,如图所示。当单刀多掷
10、开关接通位置“1”时,东西方向 的 灯发光。当单刀多掷开关接通位置“3”时,允许 方向 的车辆通行。 三、计算题(本题共两个小题,共计三、计算题(本题共两个小题,共计 12+10=22 分,请写出必要的方程和运算步骤,运算过分,请写出必要的方程和运算步骤,运算过 程和结果都要写明单位,只有数据的得程和结果都要写明单位,只有数据的得 0 分)分) 17 (12 分)心电图的出纸速度(指带移动的速度)是 2.5cm/s,记录下的某人的心电图如 下(图纸上每小格边长为 1mm)则: (1)此人的心率为多少次/分(保留两位有效数字)? (2)若某人的心率为 75 次/分,每跳一次输送 80mL 血液,
11、他的血压(可看作心脏压送血 液的平均压强)为 1.5 104Pa,据此估算此人心脏跳动做功的平均功率 P。 (3)按第二问的答案估算一下,人的心脏工作一天所做的功相当于把 1 吨重的物体举起多 高? 18 (10 分)2007 年 2 月 28 日,从乌鲁木齐驶往阿克苏的 5806 次列车遭遇特大沙尘暴,列 车从第 1 节车厢到第 11 节车厢相继被吹翻。看了这个报道后,某研究小组为探索沙尘暴的 威力,进行了模拟研究。如图为测定沙尘暴风力的实验装置图, 其中 AB 是一段水平放置的长为 L 的光滑均匀电阻丝,电阻丝阻 值较大,一质量和电阻都不计的细长金属丝一端固定于 O 点,另 一端悬挂球 P
12、,无风时细金属丝竖直,恰与电阻丝在 B 点接触, 有风时细金属丝将偏离竖直方向,细金属丝与电阻丝始终保持良 好的导电接触。研究小组的同学对此装置分析中,知道金属球单 位面积上所受到的水平风力大小与电压表的读数成正比,空气密 度为 1.3kg/m3,沙的密度为 2.5 103kg/m3。他们对决定金属球单 位面积上所受到的风力大小的因素,进行了如下的实验研究: 在含沙量相同条件下,改变风速,记录不同风速下电压表的示数如下: 风速(m/s) 5 10 15 20 电压表示数(V) 0.6 2.4 5.4 9.6 在风速大小相同条件下,改变风中空气的含沙量,记录不同含沙量下电压表的示数如下: 含沙量
13、(kg/m3) 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 电压表示数(V) 2.3 3.5 4.6 5.8 (1)根据上述实验结果,试推导出单位面积上所受到的风力大小的关系式?(设比例系数 为 k) (2)若(1)中的比例系数 k 的大小为 0英语试卷英语试卷 时间:时间: 50 分钟分钟 分值:分值: 100 分分 一一单项选择单项选择 (每题(每题 2 分,共分,共 30 题)题) 1.It was _back home after the experiment . Anot until midnight did he go Buntil midnight that he didnt go Cnot
14、 until midnight that he went Duntil midnight when he didnt go 2. The growing interest in _ history is clearly evident in _ number of people visiting museums and country houses. A. the ; / B. the ; the C. / ; a D. / ; the 3. There is an urgent demand _ drinking water in Yunnan Province where people a
15、re suffering _ severe droughts. A. of ; / B. for ; from C. to ; from D. of ; from 4. The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise, if _ regularly, can improve our health. A. carried out B. picked up C. brought up D. taken on 5. If you open up any medicine cupboard in the world, _ is a high p
16、robability that you will find aspirin and penicillin. A. it B. that C. this D. there 6. Did Tom turn in his assignment on time ? - Of course. It was not yet eight oclock _ he completed it. A. before B. when C. that D. until 7. _ to playing computers on the Internet, the boy student fell behind with
17、his lessons. A. Being addicted B. Addicting C. Addicted D. To be addicted 8. Steven never once asked a girl to go out in high school, he was too afraid of _. A. rejected B. being turned away C. being turned down D. left out 9. This kind of paint can be _ all kinds of weather. A. applied to B. associ
18、ated with C. exposing to D. exposed to 10. A lot of cars were _ passing through the crossroads due to that accident. A. prevented B. stopped C. blocked from D. preventing from 11. I was so _ my book that I didnt hear you knock. Which of the following answer isntcorrect ? A. absorbed in B. involved i
19、n C. lost in D. focus on 12. How did it _ that you were unable to study abroad? A. come across B. come in C. come about D. come to 13. Not only _ to the unemployment to find job, but also medical treatment was provided for them. A. help was given B. was help given C. did help be given D. were help g
20、iven 14. The _ of swine flu include lethargy, lack of appetite, coughing, runny nose, sore throat, nausea and throwing up. A. signals B. findings C. definitions D. symptoms 姓名:_性别 原初中毕业学校:_联系电话:_ 密封线内不准答题 15. Nowadays the Internet is the first place that many people _. A. turn for B. turn to C. turn
21、 in D. turn to for 16. Im reading a new book these days ,_ in English. A.it B.that C.one D.which 17. Young people may grow quickly in some ways and more slowly in _. A.the other B.some other C.others D.those other 18. They want to know _ do to help us. A. what they can B. how they can C. how can the
22、y D. what can they 19. This is the only book _ I want to read. A.which B.that C.what D.as 20. Who is he man _ is talking with John? A.which B.who C.what D.that 21. Could I borrow your dictionary? Yes,of course you_. A.might B.will C.can D.should 22. _either he or I to leave for America? A. Is B.Am C
23、.Are D.Will 23. _my glasses? Yes,I saw them on your bed a minute ago. A.Do you see B.Had you seen C.Would you see D.Have you seen 24. Great changes_in the city,and a lot of buildings_. A.have been taken placehave been set up B.have taken placehave been set up C.have taken placehave set up D.were tak
24、en placewere set up 25.I wish I _ you yesterday. A.seen B.did see C.had seen D.were to see 26. The day breaks_ the birds are singing. A.because B.as C.since D.for 27. She broke a _ while she was washing up . A.glass wine B.wine glass C.wines glass D.glass of wine 28. That daughter of Jacks is _. A.a
25、 good fun B.good runs C.good fun D.good funny 29. John was made _ the truck for a week as a punishment. A.to wash B.washing C.wash D.to be washing 30. Go on _ the other exercise after you have finished this one. A.to do B.doing C.with D.to be doing 二二完型填空完型填空 1(10 x1.5 分)分) In the U.S. today, the co
26、st of housing is very high. It is _31_ to pay one fourth or one third of familys income on a place to live. The price of a house depends on its size and _32_. Big houses are more expensive than smaller ones, and houses closer to the center of big cities are more expensive than _33_ in the suburbs or
27、 in small towns. For Americans, it is _34_ for them to buy their houses over a period of time. When a family buys a house, it is _35_ to borrow money from a bank to pay for it. Families can take 30 years to _36_ the mortgage (抵押贷款). Many Americans dont _37_ their homes. They pay landlords to _38_ th
28、eir homes. Usually, it is cheaper to rent than it is to buy and to pay a mortgage. _39_, when something needs to be repaired, it is easy for the renter to ask the landlord to _40_ it. 31. A. appropriate B. common C. extraordinary D. commercial 32. A. quality B. style C. shape D. location 33. A. thes
29、e B. ones C. which D. that 34. A. usual B. rare C. awful D. ridiculous 35. A. unbelievable B. sensible C. necessary D. temporary 36. A. pay out B. pay off C. pay back D. pay for 37. A. keep B. own C. leave D. love 38. A. borrow B. buy C. stay in D. live in 39. A. However B. Otherwise C. Also D. Ther
30、efore 40. A. improve B. discuss C. check D. fix 完形填空完形填空 2 (10 x 1.5 分)分) GLOW-WORM GROTTO(火萤洞) Down the centre of the North Island of New Zealand, and for some _41_ through the South Island, are vast reefs of limestone (石灰岩矿脉). In the Waitomo District of the King Country these are _42_ with undergr
31、ound steams. Best _43_ are the Waitomo Caves, a group of big caves known _44_ as Waitomo Cave, Ruakuri Cave and Aranui Cave. The glow-worms, actually the larval (幼虫) form of an insect, suspend themselves _45_ the cave roof _46_ a sticky thread which _47_ insects. _48_ from a boat in pitch darkness,
32、the glow-worms _49_ as vast constellations (星座) of blue-white lights, _50_ beautiful. 41. A. distance B. road C. traveling D. flight 42. A. expressed B. riddled C. hidden D. puzzled 43. A. noticed B. named C. known D. described 44. A. famously B. beautifully C. naturally D. individually 45. A. from
33、B. on C. at D. down 46. A. in B. by C. with D. for 47. A. eats B. removes C. traps D. sucks 48. A. Searched B. Judged C. Surveyed D. Viewed 49. A. appear B. freeze C. group D. jam 50. A. actually B. mentally C. artificially D. Unforgettably 三三阅读理解(阅读理解(5 x 2 分)分) Never try to work when you are very
34、hungry. If you want to do your homework right for school, you may want to eat something before getting to work. Always do your homework before you get too tired. Dont wait until very late in the evening, or the assignment will seem much harder than it really is. Organize (组织) your time into a few pa
35、rts if you have more than an hours work, give yourself a break after an hour. On the other hand, dont break it up so much that you cant get anything done. You should be able to work at least half an hour at a time without stopping. Dont put it off until the last minute. If you put off doing your hom
36、ework, youll have it on your mind. If you put it off until the end of the week or until right before a test, you will have too much catching up to do. A little bit each night, enough to keep up with what is happening each day in school, will take the fear at tests and keep you on top of it all. Do y
37、our homework at the same time every day. This will help you make it a habit(习惯)- part of your everyday work. It will make it easier to do, and it will make your free time mo堁(匀伀启讀缁頀h椀贂漃蜃螃蜃餃崃崄弄琀桞睖慓蜡灥顷呓邉矿漀爀搀搀漀挀砀瀀椀挀最椀昀琀桞睖慓蜡灥顷呓邉睧漀爀搀搀漀挀砀尀尀戀搀昀愀攀攀戀昀攀洀匀伀礀漀椀樀栀一欀焀圀樀夀唀洀唀樀昀椀椀椀倀甀唀漀攀瘀倀愀伀愀伀欀漀最栀睖吀邉眀漀爀搀搀昀昀愀攀昀昀愀攀愀昀戀戀
39、!常!曆!peixunshi0000200007高中资料201911171455372212407O7l+f5Zi0THXapYuoSsCntuEqJsdVuovBEJsBAldMoBrkj4b5l3QOiWS7Dtajr+?0耀职0舀纂年0舀诱蝥0萀佗0褀炁0謀纭0謀泭耀0贀刢耀宍0輀0退耀0鄀烍耀?耀羕0需屒耀?耀题0騀耀0傭耀节鎂適擺恰鶍节鎇適槺鶝蜀邓脚瞅耀舀(!兝蒂绳物理试题物理试题 总分:总分:100 分分 时量:时量:60 分钟分钟 一、一、单项选择题(本题共单项选择题(本题共 12 个小题,每小题个小题,每小题 4 分,共计分,共计 48 分,在每小题给出的四个选项分,在每小题给
40、出的四个选项 中,只有一个选项是正确的,选对的得中,只有一个选项是正确的,选对的得 4 分,有选错或不答的得分,有选错或不答的得 0 分)分) 1电冰箱是常用的家电,当压缩机工作时,制冷剂(俗称“药水”)在冰箱内外管道中不断循环 流动下列说法正确的是( ) A、在冰箱内的管道中,制冷剂膨胀并放出热量 B、在冰箱内的管道中,制冷剂被压缩并吸收热量 C、在冰箱外的管道中,制冷剂膨胀并放出热量 D、在冰箱外的管道中,制冷剂被压缩并放出热量 2如图所示,容器内盛有部分水,气球下面悬挂一石块,它们恰好悬浮在水中,若大 气压增大,则石块将( ) A、上浮 B、下沉 C、静止 D、先上浮后下沉 3把一个带正
41、电的物体A,靠近一个原来不带电的验电器的金属小球,然后用手去触摸金属小 球(人体是连通大地的导体) ,再移开手,这时( ) A、金属小球和金属箔都不带电 B、金属小球和金属箔带负电 C、金属小球带负电,金属箔带正电 D、金属小球带负电,金属箔不带电 4水被加热烧开后,水面上方有“白色气体”;在炎热的夏天,冰块的上方也有“白色气体”( ) A. 前者主要是由杯中的水转变成的“水的液态物质” B. 前者主要是由杯中的水转变成的“水的气态物质” C. 后者主要是由冰转变成的“水的气态物质” D. 后者主要是由冰转变成的“水的液态物质” 5如图所示,质量分布均匀的甲、乙两个实心正方体放置在水平底面上,
42、它们对地面的压强 相同,若要使甲对地面的压强大于乙对地面的压强,下列叙述中正确 ( ) A. 沿竖直方向上切去相同的体积 B. 沿竖直方向上切去相同的厚度来 C. 沿水平方向切去相同的质量 D. 沿竖直方向切去相同的质量 6小明在用可变焦的光学照相机(一种镜头焦距大小可根据需要发生改变的光学照相机) 给小兰拍了一张半身照之后,保持相机和小兰的位置不变,又给小兰拍了一张全身照。关于 这个过程对相机的调节,下列说法中正确的是( ) A.焦距变大,像距也变大 B.焦距变小,像距也变小 C.焦距变大,像距变小 D.焦距变小,像距变大 7在图 7 所示的电路中,电源电压不变。闭合开关 S,电路正 常工作,一段时间后,发现其中一个电压表示数变大,则下列 说法正确的是( ) A、灯