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融安县“十三五” 旅游业发展研究.doc

1、Three-Year Plan GuidelinesSupplemental Guidance to the Working GroupThree-Year Plan GuidelinesVersion #1Release #21TSCPoint of contact: Lynn Laakso, TSC PMTSC Cochairs: see http:/

2、lines200912240820_w_coverpage.docFor prior versions of this document refer to: http:/ TSC was requested to provide structure and format guidelines to the Working Group on creating Three-Year Plans. The Project Services Work Group identified a mechanism w

3、here future planning projects can be added to Project Insight for tracking. This document is intended to provide additional guidance on that process.TSC Three Year Plan GuidelinesHistory of Three-Year Plan request:1Guidelines for Three-Year Plans:2Next Steps:2Step 1: Review current Three-Year Plan,

4、including open projects in Project Insight.2Step 2: Document the Work Groups Maintenance processes3Step 3: Document the strategic objectives3Step 4: Send to the PMO! ( of Three-Year Plan request:At the May 2008 WGM, the TSC identified the need to request the Work Groups to: Review

5、 the project list and ensure it is up to date. Draft a 2-3 year plan (bullet items with dates would be sufficient), to communicate to others what the work group is undertaking. List the obstacles that prevent work groups from moving forward with their projects, i.e. what is limiting the WGs ability

6、to do what it thinks it needs to do. The format requested for this list is a SWOT analysis. Understand the requirements to be considered an active work group; this includes the requirement to take and post minutes, deliver their 2-3 year plan, and deliver their SWOT analysis.This request was made du

7、ring the transition of TCs and SIGs to Work Groups, where it was also requested that the work groups: Update their Mission/Charter Statement Evaluate those former SIGs having a child relationship with a parent TC whether they want to be a separate group, i.e. to merge with their parent, or convert t

8、o a project under the work group Identify their Project, Modeling and Methodology, Publishing, and Vocabulary facilitators so that the co-chairs do not become overtasked by assuming all these roles.In 2009, a project was undertaken by Project Services WG to work with each Work Group on a Project Rev

9、iew and Cleanup of Project Insight. As part of this effort, the three-year planning record was intended to move from Excel spreadsheets into Project Insight. It was also asked that Three-year planning will be updated annually.Guidelines for Three-Year Plans:Existing Three-Year plans may have include

10、d a mix of strategic and tactical elements. All Three-Year plan items will be moved into Project Insight, without need for a Project Scope Statement, as the Project Insight Review and Cleanup team works with each Work Group. This will allow potential members and other stakeholders an electronic way

11、of searching for the activities of the Working Group in a consistent manner.Three-Year Planning items will appear on the Project Insight Searchable database so they can be retrieved by Work group, keyword, project type, and so on. They need be nothing more than a description and a target date (i.e.

12、bullet items with dates as initially requested), although as much detail as is available is welcome.More strategic items might be added to a Work Groups Mission and Charter to be retrieved by the general web site search mechanism.This is intended to provide a more streamlined method to provide summa

13、ry reporting on the activities of the Work Group.Next Steps:Step 1: Review current Three-Year Plan, including open projects in Project Insight, and potential revisions to the Work Group Mission and Charter.Identify those elements that are part of the Work Groups day to day, WGM to WGM, and year to y

14、ear business that do not have specific targets, milestones, or activities, to be revised for inclusion in the Work Group Overview (Mission and Charter) on the web site. Revisions to the Work Groups Mission and Charter need to be approved by the Steering Division.Such examples needing revision for sp

15、ecificity include: “Explore opportunities to collaborate on international level” “Invite vendors to participate in meetings/Work Group activities” “Publish articles/updates in HL7 newsletters” “Explore opportunities to publicize successes to the general public” “Coordinate with Patient Safety on all

16、 projects and deliverables to promote the reduction of patient safety incidents” “Advance use of v3 in US” “Maintain broad representation and participation in HL7 initiatives on behalf of ”Step 2: Document the Work Groups Maintenance processes and open projects in Project InsightConsider identifying

17、 some of the periodic or maintenancetype tasks to be represented by an annual entry on the Three-Year Plan in Project Insight (as a three-year planning item not requiring a Project Scope Statement) such as: “Maintenance (or Revision) of xyz publication (models, RIM, HDF, Project Scope Statement, SAE

18、AF, CoChair handbook, Glossary, etc.) for 200109 (20101, 20121, etc).” Review Product Brief(s) annually for which the Work Group provides stewardship.Step 3: Document the strategic objectivesThe high-level strategic objectives might be better represented by adding these to an appropriate section of

19、the Mission and Charter statement, as entries in the “Work Products and Contributions to HL7 Processes” or by defining a formal relationship with another WG or an external organization. Please recall that relationships with external organizations should be formalized in a Memorandum of Understanding

20、 (MOU) by the Organizational Relations Committee (ORC) before they are listed in a Work Groups Mission and Charter Statement as a formal relationship. Such a statement might indicate “Work Group has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or Associate Charter Agreement with the for the such-and-such pro

21、ject, as well as the , and vendor-specific work groups for collaboration.”Alternately, a Work Group might consider revising the Three-Year plan objective to reflect a more specific activity suitable for inclusion in Project Insight, such as:“Define outreach plan to form relationships with stakeholde

22、rs in the clinical community. Deliverable: Outreach Plan by Sept 2010 Deliverable: Three personal visits or presentations at professional conferences outside HL7 by Sept 2010”Step 4: Send to the PMO! ( your Three-Year Plan items and Maintenance Process items to the PMO. The PMO will e

23、nter them into Project Insight for you.Page 511/29/2019瘓瘓8.285利润总额万元5845.726净利润万元4384.297所得税万元1.688增值税万元806.319税金及附加万元261.6410纳税总额万元2529.3811利税总额万元6913.6712投资利润率41.02%13投资利税率48.51%14投资回报率30.76%15回收期年4.7516设备数量台(套)11617年用电量千瓦时498854.9518年用水量立方米20082.7019总能耗吨标准煤63.0320节能率24.23%21节能量吨标准煤24.5122员工数量人372

24、香港及中国大陆香港及中国大陆IPO市场市场 2016年回顾与2017年前景展望 全国上市业务组,2017年1月 2017。欲了解更多信息,请联系德勤中国。2 2016年全球资本巿场和中港股巿上落频频年全球资本巿场和中港股巿上落频频 : 美联储在今年多次议息会议决定息率维持 不变,但在9月预告年底会加息 人民银行调低银行存款准备金率0.5% 中国为未来五年的经济增长目标及发展规 划定调 中国经济表现自8月起开始显示有改善迹 象 巿场热切期待深港通今年11月开通,並且 順利”通車” 欧洲央行3月决定持续推出一系列更大力 度的货币宽松政策,12月公布延长宽松政 策 石油输出国组织宣布自2008年来首

25、次达成 减产协议,油价反弹上升 巿况稳定巿况稳定 中国经济下行压力持续加大 美国加息预期反复,12月公布加息1/4厘,以及2017年 的三次加息预期 人民币存在贬值风险,离岸人民币持续受压,3月时一度 传出跨境资金流出面临压力,12月多个严控资金外流措 施先后推出,包括收紧对人民币境外放款 英国”硬脱欧”令到英欧资金流向美国,英磅急跌; 意大利 公投令到欧洲政局前景增添不明朗因素; 巿场忧虑德银或 陷财困,会变成第二家雷曼 地方债务置换升温,但未有助全面解决债务违约问题 不明朗因素影响資金撤离包括中国的新兴经济体,逃入 避险资产 美国总统大选结果远超于巿场预期 庞大原油库存一度令到油价显着回升

26、受阻 巿巿 况况 浮浮 动动 2017。欲了解更多信息,请联系德勤中国。3 2016年新股巿场回顾年新股巿场回顾 香港香港 2017。欲了解更多信息,请联系德勤中国。4 2016年香港新股市场表现亮丽年香港新股市场表现亮丽 新股首日平均回报率自新股首日平均回报率自2012年以来最高年以来最高 全球新股融资第一全球新股融资第一 创业板新股数量和融资额自创业板新股数量和融资额自2002年年 以来最高以来最高 国际企业来港上巿数量为国际企业来港上巿数量为 历史新高历史新高 本地新股比例为过去五年来新高本地新股比例为过去五年来新高 申请上巿个案为历史新高申请上巿个案为历史新高 完成自完成自2007年阿

27、里巴巴上巿以来融年阿里巴巴上巿以来融 资额最高的中国科技公司资额最高的中国科技公司IPO(美图美图) 2016年香港年香港 新股巿场新股巿场 完成全球最大新股上巿完成全球最大新股上巿 (中邮储中邮储) 2017。欲了解更多信息,请联系德勤中国。5 120家企业新上巿家企业新上巿 融资融资1,953亿港元亿港元 124家企业新上巿家企业新上巿 融资融资2,621亿港元亿港元 2016年香港新股市场表现比去年失色年香港新股市场表现比去年失色 超大型和大型新股数量、规模均下调下调 其他新股融资规模均缩小缩小 2015年2016年 3%25% 资料来源:香港交易所 、德勤分析,截至2016年12月31

28、日,但不包括截至2016年12月31日仍处于稳定价格期的4家主板新上巿公司,还没有行使超额配售权而可能会带来的额外融资金额。 2017。欲了解更多信息,请联系德勤中国。6 2016年香港新股市场概览年香港新股市场概览 前前5大大IPO仍然以仍然以金金融融服务服务业为业为主主调,融资调,融资规模规模大大约有约有1,089亿港亿港 元,比去年的元,比去年的1,223亿港元亿港元相相比,比,收窄收窄11% 2015年年 1.华泰证券华泰证券股股份有限份有限公司公司 -H股股388 2.广发证券广发证券股股份有限份有限公司公司 -H股股321 3.中国中国华华融资融资产投产投资及资资及资产管理产管理股

29、股份有限份有限公司公司 -H股股197 4.中国中国再保险再保险(集团集团)股股份有限份有限公司公司 -H股股164 5.联想控联想控股股股股份有限份有限公司公司 -H股股153 发行人发行人 融资额融资额 (亿港元亿港元) 2016年年 1.中国邮中国邮政政储储蓄银行蓄银行股股份有限份有限公司公司 -H股股592 2.华润医药集团有限华润医药集团有限公司公司151 3.浙商银行浙商银行股股份有限份有限公司公司 -H股股150 4.招商证券招商证券股股份有限份有限公司公司 -H股股107 5.光光大大证券证券股股份有限份有限公司公司 -H股股89 资料来源:香港交易所 、德勤分析,截至2016

30、年12月31日。 2017。欲了解更多信息,请联系德勤中国。7 7 713 37 1314 21 47 10 23 18 26 15 1012 13 10 6 16 49 18 24 27 27 16 16 19 39 13 11 22 29 0 0 2 3 0 2 2 3 3 2 3 5 3 4 32 1 5 5 12 5 1 8 5 9 5 7 13 69 10 20 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 融融资资额额 IPO数量数量 香港主板IPO香港创业板IPOIPO融资额 (亿港元) 今年第四季度有49只

31、新股上巿,乃去年同期52只以来的高峰,其中创业板的 新股数量更是过去多个季度以来最高的,达到20只。 2016年香港新股市场概览年香港新股市场概览 更多更多企业申请上巿,自企业申请上巿,自行撤行撤回上巿申请和回上巿申请和转转板申请板申请则减少则减少 港港交所交所2016年申请年申请 上市个案上市个案宗宗数数急升急升 更多更多上巿申请上巿申请被拒被拒和和 发发回回 2016年,港交所共计已收到主板及创业板上市申请为226宗,比2015年同 期的185宗多22%。 期间仅录得12宗从创业板转到主板的申请 ,比去年同期的18宗减少33%。 自2016年1月1日以来接受新上巿申请及正在处理中个案为99

32、宗,与去年同 期的72宗比较,增加38%。 2016年,已获原则上批准,但在申请有效期内没有上市,有33宗,比去 年同期的12宗上升175%。 13宗个案申请被拒,较同期9宗多44%。 期内有4宗申请人自行撤回申请,比去年同期9宗下降56%。 7宗申请被发回,比去年同期3宗增加133%。 资料来源:香港交易所 、德勤分析,截至2016年12月31日,但不包括截至2016年12月31日仍处于稳定价格期的4家主板新上巿公司,还没有行使超额配售权而可能会带来的额外融资金额。 2017。欲了解更多信息,请联系德勤中国。8 2016年香港新股市场概览年香港新股市场概览 香港和大陆企业香港和大陆企业在在港

33、上巿数量比港上巿数量比重拉近重拉近 发行发行市市盈盈率率受到受到资资 本巿场本巿场波波动动影响影响 64%的IPO市盈率在10倍以上,较去年73%低9个百份点。 当中市盈率逹20倍以上的IPO仅占28% ,远比去年的43%低15个百份 点。 120只新股当中,52只是来自中国大陆,占新股上市总数的43%,比 去年68只占比的55%低12个百份点。 大陆企业新股募集的资金为1,741亿港元,占市场新股总融资额约 89% ,比重比去年的92%低,当时的融资金额为2,421亿港元。 2016年共有10家海外公司来香港上巿,分别来自新加坡、日本、韩国 和马来西亚,融资大约108亿港元,而2015年的4

34、家海外公司融资金额 为36亿港元,融资金额大幅增加200% 。 大陆企业数量大陆企业数量占占比比 进进一一步步下下降降, 海外海外企业比企业比重增加重增加 8% 中国大陆香港及澳门海外 按发行方按发行方地地区划分区划分的新股数量的新股数量 3% 19% 36% 28% 14% 5 倍以下5 倍至10 倍10 倍至20倍 20倍以上介绍上市/亏损 香港新股市香港新股市盈盈率率 资料来源:香港交易所 、德勤分析,截至2016年 12月31日,但不包括预计截至2016年12月31日仍 处于稳定价格期的4家主板新上巿公司,还没有行 使超额配售权而可能会带来的额外融资金额。 43% 49% 2017。欲了解更多信息,请联系德勤中国。9 - 1

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