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1、c function. If you need HDMI function, the price will be USD2.4 higher. Because we will have to choose another chipset for the HDMI function, so cost will be different. Anyway, after you approve the sample,we can talk about the price based on the quantity. We will offer you a competitive price and g

2、uarantee the exclusivity in USA market ,if we can get good forecast. Thanks. If you choose E33 model, price will be USD0.5 higher. But if quantity is over 3K,there will be no extra charge. Sisvel,because we buy from the third party, so it is USD0.8.NOT USD0.6. We can offer you a better price after w

3、e confirm the quantity. If we can change the power board (we can guarantee the quality)and change the deck to plastic,we can keep the same price as last order. We will offer you a competitive price and guarantee the exclusivity in USA market, if we can get good forecast. As this is our standard mode

4、l, we can only delete the USB and Card, it only have USD0.5 can be deduct. 追客户回复追客户回复 The deadline to confirm the sample is before May 9th, as the goods will be on production on May 23th to catch the shipment date. As to the L/C for DP 1140 HDMI, can you kindly send the L/C draft to us for review? W

5、e need to check it and arrange the production, the time is really urgent to us. The time is really urgent to catch the schedule! Also pls kindly push the deposit by this Friday, that we can confirm it more quickly and proceed the order to catch your schedule. Thank you! Can you pls kindly push to se

6、nd the bank copy of payment to us? Thank you! If confirm the payment, we can proceed the order right now to catch your schedule. For the balance payment, pls put on the agenda. We need to revise all the artworks, so pls kindly issue the official PO so we can arrange it accordingly. Thanks very much

7、for your quickly reply in today! Pls kindly push your customer again and confirm it by return for these artwork with DVD1096UKT. As to the items mentioned as below, can you kindly advise us the comment? If yes, pls kindly help to confirm the artwork to us ASAP, as we need to prepare the material to

8、catch the schedule! Thank you! Did you receive the quotation and speci sheet pls? Can I have your comment pls. We sincerely need your kindly help to confirm it ASAP, both of us dont want it influence the shipping schedule, delivery date ETD 8/3 is really tight. The delivery date should be re-confirm

9、ed. For we need time to purchase all these materials. Pls kindly understand and confirm back ASAP. Once you confirmed in today, we should arrange golden sample with the correct mass production packing to UK for approval. Looking forward to your good news in today. You know confirm date is really can

10、t be delayed any more. Pls kindly help to confirm it, thank you! Did you receive the sample 3613 pls? How do you think of this product pls? Hope you will like it and come to new business. Is there any update about the order (SpongeBob DVD 1k and Dora DVD 1K)? Regarding our samples (UFO DVD we really

11、 want to get your orders, 向客户报告进度向客户报告进度 We are pleased to inform you that the date of Final Inspection will be Dec.23, 2010 The artwork of rear panel will be sent to you after we confirm the sticker with you! The payment is in progress, will keep you posted. I will check with our engineer whether w

12、e can modify the face and will let you know soon. For lead time,for first order will be 40 days after receipt of deposit. Because the speaker lead time is around 30 days. We will speed up the procedure for sure. We have not received the payment yet . Attached is the EMC certificate and test report.

13、For ROVI, yes, we have sent them the sample for test. And now there is one pending point only. But our factory is on holiday from 27th Jan till 10th Feb. We can solve this pending point soon after the holiday, Is it ok for you pls? Hope will not bring you trouble. We have checked with our engineer,

14、if the products need to comply with the report Frankie send to us, we must change the PCB Board and add one big magnetic ring. Yes, as per your requirement, we opened 50pcs top cover to check the cables and oil on the laser. Actually we did not find any other pcs with such problem. As I explained to

15、 you, we are serious to our QC department this time. If anyone not serious to quality, he will be fired. We are taking action to control it. I also checked when they do the internal inspection. Pls pay attention to my reply highlight in blue as below. We have updated the packing information as the a

16、ttached file, As we still not got the SO, we cant tell you the delivery port, will keep you posted. 关于尾款关于尾款 The order of SBDVD0901 is proceeding very well. And also this product is produced again. So there will not any problems of final inspection. Considering that Dec15th is Saturday, the bank is

17、out of work. So pls arrange the payment of balance in the morning of Dec.14.If not we are difficult to arrange the delivery. In order to catch the vessel, we arranged loading on Nov.26th without receiving your balance payment, so pls kindly arrange the final balance and send us the bank slip asap. H

18、ave you arranged the final balance? The SI cut time is approaching, so pls send us the bank slip within today, so that we can arrange loading immediately. In order to avoid any other delay, we have arranged the loading for the 32inch and 22 inch, 2 containers. We trust you for the payment, as you tr

19、ust as to arrange deposit. I have been trying to call you, but can not be reached. I am sorry to inform you that till now we still did not receive the balance payment. As we reported you before, without receipt of the balance payment, our financial department will not release the goods. So we can no

20、t catch the vessel booked, but to book to the forwarder for next vessel. So sorry for the trouble to you. But this is the regulation of our company. Thanks for your understanding. pls kindly help to push the balance payment by tomorrow morning for DEDVD0901, if done, pls kindly send the bank slip to

21、 us. For the above fee, pls kindly check the attached PI and help us arrange it together with the balance of Dora model. 其他其他 The deadline to confirm the sample is before May 9th, as the goods will be on production on May 23th to catch the shipment date. Pls kindly issue the inspection certificate t

22、o us,if did,pls tell us the tracking No. We need it before 7Jan.2011,pls kindly note and arrange.Thanks Kindly confirm by return for our official PO issuance. I am Shirley the colleague of Benjamin from Homecare. I will follow your order from today on. Please note that I was informed by my supplier

23、that its not possible to remove USB/SD/MMC Card Slot from this model. However, I suggest you to recheck with your customer if he can accept to have USB/SD/MMC Card Slot. I shall not charge any up cost for this. Im ready to bear this cost as a good luck and presume to have this product sells better d

24、ue to the same. Pls kindly download the user manual from: As we checked the documents you sent to us and we want to confirm some items as below! Pls kindly advise us this label! Thank you! The artwork will be sent to you by next Tuesday. Pls kindly note! As to the order of DP 1140 HDMI, some items n

25、eed to be confirmed as below! help to push the confirmation of Should we stick the barcode on the carton? If yes, whats the content of barcode? we picked out two container, pls help us confirm if we need return the container or keep them in the port? which one should be cheaper for us, pls advise so

26、onest and we can arrange it asap, many thanks! Because it is the holiday of Chinese New Year,some engineers of Intertek asked for leave,so it delayed some days to issue the report. but pls care to correct the typing mistake to SHENZHEN (I corrected in red color on Invoice and Packing list), or you w

27、ill face discrepancy. For same reason pls add SHENZHEN to CO if possible. I do not know why this kind of matter can happend.Because we did 24 hours aging test before sending to you. My name is Mendy from HomeCare, let me advise you the inspection date for below 2 CURTIS POs. BRAND PO No. MODEL NO In

28、spection factory Contract personDESTINATIONOrder Qty FOC qty Reqruied shipment date Inspection date PCS/CTNContainer will book CURTISPO6673 DVD 1112Homecare Mendy:15813738907; 杨经理:13714631680 Canada23002404/18/2011 4/15/20114 CURTISPO6829 DVD 1041- BLACK 大华(西厢三围 村工业路 17 号) 史建军:13556833659 Canada1280

29、012504/20/2011 4/16/20115 1*40+1*40HQ Pls kindly let us know if there is any questions. Thanks very much! Thanks so much for your trust,we do not do spot business. We will follow up the quality well. If it can not meet requirement, we prefer no delivery.当我被上帝造出来时,上帝问我想在人间当一个 怎样的人,我不假思索的说,我要做一个伟大的世人皆

30、知的人。于是,我降临在了人间。 我出生在一个官僚知识分子之家,父亲在朝中做官,精读诗书,母亲知书答礼,温柔体贴,父母给我去了一个好听的名字:李清 照。 小时侯,受父母影响的我饱读诗书,聪明伶俐,在朝中享有“神童”的称号。小时候的我天真活泼,才思敏捷,小河畔,花丛边 撒满了我的诗我的笑,无可置疑,小时侯的我快乐无虑。 “兴尽晚回舟,误入藕花深处。争渡,争渡,惊起一滩鸥鹭。”青春的我如同一只小鸟,自由自在,没有约束,少女纯净的心灵 常在朝阳小,流水也被自然洗礼,纤细的手指拈一束花,轻抛入水,随波荡漾,发髻上沾着晶莹的露水,双脚任水流轻抚。身影轻飘 而过,留下一阵清风。 可是晚年的我却生活在一片黑暗

31、之中,家庭的衰败,社会的改变,消磨着我那柔弱的心。我几乎对生活绝望,每天在痛苦中消磨 时光,一切都好象是灰暗的。“寻寻觅觅冷冷清清凄凄惨惨戚戚”这千古叠词句就是我当时心情的写照。 最后,香消玉殒,我在痛苦和哀怨中凄凉的死去。 在天堂里,我又见到了上帝。上帝问我过的怎么样,我摇摇头又点点头,我的一生有欢乐也有坎坷,有笑声也有泪水,有鼎盛也 有衰落。我始终无法客观的评价我的一生。我原以为做一个着名的人,一生应该是被欢乐荣誉所包围,可我发现我错了。于是在下一 轮回中,我选择做一个平凡的人。 我来到人间,我是一个平凡的人,我既不着名也不出众,但我拥有一切的幸福:我有温馨的家,我有可亲可爱的同学和老师,

32、我 每天平凡而快乐的活着,这就够了。 天儿蓝蓝风儿轻轻,暖和的春风带着春的气息吹进明亮的教室,我坐在教室的窗前,望着我拥有的一切,我甜甜的笑了。我拿起 手中的笔,不禁想起曾经作诗的李清照,我虽然没有横溢的才华,但我还是拿起手中的笔,用最朴实的语言,写下了一时的感受: 人生并不总是完美的,每个人都会有不如意的地方。这就需要我们静下心来阅读自己的人生,体会其中无尽的快乐和与众不同。 “富不读书富不久,穷不读书终究穷。”为什么从古到今都那么看重有学识之人?那是因为有学识之人可以为社会做出更大的贡 献。那时因为读书能给人带来快乐。 自从看了丑小鸭这篇童话之后,我变了,变得开朗起来,变得乐意同别人交往,

33、变得自信了因为我知道:即使现在我是 只“丑小鸭”,但只要有自信,总有一天我会变成“白天鹅”的,而且会是一只世界上最美丽的“白天鹅” 我读完了这篇美丽的童话故事,深深被丑小鸭的自信和乐观所折服,并把故事讲给了外婆听,外婆也对童话带给我们的深刻道理 而惊讶不已。还吵着闹着多看几本名着。于是我给外婆又买了几本名着故事,她起先自己读,读到不认识的字我就告诉她,如果这一 面生字较多,我就读给她听整个一面。渐渐的,自己的语文阅读能力也提高了不少,与此同时我也发现一个人读书的乐趣远不及两个 人读的乐趣大,而两个人读书的乐趣远不及全家一起读的乐趣大。于是,我便发展“业务”带动全家一起读书现在,每每遇到好 书大

34、家也不分男女老少都一拥而上,争先恐后“抢书”,当我说起我最小应该让我的时候,却没有人搭理我。最后还把书给撕坏了, 我生气地哭了,妈妈一边安慰我一边对外婆说:“孩子小,应该让着点。”外婆却不服气的说:“我这一把年纪的了,怎么没人让我 呀?”大家人你一言我一语,谁也不肯相让读书让我明白了善恶美丑、悲欢离合,读一本好书,犹如同智者谈心、谈理想,教你 辨别善恶,教你弘扬正义。读一本好书,如品一杯香茶,余香缭绕。读一本好书,能使人心灵得到净化。书是我的老师,把知识传递 给了我;书是我的伙伴,跟我诉说心里话;书是一把钥匙,给我敞开了知识的大门;书更是一艘不会沉的船,引领我航行在人生的长 河中。其实读书的真

35、真乐趣也就在于此处,不是一个人闷头苦读书;也不是读到好处不与他人分享,独自品位;更不是一个人如痴如 醉地沉浸在书的海洋中不能自拔。而是懂得与朋友,家人一起分享其中的乐趣。这才是读书真正之乐趣呢!这所有的一切,不正是我 从书中受到的教益吗? 我阅读,故我美丽;我思考,故我存在。我从内心深处真切地感到:我从读书中受到了教益。当看见有些同学宁可买玩具亦不肯 买书时,我便想到培根所说的话:“世界上最庸俗的人是不读书的人,最吝啬的人是不买书的人,最可怜的人是与书无缘的人。”许 许多多的作家、伟人都十分喜欢看书,例如毛泽东主席,他半边床上都是书,一读起书来便进入忘我的境界。 书是我生活中的好朋友,是我人生

36、道路上的航标,读书,读好书,是我无怨无悔的追求。 下午 13:0017:00 B实行不定时工作制的员工,在保证完成甲方工作任务情况下,经公司同意,可自行安排工作和休息时间。 312 打卡制度 公司实行上、下班指纹录入打卡制度。全体员工都必须自觉遵守工作时间,实行不定时工作制的员工不必打卡。 打卡次数:一日两次,即早上上班打卡一次,下午下班打卡一次。 打卡时间:打卡时间为上班到岗时间和下班离岗时间; 因公外出不能打卡:因公外出不能打卡应填写外勤登记表,注明外出日期、事由、外勤起止时间。因公外出需事先申请,如因特殊情况不能事先申请,应

37、在事毕到岗当日完成申请、审批手续,否则按旷工处理。因停电、卡钟(工卡)故障未打卡的员工,上班前、下班后要及时到部门考勤员处填写未打卡补 签申请表 ,由直接主管签字证明当日的出勤状况,报部门经理、人力资源部批准后,月底由部门考勤员据此上报考勤。上述情况考勤由各部门或分公司和项目文员协助人力资源部进行管理。 手工考勤制度 手工考勤制申请:由于工作性质,员工无法正常打卡(如外围人员、出差) ,可由各部门提出人员名单,经主管副总批准后,报人力资源部审批备案。 参与手工考勤的员工,需由其主管部门的部门考勤员(文员)或部门指定人员进行考勤管理,并于每月 26

38、 日前向人力资源部 照。 最后,香消玉殒,我在痛苦和哀怨中凄凉的死去。 在天堂里,我又见到了上帝。上帝问我过的怎么样,我摇摇头又点点头, 我的一生有欢乐也有坎坷,有笑声也有泪水,有鼎盛也有衰落。我始终无法客 观的评价我的一生。我原以为做一个着名的人,一生应该是被欢乐荣誉所包围, 可我发现我错了。于是在下一轮回中,我选择做一个平凡的人。 我来到人间,我是一个平凡的人,我既不着名也不出众,但我拥有一切的 幸福:我有温馨的家,我有可亲可爱的同学和老师,我每天平凡而快乐的活着, 这就够了。 天儿蓝蓝风儿轻轻,暖和的春风带着春的气息吹进明亮的教室,我坐在教 室的窗前,望着我拥有的一切,我甜甜的笑了。我拿

39、起手中的笔,不禁想起曾 经作诗的李清照,我虽然没有横溢的才华,但我还是拿起手中的笔,用最朴实 的语言,写下了一时的感受: 人生并不总是完美的,每个人都会有不如意的地方。这就需要我们静下心 来阅读自己的人生,体会其中无尽的快乐和与众不同。 “富不读书富不久,穷不读书终究穷。”为什么从古到今都那么看重有学 识之人?那是因为有学识之人可以为社会做出更大的贡献。那时因为读书能给 人带来快乐。 自从看了丑小鸭这篇童话之后,我变了,变得开朗起来,变得乐意同 别人交往,变得自信了因为我知道:即使现在我是只“丑小鸭”,但只要 有自信,总有一天我会变成“白天鹅”的,而且会是一只世界上最美丽的“白 天鹅” 我读完

40、了这篇美丽的童话故事,深深被丑小鸭的自信和乐观所折服,并把 故事讲给了外婆听,外婆也对童话带给我们的深刻道理而惊讶不已。还吵着闹 着多看几本名着。于是我给外婆又买了几本名着故事,她起先自己读,读到不 认识的字我就告诉她,如果这一面生字较多,我就读给她听整个一面。渐渐的, 自己的语文阅读能力也提高了不少,与此同时我也发现一个人读书的乐趣远不 及两个人读的乐趣大,而两个人读书的乐趣远不及全家一起读的乐趣大。于是, 我便发展“业务”带动全家一起读书现在,每每遇到好书大家也不分男女 老少都一拥而上,争先恐后“抢书”,当我说起我最小应该让我的时候,却没 有人搭理我。最后还把书给撕坏了,我生气地哭了,妈妈

41、一边安慰我一边对外 婆说:“孩子小,应该让着点。”外婆却不服气的说:“我这一把年纪的了, 怎么没人让我呀?”大家人你一言我一语,谁也不肯相让读书让我明白了 善恶美丑、悲欢离合,读一本好书,犹如同智者谈心、谈理想,教你辨别善恶, 教你弘扬正义。读一本好书,如品一杯香茶,余香缭绕。读一本好书,能使人 心灵得到净化。书是我的老师,把知识传递给了我;书是我的伙伴,跟我诉说 心里话;书是一把钥匙,给我敞开了知识的大门;书更是一艘不会沉的船,引 领我航行在人生的长河中。其实读书的真真乐趣也就在于此处,不是一个人闷 头苦读书;也不是读到好处不与他人分享,独自品位;更不是一个人如痴如醉 地沉浸在书的海洋中不能

42、自拔。而是懂得与朋友,家人一起分享其中的乐趣。 这才是读书真正之乐趣呢!这所有的一切,不正是我从书中受到的教益吗? 我阅读,故我美丽;我思考,故我存在。我从内心深处真切地感到:我从 读书中受到了教益。当看见有些同学宁可买玩具亦不肯买书时,我便想到培根 所说的话:“世界上最庸俗的人是不读书的人,最吝啬的人是不买书的人,最 可怜的人是与书无缘的人。”许许多多的作家、伟人都十分喜欢看书,例如毛 泽东主席,他半边床上都是书,一读起书来便进入忘我的境界。 书是我生活中的好朋友,是我人生道路上的航标,读书,读好书,是我无 怨无悔的追求。 下午 13:0017:00 B实行不定时工作制的员工,在保证完成甲方

43、工作任务情况下,经公司同意,可自行安排工作和休息时间。 312 打卡制度 公司实行上、下班指纹录入打卡制度。全体员工都必须自觉遵守工作时间,实行不定时工作制的员工不必打卡。 打卡次数:一日两次,即早上上班打卡一次,下午下班打卡一次。 打卡时间:打卡时间为上班到岗时间和下班离岗时间; 因公外出不能打卡:因公外出不能打卡应填写外勤登记表,注明外出日期、事由、外勤起止时间。因公外出需事先申请,如因特殊情况不能事先申请,应在事毕到岗当日完成申请、 审批手续,否则按旷工处理。因停电、卡钟(工卡)故障未打卡的员工,上班前、下班后要及时到部门考

44、勤员处填写未打卡补签申请表 ,由直接主管签字证明当日的出勤状况,报部门经 理、人力资源部批准后,月底由部门考勤员据此上报考勤。上述情况考勤由各部门或分公司和项目文员协助人力资源部进行管理。 手工考勤制度 手工考勤制申请:由于工作性质,员工无法正常打卡(如外围人员、出差) ,可由各部门提出人员名单,经主管副总批准后,报人力资源部审批备案。 参与手工考勤的员工,需由其主管部门的部门考勤员(文员)或部门指定人员进行考勤管理,并于每月 26 日前向人力资源部递交考勤报表。 参与手工考勤的员工如有请假情况发生,应遵守相关请、休假制度,如实填

45、报相关表单。 外派员工在外派工作期间的考勤,需在外派公司打卡记录;如遇中途出差,持出差证明,出差期间的考勤在出差地所在公司打卡记录; 3.2 加班管理 3.2.1 定义 加班是指员工在节假日或公司规定的休息日仍照常工作的情况。 A现场管理人员和劳务人员的加班应严格控制,各部门应按月工时标准,合理安排工作班次。部门经理要严格审批员工排班表,保证员工有效工时达到要求。凡是达到月工时标准的,应扣 减员工本人的存休或工资;对超出月工时标准的,应说明理由,报主管副总和人力资源部审批。 B因员工月薪工资中的补贴已包括延时工作补贴,所以延时工作在4小时(不含)以下的,不再另计加班工资。因工作

46、需要,一般员工延时工作4小时至8小时可申报加班半天,超过8 小时可申报加班1天。对主管(含)以上管理人员,一般情况下延时工作不计加班,因特殊情况经总经理以上领导批准的延时工作,可按以上标准计加班。 员工加班应提前申请,事先填写加班申请表 ,因无法确定加班工时的,应在本次加班完成后 3 个工作日内补填加班申请表 。 加班申请表经部门经理同意,主管副总经理审核 报总经理批准后有效。 加班申请表必须事前当月内上报有效,如遇特殊情况,也必须在一周内上报至总经理批准。如未履行上述程序,视为乙方自愿加班。 员工加班,也应按规定打卡,没有打卡记录的加班,公司不予承认;有打卡记录但无公司总经理批准的加班,公司不予承认加班。 原则上,参加公司组织的各种培训、集体活动不计加班。加班工资的补偿:员工在排班休息日的加班,可以以倒休形式安排补休。原则上,员工加班以倒休形式补休的,公司将根据工作需要统一安排在春节前后补休。加班可按1:1的比例 冲抵病、事假。 3.2.3 加班的申请、审批、确认流程加班申请表在各部门文员处领取,加班统计周期为上月 26 日至本月 25 日。

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