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1、以来我国在不同时期面临的国际国内形势、 西藏的进一步开放是国家 整体战略安全的需要等三方面论述了西藏与国家整体战略安全的关 系。笔者认为,西藏与我国整体战略安全息息相关,西藏的繁荣稳定 对疆独、藏独、台独、港独、蒙独等势力有消弭作用,反之西藏的动 荡将会引发多米诺骨牌效应,刺激、助长“五独”势力;西藏的可持 续发展,对我国的生态安全、战略资源(亚洲水塔)安全也有连锁效 应。此外,21 世纪虽然和平发展是时代的主旋律,但大国间博弈有 增无减,我国周边关系随各国国家战略和核心利益时好时坏,尤其南 海、东北亚形势不甚明朗,马六甲海峡存在诸多不稳定因素。因此, 改道经由地缘政治优势与地缘生态优势明显的

2、西藏,经过南亚,走向 海洋是我国的战略抉择; 西藏的开放发展与繁荣稳定事关国家长治久 安与伟大复兴。也因此,西藏战略地位的极端重要性为西藏的改革开 放和发展国门教育提供了战略契机。 - 13 - 3.西藏文明自成体系,国际社会感兴趣 从考古发现材料可以看出,西藏古代文明在其发生和发展的历史 过程中,不仅源远流长、连绵不绝,而且自有其发展脉络。藏传佛教文 化作为西藏文明的遗存和典型代表,其源于古印度文明和中华文明, 而又形成了根植于西藏自然地理人文环境的雪域高原文明, 它兼容并 蓄,海纳百川,语言文字、民俗文化、音乐舞蹈、医药医学、天文历 算、工艺美术等无不深藏于那一座座庙宇典籍。 青藏高原地域

3、辽阔, 地缘政治和地缘生态地位明显, 更是印度河、 黄河、长江、澜沧江、雅鲁藏布江等大江大河的发源地,而印度河、 长江和黄河更是孕育了古印度文明、长江文明和黄河文明。青藏高原 作为地球的“第三极” ,其崛起和演变蕴含着许多地质演进的秘密, 从 19 世纪后期以来,不少西方国家的人士赴西藏高原探险、旅行观 光、 自然考察。 神奇的雪域高原, 独特的生活方式, 悠久的文化历史, 神圣的宗教信仰,令世界各国藏学学者为之神往,成为许多中外学者 乐此不疲的研究对象。 加之所谓的西藏问题在国际社会似乎还尚有市 场存在。凡此种种,西藏受到了国际科学界、政治团体的极大关注。 4.蕃尼古道、麝香之路上中外文化交

4、流源远流长 有史记载, 唐朝时期, 有 “唐蕃古道” 、 “茶马古道” 、 “蕃尼古道” , 三条古道使西藏成为古代丝绸之路的重要必经之地。 中原的纸和造纸 术也经由此道传入尼泊尔和印度。王玄策及其外交使团四次经由“蕃 尼古道”前往天竺,促进了中国和南亚诸国政治、经济、文化、外交 的发展和交流,加强了中国与其他国家的友好往来。这些丰富的文化 资源不仅是西藏作为古代丝绸之路不可或缺的重要见证, 也为西藏积 极融入“一带一路”建设提供了巨大的发展空间和历史机遇。 阿里地处世界屋脊之屋脊,是古代“麝香之路”的重要必经之路。 根据唐义净大唐西域求法高僧传 (上卷)记载,玄奘是从阿里经 - 14 - 过

5、的。唐代及其以前, “大食的珠宝”都要经过阿里地区输入西藏, 为此, “麝香之路”也被称为“珠宝之路” 。由此来看阿里这片外表荒 僻的土地,实际上从十分远古的时候就开始向四邻开放。此外,位于 米林县南伊珞巴民族乡境内的南伊沟景区至今保存着珞巴、藏、印度 等民族古交易市场遗址。以上考古、史料表明,中外文化交流广泛且 源远流长,如何唤醒和复活这些沉睡的记忆是“一带一路”建设的题 中之义,更是“国门教育”的职责所在。 5.南亚大通道建设,文化交流须先行 随着我国综合国力的显著增强,基础建设投入所需财力和基础建 设能力不再是影响南亚大通道建设的关键因素。 增进我国与南亚大通 道建设沿线国家的国家层面的

6、政治互信,广泛开展民间文化交流,厚 植构建南亚命运共同体的民心和社会基础则更为迫切。 发展国门教育 旨在推进民心相通, 弘扬丝路精神, 推进文明交流互鉴, 促进在科学、 教育、文化、民间交流等各领域的人文交流与合作;推进舆论宣传, 展现“一带一路”建设的丰硕成果;加强“一带一路”建设学术研究、 理论支撑、话语体系建设;弘扬丝绸之路精神,开展智力丝绸之路等 建设,为“一带一路”建设夯实民意基础,筑牢社会根基。 (二)不利因素 1.自然地理环境因素的制约 西藏 21 个边境县平均海拔 4000 以上,除林芝市的 4 个边境县平 均海拔(约 2500 米)相对较低外,山南市、日喀则市和阿里地区的 1

7、7 个边境县平均海拔(4374 米)普遍较高,空气稀薄,太阳辐射较 强,环境艰苦。西藏 21 个边境县国土面积 34.35 万平方公里(实际 控制 27.15 万平方公里) ,人口 36.68 万余人,边境县人均国土面积 9365 平方千米(实际 7462 平方千米) ,人口密度约为每平方千米 1 人,西藏全区人口密度每平方千米 2 人、新疆 12 人、内蒙古 21 人、 - 15 - 广西 20 人、云南 112 人,而我国的人口密度是每平方千米约 138 人, 由此可见,西藏边境县人烟稀少,给发展国门教育带来了诸多不便。 比如隆子县境域面积最大的乡(3666 平方千米,实际控制面积 197

8、6 平方千米)玉麦乡 2017 年底有人口 9 户 32 人。 2.“西藏问题”的敏感性 域外敌对势力对所谓的西藏问题过多的特殊关照,以及我国政府 对涉藏言论的过度控制在一定程度上增加了“西藏问题”的敏感性, 使外界产生一种我国政府对西藏主权所属的不够自信的错觉, 反倒使 自己无形中处于被动的境地。袁爱中教授提出了“宗教脱敏论” ,笔 者认为,对西藏问题也有必要进行“脱敏性”研究,真理往往是在争 论中越辩越明晰,话语权往往建立在自信的基础上;同时,要建立与 经济发展总量不断扩大和经济发展质量稳步提升相适应的政治自信 和文化自信,以捍卫主权自信。 3.边境地区开放程度有待提高 当前,西藏边境地区

9、的开放发展程度仍然与西藏面临的两大矛盾 息息相关。一方面,西藏整体自我发展能力不足,区内发展不均衡、 不充分以及边境地区自然地理环境较为恶劣, 在一定程度上制约了边 境地区的开放发展。另一方面,西藏边境地区开放发展也受到外部环 境的严重制约。 对西藏边境安全威胁最大的是以达赖集团为代表的分 裂分子。达赖集团以印度为大本营,以西方反华势力为后盾,威胁着 西藏边境地区的政治稳定和社会稳定, 进而也严重影响着西藏边境地 区的开放发展程度。 4.西藏边境县教育资源的稀缺性 截至 2017 年底,西藏共有 51 个县(市、区)实现国家义务教育 发展基本均衡,通过率 69%,其中 12 个边境县实现国家义

10、务教育发 展基本均衡,占边境县总数的 57%;其他边疆省区中,新疆、云南、 - 16 - 广西、 内蒙古县域的国家义务教育发展基本均衡通过率分别57%、 75%、 46%、91%;就全国而言,超过 80%的县通过了国家义务教育发展基本 均衡评估认定。由此可见,尽管西藏有中央关心、全国支援,且人口 基数小, 但全区义务教育发展基本均衡评估通过率略高于新疆、 云南、 广西等人口相对较多省区,低于全国义务教育发展均衡平均水平。究 其原因主要是因为,西藏边境县地广人稀,导致有限的教育资源短缺 且比较分散、 利用率较低, 诸如办学经费难以满足学校教育教学需要, 教师配置不合理,教师整体素质参差不齐,学生

11、帮扶、资助制度不完 善,县域内学校之间差距较大。而国门学校教育要有稳定的生源、较 高水平的师资队伍、相对完善的办学条件、相对均衡的教育质量和较 高的管理水平。 四、西藏边境县发展国门教育的对策建议 1.发展国门教育应坚持以下原则 首先,坚持优先重点发展与均衡发展相结合。义务教育,国门学 校既要重点优先发展,也要均衡充分发展;国民教育,国门教育的不 同载体都要重点优先发展; 开放发展环境较好的边境县要优先重点发 展国门教育,同时也要兼顾所有边境县的国门教育,不能以点代面, 也不能盲目搞平均主义,要有面更有点,只有以面兜点,以点促面, 才能实现点面互补。其次,坚持政治思想建校强校固边与教育兴边稳

12、边。思想是行动的先导,发展国门教育必须坚持以习近平新时代中国 特色社会主义思想为指导,培育爱党、爱国、爱家园的新时代神圣国 土守护者、 幸福家园建设者。 其三, 坚持情感教育与文化教育相结合。 所谓情感教育也即国家认同或者中华民族认同教育。 人作为有思维有 意识的生命个体,只有充分认识到国家是五十六个民族共同的家,才 会去捍卫她、守护她。所谓文化教育也即国门小学、国门中学所承担 的义务教育职能以及国门大学所承担的高等教育职能。其四,在西藏 - 17 - 国门教育治理中,既要强调教育治理主体的多元化,也要坚持党治理 教育的主体地位,如此才会实现“治理和谐”与“秩序和谐”的统一。 总之,西藏边境县

13、发展国门教育要服务于国家战略、捍卫国家整体战 略安全和促进边境地区繁荣稳定。 2.做好国门教育平台建设 建立多层次人文合作机制,搭建更多合作平台,开辟更多合作渠 道。一是可考虑在有条件的边境县成立丝路藏学院(藏学国际交流学 院) ,设立丝路奖学金,互派留学生,鼓励国际文教交流,推动教育 合作。二是由当地教育部门牵头,由当地国门教育机构承办丝路文化 年、旅游年、艺术节、研讨会、智库对话等人文合作项目,在交流中 拉近了心与心的距离。三是加强国门学校和丝路藏学院智库队伍建 设,成立国门教育智库联盟和合作网络,为“一带一路”建设提供智 力支持。四是成立以西藏、新疆、广西、云南及其他边疆省区的“4+ ”

14、国门教育发展联合会,指导国门教育教学、科研,举办与国门教 育相关的学术研讨会; 各个边疆省区可以成立国门教育协同发展创新 研究中心,以促进本省区国门教育事业健康有序发展。 3.发展“国门教育”要做到四个相结合 首先,国门建设与西藏A PERFORMANCE AND INNOVATION UNIT REPORT SEPTEMBER 2000 CABINET OFFICE Electronic Government Services for the 21st CenturyA PERFORMANCE AND INNOVATION UNIT REPORT SEPTEMBER 2000 e

15、.gov Electronic Government Services for the 21st Century 1 CONTENTS Foreword by the Prime Minister3 1Executive Summary5 2Introduction14 3A Vision for the Electronic Delivery of Government Services16 4The Benefits of Electronic Service Delivery21 5Meeting the Challenge of Electronic Service Delivery3

16、2 6Reaching the Citizen37 7Creating a Mixed Economy Delivery Market59 8Organising Government to Deliver69 9Implementation92 C Co on nt te en nt ts s Annexes A.The role of the Performance and Innovation Unit104 B.The project team, sponsor Minister and advisory group105 C.Project methodology and resea

17、rch106 D.Organisations consulted109 E.References111 F.e-Business planning and prioritisation framework113 G.Glossary122 P PI IU U E El le ec ct tr ro on ni ic c S Se er rv vi ic ce e D De el li iv ve er ry y P Pr ro oj je ec ct t 2 FOREWORD BY THE PRIME MINISTER In July, we announced the biggest inv

18、estment in public services of modern times. That increase is a huge opportunity for everyone involved with public services to improve the way we deliver those services to citizens. But with that opportunity comes a responsibility: to use those resources as effectively and efficiently as possible. So

19、, the new funding is tied to targets about the outcomes we want to achieve. By specifying what we want achieved, we can innovate with how to achieve those goals. Electronic service delivery will be a key source of innovation. We can use new digital channels to deliver better quality services to the

20、citizen available 24 hours each day, faster, more convenient and more personalised. By doing so, we will also stimulate the market for e-commerce, by encouraging the widespread adoption of these new technologies and creating new business opportunities. I am determined that we should capitalise on th

21、ese opportunities and that by 2005 at the latest, all government services will be online. Equally important is that by the same time, everyone should have access to the Internet, so that the whole of society can benefit. None of this is straightforward, for we need to make profound changes to the wa

22、y government works if we are to make the most of new technology. We need to be sure that everyone in society can benefit, and that we are using the talents of the private and voluntary sectors as effectively as possible. To begin with, government must set out a clear vision of what it is trying to a

23、chieve, and a carefully worked out approach for attaining its goals. That is why I asked the PIU to develop a strategy for the electronic delivery of government services to the citizen. This report sets out a radical and compelling direction for government electronic services. Services will be joine

24、d up, delivered through a range of channels, and backed up by advice and support. Service delivery will be opened to the private and voluntary sectors, so that there will be a mixed economy of electronic delivery. Competition between providers will stimulate innovation and drive up service quality.

25、F Fo or re ew wo or rd d 3 P PI IU U E El le ec ct tr ro on ni ic c S Se er rv vi ic ce e D De el li iv ve er ry y P Pr ro oj je ec ct t 4 I am determined that government services delivered electronically should be of the highest quality. The strategy set out in this report will provide a sound basi

26、s for rapid progress towards that goal and for continuing innovation and service improvement in the future. Service users deserve the step change that electronic delivery can provide. By implementing the conclusions of this report, I am confident that we will deliver precisely that. Tony Blair 1. EX

27、ECUTIVE SUMMARY Key points Electronic service delivery offers huge opportunities to improve public services for the benefit of citizens: more convenient, more joined-up, more responsive and more personalised. It is going to transform the way the public sector does business, in many cases replacing t

28、raditional channels for doing business with more efficient and effective electronic channels. This report sets out a comprehensive strategy, underpinned by a clear vision, for realising the full potential of electronic service delivery. This strategy requires change in three broad areas: ensuring th

29、at government electronic service delivery is driven by the use that citizens make of it. There is scope for better co-ordination of initiatives to ensure that citizens have the skills, information and equipment to interact electronically. There should also be measures to give people mediated access

30、to electronic services where they want and need it. Government must also respond more effectively to citizen preferences and make investment decisions on the basis of service use; opening the electronic delivery of government services to the private and voluntary sectors. Competition between public,

31、 private and voluntary sector providers of electronic government services will improve service quality, stimulate innovation and improve value for money; putting in place new incentives, levers and institutional structures to make sure the transformation happens, including new funding and sharpened

32、financial incentives to promote electronic service delivery and the creation of a government incubator to develop new service ideas. E Ex xe ec cu ut ti iv ve e S Su um mm ma ar ry y 5 Electronic service delivery offers unparalleled opportunities to improve public services for the benefit of citizen

33、s 1.1 The digital revolution offers huge opportunities to improve public services by better tailoring them to the needs of individual citizens, who increasingly want to be able to choose when, where and how they interact with government. Many public services will be delivered far more efficiently an

34、d effectively electronically than through traditional channels. However, groups that use government services most heavily are often those that currently have the lowest levels of access to electronic service delivery channels. and is going to transform the public sector 1.2 Technological change also

35、 presents government with an unparalleled opportunity to transform the way the public sector does business. It is a significant challenge. The scale and complexity of government, both central and local, means that the transformation required to capitalise on the potential of the new technology will

36、not be easy to manage, as the private sector has already found. Governments track record of managing IT projects is not good, and the move to electronic service delivery will require very substantial work on back-office IT systems. The changes required to the ways government works are likely to be a

37、n even greater challenge. To realise the full potential of electronic service delivery requires a comprehensive strategy and a clear vision 1.3 This report sets out a comprehensive and radical strategy for implementing government electronic service delivery (ESD) to the citizen. This strategy is gro

38、unded in a clear vision for government ESD, and includes both central and local government. Electronic service delivery needs to be joined-up 1.4 Electronic service delivery should be used to join up service provision across departmental boundaries, to break down silo- based delivery networks and to

39、 allow citizens to interact with government whenever they choose, whether at home, at work or on the move. Over time people will increasingly find that electronic delivery provides greater convenience, responsiveness and a more personalised service than other forms of delivery. P PI IU U E El le ec

40、ct tr ro on ni ic c S Se er rv vi ic ce e D De el li iv ve er ry y P Pr ro oj je ec ct t 6 In addition, the government must continue to implement its rolling programme of priority services, with a significant number of priority citizen services funded for full implementation this year. The report in

41、cludes an implementation plan to show how government can realise the vision. The roles of individual departments will be critical in delivering this and there are also key roles for the e-Government Minister and e-Envoy. delivered through a range of channels 1.5 Citizens should have a choice of elec

42、tronic channels for accessing government services. The electronic delivery of government services should be based around open, Internet standards, so that citizens can access the services through a variety of platforms. Not all services will be capable of being accessed on all platforms, and governm

43、ent should not always aim to put services on all possible platforms. However, whether citizens use a PC, digital TV (DTV), mobile phone or other web device, they should be able to access the same government content in a user-friendly format. backed up by advice and support 1.6 Electronic delivery of

44、 government services should be backed up by access to advice and support for those who need and want it. Such advice and support will be critical to achieving high levels of take-up. There will remain a need for a variety of delivery channels, including places where citizens can go to access governm

45、ent services and speak to a trained person. These centres should be supported by essentially the same electronic systems that are accessible to people at home. Telephone call centres will also have a crucial advisory and supporting role. open to the private and voluntary sectors 1.7 Electronic deliv

46、ery of government services offers enormous new opportunities for the private and voluntary sectors. There should be a new, mixed economy in the electronic delivery of government services in which the public, private and voluntary sectors can all play a role on the basis that what matters is what wor

47、ks rather than who does it. competitive 1.8 Competition between public, private and voluntary sector providers of government services will improve service quality, stimulate innovation, and promote the bundling together of public and private services to the benefit of the consumer. From the perspect

48、ive of citizens as taxpayers, such competition should result in improved value for money. and driven forward by government operating in new ways 1.9 Government will need to work in new ways if the opportunities to improve public services are to be seized. It will need to re-invent how it works throu

49、gh stronger leadership from the top, clearer and more powerful incentives to change, radical shifts in arrangements for working across boundaries and a cultural change to support innovation. 1.10 What can be achieved is illustrated by a number of instances of best practice internationally. For examp

50、le: in Australia, .au offers a one-stop shop delivery system, bringing together many government services through the Internet, telephone and public kiosks; in Finland, the government collects each citizens annual financial information and makes a tax proposal to the citizen for agreement, saving them

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