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1、Lesson 学习目标:By the end of this class, you will be able tov find out how Helen learned to read. v describe how Helen Keller was taught to learn words.学习过程一、预习交流 Word bank: adjectivesAdj. that are used to describe HelenAdj. that are used to describe AnneOther new words二. 合作探究I. Fast reading: Read the

2、text quickly and decide what the text is about. How she learned words Her college education Her family background Her teacher Her achievementsII. Read the first two paragraphs and answer the following questions: How was Helen Keller different from other children? What do you know about Anne Sullivan

3、?III. Supplementary reading(补充阅读): Helens desire to communicateThe desire to express myself grew. The few signs I used were not enough to make myself understood and this made me feel angry. I felt as if something was holding me, and I tried very hard to free myself. I often felt very tired and broke

4、 down in tears. I wanted to communicate with others so much that I found it unbearable. My troublesome behaviour occurred daily, sometimes hourly. 三. 分层提高IV. Scan the text (Para. 3-12) and find out the words Helen learned and which paragraphs they were described:WordsParagraphs1234V. Read the text a

5、nd work in pairs to find out how Anne Sullivan taught the words to Helen. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases.Anne Sullivan let Helen _ the doll and _ the letters _.Anne let water _ one of Helens hands and _ the letters into the other hand. Helen had a _.Anne _ her arm _ round Helen. She _ Hele

6、n _ to her and pointed to _.“Think” was also difficult but Helen had _. When Helen _ her mistakes when making necklaces, Anne _ Helens head and _ “think” into her hand._After Helen asked again if love was _, Anne told her that love could not be _ but she could _ of love.四. 总结归纳VI. Read Para. 3&4 again and fill in the chart in pairs.WordsSignificance of the processDollHelen thought this _.She did not know that _.It was _ imitation.WaterThe world of words was _ to her. 五巩固反馈 P 56 Ex. 1

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