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《实用任务型学术写作》课件Unit 10 Abstract.pptx

1、Unit TenAbstractIn this unit you will learn how to write an abstract.摘要又称概要或内容提要。以提供文献实质性的内容梗概为主要目的,不加评论和补充解释,简明、确切地记述文献重要内容的短文。摘要的目的是给读者关于文献内容的足够的信息,使读者决定是否要获得论文。摘要的基本要素包括:1.目的研究、研制、调查等的前提、目的和任务,所涉及的主题范围。2.方法 所用的原理、理论、条件、对象、材料、工艺、结构、手段、装备、程序等。3.结果实验的、研究的结果、数据,被确定的关系,观察结果,得到的效果、性能等。4.结论结果的分析、研究、比较、评

2、价、应用,提出的问题等。Task Objective具体地讲,就是研究工作的主要对象和范围,采用的手段和方法,得出的结果和重要的结论,有时也包括具有情报价值的其它重要的信息。摘要应具有独立性和自明性,并且拥有与文献同等量的主要信息,即不阅读全文,就能该文获得最重要和必要的信息。摘要有短有长,短的只有一句话,长的有好几段,但一般说来在杂志上发表的论文摘要都不宜过长,通常在100150 词左右,更确切地说,约为原文长度的1%5%(有的杂志规定摘要平均长度为全文的3%5%)Read Sample 1 and answer the questions as briefly as possible.Ta

3、sk Preparation 1Purpose of the researchResearch methodsResultconclusionPurpose of the researchResearch methodsResultConclusionThe aim of this study was to investigate the use of an ultrasonic cell to determine crude oil properties,in particular oil density.An ultrasonic cell was constructed to measu

4、re the speed of sound and tested in a crude oil sample.The speed of sound was measured at temperatures between 260 and 411 K at pressure up to 75 MPs.The measurements were shown to lead to an accurate determination of the bubble point of the soil.This indicates that there is a possibility of obtaini

5、ng fluid density from sound speed measurements and suggests that it is possible to measure sound absorption with an ultrasonic cell to determine oil viscosity.KeyKeyRead Sample 2 and answer the questions.Task Preparation 21.What is the purpose of the research?2.What method was used in the research?3

6、.What is the result of the research?4.What is the conclusion of the research?1.What is the purpose of the research?2.What method was used in the research?KeyThe paper introduces a general approach for solving engineering problems by transforming them to problems in other engineering fields,through g

7、eneral discrete mathematical models called graph representations.The paper raises the problem to an abstract mathematical level of graph representations.At that abstract level,either the solution is found through the tools of graph theory,such as the graph duality principle,or the problem is transfo

8、rmed further to another engineering domain,where the problem is associated with a known solution.3.What is the result of the research?4.What is the conclusion of the research?The paper demonstrates a number of applications of the approach,among them:deriving new concepts in engineering;establishing

9、new engineering designs;analyzing complicated engineering systems,and a generic treatment of both analysis and design.The paper draws the correlation of the suggested approach to known AI topics:representation change and classification problem solving method.Read Sample 3 and judge whether the state

10、ments are true or false.Task Preparation 31.A content analysis of 463 ads examined the cultural valuesmodernity,tradition,individualism,and collectivismpromoted in Chinese mass media.()2.Chinese X-Generation refers to those aged 1835 years with high education and income.()3.Modernity and individuali

11、sm values predominate in all magazine advertisements.()4.Collectivism and power values are found to be more pervasive on television than in magazine ads.()5.Product characteristics(personal use versus shared products)affect the degree of individualism and collectivism values manifested in ads.()FTTF

12、FData Bank Practice these patterns and expressions often used in writing an abstract.1.1研究的研究的现状和存在的状和存在的问题:一般一般现在在时、一般、一般过去去时、现在在完成完成时,如:,如:1)Designing and developing new aircraft engine is time-consuming and expensive.Computational simulation is a promising means for alleviating this cost,but cons

13、tructing flexible simulation software capable of evaluation of integrated aircraft engine system architecture is hard work.2)Studies monitoring eye-movements in scenes containing entities have provided robust evidence for incremental reference resolution processes.3)Although many industries use the

14、current FMEA technique,it has many limitations and problems.4)Pronunciations in spontaneous speech differ significantly from citation form and pronunciation modeling for automatic speech recognition has received considerable attention in the last few years.5)The conventional method a calculation by

15、intuition for devising such estimates is often laborious and inaccurate.To overcome these difficulties this paper proposes that6)Earlier studies of U.S.closed-end investment companies(CEICs)examined whether the discount between CEIC price and net asset value could be exploited to gain excess returns

16、.We advance these studies by investigating many more trading strategies and various transaction costs.7)Investing and consuming may not be so different as traditional economic theory has understood them.The consumer research literature has begun to view consumption not simply as rational decision-ma

17、king,but as a more multi-sensory activity in which emotion and fantasy play important,if not essential roles.8)The term healthy immigrant effect refers to a phenomenon in which immigrants who newly arrived to a host country are healthier than their native-born counterparts,but such advantages disapp

18、ear with time in the new country.1.2 研究的内容和目的研究的内容和目的:一般一般现在在时、一般、一般过去去时、现在完成在完成时,如:,如:1)The purpose of this paper is to explain the methodology of the modified Angoff process and,in particular,how it relates to the certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Certification Examination.2)This arti

19、cle discusses the evolution of science and policies to control acid rain in Europe and the United States over the past several decades.3)This paper analyzes US geographic differences over nine regions in patterns of occupational mobility between 1880 and 1900 among the National Panel Study of white

20、men in the age cohorts 5-14 and 25-34.4)This paper argues that despite these understandings the use of science by scientists as a means of negotiating for desired political outcomes the politicization of science by scientists threatens the development of effective policies in contested issues.5)The

21、aim of this paper is to review some of the main scientific and political challenges associated with incorporating tropospheric ozone and aerosol precursors into climate agreements,and to discuss how these challenges have a bearing on the design of future climate agreements.6)This article studies the

22、 relationship between household income and housework time across 33 countries.7)This study investigated how Chinese undergraduate college students studying English as a foreign language learned new vocabulary with inference-based computer games embedded in eBooks.8)This article examines changes in a

23、ttitudes toward marriage and children in Austria,(West)Germany,Great Britain,Ireland,the Netherlands,and the U.S.using the data from the 1988,1994,and 2002 waves of the International Social Survey Program(ISSP).1.3研究方法研究方法:多用一般多用一般过去去时(常用被(常用被动语态),一般),一般现在在时,如:,如:1)This model provides the decision m

24、aker with the means to include in the decision process those environmental factors that impact upon the budget allocation process.2)With collateral drawings,models,analyses and explanations,the project specific POP model becomes the schematic and initial detailed design for the project.3)Long-term v

25、ariations of shoreline positions along the southern Baltic coast were investigated using multi-channel singular spectrum analysis(MSSA)to determine the most dominant long-term response pattern.4)We developed a quantitative method for evaluating proteomics.5)The study was conducted at a 210-bed,acute

26、 care community hospital.Three separate subsystems were developed to address issues of classification,economic order quantities,reorder points,and optimal storage and delivery strategies.6)Vulnerable analysis(VA)has been carried out to evaluate the air pollution stress at different locations within

27、the study area.7)We present a logistic regression approach that uses statistical and topological descriptors to predict the biological relevance of protein-protein interactions obtained from high-throughput screens for yeast.8)In this paper,we propose a method for making such comparisons.This approa

28、ch gives rise to a role typology,where schemas can be of four types:simple,complex,unpartitioned,and robust.1.4 研究研究结果果:一般一般过去去时、现在完成在完成时,一般,一般现在在时,如:如:1)These results show/reveal/suggest/demonstrate/indicate that Swedish workers satisfaction primarily stems from more general comparisons,relating to

29、 others in their occupation,and to others in the labor market at large.2)The data support an alternative hypothesis that downward flow induced by tip vortices limits the growth of the leading-edge vortex.3)We attributed these results to(1)the effects of increased competition and(2)a reduction in the

30、 market segmentation premium.4)It was found that the number of moves between key concepts per 10 T-units correlated most closely with the teachers marks.5)This result serves to strengthen the connection between comets and the material from which the Solar System formed.6)Our results provide support

31、for a contrarian strategy that individual investors can follow.7)My results shed new light on human capital investment in developing economies and on the long-run evolution of languages and cultures.8)Results for a direct measure of technology diffusion provide striking evidence for the first interp

32、retation.1.5 研究的研究的结论或建或建议:多用一般多用一般现在在时,如:,如:1)Implication and suggestions for further study for implementing computer-based ESL writing tests are discussed.2)Overall,our own judgment is that we feel confident that REACH generates net benefits,a result consistent with other partial studies that have

33、 been carried out to date.3)The findings,from at least those G-SLI children who do not exhibit any auditory deficits,provide further evidence supporting the existence of a primary domain-specific deficit underlying G-SLI.4)These findings emphasize the importance of hormone-independent activation of

34、the estrogen receptor,and have implications for the therapeutic use of estrogens,such as hormone replacement therapy.5)It was found that an increase in the use of the linguistic aspects analyzed were a product of interaction and not necessarily the cause of it.6)As no clear relationship was found,we

35、 conclude that taking the CSR with the lowest WER does not necessarily provide the optimal solution for obtaining optimal automatic transcriptions.7)We also discuss legal issues arising in trans-national remote sensing in the context of the new water policy,and identify shortcomings and areas where

36、further studies are necessary.8)Our findings are consistent with those of earlier studies,and suggest the health trends among immigrants support the idea that older adults considering emigration have begun to include the host countries welfare policies and related availability of healthy care among

37、the factors they evaluate in making their decisions to emigrate.2.2.Read the following tips for writing an abstract.Read the following tips for writing an abstract.Some points to keep in mind while writing abstracts:While drafting your abstract:look over your subject to see what disciplinary assumpt

38、ions are challenged;question the significance of your ideas;emphasize the important results and address limitations in a realistic manner.An abstract will nearly always be read along with the title,so do not repeat or rephrase your title.It will likely be read without the rest of the document,howeve

39、r,so make it complete enough to stand on its own.Your readers expect you to summarize your conclusions in an abstract,as well as your purposes,methods and main findings.Emphasize the different points of your study in proportion to the emphasis they receive in the body of the document.DO NOT refer in

40、 the abstract to information that is not in the document.This is very important and is a little like“truth in advertising.”You do not want to give your reader the impression that your study covers information it does not actually contain.Avoid using the first person I or we.In addition,whenever poss

41、ible,choose active verbs instead of passive ones(ex:use the study tested”instead of“it was tested by the study”or“I tested in the study”).Avoid,if possible,using trade names,acronyms,abbreviations or symbols in your abstract.You would have to explain these names which would take up valuable room/wor

42、ds.Use non-evaluative language in your abstract;report instead of comment upon your findings.Use key words from the document to help indexers more accurately index your document for future research.Ease your readers/audience into your topic.Or,in other words,be sensitive to the needs and knowledge o

43、f your audience.What might seem perfectly obvious to you after working on a longer writing or research project will often be brand-new to your audience.Dont procrastinate!It is best to write the abstract immediately after you finish your project while the ideas are still fresh in your mind.Remember,

44、a well written abstract often can ensure wide publication since many computerized databases and printed indexes reprint abstracts so scholars can keep up with each others work,and associations and corporations often publish abstracts in given fields and mail them to appropriate researchers and schol

45、ars,etc.Thus,if you want to ensure that your work has an impact on your field,you should work as hard as possible in presenting a precise and engaging abstract.1.Complete the following sentences by translating Chinese into English.Task RealizationKeyKeyBackgroundBackgroundPurposeMethodMethodResultsC

46、onclusion2.Read the two examples below and identify a good opening statement.3.Each of the following sentences is taken from an abstract.The sentences are not in their correct order.Indicate the probable order used by the author in writing the abstract in the space below.fecadhgib4.Read the three sa

47、mples in Task Preparation closely.Examine the verb tense generally used for each information element and then complete the following table by writing down the tense of the verb(s).present tensepresent tensepresent tensepast tense/present tense/present perfect tense present tense/modal verbs/tentativ

48、e verbs5.Complete the following sentences by translating Chinese into English.1)(近来,大量研究关注)近来,大量研究关注)the performance of international joint ventures.2)(该项目的目的在于研究)目的目的在于研究)the possibility that reality,in all its forms,from energy to matter,emerges from a condensed state of physical vacuum crossed by

49、 an omni-persuasive electromagnetic quantum field.Many recent studies have focused onThe project aims to study/survey/evaluate/determine3)(该项目使用的技目使用的技术被称被称为)N-body simulations.4)(这些些结果表明)果表明)it is feasible to substantially alter a major component of milk in high producing dairy cows by a transgenic

50、 approach and thus to improve the functional properties of diary milk.5)(此后的研究将此后的研究将进一步一步证实)that malignant hypertension is yet another disease related to cigarette smoking.The technique applied in the study is referred toIt is found/observed thatFollow-up study will further confirm1.Find an academi

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