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《实用英语口语交流教程》课件Unit 4.ppt

1、Unit 4 Green Business1)Phonetics 2)Useful Sentences in Speaking 3)Class Survey:Group 44)Group Discussion:allAssignment The theme for next class:BeautyG5:PresentationG1:PhoneticsAll:Class DiscussionPhonetics 4:Phonetics:Consonants:plosives/p/b/t/d/k/g/Loss of plosion(in front of a consonant,except j,

2、w,h,r)Within a word:kept,blackboard,notebook,goodbye,cupboard;advance,advice;picture,object;handsome,next;midnight,technology,lately,badly Between words:a sad story,a nonstop flight,recite the poem,a good chance,odd jobs,sit down,a big boy,a flat tire,Red Cross,next door,internet technology,stop tal

3、kingHow does she get all her lost books back?There is a bird in that tree?Read the story,please.What nice watches they are!Its really a big library.Keep that in mind.2.After/s/:sp,st,sk spring,sport,spy,spread,speak,study,strong,stone,stick,street,school,sky,skate,skill,skinReading aloudIn addition

4、to cost-effective collective purchases,/the club is committed to a host of social concerns,/including the environment,the empowerment of women and workers conditions./Important sentences in speaking1.Ill be looking forward to it.我期待这一天。2.Chances are slim.机会很小。3.Far from it.一点也不。4.Im behind in my wor

5、k.我工作进度落后了。5.Its a pain in the neck.那真是麻烦/棘手的事。Important sentences in speaking6.Were in the same boat.我们的处境相同。7.My mouth is watering.我在流口水了。8.What do you recommend?你推荐什么?9.I ache all over.我全身酸痛。10.I have a runny/running nose.我流鼻涕。General questions for job interviewWhat kind of person would you refus

6、e to work with?你会拒绝与何种人工作?What would your previous supervisor say your strongest point is?你之前的领导认为你最厉害的地方是什么?Tell me about a problem you had with your supervisor.你之前与领导发生过摩擦吗?Tell me about your ability to work under pressure.描述一下你的抗压能力。Explain what has disappointed you most about your previous job.上

7、一份工作你最不满意的是什么?Do your skills match this job or another job more closely?你的技能与这份工作还是另外一份工作更匹配?How would you know you were successful on this job?你如何知道你在这个岗位上成功了?Are you willing to put the interests of the organization ahead of your own?你愿意将公司利益放在自身利益之前吗?Describe your management style.描述一下你的管理风格。Do yo

8、u have any blind spots?你有什么盲点吗?Introduction:Green BusinessA green business is environmentally responsible.It limits its pollution and uses renewable resources in the manufacture of its products.The rule is to reduce,reuse,recycle.Presentation 15 points Speaking:5 points Content:5 points PPT:5 points Discussion:Green BusinessGreen energy:clean energy,renewable energy,solar energyalternative fuel:hydrogen fuelReduce carbon pollution1.What are the advantages and disadvantages of driving a car?2.Why is China attempting to become a leader in clean technology?3.What should we do in“green travel”?

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