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1、 be the following: Many people dont put trash out to be collected for recycling.9 Not many products that people want to buy are _80_ in recycled material. This is particularly so with plastics. Many waste products are not easy to recycle.75. A) face B) cry C) laughter D) skin76. A) brought B) took C

2、) carried D) returned77. A) more and more B) less and less C) higher and higher D) lower and lower78. A) so that B) though C) if D) but79. A) At school B) In the restaurant C) At home D) In the factory80. A) available B) independent C) cheap D) fashionableC. Read the passage and fill in the blanks w

3、ith proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (14 分)The worlds first computers were bigger than cars. But now one computer can fit on the edge of a coin. The Michigan Micro Mote, also called M3, is the s_81_ computer in the world.Teachers and students at the University of Michigan have been

4、working on the M3 for over a decade. Although it is t_82_, the M3 can take pictures, read temperatures and record things.Researchers hope to use the M3 in hospitals and factories. The computer can be injected(注入) into the body and record information of the p_83_. The oil industry is also interested

5、in sending the M3 into oil wells to see how much oil is left.B_84_, with the M3, people dont need to worry about forgetting to take anything with them. They can buy several computers and stick them to their keys, wallets and anything else they dont want to l_85_. They can locate their belongings by

6、a main computer.The M3 doesnt have a k_86_, mouse or screen. It gets power from light. The user can send information to the computer by sending light to it. Once it processes the data, it is a_87_ to send the information to a main computer by radio frequencies.(无线电频率)10D. Answer the questions (根据短文内

7、容回答问题) (12 分)Have you been to zoos? Have you watched circuses(马戏团)? We see animals in zoos and circuses and treat them as trained friends. But could these lovely animals still survive in the wild? The French director Thierry Ragobert tried to give us the answer in his new movie Amazonia. In the movi

8、e, a little monkey called Sai experienced a journey back to nature.Sai was born in a circus and raised by human. All he knew was to perform and make people laugh every night. However, his life turned upside down one day. After a plane accident in South America, the little monkey found himself in the

9、 jungle(丛林). He was chased by eagles and got sick by eating some unknown plants. Fortunately, another monkey saved him from danger. Sai joined the wild monkeys and soon found that he was so different from the others. He had no skills of hunting and fighting because he had never lived in the wild bef

10、ore. Sai began to learn from the other monkeys since then.This movie was released on the Chinese mainland. It is the first 3D movie in history where all roles are played by real anim其有利的地理条件并抓住机遇,实行改革,实现富国强兵,改革是强大的根本,而尊重知识和人才是强盛的必要条件。 (2 分) (言之有理即可得 2 分)27.(共 12 分)(1)李冰 战国时期(4 分)6(2)都江堰(2 分) 防洪灌溉(4 分)(3)消除了岷江水患,灌溉了大片农田,使成都平原成为“天府之国”造福人民。(任意 1 点 2分)28.(共 14 分)(1)孔子 儒家学派 孟子(6 分答出一点即可给 2 分)(2)“仁”“为政以德” (2 分)(3)创办私学(2 分)(4)有教无类“因材施教”温故而知新”等。(4 分)跐挀瀀栀琀洀氀餀蘧/Ie前台访问/d-93052.html220.181.108.

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