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1、Unit3Holiday fun 知识点梳理一短语积累:1. holiday fun 假日乐趣2. come back to school 回到学校3. the National Day holiday 国庆假期4. after the National Day holiday 国庆假期以后5. call sb. 打电话给某人6. at home 在家7. visit my aunt 看望/拜访我的姑妈8. go to the Bund 去(上海)外滩9. visit the Shanghai Museum 参观上博物馆10. see many interesting things 看见许多有

2、趣的事11. your holiday 你的假日11. great fun 非常有趣12. go to a farm near Star Lake 去星湖附近的一家农场13. pick some oranges 摘一些桔子14. go fishing 去钓鱼15. catch some fish 抓一些鱼16. catch a big fish 抓一条大鱼17. want to give you the fish 想要给你一条鱼18. the Great Wall 长城19. the Palace Museum 故宫20. the Summer Palace 颐和园21. Tiananmen

3、Square 天安门广场22. taste some Beijing ducks 品尝北京烤鸭23. see the beautiful night 看美丽的夜景24. see the cultural relics 看文物25. take photos 拍照片26. talk about your travel experiences 谈谈你的旅游经历27. pick an orange for me 为我摘一个桔子28. want an orange from the tree 想要树上的一个桔子29. catch a fish for me 为我抓一条鱼30. want a fish f

4、rom the sea 想要海里的一条鱼31. three main school holiday in the UK 英国三个主要学校假期32. the Easter holiday 复活节假期33. the summer / winter holiday 暑/ 寒假34. the Christmas holiday 圣诞假期35. come home late 回家晚36. have a fashion show 举行时装秀37. love beautiful clothes 喜爱漂亮的衣服38. be excited about.对/因.而兴奋、激动39. love fashion sh

5、ows 喜爱时装秀40. what great fun 多么有趣41. wear a paper T-shirt and paper shorts 穿着一件纸 T 恤衫的纸短裤42. ask Bobby about Sam 问 Bobby 关于 Sam 的事43. ask about the show 问关于(时装)秀的事44. wear paper clothes 穿着纸衣服45. wear a lot of bottles 穿着很多瓶子46. go well 进展顺利47. at first 开始、最初48. heavy rain 大雨49. rain heavily 下大雨50. at

6、last 最后51. too bad 太糟糕了52. the Car Museum 车展53. see many cool cars 看见许多很酷的车54. go to the cinema 去电影院55. watch a new film 看一部新影片56. have / hold a birthday party 举办生日聚会57. invite many friends 邀请许多朋友58. his cousin 他的表弟59. play with toy cars 玩玩具车60. clean / wash the car 擦/ 洗车61. ask and answer questions

7、 问答问题62. falling intonation 降调二、过去式1.catch -caught 2.hold-held 3. wasnt-isnt/ 5.get-got 6.wear-e-came 8.didnt -dont/doesnt 9.werent- arent第三单元知识点梳理1、一般过去时的各种句型转换:(1)一般疑问句及其肯定和否定回答: e.g.: A: Did you catch any fish?B: Yes, I did./No, I didnt.(2)由 Where, What 和 Why 引导的特殊疑问句的问答:A: Where di

8、d you go for the holiday? B: I went to a farm.(重在回答地点)A: What did you do for the holiday? B:I visited the Shanghai Museum.(重在事情。) A:Why did you call me? B: Because I wanted to give you the fish. ( 重在陈述原因。) 针对上述的三种句型的回答,也可以采用逆向的对画线部分提问:a : I called you because I wanted to give you the fish.(对画线部分提问 )

9、Did you call me because you wanted to give me the fish (用 Why 替换)? Why did you call me? (3)由 How 引导的特殊疑问句的问答:A:How was your holiday? B: It was great fun.2、本单元重在讲述 travel experiences(旅游经历),旅游景点都是唯一的,作为唯一性的名词前均须加上 the。如:the Bund, the Shanghai Museum, the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, the Summer Palac

10、e, the Tiananmen Square. 3、Use falling intonation(使用降调): 这一单元采用降调来读 Sound time, 要指导好学生读好降调。4、有关 holiday: 本单元有 3 个板块,即 Story time, Fun time, Checkout time, 都谈论了 the National Day holiday. 课后的写话练习也要求围绕这个话题展开。而 Culture time 谈论的是英国的三个主要学校假期:the Easter holiday, the summer holiday, the Christmas holiday. 可

11、以在课外补充有关这三大节日人们经常做的事,操练本课的句型。5、excited 后接不同介词的意思对比:be excited by 被而激动;be excited for 因/为而激动;be excited at 与 be excited about 常互用,后+v-ing. )7、askabout 和 ask about 的区别:ask about表示问某人有关某事,ask about表示打听。8、介词的用法:after the National Day holiday at home near Star Lake talk about pick an orange for me want an orange from the tree in the UK It is time for dinner.ask sb. about sth. ask about the showat first be excited aboutw0托(匀堂讀缁缀螏頀h吀椀圁瑖豎螋豎啎颋搀漀挀瀀椀挀最椀昀瑖豎螋豎啎颋搀漀挀尀尀戀昀搀搀搀攀攀挀戀愀礀瀀搀栀氀昀眀氀椀洀戀倀夀洀挀堀挀栀瀀爀嘀搀眀昀伀唀焀昀伀嘀眀渀瘀眀吀嘀眀瑖豎螋豎唀掋昀昀搀昀昀挀挀愀愀攀瑖豎螋谰啎瞋灒u饗琀开扬袗獟奞諿肍詎葔泿渁最稀栀漀w饜馄蒄戀眀

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