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1、文昌市实验高级中学韩达10空空3-4空空(有提示词)(有提示词)6-7空空(无提示词)(无提示词)动词动词名词名词:单复数形容词形容词/副词副词:比较级、最高级词性转换词性转换数词数词连词(并列句):连词(并列句):and,but,or引导词(从句):引导词(从句):who,that,what代词:代词:they,him,our,themselves介词:介词:in,on,to,for冠词:冠词:a/an,the连接性副词:连接性副词:however,therefore时态,语态主谓一致非谓语动词:-ing,-ed,todo1.Now Ill give you some tips on how

2、 to make friends with others.One way is being _ because honesty is very important if you want to get along well with those around you.2.Soon after David left college,one of his uncles,who was rich and had no _ of his own died and left David a lot of money,so he decided to set up his own company.3.To

3、 their surprise,the stolen car had been returned and there was a note in it that said:“I apologize for taking your car.My wife was having a baby and I had to send her to the _ as soon as possible.Please forget the inconvenience.honestchildrenhospital Put what the sentence needs into the blank Whats

4、the function of the blank in this sentence?(1)The number of people _(speak)Chinese continues to rise.后置定语后置定语speaking(2)Some 134,000 Chinese students went to study abroad,and 120,000 of _ were self-funded students(自自费生费生).主语主语宾格宾格them(1)As soon as a child begins school,he enters a world of examinati

5、ons_ will decide his future of job.that/which定语从句定语从句1.从句从句-引导词引导词(2)My face turned red on hearing _ my mother said.宾语从句宾语从句what(3)_ we are satisfied with only a few rules we have memorized,we will not really learn the language.状语从句状语从句If2.并列句并列句-并列连词(并列连词(and,but,or,so,while然而然而,when这时这时,etc)*Witho

6、ut proper planning,tourism can cause problems.If tourism creates too much traffic,the inhabitants will become annoyed and unhappy.They begin to dislike tourists,_ they treat them impolitely.so3.动词(谓语、非谓语)动词(谓语、非谓语)-using the verbs given Analyze the sentence to find out whether you Analyze the senten

7、ce to find out whether you need the Finite Verb(need the Finite Verb(谓语动词谓语动词)or Non-finite)or Non-finite Verb(Verb(非谓语动词非谓语动词)(1)The city has already had homes,stores,and offices _(build)on the Mediterranean Sea.(2)A very strong wind blew into my room.My valuable notes,lying on my desk in the room,

8、_(fly)high into the air.非谓语非谓语built非谓语非谓语谓语谓语flew谓语谓语(1)谓语动谓语动词词 时态时态 语态语态 主谓一致主谓一致A.I was certain that she would like it because I _(tell)by my classmates that she loved hot food.被动被动had been toldB.I had to leave work to take him to the hospital because he _(break)his arm.hadbrokenhadbrokenC.He was

9、 one of the students who _(invite)to the meeting.定语从句定语从句were invited(2)非谓语动词非谓语动词 ing ing ed ed to do to doA.We must practise speaking and _A.We must practise speaking and _(write)the language whenever you can.(write)the language whenever you can.writingwritingB.We must also consider the reaction o

10、f B.We must also consider the reaction of the person _(receive)the gift.the person _(receive)the gift.receivingreceivingC.With the problem _(solve),I was C.With the problem _(solve),I was proud of my achievement.proud of my achievement.solvedsolvedD.D.and it is important _ and it is important _(memo

11、rize)some basic grammar rules.(memorize)some basic grammar memorizeto memorize定语定语主动(1)Firstly,we must understand the language when we hear _ spoken.(2)they can never do anything quite right,then they will regard _ as unfit or unable persons.4.itthemselves(3)The little boy pulled _ right ha

12、nd out of the pocket and studied a number of coins in it.his5.副词副词.however,therefore,instead,also,still,too,either,besides,otherwise *Ive never been to China and _ I dont know much about it.therefore6.冠词冠词.a,an,the(1)When you meet _ new word,look it up in your dictionary.Your dictionary is your most

13、 useful book.(2)But my mood quickly changed when I saw _ first question.athe7.介词介词(1)First,they fail to find suitable words to express themselves due to a limited vocabularyThe third reason is that not enough attention is paid_listening.(2)There is no easy way to success _ language learning.toin8.形容

14、词的比较级和最高级形容词的比较级和最高级(1)I have spent most of my career as a travelling salesman.There is nothing lonelier _ eating meals in a coffee shop.than(2)The words you know are called your vocabulary.You should try to make your vocabulary _(big).Read as many books as we can.bigger1.1._ was only after I heard

15、she became _ was only after I heard she became sick that I learned she couldnsick that I learned she couldnt eat that food!t eat that food!I learned she couldnI learned she couldnt eat that food t eat that food only only after I heard she became sickafter I heard she became sick.强调句式强调句式ItIt2.I was

16、so careless _ I had forgotten 2.I was so careless _ I had forgotten all about that.all about that.句式句式:sothat.thatthat1.Mr Chen has taught me English since Junior 1,1.Mr Chen has taught me English since Junior 1,and to show my _(appreciate)I and to show my _(appreciate)I decided to get her a present

17、.decided to get her a present.名词名词appreciationappreciation2.They can see plays,films,operas and shows 2.They can see plays,films,operas and shows of every kind,not to mention the latest of every kind,not to mention the latest _(excite)football match._(excite)football match.形容词形容词excitingexciting4.I

18、must know how to care for others and try 4.I must know how to care for others and try not to _(understand)them.not to _(understand)them.动词原形动词原形“误解误解”misunderstandmisunderstand5.In the small towns of the United States in 5.In the small towns of the United States in the _(nineteen)century,the general

19、 the _(nineteen)century,the general store was where everyone bought the things he store was where everyone bought the things he couldncouldnt make or grow at home.t make or grow at home.序数词序数词nineteenthnineteenthSteps:1.Look through the whole passage to get a general idea.2.Deal with the simple ones

20、 first,such as those fixed patterns or the ones giving certain words.3.When coming across difficult ones,just leave till the end.4.Check what you have filled in the blanks and deal with the blanks you missed just now.Ways to improve:Ways to improve:1.focus on main grammar points while reading1.focus

21、 on main grammar points while reading “聚焦聚焦”语言点语言点阅读过程中,将注意力放到语言点上,阅读过程中,将注意力放到语言点上,“捕捉捕捉”文文章中出现的各种语言点、对不理解的语法、句型进行必章中出现的各种语言点、对不理解的语法、句型进行必要的分析。要的分析。2.basic grammar knowledge2.basic grammar knowledge 掌握基础语法知识掌握基础语法知识 The more difficult,the better The more difficult,the better?No.No.要牢牢掌握最常用的语法要点,达到

22、运用自如。要牢牢掌握最常用的语法要点,达到运用自如。3.words and phrases3.words and phrases 单词、短语的积累单词、短语的积累对于单词,不仅要背诵其意义和拼写,还好掌握基本对于单词,不仅要背诵其意义和拼写,还好掌握基本的词形变换。的词形变换。高考链接(2014海南)Ihavethegreatestjobintheworld.Itraveltounusualplacesandworkalongsidepeoplefromallovertheworld.31myjobisoccasionallydangerous,Idontmindbecausedangerex



25、ears,Iamstillamazed40theirbeautyaswellastheirpotentialtocausegreatdamage.Although/ThoughwasappointedwhichwhereinUnfortunatelytheasHavingstudiedat A proverb says,“Time is money”.But _1_ my opinion,time is even _2_ precious than money.Why?_3_ when money is spent,we can earn it back._4_,when time is go

26、ne,it will never return.It is known to all that the time we can use is _5_(limit).Therefore we should make good _6_ of our time to study hard so as to serve our country in _7_ future.But it is a pity that there are a lot of people _8_ do not realize the value of time.They often _9_(waste)their preci

27、ous time smoking,drinking and playing.In a word,we should form the good habit of _10_(save)time.Do not put off what can be done today until tomorrow.Homework(1)语法填空语法填空Homework(2)挖空设问Peoplelivingindifferentcountriesmadedifferentkindsofwords.Eachcontainsmanythousandsofwords.Averylargedictionary,forex


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