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1、课题: Unit 1 Will people have robots? 序号:1班级:_ 姓名:_教师寄语:A young idler, an old beggar.(少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲)导学内容:Period 1 Section A 1a-1c导学目标知识点:1. 正确书写重点词汇will,robot,everything,paper,fewer,tree等,2. will 构成的一般将来时态的陈述句、否定句、疑问句及回答.3. There be 句型的一般将来时. 4. 学会对未来进行预测(make predictions).导学过程:Step 1 预习 Greetings: Welc

2、ome to school .Whats the date today ? _ Whos on duty today ? _Do you enjoy your winter holiday ? _Do you finish your homework ? _Do you want to live on the moon ? _Can you guess what will happen in ten years ? _Step 2 课堂导学I.What can you see in the picture?(在图片中看到了什么?)_T:They are talking about the li

3、fe 100 years from now.* 100 years from now = in 100 years (在100年以后) in :在之后* in +时间段,指从现在起的一段时间之后,用于将来时态,进行提问时用how soon after +时间段,指以过去时间为起点的一段时间之后,用于过去时态 after +某个特定的未来时刻或日期,可用于将来时态* He will finish his homework _10 minutes. I arrived in Xiaogan _7 days. She will go home _5 oclock.II.Read 1a and lea

4、rn some new words and phrases.* People will have robots in their homes. 在家庭中人们会有机器人的。* 用will/ shall do表示将来:(一)是表示预见。I think it will rain.He will feel better after taking a rest.(二)是表示意图。I will go with you.肯定式:主语 + will/shall + 动词原形 +(宾语)+ 其它成分e.g.:He will go to the movies tomorrow. (He will 常缩写成He l

5、l)否定式:在will后加_即可。will not 简写成_e.g.:He wont go to the movies tomorrow.一般疑问式:把_提到句子主语的前面,结尾变问号。e.g.:Will he go to the movies tomorrow?特殊疑问句式:特殊疑问词 + will/shall + 动词原形 + 其它成分?e.g.:What will he do tomorrow?* There will be only one country. 将来只会有一个国家。* there be结构中的be是可以运用各种时态的。There be句型的一般将来时结构是There wi

6、ll be +名词+其他。e.g.:There is going to be a meeting tomorrow.明天有个会议。 There will be rain soon.不久天就要下雨了。 (填there be 的适当形式) _ anyone in the school during the winter vacation.注意:动词be单复数形式要跟there be之后的真正的主语一致。并且要根据就近原则来变换be的单复数形式。e.g.:There _ an apple on the table. There _ a pen and two books on the desk. T

7、here _ two books and a pen on the desk. * there be 指某地或某时有某物 have / has指某人拥有某物e.g. _ a sports meeting in our school every year. He _no money with him.* People will live to be 200 years. 人们将会活到200岁。“live to be + 时间”意思是_。III.Finish 1a and make more predictions._IV.Finish 1b.Read tapescripts. V.Pairwor

8、k.Step 3 课后练习( )1.I think he _go tomorrow morning.A. was B. is C. has D. will( )2.There_ a football match tomorrow in our school.A. will be B. have C. has D. was( )3.Many people _ 100 years old today.A. live to B. lived to be C. live to be D. live4. I think Jim is a good student.(改为否定句) I _ think Ji

9、m _ a good student.5. They will go to the park this weekend. (改为否定句和一般疑问句)They _ go to the park this weekend._ they _ to the park this weekend?6. My grandmother died when she was fifty years old. (同义句转化)My grandmother _ _ _ fifty years old.课后反思:课题 Unit 1 Will people have robots? 序号:2班级:_ 姓名:_教师寄语:A

10、young idler, an old beggar.(少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲)导学内容:Period 2 Section A 2a-2c导学目标知识点:1. 学会用more ,less ,fewer表达数量 2. 继续学习对未来进行预测的句子导学过程:Step 1 预习先写出下列单词或短语的中文意思,再选词填空:A.on computers_ to be _ ten years _ D.ten years ago _ E.pollution _ time _1. We were very poor _.2. I believe I will _ 99 y

11、ears old.3. There is much _ in the city. Its bad for peoples health.4. My son likes playing games _. 5. What will you be _?6. We will have more _ if robots help us do something.Step 2 课堂导学I.形容词more、fewer和less的用法:*more的意思是“更多的”,它是many和much的比较级,它可以用来修饰可数名词的复数或者不可数名词;fewer意思是“更少的”,它是few的比较级,它只能用来修饰可数名词

12、的复数;less意思也是“更少的”,它是little的比较级,它只能用来修饰不可数名词。more和less还可以作副词比较级修饰动词,例如:use the subway more/less翻译词组:更多的污染_更少的人_ 更多的船_ 更少的糖_ 更少的钱_ 更少的苹果_II.Listen and finish 2a ,2b.Then read tapescripts.III.Groupwork.T:I think there will be fewer people. Do you agree? Look at 2b to make conversations . _IV.Grammar Fo

13、cusStep 3 课后练习一用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. I hope there will be less _ (pollute) in the near future.2. People will live _ (be) 100 years old.3. He agrees _ (play) basketball with us.4. There _ (be) an English party in two hours.5. Ill go to the zoo if it _ (not rain) tomorrow.二根据句意和首字母提示(或汉语提示)完成单词。1. Do you th

14、ink there will be r_ in peoples homes?2. The p_ of the air is a serious problem.3. Everything will be _ (免费的).4. I w_ come back until the end of this year.5. Big cities will be more c_.三选词填空。 more / less / fewer1.Dont pour waste water into the river. Or there will be _ pollution.2.There will be _ pe

15、ople here, because many people are going to the cities to find jobs.3. We should plant trees. The _, the better.4.There are 25 boys and 20 girls in my class. So there are _ girls than boys.5. Shell use _ money if she buys the cheap jacket.四单项选择题:将你认为正确的答案序号填入每小题前的括号中。( )1. - _ will Mr Green be back?

16、 - In a week, I think. A. How often B. How many C. How long D. How soon( )2. There _ a tall boy Yang Liwei tomorrow morning in our school. A. was B. will be C. have D. has( )3. We often watch football matches _ TV. A. in B. on C. with D. at( )4. The movie isnt interesting, so _ people like to see it

17、. A. few B. a little C. many D. much( )5. I will be a reporter _ ten years. A. after B. behind C. in D. before( )6. I think there will be fewer trees in the future. -Well, I think so. “I think so” means _. A. I disagree B. I dont think so C. I agree D. both A and B五按要求改写句子。1. There will be some pape

18、r money in 100 years. (改为否定句)There _ be _ paper money in 100 years.2. He often watches TV on Sunday evening. (用tomorrow evening 改写)He _ _ TV tomorrow evening.3. People will have robots in their homes. (就划线部分提问)_ _ people _ in their homes?4.Will there be less free time?(给出肯定和否定回答)_,_ _. / _, _ _.5.My

19、 parents will go to Beijing in two days. (就划线部分提问)_ _ _ _ parents _ to Beijing?课后反思:课题 Unit 1 Will people have robots? 序号:3班级:_ 姓名:_教师寄语:A young idler, an old beggar.(少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲)导学内容:Period 3 Section A 3a-4导学目标知识点:1. 正确使用一般过去时,一般现在时,一般将来时谈论过去,现在和将来。2. 给自己设计一个美好的未来并为之奋斗。 导学过程:Step 1 预习通过三种时间(five ye

20、ars ago, today, in five years)的对比简略复习一般过去时与一般现在时Step 2 课堂导学T:This is Sally .The first picture is Sally five years ago ,the second one is Sally now ,and the third one is Sally five years in the future .I. Finish 3a, fill in the blanks in the sentences.II. Look at activity 3a .Make predictions about S

21、ally .(3b)A:What do you think Sally will be in five years?B:I think shell be _A:What sport will she play?B:Shell play _A:What will she have?B:Shell have _III. T:We can write sth about ourselves five years ago ,today and in five years with the help of the sample of Sally . Write about yourself .(3c)I

22、V. T:Lets play a guessing game. Listen to some students predictions and guess who wrote the sentences.(听一些同学的预测,猜猜是谁写的)V. Talk about yourself according to (根据) 3c with partners.A: _B: _A: _B: _A: _B: _VI. Draw a picture about Xiaogans future on another piece of paper then try to describe it.(画一幅有关孝感

23、未来的图片在另一张纸上然后尝试描述一下图片)I think there will be _ _Step 3 课后练习一 根据汉语提示完成句子(每空一词)1.书籍将会仅仅在电脑,而不在纸上。Books _ only _ on computers, not _ paper2.今后在这座城市将会有更多的树木,更少的污染。There will _ _ trees and _ pollution in the city in future .3.五年前Sally还在上大学。Sally was _ college five years _.4.你认为十年后你的朋友会做什么职业?_ do you think

24、 your friend will _ _ ten years?5.学生在家里通过电脑学习。 The students will study _ _ on computers.二 完形填空I think life in the future _1_ more comfortable. Maybe there will be_2_people _3_on the earth in the future. So we may live on the moon.People will get there _4_spaceship and they _5_spend a lot of money_6_

25、it, which is cheap. Before the trip, everyone_7_to book a ticket and buy the spacesuit, which will make you do things _8_on the moon. They will_9_ need to _10_their credit. And that is enough. Because there will be houses, banks and shops on the moon .Everyone in the future will enjoy their life.( )

26、 B. will be C. will is D was ( )2.A.many B much C .fewer D. more( )3.A.lived B. live C. living D. will live ( ) B. at C. for D. on( )5.A.wont B. will C. dont D. would like ( )6.A .in B. for C. with D. on( )7.A.need B. will need C. needed D needs( )8.A.easy B. heavier C. easier D. interes

27、ting( )9.A.too B. either C. also D sometimes( )10.A.take B. bring C. give D. Buy三.从右栏中选出与左栏中相匹配的答语。( )1. Where do you live? A. No, I wont.( )2. What will the weather be like tomorrow? B. By rocket.( )3. How will you fly to the moon? C. I agree.( )4. What will she be in 5 years? D. She played basketb

28、all.( )5. I think Brazil will win the match next time E. I live in an apartment.( )6. What sport did she play 5 years ago? F. It will be sunny.( )7. Will you go to the room with me? G. Shell be a teacher.( )8.Will there be more trees in the future? H. Yes, there will课后反思:课题 Unit 1 Will people have r

29、obots? 序号:4班级:_ 姓名:_教师寄语:No cross , no crown! (吃得苦中苦,方为人上人!)导学内容:Period 4 Section B 1a-2c导学目标知识点:1. Key words:astronaut , rocket , space , fly , moon , apartment2. Key phrases:space station , computer programmer导学过程:Step 1 预习T:What do you think you will be in ten years ? _ Where do you think you wil

30、l live ? _ What transportation will you use ? _Step 2 课堂导学I. Read the words of 1a and divide them into (把它们分成) three parts.II. What more do you know? Think of other words and write here.Jobs: _Transportation:_Places to live: _III. Look at the pictures of 2a and write something about them.Picture 1_P

31、icture 2_Picture 3_IV. Listen and finish 2a.V. Try to finish 2b before listening , then listen and check.VI. Talk about Joes life now.A: Where do you live?B: _A: _B: I work at Sisco Software Systems.A: What do you do?B: _ Talk about Joes life ten years ago.A: _B: I live with my parents in Greenville

32、.We lived in a house in the country.A: _B: I went to school in Techville.A: _B: I took the train to school. Talk about Joes life ten years from now.A: _B: _A: _B: _A: _B: _Step 3 课后练习1. 翻译短语。电脑工程师 _ 太空站 _住的地方 _ 搭火车去学校 _住在一间公寓里 _ 乘坐火箭去月球 _住在一个太空站 _1. 阅读理解:Dear Anita,In your last letter you asked me a

33、bout my plans for the future. .First, I will finish high school. Then I will go to college and study to be a doctor. I wont get married right away because it takes a long time to become a doctor. I want to help sick people. Im going to learn a lot about illness. Maybe I will find a treatment for cancer. Ill be famous and I will become very rich.After I become a successful doctor, Ill get married. I want to marry an interesting person. For example, my

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