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河南省新高考联盟2024届高三下学期4月教学质量检测试题 英语 Word版含解析.docx

1、高三名校联考仿真模拟英 语2024.4注意事项:1.本试卷分四部分。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。2.考生作答时,请将答案答在答题卡上。选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;主观题请用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上各题的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在试题卷、草稿纸上作答无效。3.本试卷命题范围:高考范围。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B

2、、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Who are the speakers probably?A. University students. B. High school students. C. Computer scientists.2. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a library. B. In a bookstore. C. In a classroom.3. How is Lily probably related to

3、 the boy?A. His coach. B. His mother. C. His sister.4. What color of clothes will the woman probably get?A. Black. B. Green. C. Gray.5. What kind of coffee does the womans shop mostly provide?A. Cheap. B. Quick to-go. C. High-quality.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个

4、选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What are the speakers probably cooking the meal for?A. A birthday party.B. A Christmas dinner.C. A first parents meeting.7. What can we learn about the man?A. He is considerate. B. He is careless. C. He is busy.听第

5、7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. How does the man exercise every day?A. By going to the gym.B. By cycling to and from work.C. By playing football.9. What did the man do this Wednesday?A. He walked the dog.B. He relaxed in bed.C. He attended a meeting.10. Why is the woman unable to play football?A. She does not have

6、 time.B. She sustained an injury.C. She prefers other sports.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. What makes the apartment so cheap?A. That it is not very nice.B. That the owners are bankrupt.C. That the owners are going abroad.12. What is needed if the man pays in cash?A. A bank statement.B. An agreement from the

7、bank.C. Nothing.13. Why is the man more possible to get the apartment?A. He has a bank loan.B. He already has enough money.C. He is the first person to place an offer.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14. Which bag does the paper go into?A. The blue one. B. The green one. C. The yellow one.15. What does the man thin

8、k of recycling at first?A. Easy. B. Useless. C. Worthwhile.16. Where does the scientist work probably?A. In a college.B. In a car company.C. In a science museum.17. What will the speakers do next?A. Go shopping. B. Take a ride. C. Do exercise.听第10段材料,回答第18 至 20题。18. Why was the woman so touched?A. T

9、he man was very cold.B. The man was very sad.C. The man was very determined.19. What did the man do before he asked for a job?A. He fixed his hair.B. He purchased a coffee.C. He returned the womans money.20. What is the main idea of the talk?A. Always follow your dreams.B. Kindness can go a long way

10、.C. Be careful with your money.第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AElizabeth Sherrill is a long-time writer. For 70 years, her stories about faith, her experiences of traveling the world and dealing with depression have been a beacon of light for many people

11、. Check out some of her articles and let her words warm your heart.A Letter on DepressionMy struggle with depression hasnt totally disappeared. That gray mist still surrounds me from time to time, blocking light and making it hard to smile, impossible to get the smile down inside. But the grayness n

12、o longer terrifies me, because I keep telling myself to be positive.An Angel Named MariaA baby was born here and no one knows what to do, the doctor said into the telephone. He went on to explain that the mother had disappeared from the hospital after seeing the disabled baby. She will not live long

13、, the doctor continued. Meanwhile, there is the problem of care. Bring us the baby, answered Sister Marie Patrice at the other end of the line, who ran a day nursery.Lessons from Abraham LincolnWhen I turned to leave, the picture over the door stopped me. It was a black-and-white photo: a tall, thin

14、 man with his hand on a table and with the saddest, most pain-filled face Id ever seen. The letters on the frame said Abraham Lincoln. He won every wrestling match and told funny stories that crowds would gather to enjoy. Over time, that picture made him more important to me than ever.A Lesson while

15、 MovingI stood looking out of the kitchen window wondering how John and I could ever leave this house. Wed lived here for 50 years. Under the maple tree was the garden where we grew tomatoes that never ripened. There was the stump(树桩) of the cedar(雪松) we cut down to make room for our daughters weddi

16、ng reception.21. What doesnt frighten Elizabeth?A. The thick morning fog. B. Suffering from depression.C. Losing the ability to smile. D. The darkness in bad weather.22. Which of the following tells a story of adopting a baby?A. A Letter on Depression. B. An Angel Named Maria.C. Lessons from Abraham

17、 Lincoln. D. A Lesson while Moving.23. Whats the text mainly about?A. Johns garden. B. Marias telephone.C. Elizabeths articles. D. Lincolns lessons.BThe wind roils the Midwest plains as if it is searching for someone or something to carry away. Dust and chaff funnel into blinding clouds. The clatter

18、 of storms overhead makes it impossible to hear, and herds of bison(野牛) grow restless. The Omaha tribe has wandered these plains for generations, and now, it seems that the winds have brought back one of their own. Susan La Flesche has returned to the village where she was born. Not as a visitor, bu

19、t as the regions only doctor.When Susan was 8 years old, she waited at the bedside of an elderly woman writhing in pain. A doctor was called for. They waited. A messenger was sent. The doctor still didnt come. Susan provided what comfort she could through the night, but by sunrise, the elderly woman

20、 had died. The episode both haunted and motivated Susan. She threw herself into her studies and earned her way to what is now Hampton University in Virginiaa historically Black college with a program for native American students. And she finished second in her class.Susan would never forget the chil

21、dhood she enjoyed, full of powwows, buffalo hunts and the people she loved. But there was further to go. She enrolled in the Womens Medical College of Pennsylvania, a tedious train ride away from the world she knew. It was 1886, and the Victorian age held stiff against the progress of women. In her

22、graduation speech from Hampton, she told the East Coast audience, Give us a chance. Three years later, she became a doctor.Returning to the plains to serve her people was a difficult task. She opened an office in the government boarding school and began seeing patients. The lines were long, old and

23、young seeking reprieve(缓解) from cholera and tuberculosis(肺结核) as well as a slew of other diseases. Susan worked long hours at her office but also braved the wind and snow, walking miles to make house calls. Her work was more than as a physician. She often acted as lawyer, accountant, priest, politic

24、al liaison and counselor as she helped the Omahas navigate the new world. And Dr. Susan La Flesche was determined to spend her entire life helping her people navigate the storms.24. Why was the environment of the plains described in the first Paragraph?A. To arouse readers interest. B. To lead to th

25、e topic of the passage.C. To reflect Susans mood. D. To introduce terrible conditions there.25. What contributed to Susans being a doctor?A. Her poor family.B. Her desire for knowledge.C. The opposition to womens progress.D. The lack of medical resources in her hometown.26. What can we infer about S

26、usan from the third paragraph?A. She had an unhappy childhood.B. She enjoyed the train ride to her college.C. She got high marks in every exam.D. She encountered difficulties in her college life.27. Which words can best describe Susan?A. Serious and brave. B. Hard-working and helpful.C. Sensitive an

27、d modest. D. Greedy and self-centred.CThe Carter Center said recently that only 13 human cases of Guinea worm disease were reported worldwide last year. That is a major drop from 3.5 million cases of infected people in 1986, in which year the Atlanta-based Carter Center joined the World Health Organ

28、ization( WHO) in the fight against Guinea worm disease. The center said the remaining infection occurred in four countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Six human cases were reported in Chad, five in South Sudan, one in Ethiopia and one in the Central African Republic. And the Central African Republic case

29、 remains under investigation.Guinea worm disease is a disease that affects poor communities in distant parts of Africa and Asia where people do not have safe water to drink. People who drink unclean water can get parasites(寄生虫) that can grow up to 1 meter. The worm grows in people for up to a year b

30、efore painfully coming out, often through the feet or other sensitive parts of the body.The WHO says there is neither a drug treatment for Guinea worm disease nor a vaccine to prevent it. But it can be prevented by training people to filter(过滤) and drink clean water.Guinea worm disease could be the

31、second human disease to be ended after smallpox, according to the Carter Center. Adam Weiss, a director of a program to fight against the disease, says that eradicating the disease finally could be difficult, for the populations where Guinea worm disease still exists often face insecurity, including

32、 conflict, which can prevent workers and volunteers from going house to house to offer support.Weiss warns, If support for these communities slows or stops, theres no question that youre going to see a sudden increase in Guinea worm. However, he adds, Were continuing to make progresseven if it is no

33、t as fast as we all want it to be, that progress continues.28. What do we know about Guinea worm disease from the text?A. Its still a big problem worldwide.B. It was first found in the year 1986.C. It has been well controlled in the past years.D. It once existed in most countries worldwide.29. What

34、will happen after one is infected with Guinea worm disease?A. He can be in great pain within a few days.B. He will end up becoming very sensitive.C. He will mainly suffer stomachaches.D. He may suffer a lot in the end.30. How can Guinea worm disease be best handled?A. By having a vaccine to prevent

35、it.B. By ensuring drinking water is clean.C. By receiving a good drug treatment.D. By avoiding getting into unclean water.31. What does the underlined word eradicating in Paragraph 4 mean?A. Completely ending.B. Carefully studying.C. Exactly knowing. D. Suddenly changing.DTwo languages worldwide are

36、 lost every week. Cherokee is a highly endangered Native American language. Currently, there are fewer than 2,000 speakers of the language remaining in the world, and the number is declining every year. Keeping a language alive can strengthen peoples sense of identity and most importantly, lead to t

37、he preservation of a whole culture. The creation of an album of original songs performed in the Cherokee language is one of the most original methods.Cherokee and non-Cherokee music artists decided to create a music album in the Cherokee language. This is part of a project to preserve this ancient,

38、fading language. The album features a dozen Cherokee artists and includes a real variety of genres(类型) ranging from folk, country, and heavy metal to hip hop.There are different ways to keep a language alive, and the album intends to bring a modern approach to the revitalization (复兴) of the Cherokee

39、 language. One promising strategy is to introduce it to young people, and what better route than to use the language of contemporary music to achieve such a meaningful goal.Wherever our kids are, our language needs to be there, too, the executive director of the Cherokee Nation Language Department,

40、Howard Paden, explained. Our belief is very simple. The Cherokee language is so powerful that people can enjoy using it very easily and are unable to stop using it. If we can get the language around to people and make the language enter their hearts at a very young age, then they will always be conn

41、ected with who we are as a people.Multilingualism(多语种主义) is very powerful since it provides a different way of understanding and perceiving the world. This can result in technological and scientific advancement for humankind. So preserving endangered languages like Cherokee is not only about helping

42、 specific communities affected but also about recognizing and celebrating diversity as one of humankinds greatest strengths.32. Whats the purpose of the first paragraph?A. To describe the features of the Cherokee language.B. To stress the importance of learning different languages.C. To explain why

43、artists make the Cherokee music album.D. To introduce the development of the Cherokee language.33. What is the typical characteristic of the Cherokee music album?A. Diverse. B. Beautiful. C. Mysterious. D. Popular.34. What does Howard Paden imply?A. The Cherokee language is very addictive.B. Young p

44、eople should love music in their hearts.C. The Cherokee language is difficult for people to learn.D. Young people should learn how to connect with others.35. What is the best title for the text?A. Multilingualism is powerful for humankindB. The Native American language faces a great crisisC. Preserv

45、ing endangered languages needs great effortsD. An artistic approach to preserving a language is on track第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Do you like writing a few paragraphs every day about your experiences, hopes, memories or feelings? If you dont, its time to mak

46、e a change now. Because write a few paragraphs every day about your experiences, hopes, memories, you will immediately begin to experience benefits to your personal growth and potential. 36 When you write daily, you can always be amazed at how quickly your writing skills improve. However, when you b

47、ecome lazy with words, you find it is more difficult to describe feelings, share experiences and make yourself understood.You will remember things long forgotten. As you write about memories, it is like opening an old photo album. 37 You suddenly remember people you would like to contact again. Writ

48、ing is an activity that avoids distraction(使人分心的事物) long enough for you to explore those wonderful moments of the past. 38 Sometimes they are wonderful and almost always they are helpful. Writing about daily experiences and feelings provides a recorded history that will influence how you make future decisions. Theres a reason that the greatest leaders in history were students of history. 39 Your history is important. Dont let it be f

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