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MOOC 跨文化交流-东北大学 中国大学慕课答案.docx

1、 MOOC 跨文化交流-东北大学 中国大学慕课答案Test for section 11、问题:In multi-cultural communication, physical differences sometimes might resultin stereotyping, prejudice or even discrimination.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】2、问题:Noise is inevitable in human communication but we can eliminate itcompletely.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】3、问题

2、:Culture is innate as soon as a person is born.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】4、问题:Effective communication should be interactive and transactional.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】5、问题:Westerners emphasize the instrumental function of communication.Therefore, westerners are generally more courteous and indirect in their mo

3、de ofcommunication.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】6、问题:The process of communication has 10 components: sender, encoding,message,channel, receiver, decoding, response, feedback, noise and context.选项:A、正确 B、错误正确答案:【正确】7、问题:In modern countries, our experience of culture has been profoundly affectedby the developm

4、ent of mass media.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】8、问题:Culture is compared as the “ hardware of our mind”, regulating and governingpeoples behaviors.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】9、问题:Four elements affect the quality of intercultural communication. They areconception ,verbal process, nonverbal process and contextual elem

5、ents.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】10、问题:Nervousness about a public speech is psychological noise in acommunication process.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】Test for Section 21、问题:6.Values are only transmitted by family members and usually passed downfrom generation to generation.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】2、问题:7. The belief tha

6、t human nature is basically evil can be traced back to theteachings of Christianity.选项: A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】3、问题:8. The orientation of mans mastery over nature is characteristic of theWestern approach.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】4、问题:9. The United States and Mexico are typical future-oriented societies.选项:A、正确

7、B、错误正确答案:【错误】5、问题:10. In social relationships that stress group values, people usually seeksuggestions from their friends, family members and colleagues.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】6、填空题:1. Muslims do not eat pork, which is an example of _values.正确答案:【culture-specific】7、填空题:2. In China, as in other Asian so

8、cieties, humans are believed to be born_but corruptible.正确答案:【good】8、填空题:3. People who believe that man is _nature worship the natural worldas God and tend to accept their fate.正确答案:【subject to】9、填空题:4. In past-oriented societies, people usually attach great importance tohistory and _.正确答案:【traditio

9、n】10、填空题:5. The _cultures stress the idea of development and growthofself.正确答案:【being-in-becoming】Test for Section 3 1、问题:1. Children raised in high power-distance cultures are expected to obey theirparents and comply with the requests of their teachers.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】2、问题:2. To avoid hazards,

10、there is a strong need for written rules, regulations andlaws in cultures with high uncertainty avoidance.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】3、问题:3. In individual classrooms, harmony and cooperation in learning are stressedinstead of competition.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】4、问题:4. Societies with higher masculinity scores

11、tend to enjoy more flexible sexroles and equality between sexes.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】5、问题:5. In low uncertainty avoidance countries, teachers are not viewed as all-knowing and the learning is open-minded with less focus on facts.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】6、填空题:6. Members in high _ cultures have a lower tol

12、erance foruncertainty and ambiguity.正确答案:【uncertainty avoidance】7、填空题:7. Individuals from high _ cultures accept power as part of society.As a result, superiors consider their subordinates to be different from themselves.正确答案:【power distance】 8、填空题:8. In _cultures, the individual is emotionally depe

13、ndent onorganizations.正确答案:【collective#%_YZPRLFH_%#collectivist】9、填空题:9. In _ cultures, people solve their conflicts through some peacefulmeasures, like discussions and negotiations.正确答案:【feminine】10、填空题:10. _ cultures emphasize personal rights, responsibilities, privacy,ones own opinions and innova

14、tion.正确答案:【Individualist】Test for Section 41、问题:In high context culture people have a hard time saying no选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】2、问题:In high context culture the message is more important than the status ofwhocommunicated it.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】3、问题:In low context culture it is alright to say “I disagre

15、e” to your professor inclass.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】4、问题:“I dont understand” is often used to voice disagreement in low contextculture.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】5、问题:Paying attention to the status of the communicator is asimportant as themessage itself in low context culture. 选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】6、问题:In low

16、context culture business is conducted only after enough time is takenfor talking about family, health, important politics, etc.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】7、问题:In high context culture the use of intermediaries or go-betweens is common.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】8、问题:In low context culture people get down to busine

17、ss right away and often omitany “small” talk.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】9、问题:In high context culture if you want something, its best to come out and askfor it.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】10、问题:In low context culture hinting at something is an effective way of gettingwhat you want.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】Test for Secti

18、on 51、问题: If we all speak the same language, we can communicate happily with eachother. 选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】2、问题: Language and culture are closely related.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】3、问题: Every word has a cultural connotation.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】4、问题: Our social norms are determined and will never change.选

19、项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】5、问题: People in some Arabic countries use a lot of adjectives in theircommunications.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】6、问题: Americans often communicate in a matter-of-fact way.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】7、问题: Ranks in the armed forces like Captain, Colonel can be used as titles.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】 8

20、、问题: Chinese hospitality toward the Westerners is always greatly appreciated.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】9、问题: Red is considered a festival color all over the world.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】10、问题: Addressing forms like “Miss Mary”, “Brown” by the Chinese may be a formof cultural compromise.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】Te

21、st for Section 61、问题:Nonverbal communication plays just a minor role in a typical communicationprocess.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】2、问题:Illustrators can be used independently of verbal messages.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】3、问题:Monochronic time cultures attach more importance to schedules than torelationships.选项:A、正

22、确B、错误正确答案:【正确】4、问题:Future-oriented cultures tend to show a great deal of respect for elders.选项: A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】5、问题:Even after you have put a marker for a piece of public territory, it is stillsubject to disagreement or invasion.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】6、问题:Gestures have universal meaning because diff

23、erent cultures use them in thesame way.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】7、问题:Present-oriented people put their life in the hands of unseen forces such as fateor luck.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】8、问题:Proxemics refers to how people use, structure, interpret and understand time.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】9、问题:Americans are more p

24、olychronic than Chinese.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】10、问题:Arabs, with their strong religious influence, maintain greater personaldistance than Americans.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】 Test for Section 71、问题:In the 2nd stage of cultural shock, intercultural travelers may have a betterfeeling of their communication com

25、petence.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】2、问题:Travelers will not have cultural shock when travelling within the samecountry.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】3、问题:Greek people put Greece at the center of their maps, which is a sign ofethnocentrism.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】4、问题:American people are more open to strangers, and the Ge

26、rmans are moreprudent thats always the truth.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】5、问题:A citizen born in China will naturally identify him/herself as Chinese选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】6、问题:When moving to another country, most people will happily become part of thenew culture.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】 7、问题: Once stricken by the

27、cultural shock, one can hardly recover.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】8、问题:Cultural shock will cause many symptoms, but not include stomachs andheadaches.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】9、问题:A small number of cross-cultural travelers may choose to cut connections withhis/her home culture and stay away from the host cultur

28、e as well.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】10、问题:Its proper to discuss erotic movies with Japanese people, since they are veryinterested and produced many such movies.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】Test for Section 81、问题:American counterparts will insist on using first names almost immediately,which is a sign of familiarit

29、y.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】2、问题:Since education is an important social context, online learning is a primaryvehicle for teaching and learning cultural values.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】 3、问题:Generally speaking, students in eastern culture prefer to assist each other infinishing their assignment.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:

30、【正确】4、问题:To maintain harmony and save face, indirect communication style prevails inChinese business.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】5、问题:Its advisable to avoid eye contact in a conversation with an Americanbusinessman as direct eye contact is considered as a sign of challenge.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】6、问题:Chinese h

31、ave a tendency to like periods of silence during negotiations and inconversations in general.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】7、问题:Teachers from hierarchy culture dont necessarily maintain students face asthey are regarded as the authority in class.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】8、问题:Gift giving is often discouraged or lim

32、ited by many US companies andtherefore most employees are unable to accept them.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【错误】 9、问题:With the influence of individualism, western students are intrinsicallymotivated to learn.选项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】10、问题:Chinese businessmen tend to restrain their emotion and discard loudbehaviors.选

33、项:A、正确B、错误正确答案:【正确】跨文化期末试题(客观题)1、问题:_ may be appropriate gift given to the western business partners.选项:A、luxurious wineB、expensive teaC、personal noteD、money正确答案:【personal note】2、问题:Japanese businessmen regard business card as _选项:A、a resource for future informationB、a casual fairC、set of rulesD、a k

34、ind of extension of ones identity正确答案:【a kind of extension of ones identity】3、问题:_ is an important part of Japanese business etiquette.选项:A、A small kissB、A longer shakehandC、A hugD、Bowing正确答案:【Bowing】4、问题:Individualism is characterized by _.选项: A、cooperationB、competitionC、group decision-makingD、depe

35、ndence on organizations正确答案:【competition】5、问题:In cultures of high power distance, people _.选项:A、form the habit of fighting for equal treatmentB、value fair competition and independenceC、may question authority and do not necessarily accept superiors decisionsD、in authority are respected and enjoy more

36、 privileges正确答案:【in authority are respected and enjoy more privileges】6、问题:Which of the following statements in NOT the feature in cultures with highuncertainty avoidance index?选项:A、People choose to avoid conflicts and have difficulty tolerating fresh views.B、Laws and rules are of great importance t

37、o people.C、People feel comfortable in unstructured situations or changeable environments.D、People seek to establish social systems to provide stability for their members to avoiduncertainty.正确答案:【People feel comfortable in unstructured situations or changeableenvironments.】7、问题:Which one is correct

38、among all the sentences below?选项:A、Silence isconsidered a way of showing respect in America.B、It is proper to ask about marriage status in Germany.C、A clerk may serve several customers at the same time in India.D、You should ask for help from your relatives and friends instead of professionalsinCanad

39、a.正确答案:【A clerk may serve several customers at the same time in India.】8、问题:Which is considered high-context culture among all the actions below?选项:A、People mean what they say.B、The message is more important than the status of whocommunicated it.C、People have a hard time saying no.D、If you want some

40、thing, its best to come out and ask for it.正确答案:【People have a hard time saying no.】 9、问题:Which is considered low-context culture among all the actions below?选项:A、The use of intermediaries or go-betweens is common.B、“I dont understand” is often used to voice disagreement.C、Hinting at something is an

41、 effective way of getting what you want.D、Verbal statement of “I love you” is often heard.正确答案:【Verbal statement of “I love you” is often heard.】10、问题:Culture refers to the total way of living of particular groups of people. Itincludes everything that a group of people think, say, do, and make. In t

42、he followingstatements, which one is cultural?选项:A、Considering snakes to be “evil”B、Eating with knife, fork, and spoonC、sleeping with a bedroom window openD、regretting being the cause of an accident正确答案:【Eating with knife, fork, and spoon】11、问题:The American philosopher Thoreau once wrote, “ All the

43、past is here.” Asfor culture, what does that mean?选项:A、Culture is based on symbols.B、Culture is learned.C、Culture is transmitted from generation to generation.D、Culture is integrated正确答案:【Culture is transmitted from generation to generation.】12、问题:The dialogues between leaders that represent the com

44、munication betweencountries in APEC or in G20 Summit will be considered as:选项:A、Interracial communicationB、International communicationC、Interethnic communicationD、Intracultural Communication正确答案:【Interethnic communication】13、问题:Which of the following kinesic behaviors may be more culture-specific?选项

45、:A、emblemsB、illustratorsC、affect displaysD、adaptors正确答案:【emblems】 14、问题:Time can be defined in the following ways except _.选项:A、schedule of an business appointmentB、the rise and fall of tidesC、the revolution of the moon around the earthD、an important victory in battle正确答案:【schedule of an business appointment】15、问题:Past-oriented cultures show less concern and respect for _.选项:A、traditionB、the eldersC、fateD、previous experiences正确答案:【fate】16、问题:In the United State,

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