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1、(1)linguistics:(语言学)the scientific or systematic study of language.(2)language:(语言)a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.(3)arbitrariness:(任意性)the absence of similarity between the form of a linguistic sign andwhat it relates to in reality,e.g.the word dog does not look li

2、ke a dog.(4)duality:(双重性)the way meaningless elements oflanguage at onelevel(soundsand letters)combine to form meaningful units(words)at another level.(5)competence:(语言能力)knowledge ofthe grammar of alanguage as aformalabstraction and distinct from the behavior of actual language use,i.e.performance.

3、(6)performance:(语言运用)Chomskys term for actual language behavior as distinct from theknowledge that underlies it,or competence.(11)synchronic linguistics:(共时语言学)the study of language and speech as they are used ata given moment and not in terms of how they have evolved over time.(12)diachronic lingui

4、stics:(历时语言学)the study of linguistic change over time in contrastto looking at language as it is used at a given moment.(6)phoneme:(音位)the abstract element of a sound,identified as being distinctive in aparticular language.(7)phonetics(语音学):thestudy oflinguisticspeechsounds,howtheyareproduced,how th

5、ey are perceived,and their physical properties.(8)phonology:(音位学)the study of the abstract systems underlying the sounds oflanguage.(1)morphology:(形态学)the study of the structure of words.(2)morpheme:(词素)the smallest unit oflanguage that carries meaning or serves agrammatical function.(3)free morphem

6、e:(自由词素)a morpheme that can stand alone as a word.(4)bound morpheme:(黏着词素)a morphemethatcan notstandaloneasa word,e.g.ment(as in establishment),and-er(as in painter).(5)morph:(语素变体)the smallest meaningful phonetic segments of an utterance onthe levelof parole.(6)allomorph:a phonetic form in which a

7、morpheme is realized,e.g.-s,-es,and en are allallomorphs(in writing)of the plural morpheme.(1)syntax:the term used to refer to the structure of sentences and to the study of sentencestructure.(句法学)(5)IC analysis:(Immediate constituent analysis 直接成分分析法)the approach to divide thesentence up into its i

8、mmediate constituents by using binary cutting until obtaining itsultimate constituents.(11)ideational function(概念功能):the use of language as a means of giving structure to ourexperience of the real or imaginary world.(12)interpersonal function(人际功能):the use oflanguage for maintaining social roles and

9、interacting with others.(13)textual function(语篇功能):to create written or spoken texts which cohere withinthemselves and which fit the particular situation in which they are used.(1)semantics:the study of linguistic meaning.语义学(14)synonymy:(同义)thesenserelations ofequivalence of meaning betweenlexicali

10、tems,e.g.small/little and dead/deceased.(15)antonymy:(反义关系)the sense relation of various kinds of opposing meaning betweenlexical items,e.g.big/small,alive/dead and good/bad.(16)hyponymy:(上下义关系)thesenserelation betweentermsina hierarchy,wherea more particular term(the hyponym)is included in the more

11、 general one(thesuperordinate):X is a Y,e.g.a beech is a tree,a tree is a plant.(17)meronym:(整体部分关系)the sense relationbetween body and its parts which are notonly sections of the body but defined in terms of specific functions.For example,thehead is the part of the body which carries the most import

12、ant sense organs,i.e.eyes,ears,nose and tongue.(1)pragmatics:(语用学)a branch of linguistics that studies language in use.(2)deixis:(指示)the marking ofthe orientation or position of entities andsituations withrespect to certain points of reference such as the place(here/there)and time(now/then)ofutteran

13、ce.(1)sociolinguistics:the study of the relationship betweenlanguage and society,that is,howsocial factors influence the structure and use of language.(社会语言学)(8)diglossia:(双语)asituation whentwo distinctvarieties ofthesamelanguageare used,side by side,for two different sets of functions.(9)bilinguali

14、sm:(双语现象)the use of at least two languages either by an individual or by agroup of speakers,such as the inhabitants of a particular region or a nation.(11)taboo:(禁忌)a word or expression that is prohibited by the polite society from generaluse.(12)euphemism:(委婉语)a word or phrase that replaces a taboo word or is used to avoidreference to certain acts or subjects,e.g.“powder room”for“toilet”.(1)cognitive linguistics:a new approach to the study of language and mind.According to thisapproach,language and language use are based on our bodily experience and the way weconceptualize it.(认知语言学)

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