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06 现场管理_5S教材.ppt

1、 物流停滞 Massive Rework Campaigns When Problems Surface 当出现问题时,不得 不进行大规模的返工 Requires Additional Material Handling Resources (People, Equipment, Racks, Storage, Space / Systems) 要求更多的材料处理资源(人力、设备、 货架、仓库、空间/系统) Slow Response to Changes in Customer Demands 对客户要求的改变反应 迟缓 Causes 原因: Incapable Processes 过程能力

2、低下 Long Change Over Times 更换品种时间长 Management Decisions 管理决策不当 Local Optimization 局部最优化 Inaccurate Forecasting Systems 不准确的预 测系统 Waste of Inventory Waste of Inventory 库存的浪费库存的浪费 DEFINITION: Effort which adds no value to a product or service. Enhancements which are transparent to the customers, or wor

3、k which could be combined with another process. Waste of Processing Waste of Processing 加工过程的浪费加工过程的浪费 定义: 对产品或服务附加的无效的 工作,或可以结 合在另一过程的工作。 Characteristics 特点: Process Bottlenecks 工作过程出现瓶颈 Lack of Boundary Samples or Clear Customer Specifications 缺乏边界样品或明晰的客户规格要求 Endless Refinement 没完没了的修饰 Redundant

4、Approvals 过多的批准程序 Extra Copies / Excessive Information 额外的复印件/过多的信息 Causes 原因: Engineering Changes Without Process Changes 工艺过程 没有随着工程的更改而改变 New Technology Used in Other Processes 在其他工艺过程 中使用了新技术 Decision Making at Inappropriate Levels 在不适当的层次上 制定的决策 Ineffective Policies and Procedures 无效的政策和程序 Lack

5、 of Customer Input Concerning Requirements 对客户 的有关要求缺乏了解 Waste of Processing Waste of Processing 加工过程的浪费加工过程的浪费 Game : Find the Waste Operating PrinciplesOperating Principles 运行原则运行原则 Establish process measurements that contribute to Business Goals. 建立有助于实现业务目标的过程衡量指标 Ensure that the Health and Safe

6、ty of all our people is our priority. 确保所有员工的健康和安全是我们的首要任务 Aggressively improve Customer response time. 积极缩短对客户的反应时间 Implement Quality at the Source. 从源头处保证质量 Create a Learning, Supportive, and Cooperative Culture. 创造一个相互学习、相互支持和相互协作的企业文化 Competitively manufacture at any volume and be Flexible to an

7、y quest. 在任何制造批量下都具有竞争力并能灵活地满足客户需求 Relentlessly pursue the Elimination of Waste. 不懈努力,消除浪费 Define the Fundamental Basis of the Manufacturing System 确定制造系统的主要基础 Drive the Transformation Process through Knowledgeable and Involved Leadership. 通过知识渊博和全身心投入的领导人员推动变革进程 Define and Understand Roles and Resp

8、onsibilities. 确定并理解岗位和责任 Optimize the Manufacturing System through balanced Implementation of the Interdependent Elements. 通过均衡地实施六个相互依存的要素来优化制造系统 uLean Metrics Uptime Maintenance (MERV) Scrap % Rework % Capacity Utilization Internal Productivity Manufacturing Expense Total Production Cycle Time Inv

9、entory Turns uQuality and Safety Metrics RRPPM Recordable Accident Rate Lost Work Day Case Rate Key Metrics Key Metrics 30 of 30 2020/7/2 Operating PrinciplesOperating Principles 运行原则运行原则 Establish process measurements that contribute to Business Goals. 建立有助于实现业务目标的过程衡量指标 Ensure that the Health and

10、Safety of all our people is our priority. 确保所有员工的健康和安全是我们的首要任务 Aggressively improve Customer response time. 积极缩短对客户的反应时间 Implement Quality at the Source. 从源头处保证质量 Create a Learning, Supportive, and Cooperative Culture. 创造一个相互学习、相互支持和相互协作的企业文化 Competitively manufacture at any volume and be Flexible t

11、o any quest. 在任何制造批量下都具有竞争力并能灵活地满足客户需求 Relentlessly pursue the Elimination of Waste. 不懈努力,消除浪费 Define the Fundamental Basis of the Manufacturing System 确定制造系统的主要基础 Drive the Transformation Process through Knowledgeable and Involved Leadership. 通过知识渊博和全身心投入的领导人员推动变革进程 Define and Understand Roles and

12、Responsibilities. 确定并理解岗位和责任 Optimize the Manufacturing System through balanced Implementation of the Interdependent Elements. 通过均衡地实施六个相互依存的要素来优化制造系统 Interdependent ElementsInterdependent Elements 相互依存的要素相互依存的要素 Employee Environment & Involvement 员工环境于参与 Business ObjectivesScrap Jan. Apr. Jul. Dec.

13、 Uptime Goal On Time Delivery Goal Goal Employee Information Center Jan. Apr. Jul. Dec.Jan. Apr. Jul. Dec. Our improvement team抯 efforts have helped us meet our goals. Workplace Organization 工作场地组织 PULL CARDS TRASH TOWELSGLO VES TOOLS Flow Manufacturing 流动制造 Coating Machining Welding Pressing Our integrated line

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