3、f因 Details for BTS, BSC, and MSC are given in Chapter 2. The IWMSC passes this message to a Short Message Service Center (SM-SC). Upon receipt of a short message, the SM-SC may send an acknowl- edgmentbacktothe originating MS(sender)iftheacknowledgmentrequest is specified in the short message. The S
4、M-SC then forwards the message to the destination GSM network through a specific GSM MSC called the SMS Gateway MSC (SMS GMSC). Following the GSM roaming protocol (see Sec- tion 9.2.1), the SMS GMSC locates the serving MSC of the message receiver and forwards the message to that MSC. This MSC broadc
5、asts the message to the BTSs, and the BTSs page the destination MS (receiver). Every short message contains a header in addition to the body. The header includes the originating MS address, the terminating MS address, the serving SM-SC ad- dress,atimestamp,andthelengthofthemessagebody.MobileStationISDN Numbers(MSISDNs;theGSMtelephonenumbers),areusedforaddressing. Asawirelessdataservice,SMShasdistinctfeatures,suchashandsetalert capabilityandsupportforME-specificandSIM-specificdata.TheMSiscon- sidered an “always-on device that facilitates instant information exchange. No d