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1、 marketing without having some measurable metrics, whether that is an ROI for the campaign or something as simple as a quick ratio that shows how much impact the campaign has had on the pipeline. Another consideration is the results from the leads sent to the Sales department. An estimated 70% of th

2、e leads sent to Sales are never pursued. The Sales department believes that either these are the wrong leads or that the buyer is not ready to make a purchase. At this point, you have spent a significant amount of time and money to find prospects that are similar to your best customers and developin

3、g a campaign to speak to them without follow-up, resulting in wasted marketing dollars. Only by getting the right lead to the right sales person at the right time, can such waste be eliminated. A third issue facing many companies today is that information learned about a lead during the marketing pr

4、ocess is not shared with Sales. It may take two, three or even more touches before a prospect is ready to engage with Sales. Each of these interactions can provide insight. Also, Sales may gather the same information that has already been captured during the marketing process, wasting time and erodi

5、ng trust between the two groups. Sharing information about a lead across an organization can immediately differentiate a company from its competitors and close the trust gap between a salesperson and the prospect and between the Sales and Marketing teams. Plan For Success For best results, a lead ma

6、nagement system must bring together the right people, processes, and information. In order to accomplish this, a system must: ? Provide access to information across the entire organization, including any pre-qualification resources such as a call center. With this information about each and every in

7、teraction, you can make a better impression Integrating Sales and Marketing 4 on new prospects and improve your odds of winning their business. ? Identify hot prospects and route them immediately. Studies have shown that it is critical to get hot prospects in touch with the right person quickly so t

8、hey can respond immediately. With a fast response, even if it is an automated response thanking them for their inquiry and telling that Sally Jones, the Account Executive for their territory, will be in touch with them within 24 hours, you form a favorable impression of your organization with the pr

9、ospect, which can make the difference between winning and losing a sale. ? Actively engage the remaining leads and nurture them. Marketings role is not just to attract new leads; best practices call for Marketing to nurture prospects to move them forward in the sales cycle. Marketing should continue

10、 to learn more about these leads and refine their messaging so it brings value to them, so they are willing to share additional information. By building trust and interest over time, these prospects will move through the sales cycle until they are ready to have the Sales team re-engaged. ? Track lea

11、ds to closure. It is important to track all leads throughout the entire process to know what is working and whats not. By tracking leads and interactions with prospects, trends are identified and marketing processes are refined. ? Evaluate ROI of marketing campaigns. It is important that you develop

12、 closed loop reporting that ties the leads develop with each campaign to the resulting revenue. Typically, it will take multiple touches in order to move a lead through the sales cycle, so make sure that you determine how you are planning to allocate the revenue to the first response because that is

13、 what got them to raise their hand, the last because that got them to engage with Sales, or spread the revenue across all touches equally. In addition to measuring ROI, which typically cannot be determined until well after the campaign is complete, consider using a quick ratio which shows the impact

14、 of the campaign on your Sales pipelin单按着产品或服务划分的市场区段最佳客户最差客户进一步行动1234客户为什么购买你的产品或服务谁买什么?何时、何地、以及为什么买是市场信息的关键部分。如果你能确切地回答出这些问题,你将远远超前于你的大部分竞争对手。对于你的产品或服务要搜集如下种类的信息:l 谁做购买决定?l 按金额计算销售量有多大?l 能卖出多少数量?l 每笔销售所花的成本是多少?l 你的客户买什么?l 他们何时购买?l 他们的购买是定期的还是偶然的?l 他们的购买是季节性的吗?l 他们为什么买?l 什么对他们重要?l 他们在什么地方购买?l 他们的财务




18、客户做出让步的主要原因来自于高压时的销售,因而CarMax建立的薪酬体系鼓励按实价销售,做切实承诺。其结果是CarMax形成了一套一体化的经营系统,为旧车购买者提供了完全不同的购买服务,这使得CarMax在它的业务领域内,获得了约15%的市场份额。创新即意味着旧的模式被打破,新的模式的建立。创新的机会源于对那些可能引起客户让步指出的观察。例如,Charles Schwab金融服务公司就是建立在打破现有模式的基础之上的。1975年,美国证券市场放松了管制,个人投资者不必再向全套服务经纪商支付高额费用,公司便以评价经纪商的形式开张了。但Schwab并没有裹足不前。接下来,它打破了由平价经纪商自身形


20、点可购买350种以上的共同基金。在公司成立以来的20多年中,Schwab从单纯的评价经纪商,演变成了包罗万象的自助式金融超市,年增长率达2025%。一家公司要打破旧模式成长,必须具备将客户的不满意转化为新价值的创造力,不断调整经营方向的灵活性以及挑战业内经营常规的勇气。1 深入体察客户的经历要求经理和员工将自己融入客户经历开始。切身体会客户与你做生意时面临的让步。当客户为了使用某公司的产品或服务,不得不调整自己的行为时,让步是显而易见的。要特别注意客户为了避开产品或服务加在他们身上的限制,而采取的补偿性行为。例如,在经纪业中,众所周知,客户常常再打两到三次电话确认是否以他们所要求的价格成交。正

21、是细心注意了这一行为,Schwab意识到,如果在执行客户指令时能立即给以确认,那么多余的电话就不必打了,这可省去客户不少麻烦,也使Schwab赢得显著的竞争优势。2 逐步了解客户让步的层次一旦企业把注意力放到客户经历上,就应学会识别不同类型的让步。例如,迷你货车一种以轿车的车架制造出来的小型货车,它之所以诞生,就是因为克莱斯勒认识到了在小货车(以轿车为车架)与大货车(以卡车为车架)之间所存在的购买行为上的让步。在克莱斯勒于1984年引入迷你货车后的10年间,其销售额增长率是业界整体销售额增长率的8倍。再看看耐克公司怎样使运动鞋的种类改头换面。它不仅在鞋的设计上不断创新,而且不断缩小客户细分市场的定义,使细分市场的数目不断激增。耐克不单单是制造篮球鞋,它创造了Air Jordans、Force和Flight,每一种都为不同的运动设计,设计的要求不同,形象也不同。还有一种最难识别的让步行为,即广泛的社会性不满。 它可能与你的产品或服务毫无关系,但与客户的生活方式大有关联。例如,长期的社会和经济潮流使得越来越多的人开始管理自己的投资。然而,由于缺乏时间,加上经济日益复杂,它变成了一项令人沮丧的工作。Schwab解决这一问题的能力正是其成功的关键。3 重建

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