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实施SAP R3软件中项目管理.doc

1、规格:A4员 工 考 勤 表 年 月序号 日期 姓名123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930311234567891011备注:R:休息 B:病假 S:事件 K:旷工 A:其它 N:年假 C:产假 T:探亲 H:婚假 J:加班部门经理: 部门主管: 考勤员:规格:18.8cm26.5cm查 房 表楼层: 日期:房 号进房时间出房时间查 房 内 容检查人 经理规格:19.5cm10.5cm楼层领料单楼层: No.编 号品 名规格型号单 位申请数量实发数量单 价金 额领料人发料人领料日期备注:一式二联 一、楼层存根二、内勤存根规格:10

2、cm19.5cm*国际大酒店Golden Dome International Hotel地毯清洗报告单申请单位:申请内容:申请单位主管 填表人 填表时间接单人 接单时间处理结果工作人: 完成时间:验收签字:备注: 一式三联规格:26.8cm19.5cm楼层领班交接班本日 期出 勤领班AB病事假本班次离店房号本班次预低房号本班次到店房号本班次VIP房号本班次工作内容及特殊服务事项记录交下班次记录总钥匙交接时 间交班人接班人交班前房间状况统计规格:16.6cm21cm员工请假报告单姓名:部门:填写日期:假别:起止日期:自 年 月 日至 年 月 日止事由及申请天数:所在部门审批意见:饭店领导审批意

3、见:备注附:审批权限说明:1 请假三天以内,由部门经理批准;2 请假超过三天(不含)至十五天由主管总监批准;3 部门经理助理以上人员请假由总经理或主管总监批准;4 探亲假经部门签署意见后,报主管总监批准,交人事培训部备案,假期满后应及时到人事培训部销假(方能报销路费)。 备注:以上可根据情况更改,一式三联。规格:19.5cm10.5cm楼层访客登记单来访者姓名性别工作单位联系电话地 址身份证号码及其它有效证件访 何 人房 号公司名称是否预约来访人数事 由年 月 日来访时间离开时间服务员姓名备 注一联:客人 二联:楼层 三联:存根规格:16cm8cm客人遗留物品登记表房号姓名上交时间发现时间遗留

4、物名称发现地点备注:经办人交物人客人领取签名领取时间备注:一式三联,一、客人保留,二、楼层保存,三、存根规格:B5客务部楼层房间状况日报表日期: 制表: 项目楼层出 勤住 客走 客空 房维 修迷你吧收入十一层十二层十三层十四层十五层十六层十七层十八层十九层二十层二十一层二十二层二十三层二十四层二十五层一式四联: 一联: 存根 二联: 客务经理 三联:内勤 四联:客房中心规格:17cm8.8cm客人损坏物品赔偿表*国际大酒店olden Dome International Hotel编号: 日期:NO. DATE房号Room No.国籍NATIONALITY姓名NAME品名ITEM数量QTY单位

5、UNIT原因REASON修理费用REPAIRING COSTS赔偿费用PAID FOR THE DAMAGE制表 批准PREP ARED BY APPROVED BY 备注:第一联:存根第二联:财务第三联:客人第四联:楼层规格:12.5cm12.8cm杂 项 收 费 收 据MISCELLANEOUS (DEBIT VOUCHER)FORM No.部门Department日期Date客人姓名Guest name房号RM No.项目Particular金额Amount客人签名:Guest signature经手人:Clerk一、白色客户 二、粉色记帐 三、绿色存根规格:13.3cm19.3cm牡

6、丹 江 金 鼎 国 际 大 酒 店MU DAN JING GOLDEN DOME INTERNATIONAL HOTEL维 修 报 告 单No.申请单位 维修地点维修内容要求完成时间申请单位主管 填表人 填表时间接单人 接单时间损坏时间修理结果修理人 完成时间 实用工时使用单位验收签字第一联:存根 第二联:工程部 第三联:维修人 第四联:楼层规格:17.6cm26cm客房部楼层物品领用汇总表No. 日期:品 名数量单价金额备注制表:注:一式三联规格:17.6cm26cm客房部物品领用汇总表No. 日期:品 名数量单价金额备注制表:注:一式三联规格:11cm25.8cm领 料 单 类别 No.编

7、 号品 名规格型号单 位申请数量实发数量单 价金 额日期领料部门领料部门负责人收料人发料人备注:一式四联,一、存根 二、甲方保管 三、乙方保管 四、收货人规格:26cm18.5cm营业收入日报表(代缴款单)部门: 当班时间: 日期: 年 月 日收入项目当日营业额收入项目当日营业额分项收 入 分 类份数金额前台结帐食 品转帐收入寓 客 挂 帐预收订金酒 水外 客 挂 帐迷 你 吧啤 酒内 部 转 帐洗 衣饮 料游 戏 池水 果健 身 房烟 草小 计台 球场 租现金收入人 民 币彩 扩设备租费外 汇 支 票鲜 花房包餐费人 民币支票桑 拿 浴服 务 费外汇信用卡理 发鲜 花人民币信用卡按 摩开 瓶

8、 费长途电话电 传小 计传 真合 计复 印当日客人数 人当日使用单据编号No. 至No.No. 至No.No. 至No.No. 至No.作废纸数打 字车 队司机现金内餐费客帐内交际费食 品酒 水长 短 款长 短 款合 计合 计审核 总收款备注:一式三联:白色:交款凭单 绿色:送夜审审核 蓝色:存根规格:18cm26.5cm*国际大酒店Golden Dome International Hotel叫早服务单WAKE UP CALL LIST日期DATE 序号No.团 名 或 房 号GROUP NAME OR ROOM No.叫早时间TIME预订号ACCT领 队ESCORT陪 同GUIDE签 字S

9、IGN规格:26.5cm19cm客房夜床服务报告单 楼层: 日期: 客房服务员:房号房态人数清扫时间备注房号房态人数清扫时间备注011302140315041605170618070809101112房态:V空房 O走客房 I住客房 X维修房 R预抵房 LONG长住户 H保留房DND请勿打扰 VIP贵宾 G/I客人在房间 EXBD加床规格:26.5cm19cm客房房间状况表日期: 时间: 制表人:楼 层楼 层房 号房 态房 号房 态房 号房 态房 号房 态0113011302140214031503150416041605170517061806180707080809091010111112

10、12I住客房 V空房 X维修房规格:26.5cm19cm客房清扫报表客房服务员 Chapter 4: Money Market Analysis Gang Gong March 10, 2002 Copyright Notes:This electronic file is only used as a lecture notes for the student in this class. It is not allowed to be used for presentation anywhere else without the permission from the author. In

11、troduction The objective of this chapter is to study how money and interest rate is determined in the money and financial market. The money and financial market is the market in which money and various financial assets (such as, bonds and stocks) are exchanged. Introduction The Functions of Money Me

12、dium of Exchange Store of Value Unit of Account Introduction Types of Money in Modern Economy with Banking System: M1: Currency and Notes (issued by central bank), also called high powered money or monetary base. checkable deposit. M2: Non-checkable saving deposit etc. M3: Large time deposit Note: M

13、1 is the most liquid money followed by M2 and M3. The Demand for Money Transaction Demand for Money: Money is an medium of transaction. The transaction demand for money is those money that is hold for transactionary purpose. It is assumed to be related to nominal GDP. The Demand for Money Asset Dema

14、nd for Money Money is also an asset. However, unlike the other assets, such as bonds, stocks, etc., money (M1) does not generate interest rate (its only advantage is the liquid). Therefore it can be expected that when interest rate of other assets increase, the demand for money will decline. The Dem

15、and for Money The Total Demand for Money The total demand for money is the sum of transaction demand for money and asset demand for money. We thus can write the demand function for money as (see Figure presented in class) The Supply of Money and Money Market Equilibrium The supply of money is often

16、assumed to be controlled by the central bank, and therefore it is exogenuous: The Supply of Money and Money Market Equilibrium The Money Market Equilibrium is the condition at which Therefore, given the money supply and nominal GDP, it is the interest variation that ensures the money market equilibr

17、ium. The Supply of Money and Money Market Equilibrium How Does the Interest Rate Variation Ensure the Money Market Equilibrium (mechanism analysis) Suppose the interest rate to be lower than the equilibrium interest rate. In this case, there will be an excess demand for money indicating people will

18、sell their bonds to exchange for money. The Supply of Money and Money Market Equilibrium How Does the Interest Rate Variation Ensure the Money Market Equilibrium (mechanism analysis) (Continued from the last page) Therefore in the bond market, there will be excess supply of bond. This will reduce th

19、e bond price and hence raise the rate of return on bond, which is a measure of interest rate. How Does the Federal Reserve Create the Money Supply We shall now discuss how the central bank control the money supply. In other words, we will give you more detail analysis on the mechanism of money suppl

20、y. For this, we need to discuss the modern banking system such as the the Federal Reserve System in U.S. Federal Reserve System (The Fed Structure) How Does the Federal Reserve Create the Money Supply The Working of Commercial Banks: The most important part of Federal Reserve System is the commercia

21、l bank. We thus need to discuss how commercial bank make their business Attracting deposit from the public at no or very low interest rate; Using the public deposit to lend out at a higher interest rate (own the profit from the interest differential); How Does the Federal Reserve Create the Money Su

22、pply The Working of Commercial Banks (continued): However, they can not use all the deposit from the public for lending. Some of them must be kept as reserve (denoted as R); The Reserve Ratio (denoted as r) r = R/D where D is the deposit from the public How Does the Federal Reserve Create the Money

23、Supply The Working of Commercial Banks (continued): Apparently, the reserve ratio is a very important policy variable for a bank. Low reserve ratio may cause the danger that the bank can not meet a large deposit withdrawn from the public (causing bankruptcy). Yet a high reserve ratio may cause less

24、loan and hence less profit. How Does the Federal Reserve Create the Money Supply The Benefit and the Responsibility of Commercial Banks in the Federal Reserve System Benefit: In the case of emergency needing cash, the commercial bank can borrow the money from the Federal Reserve Bank at its discount

25、 window. This will efficiently avoid the possibility of bankruptcy. How Does the Federal Reserve Create the Money Supply The Benefit and the Responsibility of Commercial Banks in the Federal Reserve System (continued) Responsibility: The commercial bank should not abuse this benefit. They should reg

26、ularly maintain the required reserve according to the required reserve ratio designed by the Federal Reserve System How Does the Federal Reserve Create the Money Supply The Benefit and the Responsibility of Commercial Banks in the Federal Reserve System (continued): The Required Reserve (Rr) = Requi

27、red Reserve Ratio (rr) Deposit (D) Excess Reserve (Re) = Actual Reserve (R) - Required Reserve (Rr) How Does the Federal Reserve Create the Money Supply The Multiplier Process of Money Creation Previously, we have said that the central bank can control the money supply. Yet what central bank can dir

28、ectly control is the high powered money. Even M1 also include the checkable deposit. How central bank can control or influence this part of money? How Does the Federal Reserve Create the Money Supply Consider an initial increase in high powered money, say 100 millions dollars. This might occur when

29、the central bank buys bonds at open market operation. What is the total money creation for this activity of central bank? How Does the Federal Reserve Create the Money Supply Assume the required reserve ratio is 20% all banks are exactly meeting their required reserve this $100 millions is owned by

30、a single person called John who has an account in Bank A Multiplier Process of Money Creation The First Round: Bank A Assets Reserves +100 Loan +80 Reserve -80 Liabilities Deposits +100 In this case, the required reserve for this additional 100 million deposit is 20 million. The excess reserve for B

31、ank A is 100 - 20 = 80. This excess reserve can be lend out, say, to Martin who open an account in Bank B. Multiplier Process of Money Creation The Second Round: Bank B Assets Reserves +80 Loan +64 Reserve -64 Liabilities Deposits + 80 For bank B, the required reserve for this additional 80 million deposit is 16 million. The excess reserve is 80 - 16 = 64. This excess reserve can be lend out, say, to Smith who open an account in Bank C. Multiplier Process of Money Creat

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