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I D LAVIE 品牌规划(他人作品).ppt

1、e polarized: some want to rush forward and others want to go back to the old ways. Under the pressure of that polarization, consensus easily breaks down and the level of discord rises. Teamwork is undermided, as is loyalty to the orgnization itself. Managed properly, this is only a temporary situati

2、on. But left unmanaged, polarization can lead to terminal chaos. For this reason, some organziations never emerge from the neutral zone. 6 Finally, corporations and other organziations are vulnerable to attack from outside. NOTES: Managing People Through Transition - Your Change Planning Jounal #3 N

3、eutral Zone Management Neutral zone, it is a time when all the old clarities break down and everything is in flux. Things are up in the air. Nothing is a given anymore, and anything could happen. No one knows the answers: one person says one thing and someone else says something completely different

4、. As a leader, you need to recognize the enormous effects of neutral zone, it is a very difficult timebut also a CREATIVE time Neutral zone management isnt just something that would be nice if you had more time. Its the only way to ensure that the organziation comes through the change intact and tha

5、t the necessary changes actually work the way that they are supposed to. How to Capitalize Creative Energy in Neutral Zone When everything is going smoothly, it is often hard to change things. While the neutral zone automatically puts people into a time that is ripe with creative opportunity. Here b

6、elow are how: 1 Normalize the Neutral Zone it takes nine months to have a baby, no matter how many people you put on the job. - American saying 2 Redefine the Neutral Zone change the metaphor.sinking ship - last voyage 3 Create Temporary Systems for the Neutral Zone a) you can try hard to protect pe

7、ople from further changes while theyre trying to regain balance. b)review policies and procedures to see that they are adequate to deal with the confusing fluidity of the neutral zone. c)consider: what new roles, reporting relationships, or configurations of the org chart do you need to develop to g

8、et through this time in the wilderness? d)you would do well to set short-range goals for people to aim toward and to establish checkpoints along the way toward long-term outcomes that you are seeking. It is crucial to give people a sense of achievement and of movement, even if you have to stretch th

9、e point a bit. e) dont set people up for failure by promising that you will deliver high levels of outputs while you are in the neutral zone.You may need to educate your supervisors to get them to see that success at a lower level, which builds people up, is worth far more in the long run than failu

10、re at a higher level, which tears them down. f)find out what superviors and managers need to learn to function successfully in the neutral zone and then provide special training programs in those subjects. 4 Strengthen Intragroup Connections 5 Use a Transition Monitoring Team 6 Using the Neutral Zon

11、e Creatively Building the Case for Change - Force Field Analysis What are the compelling reasons for this change? What is the source of your information that tells you we must change and change now? What is compelling us to stay the way we are? Complete the Force Field Analysis below: Driving Forces

12、: the compelling Restraining Forces: the compelling reasons for us to do things differently?reasons for us to stay the way we are? Possible Forces: What are the short-term and long-term theats? What impact will not changing have on our customers? Profitability? Competitive advantage? What personal i

13、mpact will not changing have on you and your people? (job loss, dev. Opp. Loss, career limitations, financial loss?) What will happen in 3 years if we keep doing what we are doing? Base on these analysis, build a 2 minute speech to deliver to the team: What are the most compelling reasons to change?

14、 What are the risks of not changing? Why is it important right NOW? Why do you care? Why do you need others help? Create the Compelling Vision - Alternative Tools Select one of the tools and document your work in the space provided Picturing Story Feelings From what to what Purpose: why does it matt

15、er If it was up to me.(if I could have anything) Whats possible An amazing leap: double, triple, 10 times more productive/effective Future Forward: what is going on when the project is a success: faces, people, mood, behaviors, financial, relationships, morale, capabilities NOTES: Key Stakeholder Wo

16、rksheet StakeholderStr. Against AgainstNeutral Supportive Str. SupportiveHow to influence?/Buy-in Strategy A =where they are today = where you need them to be in the change Systems Assessment & Alignment What are the key processes, structures, and people systems that must be aligned to ensure the su

17、ccess of your change? What is top priority and what is needed to make the adjustment? Wadd these to your change plan Processes Structures People Measurement Communicaiton Plan Worksheet Critical QuesitonsYour Responses & Plan Audiences Who are the different audiences for this change communicaiton? H

18、ow should you segment audiences to get the right message to the right people at the right time? Do you need different goals for the different audiences? Goals How will you measure success in communicating this change? Timing Whats the timetable for rollout of this change? What timing can you control

19、, and what can you not control? Should the timing be different for different audiences? Messages What are the core messages that you want to make sure that each audience undertsands about this change? (Refer back to goals What must you do to frame the message (medium, timing, opportunity for dialogu

20、e, tone etc) to ensure that the core messages get through to each audience? 慇慇 average. 建立维护更新人才库 Set up, maintain and update available manpower pool. Ye XiaohongEnd of March, 2004 EXCEL或ACCESS 改善招聘流程 Update recruit process. Ye XiaohongEnd of May, 2004 确认文件 Have the formal recruit process 落实公司整体培训和发

21、展 Implement Corporate training and development 推行人员接替计划 Promote the succession plan 没有管理培育计划,管理人 才储备紧缺 No succession plan at present 内部培育一批适合各级管 理岗位的人才队伍 Train the executive trainees to be able to be qualified for a special position. 讨论和完善方案内容 Draft the succession plan Liu FuqiangJuly, 2004 提供最后方案 S

22、ubmit the options. 征求各部门经理意见并确认通过 制度 Collect the opinions and suggestions from managers and submit to GM for apprival. OscarJuly, 2004 最后确认方案 Have the confirmed option. 正式实施培育计划 Implement the executive trainee programme. Liu FuqiangAugust, 2004 2020/7/114 of 4 落实公司整体培训和发展 Implement Corporate trainin

23、g and development 落实管理人员培训 计划 Implement the executive training plan 有针对性, 培训实现率100% 制定培训课程及时间安排表 Design the teaining courses and schedule. Liu Fuqiang Middle of March ,2004 参加人员工作及培训时间安排* Inform the training schedule to corporate management. Liu Fuqiang Middle of March,2004 培训实施 Implement the traini

24、ng Liu Fuqiang End of March, 2004 加强新员工入职培 训 Enforce the training for recruits 有新员工入职培训 training for recruits exists at presnet. 新员工培训实现率100% 100% of recruits will be trained in the first week when they join SCT 制定入职培训安排计划 Make a training plan for recruits. Liu Fuqiang End of March, 2004 经确认的安排表 参加人

25、员工作及培训时间安排* Arrange the trainee to participate in the training punctually. Liu Fuqiang 入职培训实施 Implement the training. Liu Fuqiang人员签到表 HPC 研发中心 项目管理 来自资料搜索网() 海量资料下载 培训的目的 n了解项目及项目管理的要素 n掌握项目管理常用工具与方法 n提高项目的工作效率和效果 n了解项目团队分工与合作 n了解怎样顺利完成该项目及各项指标的完 成标准是什么(每项工作怎么才算完成了 ) 引言 : 项目管理的历史和发展 n古代追溯到长城、埃及金字塔、

26、都江堰、 古罗马的供水渠 n近代项目管理的萌芽 n20世纪40年代,“曼哈顿计划” n现代项目管理的新发展 面向市场和竞争、注重人的因素、注重顾 客、注重管理工具 关于项目管理的应用 n企业的成功有赖于每个项目的成功 n项目管理是企业商业目标的达成和战略实现的手段: 跨国公司像IBM、朗讯、诺基亚、惠普等在其公司运营 的核心部分都采用了项目管理模式进行运作。 项目管理给企业带来的益处: n缩短项目周期:一般都能够缩短10%以上 n降低成本,大约可以降低10%20%以上 n减少风险、增加价值 n提高企业的应变能力 n例:杜邦设备维修项目、北极星导弹项目 项目的基本知识 n项目定义是: 为完成某一

27、独特产品或服务所做的一次性 努力 n特点是: 临时性 独特性 逐步完善 明确的时间限制 &明确具体的目标 管理一个IT企业 实施一个新的信息系统 邀请客户考察公司 生产一瓶可口可乐 主办一场生日宴会 举办一次技术交流会 癌症研究 APOLLO登月 开发一个新产品 项目事例 项目的三重制约 项目与日常运作性工作 项目 日常运作性工作 临时性 持续性 独特性 重复的 由人来实施 受制于有限的资源 需要计划、执行和控制 项目管理的概念 将相关的知识、技术、 工具、技能等应用于项 目任务,以满足项目干 系人对项目的需求和期 望的过程。 九大知识领域与五个管理阶段 Contents 项目与项目管理 n项

28、目启动阶段 n项目计划阶段 n项目实施阶段 n项目监控阶段 n项目收尾阶段 收尾启动计划实施 监控 1.项目的启动阶段 n启动阶段任务 立项申请: A.研发中心产品立项申请(内部立项) -研发中心内部开发的新产品(可能是 为了cost down ,技术更新等等一 些原因) B.新产品立项申请(外部立项)市场端 根据有客人的订单需求立项 组建项目组: A.项目管理部指派项目经理; 项目经理指派电子工程和其他成员 项目开工会: 项目组成员的初步交流,相互了解营 造一种良好 的 团队氛围;就以下方面达成共识:项目目 标 管理方式 工作方式 项目的进度计划 n启动阶段输出 项目组成员表: 进度计划表:

29、 2.项目的计划阶段 n计划阶段任务 工作分解结构(WBS) 活动排序(网络图) 资源、工期、成本估 算 风险计划、沟通计划 项目计划(进度) n计划阶段输出 WBS 网络图/甘特图 进度计划 风险计划 沟通计划 2.1工作的分解的意义 n“大事化小”:将项目的任务按照一定逻辑进行逐 渐层分解,分解到可预测、可管理的单个活动为 止。 n单个任务活动,必须有对应完成时间和负责人, 当进度遇到阻碍时,负责人必须提前反馈讯息, 项目工程师&项目经理须协调处理。 n每个负责人须向项目工程师&项目经理汇报单个 任务活动的完成情况 n项目工程师须定期主导项目进度跟进会议,协助 项目经理完成项目各项指标 新

30、产品开发 研究开发计划设计研发试产验证 制定研究开发 计划之计划 规格功能描述 项目收尾 人员组织规划 开发周期 成本预算 开发计划审核 制定设计计划 ID设计 机构设计 电子电路设计 软件设计 模治具设计 设计审核 样机制作 样机测试评估 试产 试产评估 项目评估报告 2.1.1工作分解WBS 2.2项目计划-网络图 0 制定研究计划 之计划 005 5 5 05 规格功能描述 55 10 10 5 015 成本预算 15020 20 5 0 10 开发周期 10015 15 5 05 人员组织规划 50 10 10 5 0 20 开发计划审核 20025 25 5 0 8555 模治具设计

31、 8025110 30 25 机构设计 75 45 450 75 30 030 ID设计 30050 50 30 065 电子电路设计 65095 95 30 0 25 制定设计计划 25030 30 5 0 80 软件设计 800 110 110 30 0110 设计审核 1100 115 115 5 0 205 项目评估报告 2050 210 210 5 0195 试产评估 1950 205 205 10 0 135 试产 1350 195 195 60 0 样机测试评估 0 135 135 10 0 115 样机制作 1150 0 125 125 FS-15FS-10 FS-15 FS-

32、20125 125 10 2.3项目进度计划-甘特图 3.项目实施与监控阶段 n实施、监控阶段任务 沟通:项目内部沟通-项目组成员有 四个主要的沟通需求:职责 授权 协调 状态 ; 与高层.客户沟通-汇报进度,解决不了 的问题反馈。沟通的主要方式-定期的会议 项目监控:项目开工会 成员进 度回报 项目进展会及时、公开、恰到好处 。 变更管理:当项目执行后中间 出现变更,需文件记录,并适当调整相关进 度(有必要时重新分配项目资源) 人员的表现监控:根据项目 干系人在该项目的表现,配合度,完成项目 的质量好坏,作为项目考核的标准之一 n实施、监控阶段输出 项目会议纪要 项目状态报告 项目变更管理表

33、 3.1.项目进度监控控制 n实施监控过程中发现进度滞后,怎么办? 选择最近的、时间估算较多的工作包实施以下措 施: 提前发出警报,不能采用一对一的工作交流方 式, 要寻求资源,让项目负责人清楚情况并做协 调 投入更多的人 现有的人投入更多的时间(加班) 换工作效率更高的人员去作 改进工作方法和工具,提高效率 缩小项目范围或降低活动质量要求 4.项目收尾阶段 n收尾阶段任务 评估与验收 项目总结 文件归档 n收尾阶段输出 项目评估报告 项目总结表 4.1.评估与验收 项目结束 1.财务 评估投资回报率,评估 实际费用与计划费用的 差异 2.时间 与计划的一致性 3.质量 项目输出的表现水平,

34、投资者和客户对质量的 感受 4.人力资源 团队精神,激励,态 度调查 5.环境: 环境因素对项 目活动的影响 6.项目计划 计划流程的费用评估及 适当的管理技术的使用 7.项目控制 项目的控制是否为任务 重大改进提供了基础? 4.2项目总结 n1.完成时间是否符合项目要求的时间 n2.完成项目的质量是否符合项目要求 n3.所投入的成本是否符合项目要求 Time Quality Cost 4.3.文件归档 步档文件 启目任命、目策划告/任 划WBS、甘特、沟通 划. 目合划 控 控制 段展告、目会要、更 申表 收尾目估收告、目 告、 目交付件相关文档并受控存档 n n 谢 谢 ! ! ! 小胜靠

35、智 大胜靠德 A.T. Kearney Global Prize 2001 Standard Case Exhibits 2 Actual figures have been modified for the purposes of this case 12/A.T. Kearney Global Prize 2001/ 24/09/2002 2001 Exhibit 1 GAIs brand portfolio 102030405060708090100120160180250300200140 Global Autos Global Autos Mikado Cobra Lion Pant

36、her Revolver Retail Price ($000s) 0 Mikado Lion Panther Revolver New 2000 model Cobra 3 Actual figures have been modified for the purposes of this case 12/A.T. Kearney Global Prize 2001/ 24/09/2002 2001 Exhibit 2 GAI/AAG company history GAI acquires Cobra GA embraces Japanese production and PD techn

37、iques 1980 1987 1990 1992 1993 to 1998 1994 19951996 1998 2000 2000 to 2002 2004 GA adopts simultaneous engineering to reduce product development cycle times GAI buys Panther despite mounting losses Spencer (hired from Ford) becomes GAI group CEO and embarks on cost cutting exercise Record losses at

38、 GAI of $ 2 B GA implements platform strategy to reduce platforms and to increase parts commonality with limited success GAI acquires Revolver after months of speculation GA hires Alfa Romeos top designer to reposition its brand Spencer reshuffles GAIs senior management team several times and fires

39、24 senior managers over five years GA establishes new lead- design center in Italy to revamp design philosophy of all brandslater this is reversed Panther launches the midrange flagship with aluminum frame and body panels Mini Panther luxury sedan expected to be launched Possible acquisition of a 4x

40、4 specialist manufacturer Spencer to step down as CEO and become chairman of the board GA 107 becomes the first production vehicle with GAs patented diesel technology Spencer assumes additional role of director of R&D 1989 David Jobson becomes Chief Corporate Strategist and vows to establish GAI as

41、a luxury brand through technology leadership 1993 1999 AAG created to manage GAIs increasing luxury brand portfolio Ken Pope nominated to head up AAG operation as CEO GAI buys 51% stake in Japanese vehicle manufacturer Mikado 1972 4 Actual figures have been modified for the purposes of this case 12/

42、A.T. Kearney Global Prize 2001/ 24/09/2002 2001 Exhibit 3 Passenger car and light truck sales by company (1996 2002) for N. America, W. Europe and Asia (000s units) Source DRI World Car Sales Forecast Report 2000 19961997199819992000e2001e2002e GM7,3897,2857,1127,1536,9376,7086,733 GAI6,7496,6836,52

43、96,5986,5426,4976,438 FORD6,4756,4506,3856,5766,3666,0316,138 TOYOTA4,4614,4224,3584,3534,6654,7114,723 DAIMLERCHRYSLER3,7253,6733,8294,2424,2213,8563,902 VW GROUP2,7182,8423,2313,5923,5713,4283,464 NISSAN2,4522,4442,3482,0292,0742,0162,063 HONDA2,2282,3672,3202,0802,1932,1842,322 PSA1,9861,9682,0802,2522,4022,4032,436 RENAULT1,7061,7341,9432,0611,9641,8991,801 FIAT GROUP1,7021,8551,8321,6791,7471,7711,760 MITSUBISHI1,0831,0831,0641,1131,1141,0781,133 SUZUKI870865

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