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ISO认证_ISOTS16949 2002.pdf

1、_ales and distribution, and management execution are melded into attractive or improving businesses: with that in mind, we are highlighting our intermediate Buy ratings on Adobe Systems, Cadence Design, and Macromedia, and our intermediate Accumulate ratings on MSC Software, Mentor Graphics, Paramet

2、ric Technology, and SDRC. Jay Vleeschhouwer First Vice President Technical Development Tools (for developers); and E-Business Infrastructure Software, E-Business Analytics, Front- and Back-Office Applications, and Technical and Design Software (for end-users). Exhibit 1 depicts the Enterprise Softwa

3、re Taxonomy from this high-level perspective. The Enterprise Software Stack We can now use this taxonomy as a basis for developing a more granular enterprise software stack. For example, the Front- and Back-Office Applications segment, shown above, includes enterprise resource planning (ERP), supply

4、 chain management (SCM), customer relationship management (CRM), and other applications used by business people in the course of their day-to-day responsibilities. Although presented as discrete “blocks,” each segment is dependent upon or communicates with other software segments. For example, CRM u

5、tilizes data from ERP systems, while providing output to e-business analytics and e-business infrastructure software. As with Front- and Back-Office Applications, other segments can be sub-divided into more granular categories. Infrastructure Software, for example, includes operating systems (OS), m

6、iddleware and enterprise application integration (EAI) tools, database management systems (DBMS), and systems and infrastructure management software. Exhibit 2 depicts the Merrill Lynch Enterprise Software Stack from this more detailed perspective. Exhibit 1: Enterprise Software Taxonomy User commun

7、ity: Developers IT Professionals End Users E-Business Infrastructure Front- and Back-Office Applications Technical and Design Development Tools E-Business Analytics Infrastructure Software Source: Merrill Lynch (b) the interrelationships among primary software segments; and (c) the functional capabi

8、lities of business software packagesWe believe the effort is worthwhile. As hown in Table 1, enterprise software represents an aggregate $89 billion market in 199 license revenues. The overall enterprise software market is forecasted to grow at a 20% CAGR through 2003, reaching $185 billion in licen

9、ses. Stay tuned for several industry reports to be published in the coming weeks by various members of the Merrill Lynch global software research team. We hope to introduce thoughtful and detailed analyses of several segments of the Enterprise Software Taxonomy. Craig Wood Vice President Enterprise

10、Applications 415-676-3550 craig_wood Table 1: Enterprise Software Market Forecast, 1999-2003 ($ millions) 19992000200120022003CAGR Operating Systems$17,429$19,272$21,917$24,212$26,68911% Middleware / EAI2,7193,6244,7996,2417,97731% Databases12,79914,92817,40020,63924,15917% Systems and Infrastructur

11、e Management17,05720,60024,26027,75431,57617% Development Tools8,5649,60510,94612,73415,12115% Technical and Design Software6,2546,7777,4148,0698,7819% ERP9,0019,70510,51711,49112,4769% SCM4,4597,03110,80315,14020,43946% CRM3,2684,6036,2998,26310,24533% E-Business Analytics6,2618,36711,04914,36418,3

12、5631% E-Business Infrastructure9482,2364,2676,5048,93275% Total Enterprise Software$88,757$106,748$129,672$155,410$184,75120% Source: IDC (November 1999, December 1999, May 2000, June 2000, July 2000 and August 2000), GartnerGroup, and Merrill Lynch however, optimal results require massive processin

13、g power. ? Building Metadata Directories by Spidering Spidering systems “crawl” the contents of an intranet file server or the Internet in order to locate and index new and existing documents. Spidering is an example of an automated categorization solution. This process dramatically speeds the proce

14、ss of search and retrieval by automatically building a taxonomy of content that a user can query. There are two methods generally employed: 1. File directory spidering- In an intranet environment, the spider will follow directory structures or alternatively, crawl all documents in a repository. The

15、spider similarly returns information about the document (author, title, date, contextual summary of the data, etc.) 2. Hyperlink spidering- An administrator initiates the process by starting at a URL location (i.e. ) and the spider follows the HTML hyperlinks in the site, which can lead to dozens or

16、 thousands of other sites. This process can continue indefinitely. The spider then adds to the catalog the URL location along with information about the resources abstracts or full text- that pertain to the content. Best of Software.Global 11 January 2001 13 Spidering is commonly deployed to run aut

17、omatically, identifying and cataloguing new content at regular intervals. Categorization is the first step in locating necessary information. Once data is categorized users can query the metadata records to find the information they need. ? Traditional search The process of locating information may

18、involve either searching for specific data or browsing collections of content organized by category. Users search when they know what they want to find and browse when they want to explore. Search and categorization technologies are not mutually exclusive. Results are improved when multiple solution

19、s are deployed alongside one another. Content-based retrieval is the domain of traditional search engines. This typically involves text matching with Boolean operators (“and”, “or”, etc.) where the search engine will look for requested keywords and return documents containing those words ranked by f

20、requency of occurrence. Effectiveness diminishes rapidly as data sets become larger (“Search returned 5,867,654 matching results”). Text-matching systems often fail to capture the intent of the search. Many words have multiple meanings in different contexts. A text-based search on the word “mullet”

21、for instance, might return documents about a fish or a hairstyle popular during the 1980s. Basic natural language search technologies allow users to phrase queries as a simple question, an advantage to average business users who lack the ability to construct advanced Boolean queries. Despite advance

22、d parsing capabilities and fuzzy logic features that forgive misspellings and typos, basic natural language technology relies on a form of text matching, and does not solve the problems of putting content into context. ? Context-based retrieval Context-based retrieval systems are a significant step

23、beyond one-for-one matching of query terms and document content. These technologies elicit the gist of what the user is looking for, and can connect the context in which a query relates to underlying information repositories. For instance, the word “bat” could refer to the nocturnal mammal, a piece

24、of baseball equipment, the action of hitting something away or a coquettish blink of the eye. If the word bat clusters near other symbols such as pitcher, ball, catcher and stadium, the context of the passage is most likely baseball. Though the eff天天文档在线 联系 qq:744421982 怎样建立怎样建立 ISO14001ISO14001 环境管

25、理体系环境管理体系 ISO14000 系列标准是由国际标准化组织(ISO)第 207 技术委员会(ISO/TC207)组织制订的环境管 理体系标准,其标准号从 14001 至 14100,共 100 个标准号,统称为 ISO14000 系列标准。它是顺应国际环 境保护的发展,依据国际经济贸易发展的需要而制定的。目前正式颁布的有 ISO14001、ISO14004、ISO14010、ISO14011、ISO14012、ISO14040 等 5 个标准,其中 ISO14001 是系列标 准的核心标准,也是唯一可用于第三方认证的标准。 ISO14000 是国际标准化组织继 ISO9000 系列标准后

26、推出的一套环境管理系列标准。ISO14001 环境管 理体系标准作为 ISO14000 系列标准的核心,是企业建立环境管理体系并开展审核认证的根本准则。目前, 国内外进行的 ISO14000 认证即指 ISO14001 环境管理体系认证。 ISO14001 标准由环境方针、策划、实施与运行、检查和纠正、管理评审等 5 个部分的 17 个要素构 成,各要素之间有机结合,紧密联系,形成 PDCA 循环的管理体系,并确保企业的环境行为持续改善。 ISO14000 标准的特点 注意体系的完整性,是一套科学的环境管理软件 强调对法律法规的符合性,但对环境行为不作具体规定 强调污染预防,持续改进 要求对组

27、织的活动进行全过程控制 广泛适用于各类组织 与 ISO9000 标准有很强的兼容性 以消费者行为为根本动力:以往的环境保护工作是由政府推动的,依靠制定法规、法令来强制 企业执行。ISO14000 标准强调的是非行政手段,用市场、用人们对环境问题的共同认识来达到 促进生产者改进其环境行为的目的。环境意识的普遍提高,使消费已超过法律成为环境保护的 第一动因; 自愿性的标准,不带任何强制性:企业建立环境管理体系、申请认证完全是自愿的。出于商业 竞争、企业形象、市场份额的需要,在企业内部实施 ISO14000 标准,并以此向外界展示其实力 和对保护环境的态度; 没有绝对量的设置,以各国的法律、法规要求

28、为基准:整个标准没有对环境因素提出任何数据 化要求,强调了体系的运行以达到的目标、指标,并符合各国的法规要求; 强调持续改进和污染预防:要求企业实施全面管理,尽可能把污染消除在产品设计、生产过程 之中,并且要求企业注重进一步改进提高,环境行为持续改进; 标准强调的是管理体系,特别注重体系的完整性:要求采用结构化、程序化、文件化的管理手 段,强调管理和环境问题的可追溯性,体现出整体优化的特色; 标准强调了生命周期思想的应用:对产品进行从摇蓝到坟墓的分析,较全面地覆盖了当代的环 境问题。从产品设计入手,以从根本上解决由于人类不当的生产方式和消费方式所引起的环境 问题。 ISO14000 标准的基本

29、要求 要求建立文件化的环境管理体系制定环境方针,作出环境保护的承诺; 识别企业的环境因素,制定目标指标以改善环境状况; 要求污染预防,持续改进;遵守法律法规; 针对企业的重要环境岗位,建立作业程序加以控制; 注意各方面的信息沟通要求对紧急突发事件,建立应急和响应计划。 ISO14001 与 ISO9001 从体系上具有一定的相似的处,环境审核的方法与质量认证的方法也较为相似, 实施并通过了 ISO9000 认证的组织在建立其环境管理体系的过程中,从形式上易符合 ISO140001 的要求。 天天文档在线 联系 qq:744421982 环境管理体系建立的步骤及主要工作: 一、领导决策与准备 1

30、、最高管理者决策,建立环境管理体系 2、任命环境管理者代表 3、提供资源保障:人、财、物 二、初始环境评审 1、组成评审组,包括从事环保、质量安全等工作的人员 2、获取适用的环境法律、法规和其他要求,评审住址环境行为与法律法规符合性 3、识别组织活动、产品、服务中的环境因素,评价出重要环境因素 4、评价现有有关环境的管理制度与 ISO14001 标准的差距 5、形成初始环境平身报告 三、体系策划与设计 1、制订环境方针 2、制订目标、指标、环境管理方案 3、确定环境管理体系构架 4、确定组织机构与职责 5、策划哪些活动需要制订运行控制程序 四、环境管理体系文件的编制 1、组成体系文件编制小组

31、2、编写环境管理手册、程序文件、作业指导书 3、修改一到两次,正式颁布,环境管理体系开始试运行 五、体系试运行 1、进行全员培训 2、按照文件规定去做,目标、指标、方案的层层落实 3、对合同方、供货方的工作,通过环境管理要求 4、日常体系运行的检查、监督、纠正 5、根据试运行的情况对环境管理体系文件进行再修改 六、内审 1、任命内审组长,组成内审组 2、进行内审员培训 3、制订审核计划、编写检查清单、实施内审 4、对不符合分析原因,采取纠正措施,进行验证 5、编写审核报告,报送最高管理者 七、管理评审 1、环境管理者代表负责搜集充分的信息 2、由最高管理者评审体系的持续适用性、充分性、有效性

32、3、评审方针的适宜性、目标指标、环境管理方案完成的情况 4、指出方针、目标及其他体系要素需改进的方面 5、形成管理评审报告 企业建立的环境管理体系要申请认证,必须满足两个基本条件:(1)遵守中国的环境法律、法规、 标准和总量控制的要求(上述的环境法律、法规、标准和总量控制的要求包括国家和地方的要求); (2)体系试运行满 3 个月。 实施实施 ISO14001ISO14001 的意义的意义 (一) 外部动机 1、 来自政府的压力:各国政府的湖那经立法和执法日趋严厉,组织一旦违法或造成环境事故将受到巨 额罚款甚至会被迫关门。巴西有一项调查问组织为什么要实施 ISO14000,78%的回答是:为了

33、确保遵守国 家的有关法律法规。我国第四次环保会议提出:2000 年的前所有工业组织污染物排放必须达标。“九五” 期间将新增 200 多项标准,除浓度控制外,增加了总量控制,变单因子收费为多因子收费,排污收费也将 高于治理成本,组织与其被动守法不如主动进行环境管理。 2、 社区居民的压力:广东某化工公司不断受到周围居民的投诉,抱怨其排放恶臭气体。该公司过去环 保状况不良,但目前已有所改善,他们认为现在造成污染的并不是自己而是其他化工厂,通过监测也证实 天天文档在线 联系 qq:744421982 其排放没有超标,于是该组织为塑造自身良好的环境形象,进一步改善自己的环境行为,减少周围居民的 投诉和抱怨,决定建立 ISO14001 环境管理体系。 3、 市场的压力,也是主要动力:市场压力首先来自于国际市场的竞争。我国由于不符合相关国家的环 保要

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