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1、Sc使用说明书随附配件52mm搭扣式镜头前盖镜头后盖AF Nikkor 35mm f/2D中文版(简体)Printed in JapanSB5C02(27)8MPJC129-02EnUsers ManualSupplied AccessoriesSupplied Accessories52 mm snap-on front lens capRear lens cap感谢您购买AF尼克尔35 mm f/2D镜头。在使用本产品前,请仔细阅读这些指南和照相机说明书,以便您在现在和今后都能充分利用您的镜头。当用于尼康自动对焦照相机(F3AF除外)时,本镜头支持自动对焦。它还可用于手动对焦。安装于兼容的



4、焦味等异常时,请立刻取出照相机电池。若在此情况下继续使用,将会导致火灾或灼伤。取出电池时,请小心勿被烫伤。取出电池,并委托经销商或尼康授权的维修服务中心进行修理。J禁止接触水切勿浸入水中或接触到水,或被雨水淋湿。否则将会导致起火或触电。F禁止使用切勿在有可能起火、爆炸的场所使用。在有丙烷气、汽油、可燃性喷雾剂等易燃性气体、粉尘的场所使用产品,将会导致爆炸或火灾。F禁止观看切勿用镜头或照相机直接观看太阳或强光。否则将会导致失明或视觉损伤。A注意I当心触电 切勿用湿手触碰。否则将有可能导致触电。F禁止放置 切勿在婴幼儿伸手可及之处保管产品。否则将有可能导致受伤。A小心使用进行逆光拍摄时,务必使太阳

5、充分偏离视角。阳光会在照相机内部聚焦,并有可能导致火灾。太阳偏离视角的距离微小时,也有可能会导致火灾。A妥善保存不使用时请盖上镜头盖,或保存在没有阳光照射处。阳光会聚焦,并有可能导致火灾。A小心移动进行移动时,切勿将照相机或镜头安装在三脚架上。摔倒、碰撞时将有可能导致受伤。F禁止放置切勿放置于封闭的车辆中、直射阳光下或其它异常高温之处。否则将对内部零件造成不良影响,并导致火灾。镜头部件q 光圈环w 测光耦合脊e 光圈刻度标记(白色)r CPU接点t 光圈直读刻度y 光圈传递杆u 光圈刻度i 对焦距离标记o 对焦距离指示窗口!0 红外线补偿标记(白色)!1 对焦距离指示!2 景深指示!3 对焦环

6、!4 镜头镜筒!5 最小光圈锁定杆 重要事项!切勿将本镜头与PK-1或PK-11自动延伸环或者BR-4或BR-2自动环一起使用,否则可能会损坏本镜头的CPU接点。PK-11A可以代替PK-11使用,BR-2A则可代替BR-2使用。本镜头无法与用于尼康F3AF照相机的AF取景器DX-1一起使用。对焦屏“对焦屏”表格中所列照相机支持用于不同镜头或不同情况下的多种对焦屏。表格中所列对焦屏均适用于本镜头。当将B2/B3、E2/E3或K2/K3对焦屏用于非此表格中所列照相机时,请分别参考B、E或K列。对焦屏照相机EC-B/EC-B/EC-EEC-EA/LA/LB B C C D D E E G1G1G2

7、G2G3G3 G4G4 H1H1H2H2H3H3H4H4J JK K P P M M R R T T U U F FF6 F5+DP-30 (+0.5)F5+DA-30 (+0.5)(+1.0)(+0.5)F4+DP-20 F4+DA-20(+1/2)F3 :推荐使用。:在取景器中可见渐晕(照片不会受到影响)。():括号中的数据是指用于中央重点测光的曝光补偿值。当调整F6的曝光补偿时,请在自定义设定b6(“对焦屏补偿”)中选择“其他对焦屏”;请注意,使用B或E以外的对焦屏时,即使曝光补偿值为0,也必须选择“其他对焦屏”。F5和F4的用户可分别使用自定义设定18和对焦屏曝光补偿拨盘调整曝光补偿;

8、有关详细信息,请参阅照相机的说明书。空白单元格:不适用于本镜头。请注意,在放大倍率为1:1或更高时,M型对焦屏仍可用于显微拍摄和微距拍摄。最小光圈锁定杆(图A)在程序自动或快门优先自动模式下进行拍摄时将光圈锁定为f/22。1 将光圈环旋转至最小光圈设定(f/22)。2 朝光圈环滑动锁定杆,以便锁定杆上的白点与橙点对齐。若要解除锁定,请按相反方向滑动锁定杆。镜头保养 用吹气球去除镜头表面的灰尘和浮屑。若要去除污点和指纹,可使用一块滴有少许乙醇或镜头清洁剂的干净软棉布或镜头清洁纸,以圆周运动方式从里向外进行清洁。注意不要留下污渍,也不要用手指触碰玻璃。镜头遮光罩或NC滤镜可用于保护镜头前部元件。不

9、使用镜头时,请盖上镜头前后盖。保持镜头干燥。内部构造生锈将导致无法挽回的损坏。若在较长时间内不使用镜头,请将其存放在阴凉干燥的地方以防止发霉和生锈。切不可存放在直射阳光下,也不可与石脑油或樟脑丸一起存放。将镜头放置在过于炎热的地方将会使强化塑料部件受损或变形。运输产品时,请在包装箱内装入足够多的缓冲材料,以减少(避免)由于冲击导致产品损坏。兼容的配件 52mm旋入式滤镜 52mm旋入式镜头遮光罩HN-3 半软镜头袋CL-0715 技术规格焦距35mm最大光圈f/2镜头结构5组6片视角62距离信息输出到照相机对焦距离指示从0.25m至无穷远(),以米和英尺为单位光圈刻度标准和光圈直读刻度上均为f

10、/2至f/22最小光圈锁定初始提供光圈全自动测光最大光圈测光适用于所有具备CPU耦合的照相机卡口尼康卡口滤镜附件尺寸52mm(P=0.75mm)尺寸约64.5mm(最大直径)43.5mm(从照相机镜头卡口边缘开始的距离);总体长度约为53mm重量约205g尼康公司保留可随时更改说明书内载之硬件技术规格的权利,而无须事先通知。图A 最小光圈锁定杆 景深(m)对焦距离景深 复制比率f/2f/2f/2.8f/2.8f/4f/4f/5.6f/5.6f/8f/8f/11f/11f/16f/16f/22f/ 0.2510.249 0.2510.248 0.2520.247 0

11、.2530.246 0.2540.254 0.2560.243 0.2580.240 0.2621/4.231/4.230.300.300.298 0.3020.297 0.3030.296 0.3040.295 0.3050.293 0.3080.290 0.3110.286 0.3160.281 0.3231/5.681/5.680.350.350.347 0.3530.346 0.3540.344 0.3560.342 0.3590.399 0.3630.335 0.3680.328 0.3760.321 0.3881/7.101/7.100.400.400.396 0.4040.394

12、 0.4060.392 0.4090.388 0.4130.383 0.4190.378 0.4260.369 0.4390.358 0.4571/8.521/8.520.500.500.492 0.5080.489 0.5110.485 0.5160.479 0.5230.471 0.5340.461 0.5490.445 0.5750.428 0.6111/11.321/11.320.700.700.682 0.7190.676 0.7260.666 0.7380.653 0.7550.635 0.7820.615 0.8190.583 0.8900.550 0.9961/16.911/1

13、6.911 10.961 1.040.946 1.060.925 1.090.898 1.130.861 1.200.819 1.300.759 1.510.698 1.901/25.31/25.32 21.83 2.201.77 2.301.69 2.461.59 2.711.47 3.201.34 4.161.17 8.501.02 1/53.11/53.1 19.5 14.0 9.8 7.0 4.9 3.6 2.5 1.9 1/1/近摄(cm)配件近摄近摄(镜头反装)复制比率拍摄对象范围对焦距离复制比率拍摄对象范围对焦距离No.0近摄镜头1/39 1/3.8 94.1 141 9.2 1

14、3.8151 23.7No.1近摄镜头1/19 1/3.544.9 67.3 8.4 12.677.5 22.7No.2近摄镜头1/9.4 1/3.022.6 33.8 7.1 10.743.9 20.9No.1和No.2近摄镜头1/6.3 1/2.615.2 22.7 6.3 9.433.2 19.9PK环11/4.5 1/1.410.8 16.2 1.7 2.625.9 16.5PN环1.5 1.71.6 2.5 1.4 2.116.6 17.1PB-4或PB-5伸缩镜腔21.2 5.12.0 3.0 0.47 0.7016.2 28.12.6 6.60.91 1.4 0.37 0.551

15、9.8 33.1PB-6伸缩镜腔1.3 5.81.8 2.7 0.42 0.6216.4 30.32.3 5.91.03 1.54 0.41 0.6118.9 30.7PS-4或PS-5幻灯片翻拍接腔2.6 6.60.91 1.4 0.37 0.5519.8 33.1PS-6幻灯片翻拍接腔2.3 4.71.03 1.54 0.51 0.7718.9 26.6PB-6M微距翻拍架1.3 4.81.8 2.7 0.50 0.7516.4 26.92.3 4.81.03 1.54 0.50 0.7518.9 26.9PB-6E延伸镜腔1.3 12.21.8 2.7 0.2 0.316.4 53.02

16、.3 12.31.03 1.54 0.20 0.2918.9 53.4PF-2、PF-3或PF-4翻拍装置31/21.6 1/4.251.9 77.9 10.2 15.285.3 25.01 第一个数据适用于单独使用PK-1 1A时,其他数据则适用于一起使用从PK-1 1A到PK-13、PK-1 1到PK-13或PK-1到PK-3的PK环时。请注意,PK-1 1和PK-1无法直接安装于镜头。2 与反装的镜头一起使用时,PS-4和PS-5幻灯片翻拍接腔的复制比率是在安装了BR-3或其他环的状态下所测量的。3 PF-2、PF-3和PF-4翻拍装置的数据适用于在不使用近摄镜片的情况下使用镜头时被置于

17、底座上的拍摄对象。产品中有害物质的名称及含量标志部件名称有害物质铅(Pb)汞(Hg)镉(Cd)六价铬(Cr(VI)多溴联苯(PBB)多溴二苯醚(PBDE)外壳机械元件光学元件电子元件本表格依据SJ/T1 1364的规定编制。:表示该有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在GB/T26572规定的限量要求以下。:表示该有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出GB/T26572规定的限量要求。但是,以现有的技术条件要使照相机相关产品完全不含有上述有害物质极为困难,并且上述产品都包含在 关于电气电子设备中特定有含物质使用限制指令201 1/65/EU的豁免范围之内。进口商:尼康映像仪器销售(中

18、国)有限公司(上海市茂名南路205号瑞金大厦22楼,200020)尼康客户支持中心服务热线:400-820-1665(周一至周日9:00 18:00,除夕下午休息)http:/ 1995 Nikon CorporationEnglishThank you for your purchase of an AF Nikkor 35 mm f/2D lens.Before using this product,please carefully read both these instructions and the camera manual so you can get the most out

19、of your lens now and for years to come.This lens supports autofocus when used with Nikon autofocus cameras(F3AF excluded).It can also be used for manual focus.Mounted on a compatible camera,it supplies subject distance information to the camera body.Parts of the Lens Parts of the Lensq Aperture ring

20、w Meter coupling ridgee Aperture scale index(white)r CPU contactst Aperture-direct-readout scaley Aperture indexing postu Aperture scalei Focus distance marko Focus distance indicator window!0 lnfrared compensation index(white)!1 Focus distance indicator!2 Depth-of-fi eld indicators!3 Focus ring!4 L

21、ens barrel!5 Minimum aperture lock lever For Your Safety For Your SafetyAACAUTIONSCAUTIONS Do not disassemble.Touching the internal parts of the camera or lens could result in injury.In the event of malfunction,the product should be repaired only by a qualifi ed technician.Should the product break o

22、pen as the result of a fall or other accident,remove the camera battery and/or disconnect the AC adapter and then take the product to a Nikon-authorized service center for inspection.Turn the camera off immediately in the event of malfunction.Should you notice smoke or an unusual smell com-ing from

23、the equipment,immediately unplug the AC adapter and remove the camera battery,taking care to avoid burns.Continued operation could result in fi re or injury.After removing or disconnecting the power source,take the equipment to a Nikon-authorized service center for inspection.Do not use in the prese

24、nce of fl ammable gas.Operating electronic equipment in the presence of fl ammable gas could result in explosion or fi re.Do not look at the sun through the lens or the camera viewfi nder.Viewing the sun or other bright light source through the lens or viewfi nder could cause permanent visual impair

25、ment.Keep out of reach of children.Particular care should be taken to prevent infants from putting the batteries or other small parts into their mouths.Observe the following precautions when handling the lens and camera:-Keep the lens and camera dry.Failure to observe this precaution could result in

26、 fi re or electric shock.-Do not handle the lens or camera with wet hands.Failure to observe this precaution could result in electric shock.-Keep the sun well out of the frame when shooting backlit subjects.Sunlight focused into the camera when the sun is in or close to the frame could cause a fi re

27、.-If the lens will not be used for an extended period,attach the front and rear lens caps and store the lens out of direct sunlight.If left in direct sunlight,the lens could focus the suns rays onto fl ammable objects,causing fi re.Important!Important!Do not use the lens with PK-1 or PK-11 auto exte

28、nsion rings or with BR-4 or BR-2 auto rings.Failure to ob-serve this precaution could damage the lens CPU contacts.The PK-11A may be used in place of the PK-11 and the BR-2A in place of the BR-2.The lens can not be used with the AF Finder DX-1 for Nikon F3AF cameras.Focusing Screens Focusing Screens

29、The cameras in the“Focusing Screens”table support a variety of focusing screens for use with dif-ferent lenses or in diff erent situations.The screens listed in the table are suited for use with this lens.When using B2/B3,E2/E3,or K2/K3 screens with cameras not listed in this table,refer respectivel

30、y to columns B,E,or K.ScreenScreenCameraCameraEC-B/EC-B/EC-EEC-EA/LA/LB BC CD DE EG1G1G2G2G3G3G4G4H1H1F6F5+DP-30(+0.5)F5+DA-30 (+0.5)(+1.0)F4+DP-20F4+DA-20(+1/2)F3ScreenScreenCameraCameraH2H2H3H3H4H4J JK KP PM MR RT TU UF FF6F5+DP-30F5+DA-30(+0.5)F4+DP-20F4+DA-20F3:Recommended.:Vignetting visible in

31、 viewfi nder(photographs are not aff ected).():Figures in parentheses give the exposure compensation for center-weighted metering.Select“Other screen”for Custom Setting b6(“Screen comp.”)when adjusting exposure compensation for the F6;note that with screens other than B or E,“Other screen”must be se

32、lected even when the value for exposure compensation is 0.Users of the F5 and F4 can adjust exposure compensation using Custom Setting 18 or the focusing screen exposure compensation dial,respectively;see the camera manual for details.Empty cell:Not suited to use with this lens.Note that type M scre

33、ens can however be used for photomicrog-raphy and macro photography at magnifi cations of 1:1 or higher.The Minimum Aperture Lock Lever(Figure A)The Minimum Aperture Lock Lever(Figure A)Lock aperture at f/22 when shooting in programmed auto or shutter-priority auto mode.1 Rotate the aperture ring to

34、 the minimum aperture setting(f/22).2 Slide the lock lever toward the aperture ring so that the white dot on the lock lever aligns with the orange dot.To release the lock,slide the lever in the opposite direction.Lens Care Lens Care Use a blower to remove dust and lint from the lens surfaces.To remo

35、ve smudges and fi nger-prints,apply a small amount of ethanol or lens cleaner to a soft,clean cotton cloth or lens-cleaning tissue and clean from the center outwards using a circular motion,taking care not to leave smears or touch the glass with your fi ngers.A lens hood or NC fi lter can be used to

36、 protect the front lens element.Attach the front and rear caps when the lens is not in use.Keep the lens dry.Rusting of the internal mechanism can cause irreparable damage.If the lens will not be used for an extended period,store it in a cool,dry location to prevent mold and rust.Do not store in dir

37、ect sunlight or with naphtha or camphor moth balls.Leaving the lens in extremely hot locations could damage or warp parts made from reinforced plastic.Compatible Accessories Compatible Accessories 52 mm screw-on fi lters 52 mm screw-on Lens Hood HN-3 Flexible Lens Pouch CL-0715 Specifi cations Speci

38、fi cationsFocal lengthFocal length35 mmMaximum apertureMaximum aperturef/2Lens constructionLens construction6 elements in 5 groupsAngle of viewAngle of view62Distance informationDistance informationOutput to cameraFocus distance indicatorFocus distance indicatorGraduated in meters and feet from 0.25

39、 m(0.9ft)to infi nity()Aperture scaleAperture scalef/2 to f/22 on both standard and aperture-direct-readout scalesMinimum aperture lockMinimum aperture lockProvidedDiaphragmDiaphragmFully automaticMeteringMeteringMaximum aperture metering used with cameras that have CPU couplingsMountMountNikon bayo

40、net mountFilter-attachment sizeFilter-attachment size52 mm(P=0.75 mm)DimensionsDimensionsApprox.64.5 mm maximum diameter 43.5 mm(distance from camera lens mount fl ange);overall length is approx.53 mmWeightWeightApprox.205 g(7.2 oz)Nikon reserves the right to change the specifi cations of the hardwa

41、re described in this manual at any time and without prior notice.Figure A Minimum aperture lock lever Depth of Field(Metric)Depth of Field(Metric)(m)Focus Focus distancedistanceDepth of fi eld Depth of fi eld Reproduction Reproduction ratioratiof/2f/2f/2.8f/2.8f/4f/4f/5.6f/5.6f/8f/8f/11f/11f/16f/16f

42、/22f/ 0.2510.249 0.2510.248 0.2520.247 0.2530.246 0.2540.254 0.2560.243 0.2580.240 0.2621/4.231/4.230.300.300.298 0.3020.297 0.3030.296 0.3040.295 0.3050.293 0.3080.290 0.3110.286 0.3160.281 0.3231/5.681/5.680.350.350.347 0.3530.346 0.3540.344 0.3560.342 0.3590.399 0.3630.335 0.3680.3

43、28 0.3760.321 0.3881/7.101/7.100.400.400.396 0.4040.394 0.4060.392 0.4090.388 0.4130.383 0.4190.378 0.4260.369 0.4390.358 0.4571/8.521/8.520.500.500.492 0.5080.489 0.5110.485 0.5160.479 0.5230.471 0.5340.461 0.5490.445 0.5750.428 0.6111/11.321/11.320.700.700.682 0.7190.676 0.7260.666 0.7380.653 0.75

44、50.635 0.7820.615 0.8190.583 0.8900.550 0.9961/16.911/16.911 10.961 1.040.946 1.060.925 1.090.898 1.130.861 1.200.819 1.300.759 1.510.698 1.901/25.31/25.32 21.83 2.201.77 2.301.69 2.461.59 2.711.47 3.201.34 4.161.17 8.501.02 1/53.11/53.1 19.5 14.0 9.8 7.0 4.9 3.6 2.5 1.9 1/1/Close-up Photography(Met

45、ric)Close-up Photography(Metric)(cm)AccessoryAccessoryClose-up photographyClose-up photographyClose-up photography(lens reversed)Close-up photography(lens reversed)Reproduction ratioReproduction ratioSubject fi eldSubject fi eldFocus Focus distancedistanceReproduction ratioReproduction ratioSubject

46、fi eldSubject fi eldFocus distanceFocus distanceNo.0 close-up lensNo.0 close-up lens1/39 1/3.8 94.1 141 9.2 13.8151 23.7No.1 close-up lensNo.1 close-up lens1/19 1/3.544.9 67.3 8.4 12.677.5 22.7No.2 close-up lensNo.2 close-up lens1/9.4 1/3.022.6 33.8 7.1 10.743.9 20.9No.1 with No.2 close-up lensNo.1

47、with No.2 close-up lens1/6.3 1/2.615.2 22.7 6.3 9.433.2 19.9PK-Ring PK-Ring 1 11/4.5 1/1.410.8 16.2 1.7 2.625.9 16.5PN ringPN ring1.5 1.71.6 2.5 1.4 2.116.6 17.1PB-4 or PB-5 bellows attachment PB-4 or PB-5 bellows attachment 2 21.2 5.12.0 3.0 0.47 0.7016.2 28.12.6 6.60.91 1.4 0.37 0.5519.8 33.1PB-6

48、bellows attachmentPB-6 bellows attachment1.3 5.81.8 2.7 0.42 0.6216.4 30.32.3 5.91.03 1.54 0.41 0.6118.9 30.7PS-4 or PS-5 slide copying adapterPS-4 or PS-5 slide copying adapter2.6 6.60.91 1.4 0.37 0.5519.8 33.1PS-6 slide copying adapterPS-6 slide copying adapter2.3 4.71.03 1.54 0.51 0.7718.9 26.6PB

49、-6M macro copy standPB-6M macro copy stand1.3 4.81.8 2.7 0.50 0.7516.4 26.92.3 4.81.03 1.54 0.50 0.7518.9 26.9PB-6E extension bellowsPB-6E extension bellows1.3 12.21.8 2.7 0.2 0.316.4 53.02.3 12.31.03 1.54 0.20 0.2918.9 53.4PF-2,PF-3,or PF-4 repro copy outfi t PF-2,PF-3,or PF-4 repro copy outfi t 3

50、31/21.6 1/4.251.9 77.9 10.2 15.285.3 25.0 1.First fi gure is for PK-11A when used alone,remaining fi gures for rings PK-11A through PK-13,PK-11 through PK-13,or PK-1 through PK-3 used together.Note the PK-11 and PK-1 can not be attached directly to the lens.2.The reproduction ratios for the PS-4 and

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