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1、 under the SOERED project, report through their respective Managers to a Sichuan RA General Manager and to respective local representatives in Municipal Government. The RAs in Liaoning Province report through their respective managers to respective local representative in Municipal government.Operat

2、ional Structure: To enable the RA to deliver consultancy effectively and efficiently it is preferable to organise the consultancy teams along functional lines with a Project Manager being responsible for overall project management of each consultancy project. A Team Leader is responsible for organis

3、ing the team resources and organising the effective deployment of consultants and dealing with day-to-day client management issues. Depending upon the complexity of each consultancy project the Project Manager and Team Leader roles could be performed by the same consultant. The Project Manager in tu

4、rn reports to the RA Manager. The RA Manager reports to the General Manager of the RAs (in Sichuan) and to respective Municipal government officials within the Project Management office. In practice many of the day-to-day operating decisions are taken by the RA Managers.Suggested outline organisatio

5、nal structure:Municipal GovernmentRA General Manager (only Sichuan)RA Manager / Principal ConsultantAdministrationSupport functionsTranslationAccountingCashierTeam Leaders(Team B)Team Leaders(Team A)Consulting Team (B)Consisting of consultants specialising in: Strategy; Business Planning; Human Reso

6、urces Management; Finance; Marketing & Sales; Production Improvement & Operations Management; Health, Safety & Environmental; and Social Responsibility Consulting Team (A)Consisting of consultants specialising in: Strategy; Business Planning; Human Resources Management; Finance; Marketing & Sales; P

7、roduction Improvement & Operations Management; Health, Safety & Environmental; and Social Responsibility At the start of the SOERED project there was initially a target of hiring six consultants these were to be broadly one Manager/ Principal Consultant, a further Principal / Senior consultant plus

8、four further consultants. The consultants were to each specialise in the functional areas of corporate strategy, finance, marketing & sales, human resource management, production improvement & operations management, health safety & environmental, and social responsibility. One functional consultant

9、should cover one functional area in depth and provide support in a further functional area. This is to ensure continuity and provide adequate resources to ensure that each functional area was adequately covered. Support staff are needed to cover general office duties, accounting and business promoti

10、on (mail-shots and arranging sales meetings) and to assist the RA manager with the administration function. The emphasis at an early stage has to be on developing the capability of working in teams just as the RA consultants will be promoting teamwork within the client organisations, so they too wer

11、e working within a consultancy team. Team working skills will become very important: When the consultants are helping the client implement organisational and operational change and During the growth phases of the RA when tasks to be performed will far outweigh the availability of consulting resource

12、s.Action Points: Agree and set up internal RA structures Agree positions and responsibilities (i.e. prior to employing staff) Agree reporting responsibilitiesRecruiting RA Manager and Principal ConsultantsKey points The RA Manager clearly has a number of responsibilities not to mention the day-to-da

13、y administrative and general management functions, but also the important RA leadership and development role. It is the leadership role that is most important for the future凝心聚力创国优 以人为本促和谐陈仓区创建国家级计划生育优质服务先进区工 作 汇 报中共宝鸡市陈仓区委宝鸡市陈仓区人民政府(2011年8月28日)陈仓区辖15个镇、3个街道办事处,332个行政村、13个社区居委会,总人口60.3万,总面积2580平方公里。




17、施细则等配套文件。及时召开全区创“国优”动员大会,与各镇、相关部门签订了创建责任书。区创建领导小组每月听取创优工作汇报,全面掌握工作动态,及时协调解决问题。各镇、各街道办事处、各部门进一步强化“三个一”领导机制,主要领导深入一线、靠前指挥,“一班人”全力以赴、分片包抓,全区上下形成了齐抓共管、人人参与的良好工作格局。同时,区委、区政府将“国优”创建纳入重大事项督查范围,加大考核责任追究力度,对问题严重的实行“黄牌警告”、“一票否决”。 区级四大班子主要领导和分管领导先后深入各镇(街道)对创建工作进行督导检查。4月份对28个村3个社区进行了回顾性抽样调查,摸实情、找问题、明思路。6月份由四大班子




21、186块、标语590条,新建和刷写国策门35座,组装宣传车14辆。选定虢镇、阳平、周原、慕仪镇作为市级人口文化示范基地,选定40个村作为区级人口文化示范基地,并逐年梯次推进。二是依托媒体网络进行宣传,做到宣传报道时时有计生。在陈仓广播电视台、陈仓人口网开设了创建专栏, 编发创建简报,建立了网上孕育学校、婚姻课堂、人口论坛等,扩大了宣传覆盖面。三是强化进村入户宣传,做到计生宣传季季有热潮。利用“5.29”协会会员活动日、“7.11”世界人口日举行大型宣传纪念活动,推进新型人口文化建设,镇、村利用人口文化广场、群众自乐班等形式,自编自演家庭文明、关爱女孩、生育文化等节目,营造了良好的社会氛围。四是制作宣传精品,做到群众身边处处有计生。为了打造具有艺术感染力的人口文化精品,努力推动人口计生宣传教育进村入户,从群众喜闻乐见的宣传方式入手,投资20万元,印制下发了优生优育、生殖健康知识读本、

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