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1、greements (74%) - Supply base reduction (65%) - Procurement cards issued to users (64%) - Allowing users to contact vendors (61%) - Auto fax with suppliers (61%) Non-Industrial - Blanket purchase orders (92%) - Longer-term purchase agreements (68%) - Allowing users to contact vendors (61%) - Consort

2、ium buying (56%) - Procurement cards issued to users (54%) Industrial - Electronic commerce through the Internet (69%) - Online requisitioning sys- tems from users to pur- chasing (65%) - Blanket purchase order agreements (64%) - Purchasing online ordering systems to suppliers (61%) - Procurement ca

3、rds issued to users (60%) Non-Industrial - Procurement cards issued to users (70%) - Online requisitioning sys- tems from users to pur- chasing (67%) - Purchasing process redesign efforts (55%) - Electronic commerce through the Internet (54%) - Online ordering through electronic catalogs (53%) III.

4、Approaches or Methods Expected to be Emphasized Over the Next Several Years Table 1 Summary of Current and Future Methods and Approaches for Managing Low Value Purchases II. Current Impact of Methods or Approaches Industrial - Longer-term purchase agreements (5.09) - Blanket purchase order agreement

5、s (4.99) - Formal integrated systems contracts with distributors (4.97) - Auto fax with suppliers (4.70) - Supply base reduction (4.70) Non-Industrial - Procurement cards issued to users (5.20) - Allowing users to contact vendors (4.87) - Purchasing process redesign efforts (4.87) - Blanket purchase

6、 order agreements (4.66) - EDI with suppliers (4.41) Industrial - Online requisitioning sys- tems from users to pur- chasing (5.58) - Procurement cards issued to users (5.57) - Purchasing online ordering system to suppliers (5.51) - EDI with suppliers (5.47) - Consolidation of purchase requirements

7、between units (5.36) Non-Industrial - Procurement cards issued to users (5.77) - User online ordering sys- tem to suppliers (5.37) - Online requisitioning sys- tems from users to pur- chasing (5.32) - Purchasing process redesign efforts (5.00) - Allowing users to contact vendors (4.98) IV. Expected

8、Impact of Methods or Approaches Over the Next Several Years Emphasized = Percent of organizations indicating they emphasized/expect to emphasize a method or approach to improve low value purchasing Impact = Current or expected impact of a method or approach to improve low value purchasing, where 1 =

9、 no impact, 4 = moderate impact, 7 = significant impact The methods and approaches that organizations use to improve how they manage low value goods and services is the central focus of this research. Table 1 segments current and future low value purchase methods and approaches four ways. Area I inc

10、ludes the methods or approaches currently emphasized by industrial and non- industrial organizations to manage low value purchases. Area II reports on the current methods or approaches that have had the highest positive impact on managing low value purchases. Area III identifies the approaches or me

11、thods that industrial and non-industrial organiza- tions expect to emphasize over the next several years. Area IV reports on the methods or approaches expected to have the highest positive impact on managing low value purchases over the next several years. Many methods and approaches designed to imp

12、rove low value purchasing involve internal outsourcing that requires users to assume greater responsibility for the purchase transaction. For example, the use of procure- ment cards, which organizations rate as a high use/high impact approach, authorizes the cardholder to make purchases according to

13、 agreed upon restrictions. Without question, many approaches designed to man- age low value purchasing shift responsibility from pur- chasing to users, or internal outsourcing. 4. More than half of the organizations in this study have reduced the total number of purchasing people com- mitted to proc

14、essing low value purchases, and more than two-thirds have reduced the total number of non- purchasing people committed to processing low value purchases. Of the organizations that reduced the pur- chasing staff committed to low value purchases, almost half redeployed these individuals to value-added

15、 activi- ties, while just under half eliminated positions. When reducing the non-purchasing staff committed to pro- cessing low value purchases (accounts payable, for example), a greater possibility exists that an organiza- tion will eliminate positions rather than transferring or redeploying these

16、individuals. Organizations expect aggressive reductions to continue in the total staff and the percent of total staff time commit- ted to processing low value purchases. Currently, the total full-time staff committed to processing low value purchases is 37 percent less than five years ago. Further-

17、more, organizations expect a 45 percent reduction from current levels in the number of staff committed to pro- cessing low value purchases three to five years from now. Currently, the percent of total staff time committed to processing low value purchases is 36 percent less than five years ago. Orga

18、nizations expect a 40 percent reduc- tion from current levels in the percent of staff time com- mitted to processing low value purchases three to five years from now. Achieving targeted reductions requires organizations to put in place the methods and systems that will improve low value purchasing.

19、More than two-thirds of the respondents say that new processes and systems preceded any reduction in the staff or budget committed to managing low value pur- chases, which suggests that the development of low value processes and systems is a proactive activity. New systems often precede, and may lea

20、d to, staff or budget reductions. This differs from receiving mandated reductions and then urgently reacting with new processes and systems. 5. Improving the low value purchasing process is most important to purchasing. This is expected given the dis- proportionate burden that purchasing assumes for

21、 man- aging low value purchases and that the studys respon- dents were primarily from purchasing. After purchas- ing, the importance of improving the low value pur- chasing process is most important to finance/account- ing, executive management, and then user groups. Purchasing leadership for change

22、 is the strongest force behind low value purchasing process changes. Since improving low value purchasing is most important to purchasing, it is not surprising that purchasing leader- ship is the highest rated driving force behind low value purchasing changes. The second highest rated driver for cha

23、nge is executive management requiring cost reduc- tions and control, followed by reengineering or reorga- nization leading to staff reductions or a need for new systems and processes. Demands from user groups is not a major force for change. Purchasing process changes often transfer responsibility f

24、or obtaining low value items to users, which is not alw怀讀缁沉H缀窢兯刀椀褂攃锃閃锃鬃夃爅攀瘀椀猀攀搀栀攀渀欀攀氀瀀瀀琀挀昀挀攀挀搀戀戀昀攀戀戀搀戀最椀昀爀攀瘀椀猀攀搀栀攀渀欀攀氀瀀瀀琀尀尀昀搀攀戀攀戀戀欀瀀搀眀嘀倀挀樀甀伀刀匀栀夀栀欀渀爀倀昀唀爀夀樀礀唀倀夀一漀搀猀猀爀攀瘀椀猀攀搀栀攀渀欀攀氀昀昀搀挀搀攀昀愀戀挀昀戀戀栀榀榀栀Y榀蝖瘀蝎戀堀琀欀椀渀洀堀昀氀焀琀猀唀儀夀娀儀倀一砀眀稀嘀搀猀瀀娀琀儀爀焀栀搀礀猀琀刀漀氀愀渀搀攀爀最攀爀猀甀洀洀攀爀猀焀洀倠椀挀欀瀀愀挀欀挀漀洀洀椀猀猀椀漀渀椀渀最匀漀栀渀猀漀渀瀀攀漀瀀氀攀漀洀瀀甀琀攀爀挀漀渀渀

25、攀挀琀攀搀椀猀琀爀椀戀甀琀椀漀渀爀攀最椀漀渀愀氀眀愀爀攀栀漀甀猀攀猀椀昀昀攀爀攀渀琀搀椀猀琀爀椀戀甀琀椀漀渀戀攀琀眀攀攀渀攀爀漀猀漀氀愀渀搀愀琀漀琀栀攀爀瀀爀漀搀刀疂耀舀(臅i俣兾歉ation scripts to obtain customer feedback on our prototypes.13.How is the quality of the documented requirements evaluated? Chapter 14a) We think our requirements are pretty good when we first write them.b) We

26、 pass the requirements specification around to people to get their feedback.c) The analyst and some developers hold informal reviews.d) We formally inspect our SRS and analysis models, with participants that include customers, developers, and testers. We write test cases against the requirements and

27、 use them to validate the SRS and models.14.How are different versions of the requirements documents distinguished? Chapter 16a) The date the do西安航空动力控制工程有限责任公司 管理模式和集分权报告 * 113 西安航控战略和组织体系优化咨询 基于西安航控的发展战略, 新华信建议西安航控对不同的业务采用 不同的管理模式 西安航控公司 财务型管理模式 操作型管理模式 低中高 业务1,2,3 业务1,2,3 战略地位 资源相关度 低 中 高 战略型管理模式

28、 Date2 西安航控战略和组织体系优化咨询 集团管理模式一般划分为三大类:战略管理型、操作管理型和财务 管理型 财务管理型战略管理型操作管理型 分权集权 以财务指标进行管理和考核, 总部无业务管理部门 投资回报 通过投资业务组合的结构优化 追求公司价值最大化 财务控制 法律 企业并购 多种不相关产业的投资运作 以战略规划进行管理和考核, 总部一般无具体业务管理部门 公司组合的协调发展 投资业务的战略优化和协调 战略协同效应的培育 财务控制 战略规划与控制 人力资源 相关型或单一产业领域内的 发展 通过总部职能管理部门对下属业务单 元日常经营运作进行管理 各业务单元经营行为的统一与优化 公司整

29、体协调成长 对行业成功因素的集中控制与管理 财务控制战略 营销/销售 网络/技术 新业务开发 人力资源 单一产业领域内的运作,但有地域 局限性 三种不同的管理模式对比 公司与下属 业务单元的关系 发展目标 管理手段 应用方式 Date3 西安航控战略和组织体系优化咨询 操作型管理模式,要求集团总部设立具体的业务管理部门来对下属的 相关业务进行对口管理,考核重心将下延至下级业务单元的职能单位 组织结构(举例)特征分析 公司总部主要起到业务管理、控制与服务职能 总部的质量、生产等业务部门将对下属业务单 元的对口部门进行业务管理,并通过对其进行 业务考核的方式来强化管理 下属业务单元可以作为成本中心

30、或虚拟利润中 心进行考核,但其关键经营活动将受到总部集 中控制和统一规划 公司总经理 技术 营销 财务 人力资源 下属业务单元总经理 生产 战略 信息销售综合财务人事 业务部门行政控制与服务部门 生产 Date4 西安航控战略和组织体系优化咨询 操作型管理模式的采用,需要大幅提升总部业务管理能力,同时建 立分职能的纵向考核体系 操作型管理模式的特征实施操作型管理模式需要的条件 总部具有较强的业务管理能力,其职能部门功能完 善 下属业务单元权限将弱化至操作执行层面 总部各职能部门对下属业务单元的职能部门具有直 接的管理和考核权力 大幅提升总部业务管理能力 -项目策划 -项目协调 -财务中心 强化

31、下属业务单元执行权限,核心职能权限上收 建立总部职能部门对下属业务单元对应职能部门的 管理、考核关系 Date5 西安航控战略和组织体系优化咨询 战略型管理模式,考核与管理重点集中于下属公司的总经理团队 组织结构(举例)特征分析 公司总部主要起到战略规划、监控与服务职能 -战略控制部主要通过战略规划与业务计划体系对 下属业务单元进行战略引导 -财务部则通过预算体系和财务报告体系对下属分 公司进行财务监控 -此外,人力资源、法律/税收等部门则主要为各下 属业务单元提供带有规模效应的专业化服务 公司将通过战略指标体系对总经理进行考核,但考 核一般不涉及下属业务单元的职能部门 下属业务单元作为独立的

32、业务单元和利润中心将对 其经营活动享有高度的主权 财务人事行政 营销 信息生产 公司总经理 战略控制部 财务部 人力资源 法律/税收 行政 规划与监控部门服务部门 战略 规划 下属公司总经理 Date6 西安航控战略和组织体系优化咨询 战略型管理模式的采用将进一步强化下属业务单元的独立运作能力 ,但总部的业务管理功能将弱化 战略型管理模式的特征实施战略型管理模式需要的转变 下属业务单元作为独立的业务单元和利润中心 有着完善的运作职能和决策权 总部将作为规划、监控与服务平台存在 总部采用战略性指标对下属业务单元的运作结 果进行考核,但考核只到下属公司总经理一级 强化公司总部战略控制部门和财务部门

33、的建设 -战略控制部门将具备战略规划和战略 监控职能 -财务部门将具备财务监控职能 人力资源等部门将弱化至服务部门,其主要为 下属业务单元提供专业服务 Date7 西安航控战略和组织体系优化咨询 财务型管理模式,不要求总部设立具体的业务管理部门,其考核与 管理重点集中于下属公司的最高管理人员 组织结构(举例)特征分析 公司总部主要考核下属业务单元的投资回报率和进 行法律监督等 -财务部则通过预算体系和财务报告体系对下属业务 单元进行财务监控 -此外,人力资源、税收等部门则不必为各下属业务 单元提供带有规模效应的专业化服务 公司将通过战略指标体系对下属业务单元总经理进 行考核,但考核一般不涉及下

34、属业务单元的职能部 门 下属业务单元作为独立的业务单元和利润中心将对 其经营活动享有高度的主权 财务 人力 资源 行政 法律 营销信息生产 公司总经理 投资规划部 财务部 人力资源 法律/税收 行政 战略 规划 下属公司总经理 Date8 西安航控战略和组织体系优化咨询 不同的管理模式具有不同的集分权程度,沿企业价值链,集团与 下属业务单元之间的权力关系有着不同的划分 投资决策 计划预算 人力资源 财务控制 制度优化 战略管理 业务控制 物资采购 人员录用、岗位任命、绩效考核、薪酬体系、员工职业发展 权限 维度 财务控制的权限、方式 方针政策与制度制定的权限范围 产品策划、产品组合、市场销售、

35、公关、企业形象管理、新业务开发 战略的研究制定、审批的权限范围 对项目的投资决策权限范围 生产和经营所需物资的采购权限范围 年度经营计划、经营目标、费用预算的制定和考核的权限范围 项目管理项目管理的方式、范围、考核方式等 Date9 西安航控战略和组织体系优化咨询 操作型管理模式在战略规划、项目管理、经营计划和费用预算管 理等方面的权限划分 总部直接设计公司战略规划体系,下属业务单元负责执行战略规划 下属业务单元可向总部归口部门和领导进行建议,总部做出审批决定 所有投资决策都由总部进行审批 下属业务单元对一般项目具有组织研究可行性方案的权力,总部审批 对重大参股投资项目,总部负责可行性研究,并审批 下属业务单元具有预算内的采购权 总部每季度对费用预算进行一次审核 重大资产的购买与处置、技术改造等重大决策均由总部审批 总部根据战略规划,制定下属业务单元的经营目标和主要的业绩指标,以及战 略考核指标 总部制定费用预算 下属业务单元有建议、修正的权力,最终审批权在总部 总部对下属业务单元经营计划完成情况和预算执行情况进行季度审核 对下属业务单元从业绩指标和战略指标进行双重考核 投资决策 计划预算 人力资源 财务控制 制度优化 战略管理 业务控制 物资采购 权限 维度 项目管理 公司对于下属业务单元的项目管理进行统一控制 Date10 西安航控战略和组织体系优化咨询 操作型管理模式下

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