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1、US SeriesReligion in American Life1/9PowerPoint By Yini CaoStarting UpDiscuss in groups1.Do you think Americans are religious?What evidence supports your answer?2.How many different religions can you name?Guess!1.What percentage of Americans are Christian?46%,66%or 86%2.What percentage of Americans

2、attend religious services regularly?25%,45%or 65%?3.Are American high school students allowed to say prayers in school?(The answers will be revealed as the lesson progresses!)2/9Major American Religions 59%of Americans are Protestant 27%of Americans are Catholic 2%of Americans are Jewish 2 million B

3、uddhists and 800,000 Hindus The Protestant work ethic Mormons,Christian Scientists and Amish3/9Religion and Government The First Amendment The Separation of Church and State“In God We Trust”Questions1.How does the separation of church and state protect religious groups?2.How does separation of churc

4、h and state protect the rights and freedom of individual citizens?4/9Are Americans Religious?Two-thirds of American adults are members of a church or synagogue 40%to 45%attend religious services every week 90%of Americans believe in God Religion in the Bible Belt Religious faith and Free Will5/9Anto

5、nymsIn pairs,match each word or words on the left with words that mean the opposite(their antonyms)on the right1.belief in God a)allow2.forbid,prohibit,restrict b)monogamy3.moral c)religious,sectarian4.parochial d)public,secular5.physical e)atheism6.polygamy f) g)pro-life8.secular

6、h)spiritual,mental6/9Euphemisms People sometimes use euphemisms when they want to talk about something unpleasant or to make something impolite sound better.For example a basement apartment is sometimes called a garden apartment.“Im pro-life”sounds better than I support abortions”Below are some wide

7、ly used euphemisms.Can you translate them into simple,direct English?Work with a partner.7/9Euphemisms1.Hes a senior citizen2.She passed away3.She was laid to rest yesterday4.Thats an inner-city neighborhood5.That child is a slow learner6.Hes living on a shoestring7.Shes expecting8.Hes terminally ill9.Id be happy to get the answer for you10.Hes well-built11.He speaks up for himself12.Shes relaxed about her appearance8/9引爆点英语Thank You!谢谢!谢谢!9/9

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