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1、必修必修Unit 1Unit 1Festivals around the worldFestivals around the world见学生用书第见学生用书第7777页页1/52见学生用书第见学生用书第7777页页.重点词汇重点词汇1_ n美;美人美;美人_ adj.漂亮漂亮_ v美化美化2_ n庆贺;祝贺庆贺;祝贺_v庆贺;庆贺庆贺;庆贺3_ v(使使)饿死;饿得要死饿死;饿得要死_ n饥饿饥饿2/524_ n起源;由来;起因起源;由来;起因_ adj.最早;原始最早;原始5_ adj.宗教上;虔宗教上;虔诚_ n宗教宗教6_ adj.季季节;季;季节性性7_ n墨西哥墨西哥_ adj.&

2、n墨西哥;墨西哥人墨西哥;墨西哥人8_ n独立;自主独立;自主_ adj.独立独立9_ n农业;农艺;农学学_ adj.农业;农艺10_ v赞美;美;钦佩;羡慕佩;羡慕_ n钦佩;羡慕佩;羡慕3/5211_ adj.充充满活力;精力充沛;主活力;精力充沛;主动_ n精精力;活力力;活力12_ n习惯;风俗俗13_ n必要性;需要必要性;需要_ adj.必要必要14_ n许可;允可;允许_ v&n许可可(证)15_ n预言;言;预报;预告告_ v预报16_ v道歉;道歉;辩白白_ n道歉道歉4/5217_ adj.显著;著;显而易而易见_ adv.显著地著地18_ n广播广播员;报幕幕员;通知者

3、;通知者_ v通知通知19_ v提醒;使想起提醒;使想起_ n提醒者提醒者/物物20_ v原原谅;宽恕恕5/52.短语回顾短语回顾1_place 发生;举行发生;举行2_memory of 纪念;追念纪念;追念3dress_ 盛装;打扮;装饰盛装;打扮;装饰4play a trick _ 诈骗;开玩笑;搞恶作剧诈骗;开玩笑;搞恶作剧5_arrival 一抵达一抵达6look forward _ 期望;期待;期望期望;期待;期望6/527turn _ 出现;到场出现;到场 8_ones word 守信用;推行诺言守信用;推行诺言 9_ones breath 屏息;屏气屏息;屏气 10set_ 出

4、出发;动身;使爆炸身;使爆炸 11remind _ 使使想起想起 12forgive sb._ 因因宽恕某人恕某人7/521At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find,during the cold winter months.在那个时代,假如食物难在那个时代,假如食物难以找到,尤其是在严寒冬天,人们就会饿死。以找到,尤其是在严寒冬天,人们就会饿死。especiallyespecially意为意为“尤其,尤其尤其,尤其”,常与介词短语连用,常与介词短语连用,起补充说明作用。起补充说明作用。8/522Harvest

5、 and Thanksgiving festivals _be very happy events.收收获与感恩与感恩节是非常喜是非常喜庆节日。日。can 9/523China and Japan have midautumn festivals,people admire the moon.中国和日本都有中秋中国和日本都有中秋节,这时,人,人们赏月。月。when 10/524 that Zhin was heartbroken,her grandmother finally decided to let the couple cross the Milky Way to meet once

6、a year.发觉织女女难过欲欲绝,王母娘娘最,王母娘娘最终决定决定让这对夫妻每年跨夫妻每年跨过银河相会一次。河相会一次。Finding11/525As he sadly passed the tea shop on the corner on his way home,he heard a voice him.在回家路上,他神情失落地走在回家路上,他神情失落地走过拐角拐角处一家茶一家茶馆,听到有些人叫他名字。,听到有些人叫他名字。【考点提考点提炼】calling为现在分在分词短短语,在句中作在句中作宾语补足足语。calling12/52gain from/by.gain two minute

7、sgain/make/earn ones livinggain weight1 1gain vgain v取得;得到取得;得到从从获益获益(钟表钟表)走快两分钟走快两分钟体重增加体重增加谋生谋生13/52acquire/get/gainacquire指指经过一段一段时间努力而取得,取得内容多努力而取得,取得内容多是抽象是抽象东西,而且一旦取得极西,而且一旦取得极难失去,如知失去,如知识等。等。get是普通用是普通用语,指,指“得到,到手得到,到手”意思。意思。gain往往指往往指经过努力或有意努力或有意识地行地行动而取得有益而取得有益东西。西。14/52(1)She _(精通精通)a know

8、ledge of English by careful study.(2)He _(得到得到)what he wanted by the time he graduated.(3)They _(赢得得)the victory after a bloody battle.acquiredhad gotgained15/522 2gather vgather v&n&n搜集;集合;聚集搜集;集合;聚集 gathering(n.)聚集;集会聚集;集会gather(in)cropsgather up gather together收割庄稼收割庄稼收拢;集中收拢;集中聚集聚集16/52gather/co

9、llectgather指把分散、不在一起指把分散、不在一起东西西 搜集起来。搜集起来。collect指有意指有意识地、有目地搜集某种地、有目地搜集某种 物品,多作物品,多作为兴趣。趣。17/52_ up her scattered belongings,the young woman left in a hurry.AHaving gathered BHaving collectedCHaving raised DHaving taken【解析解析】题干指题干指“把散在四处东西搜集起把散在四处东西搜集起来来”,因而需要使用,因而需要使用gather upgather up【答案答案】A18/5

10、23 3permission npermission n许可;允许许可;允许(1)ask for permission with ones permission 在某人在某人许可情况下可情况下without permission 未未经允允许_ _ 允允许某人做某事某人做某事_ 允允许做做请求许可请求许可permit do sth.permit doing sth.19/52【即即时应用用】(1)Clearly,the rules of the club doesnt permit _(smoke)(2)The company has applied to the court fo

11、r _(permit)to close the branch.smokingpermission20/524 4apologize vapologize v道歉;辩白道歉;辩白 apology n.apology n.因因(做做)某事向某人道歉某事向某人道歉accept/refuse ones apology owe apologyowe an apology to sb.apologize to sb.for(doing)sth.make an apology to sb.for sth.apologize to sb.that.接收接收/拒绝某人道歉拒绝某人道歉应向某人道歉应向

12、某人道歉21/52【即即时应用用】介介词填空填空(1)Have you made an apology _ him _ breaking his MP5?(2)Actually,I owe an apology _ my head teacher.【答案答案】(1)to;for(2)to22/525 5remind vremind v提醒;使想起提醒;使想起 提醒某人做提醒某人做 提醒某人提醒某人;使某人想起;使某人想起 提醒某人提醒某人remind doremind sb.of.remind sb.that.23/52【即即时应用用】The sight of the clock

13、_ me that I was twenty minutes late for the interview.Ainformed BnoticedCreminded Dsuggested【答案答案】C24/521 1take placetake place 发生;举行发生;举行His wedding will next Sunday.他婚礼将在下周日他婚礼将在下周日举行。行。take place 25/52take the place of take ones placein place of 取代;代替取代;代替in place 在适当位置在适当位置out of place 不恰当;不相当不恰

14、当;不相当in the first place 首先;第一首先;第一26/52【即即时应用用】_ our English short play,there will be an English film at tomorrows party.ATake the place of BTake placeCIn place of DIn place【答案答案】C27/522 2dress up dress up 盛装;打扮;装饰盛装;打扮;装饰She wanted to go to dinner but didnt feel like .她想去参加宴会,但不愿意打扮。她想去参加宴会,但不愿意打扮。

15、dressing up28/52(1)dress up in dress up asdress sb.(2)be dressed indress oneself in 穿穿来打扮来打扮打扮成打扮成给某人穿衣给某人穿衣穿着穿着衣服衣服29/52【即即时应用用】利用利用dress相关使用方法完成以下情景相关使用方法完成以下情景It was time for the party on Womans Day.Anne,an ordinary worker in a small factory,decided to(1)_ for the party,but she didnt know what to

16、(2)_Finally she(3)_ red.Not only that,she even(4)_as a rich businessman.(5)_ in red,Anne did look more beautiful than ever.dress updress up indressed up indressed upDressed30/523 3look forward to look forward to 期望;期待;期望期望;期待;期望【经典例句经典例句】Im seeing you.我期望着见到你。我期望着见到你。looking forward to 31/52负责;照料;照料

17、 致力于;献身于致力于;献身于习惯于于 反反对 坚持持 着手做着手做 造成造成 提到;包括提到;包括 有利于;促成有利于;促成see todevote.tobe/get/become used toobject tostick toget down tolead torefer tocontribute to32/52【即即时应用用】The day we were looking forward to _ at last,which made us excited.Acoming BcameCcome Dcomes【答案答案】B33/524 4turn up turn up 出现;到场;翻起出

18、现;到场;翻起【经典例句经典例句】But she didnt .(书本书本P7)可现在她却不见人影。可现在她却不见人影。turn up34/52turn away 不准不准进入;拒入;拒绝;打;打发走走turn against 背叛;背叛;对不利不利turn back turn down turn off turn on折回;往回走折回;往回走拒绝;拒绝;(声音等声音等)调小调小关掉关掉打开打开35/52交上;交出交上;交出变成成翻翻转;移交;移交生生产;制造;制造;证实是是求援于;翻到;求援于;翻到;转向向turn inturn intoturn overturn outturn to36/

19、52【即即时应用用】What are you reading,Tom?Im not really reading,just _ the pages.Aturning off Bturning aroundCturning over Dturning up【答案答案】C37/525 5keep ones word keep ones word 守信用;推行诺言守信用;推行诺言【经典例句经典例句】She said she would be there at seven oclock,and he thought she would _ 她说她会在她说她会在7点抵达,他认为她会守信用。点抵达,他认为

20、她会守信用。keep her word38/52have a word with get a word in 插插话;插嘴;插嘴break ones word eat ones words 收回序言收回序言send word 捎捎话 leave word 留言留言have words with sb.与与谈一谈谈一谈食言;失信食言;失信和某人吵架和某人吵架39/52总之之传来消息来消息说换句句话说in a wordWord comes that in another wordin other words40/52【即即时应用用】单句改句改错(1)Words came that a terrib

21、le accident occurred in the street corner.(2)He is not a person to depend on,because he always breaks his words.WordsWordwordsword41/526 6hold ones breath hold ones breath 屏息;屏气屏息;屏气【经典例句经典例句】Well,he was not going to_ for her to apologize他不想屏息等她来道歉。他不想屏息等她来道歉。hold his breath 42/52take a deep breathl

22、ose ones breath out of breath In the same breath 深呼吸深呼吸喘不过气来喘不过气来气喘吁吁气喘吁吁异口同声地异口同声地43/52【即即时应用用】完成句子完成句子(1)When we climbed to the top of the tenstory building,we _(上气不接下气上气不接下气)(2)The senior students answered the teachers question _(异口同声地异口同声地)were out of breathin the same breath44/527 7set off set

23、off 出发;动身;使爆炸出发;动身;使爆炸As Li Fang for home,he thought,“I guess Hu Jin doesnt love me.”李方动身往家走,心里想:李方动身往家走,心里想:“我想胡瑾不我想胡瑾不爱我了爱我了”.”.set off45/52set about set aside set out set up set free set sail be set in set an example开始;着手干开始;着手干留出;拨出;把留出;拨出;把置于一旁置于一旁出发;着手;开始干出发;着手;开始干建立;创建建立;创建释放释放起航起航以以为背景为背景树立榜

24、样树立榜样46/52set foot in/on 进入;踏上入;踏上set ones mind/heart on/to一心想干一心想干set fire to 点火;放火点火;放火烧47/52【即即时应用用】The professor liked my paper so much that he _ his own work and translated it into English.Agave off Bturned downCtook over Dset aside【答案答案】D48/521Festivals _ important times of year.(书本本P1)节日意在日意在

25、庆贺一年中主要一年中主要时刻。刻。are meant to celebrate be meant to do./be meant for.意为意为“打算打算/计划计划/意欲做意欲做;拟;拟(将将用于某种意图用于某种意图);预定;预定”,=be designed for/to do./be intended for.。49/52【即即时应用用】一句多一句多译这种种词典是供大学生使用。典是供大学生使用。【答案答案】This kind of dictionary is intended/meant/designed for college students.50/522 the manager of

26、 the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave.(书本本P7)显然,咖啡店然,咖啡店经理在等李方离开。理在等李方离开。“It is 形容形容词 that.从句从句”惯用形容用形容词有:有:obvious,true,good,possible,likely,clear等,但等,但当形容当形容词是是strange,necessary,important时,that从句中从句中谓语使用使用“(should)动词原形原形”,It was obvious that 51/52【即即时应用用】It is strange that half of the students _ from the morning exercises this morning.Awill be absent Bare absentCshould be absent Dwere absent【解析解析】此处使用此处使用shouldshould表示表示“吃惊;吃惊;诧异诧异”。【答案答案】C 52/52

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