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1、Unit 1 Introduction:Translation and Translation Techniques1/30ContentsI The history of translation in ChinaII Important role of translation III Nature and scope of translationIV Principles and criteria of translationV The process of translationVI Exercises2/30I The history of translation in China1 H

2、ow long is the history of translation in China?A 500 years B 1000 years C 1500 yearsD years2 What is the oldest translation material in Chinese history?A Classic literary worksB Laws and regulationsC Buddhist scriptures/Buddhist Sacred LiteratureD Science and technology3/30I The history of translati

3、on in China一 西汉到明以前西汉:哀帝时代,有个名叫伊存伊存人到中国口传一些简短佛经经句。东汉:安息国人,安世高安世高,他将梵文安般守意经等九十五部佛经译成汉文。4/30支娄迦谶支娄迦谶(大月氏人)翻译道行般若经兜沙经等,是最早将大乘佛教传入中国西域高僧。他有个学生叫支亮支亮,支亮有个弟子叫支谦支谦,他们三人号称“三支”。5/30竺法护竺法护:(月支国人)晋武帝时还有一个名叫竺法护人他也译了一百七十五部佛经(如大乘佛教最主要经典法华经大藏经等等),对佛经广泛流传作出了贡献,号称敦煌大菩萨。6/30到了符秦时代,在释道安释道安主持下设置了译场,他主张直译。翻译事业出现了一大进步,成为有

4、组织活动。7/30鸠摩罗什鸠摩罗什,全改了以前群家古直格调,主张意译,更正了过去音译弱点,并提倡译者署名。他译著有摩诃般若、法华经、维摩经、金刚经和中观论、百论、十二门论共七十四部,三百八十四卷。8/30 玄奘玄奘于唐太宗贞观二年去印度求经,十七年后回国,带回佛经六百五十七部,译出七十五部一千三百三十五卷;并将老子著作一部分译成梵文,成为第一个把汉文著作向国外介绍中国人。玄奘在翻译理论方面也有所贡献,他提出“既须求真,又须喻俗”翻译标准,今天仍有一定指导意义。9/30北宋时乾德开宝年间,宋太祖派人西去求经,印度也派名僧来传法。宋太宗还在开封太平兴国寺内兴修了译经院,从事佛经翻译,但盛况已不如唐

5、初极盛时期,到南宋,则渐渐地走向衰落。10/30I The history of translation in China二、明朝至五四运动时期 徐光启徐光启和意大利人利玛窦利玛窦合作,译了欧几里得几何原本、测量法义等。严复严复所译作品多系西方政治经济学说,翻译天演论、亚当斯密原富、孟德斯鸠法意等。严氏选材严谨,态度认真,提出翻译标准“信、达、雅”,对我国翻译事业作出了主要贡献。林纾林纾采取与他人合作方式,译了一百六十多部文学作品,著名译作有巴黎茶花女遗事、黑奴吁天录等。11/30三”五四“到新中国成立 从内容来说,我国开始了马列主义经典著作、文艺理论、苏俄及各国进步文艺作品大量翻译。比如俄国

6、共产党党章、共产党宣言、家族、私有财产及国家之起源、政治经济学批判、资本论、马克思恩格斯论中国、联共党史简明教程、剩下价值学说史这些马列经典著作,就是这一期译品。文学方面,如俄国普希金、莱蒙托夫、托尔斯泰、果戈理、屠格涅夫、契诃夫作品,法国作家雨果、莫泊桑作品,也陆续介绍进来。从形式来说,白说文代替了文言文,白话文在译本中占了统治地位。这一时期比较有成就翻译家有郁达夫、韦素园、冯至、梁实秋、周作人、胡适、田汉、傅雷等;影响最大有鲁迅和瞿秋白。马列主义输入,苏俄及其它进少文化引进,深刻地影响了中国革命、中国新文化发展。四 建国至今1 译著种类繁多2 口译兴盛12/30II Important r

7、ole of translation Good examples:Coca colatittupLaserHacker 乐凯胶卷Bad examples:白象黑猫亚洲四小龙13/30III Nature and scope of translationTranslation means the conversion of an expression from one language into another.To say it plainly,translation is an art to reproduce the exact idea of the author by means of

8、 a language different from the original.14/30III Nature and scope of translation按其所包括语言,可分为本族语译成外语,外语译成本族语两种;按其工作方式,有口译,笔译及机器翻译3种;按其翻译材料,有科技材料翻译,文学作品翻译,政论作品翻译以及其它应用文翻译;按其处理方式,又可分为全译,摘译和编译。15/30IV Principles or criteria of translation严复:信 达 雅 信 faithfulness 达 expressiveness 雅 elegance 16/30IV Princip

9、les or criteria of translation钱钟书:化境论“transmigration theory”傅雷:“形似”,“神似”说17/30许渊冲:意美、音美、形美 寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。I look for what I miss;I know not what is.I feel so sad,so drear,So lonely,without cheer.18/30林语堂:五美标准 (音美音美 beauty in sound,意美,意美 beauty in conception,神美,神美beauty in spirit,气美,气美 vitality and

10、 creativity,形美,形美 beauty in form)寻寻觅觅,寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。凄凄惨惨戚戚。So dim,so dark,So dense,so dull,So damp,so dank,So dead!19/30V The process of translationUnderstandingI Understanding the phenomena of language1 There had been a meeting of minds.2 Trousers are the orders of the day for women when tr

11、aveling.20/30V The process of translationUnderstanding the logical relation1 They are talking turkeys.2 They parted good friends.3 Alexander smells brandy.4 Tom doesnt work hard because he wants to earn money.21/30Understanding the cultural information1 There is a fine kettle of fish.2 She bought a

12、bakers dozen of eggs.3 The girl is the apple of her grandfathers eye.4 Wet your lips and say cheese.22/30ExpressionLiteral translationchain store black market pillar industrymoney politics cold war hot linebaptism of warTo add fuel to the fireA wait-and see attitudeOne country,two systemsBlood is th

13、icker than water23/30X Literal translation black tea bulls eyeLie on ones backThe milky wayIt is an old and ragged moon.Cast pearls before swineWish you god speedLast night I heard him driving his pigs to the market.After so much bad blood between us,how generous can I expect him to be?24/30Free tra

14、nslation1 You have to slow down.There is a sleeping police ahead.2 Our son must go to school.He must break out of the pot that holds us in.3 You have given yourself the trouble to be born.4 Their accent can not fool a native speaker.25/30Adaptation 白日依山尽,黄河入海流。欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。Westward the sun,ending the

15、 days journey in a slow descent behind the mountains.Eastward the Yellow River,emptying into the sea.To look beyond,to the farthest horizon,Upward!Up another storey!26/30篇章翻译Every child in Britain must by law receive full-time education from the age of five to fifteen.英国法律要求,5至15岁全部儿童均要接收全日制教育。27/30

16、If a child fails to attend school,a school Attendance Officer will come to his house to find out why,and if there is no good reason the parents may be prosecuted.如有适龄儿童不上学,负责学龄儿童入学事务教育官员就会登门查询原因。如无充分理由,学生家长有可能受到起诉。28/30But the parents themselves have a certain amount of choice as to what school the child goes to-in fact they could educate the child themselves if they wished,provided their time-table,methods and equipment were approved by an inspector.至于孩子去何类学校,家长有一定选择权。实际上,假如学生家长愿意,他们能够自己来教育儿女,只要他们教学计划,教学方法何教学设备取得检验同意即可。29/30 The End30/30

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