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1、Language Work Paragraph your Head Masters kind invitation 受你受你们校校长好心邀好心邀请at accord with,followingOther examples:at ones request 依照依照/应请求求E.g.We came at your mothers ones disposal 听凭听凭自由自由处理理,由由做主做主,由由随随意支配、使用意支配、使用E.g.I put/left/placed my car at his disposal.1/45at ones comm

2、and 由由支配支配;听听吩咐吩咐,奉奉之命之命E.g.He offered me all the money at his command.It was done at the queens command.Im at your command.我随我随时听候您吩咐。听候您吩咐。at ones service 随随时供供使用使用;随随时为提供服提供服务/效效劳E.g.My car is at your service.If you need any help,I am at your service.随随时为您服您服务/效效劳;请随随时吩咐吩咐2/45at ones pleasure:as

3、one wishes or desires 随随意愿意愿;随意随意,请便便E.g.You may go or stay at your ones convenience 在在方便方便时E.g.Please do it at your convenience.Please send the goods at your earliest convenience.从速、尽快从速、尽快3/452.Synonyms:disaster,calamity,catastrophe(referring to an event having fatal or ruinous results

4、“灾灾难”)disaster:generally implies great destruction,hardship,or loss of life;尤指尤指“不可不可预测意外事件所造成灾意外事件所造成灾难或不幸或不幸”(e.g.natural disasters:a great flood or fire,an earthquake;a serious defeat in war;the loss of a large sum of money)adj.disastrous4/45calamity:emphasizes distress,grief,or the sense of loss

5、E.g.“the heaviest calamity in English history,the breach with America”(James George Frazer).“英国英国历史上最沉重灾史上最沉重灾难,是和美国关系破裂,是和美国关系破裂“(詹(詹姆斯姆斯乔治治弗雷弗雷泽)。)。adj.calamitouscatastrophe:especially stresses the sense of a tragic final outcome 指指“突然而来造成极大苦突然而来造成极大苦难及及毁灭大灾大灾难”或或“异异常灾常灾祸”,含含“最最终止局无法止局无法赔偿之意之意”adj

6、.catastrophic5/456/ and downs:alternating periods of good and bad fortune or spirits.高低起伏高低起伏;沉浮沉浮,兴衰衰,顺逆逆,荣枯:好运和坏运荣枯:好运和坏运(或好心情和坏心情)交替(或好心情和坏心情)交替变换时期期 E.g.With constant ups and downs as well as numerous turns and twists along the range of hills it sits on,Badaling looks very much like a dra

7、gon with imposing magnificence.八达岭高低起伏八达岭高低起伏,波折波折绵延延,宛若宛若苍龙,气气势磅礴。磅礴。The ups and downs of pitch makes speaking Chinese sound like singing.声声调抑抑扬起伏使中国人起伏使中国人说话像唱歌。像唱歌。7/45Translate:邓小平一生中小平一生中经历过“三落三起三落三起”。Deng Xiaoping experienced three ups and downs in his life.我感到很幸运我感到很幸运,人生不人生不论得意失意得意失意,总有你相伴在身

8、旁。有你相伴在身旁。I feel lucky to have you stay together with me through lifes ups and downs.回首回首过去一百年去一百年,两国关系跌宕起伏。两国关系跌宕起伏。The past century has seen ups and downs of the relations between the two countries.8/454.the unmeasured menace of the enemy:the immense or immeasurable threat or danger of the enemy a

9、ttackunmeasured adj.1)not measured2)beyond measure;without limitsE.g.the unmeasured vastness of solar system The reduced efficiency in feed utilization can produce unmeasured economic losses.饲料利用率降低可造成了不可估量料利用率降低可造成了不可估量经济损失。失。Synonyms:Synonyms:unlimited,limitless,boundless,endless,unlimited,limitle

10、ss,boundless,endless,measureless,immeasurable,infinite,immense,vastmeasureless,immeasurable,infinite,immense,vast9/455.lulln.a relatively calm interval;an interval of lessened activity 暂停,停,间歇,稍止歇,稍止 E.g.alullinsales/wind/conversation Translate:这只是暴只是暴风雨前雨前暂时平静。平静。Thisisjustthelullbeforethestorm.经过两

11、星期两星期间歇以后,地面歇以后,地面战斗又突然暴斗又突然暴发了。了。Ground fighting flared up again after a two-week lull.10/45v.1)cause to sleep or restE.g.lull someone to sleep Translate:我我们花了一整夜花了一整夜时间才把才把婴儿哄睡着。儿哄睡着。Ittookusallnighttolullthebabytosleep.2)make or become calm or less active 使平静,使平息使平静,使平息;消除,消除,缓解解 E.g.The sea lull

12、ed/was lulled.海浪平息了海浪平息了.lull sb.s fears(suspicion)消除某人恐惧消除某人恐惧(猜疑猜疑)Translate:时间和空和空间上上远距离有一个奇妙力量,能距离有一个奇妙力量,能够使人心灵平静。使人心灵平静。Great distance in either time or space has wonderful power to lull the human mind.11/453)deceive(into trustfulness,etc.)哄哄骗;麻痹(斗志等)麻痹(斗志等)E.g.Nor will I allow yesterdays succ

13、ess to lull me into todays complacency,for this is the great foundation of failure.我也不因昨日成功而我也不因昨日成功而满足,因足,因为这是失是失败先兆。先兆。Translate:这会使他会使他们产生一个虚假安全感。生一个虚假安全感。This will lull them into a false sense of security.lullaby n.催眠曲催眠曲,摇篮曲曲12/456.turn up1)make ones appearance,arrive 露面露面,来到来到Translate:我我们请她吃她

14、吃饭她都不露面她都不露面.We invited her to dinner but she didnt even bother to turn up/show up.2)be found(东西西)被找到被找到Translate:我担保你手表准有一天能找到我担保你手表准有一天能找到.Im sure your watch will turn up one of these days.3)(of an opportunity,ect.)happen unexpectedly Translate:Just look carefully and be patient,and something will

15、 turn up.只要仔只要仔细观察察,有耐心有耐心,你就你就总会有所收会有所收获。13/45Language WorkParagraphs 2-51.put through1)make pass(through);bring to a successful end 使穿使穿过、经过;做成做成E.g.put the string through the hole in the handle of the brush put through a number of new laws/put the law through the parliament put though a business

16、deal 完成一完成一桩交易交易14/452)cause to undergo 使使经历;使;使经受、遭受受、遭受E.g.The trainees were put through an exhausting assault course.受受训队员参加了令人筋疲力尽突参加了令人筋疲力尽突击课程程.Translate:你你让你全家受了不少苦你全家受了不少苦.You have put your family through much suffering.3)make a telephone connection for 接通接通电话线E.g.Please put me/this call thr

17、ough to 5543322,extension 201.请给我接我接5543322转201分机分机 15/452.throw ones mind back to:recollect,recall to mind,bring to memoryE.g.Please throw your mind back to 1945,when people all over the world were engaged in a great and cruel war against the Fascists.Translate:他故事使我想起另一个故事。他故事使我想起另一个故事。His story t

18、hrew my mind back to another.16/45Synonyms:remember,recall,recollect(shared meaning:“to bring an image or a thought back to the mind”)remember系系惯用用词,指指过去事情仍在去事情仍在记忆中中,无无须费劲就能想起就能想起:“记住住,记得得”E.g.I cant remember his name.recall 指指对自己或他人自己或他人过去去进行有意回想行有意回想:“回想回想,回想回想;想起想起”E.g.Let me recall what he said

19、.recollect 含含义与与 recall 靠近靠近,但但较为正式正式,指指“力力图想起久已忘想起久已忘记或稍有点印象事情或稍有点印象事情”E.g.Looking at these old photos,he recollected the good old days.17/453.Appearances are deceptive/deceitful.Never judge from appearances.谚外表不可靠外表不可靠;不可只看表面不可只看表面现象。象。Other useful expressions:You cannot tell from appearances that

20、 不能凭表象判断不能凭表象判断keep up an appearance 装点装点门面面,装装阔气气 E.g.He was badly off,but he managed to keep up appearances.他即使他即使穷,但,但总算保住了体面。算保住了体面。They cannot even keep an appearance of unity.他他们甚至甚至连表面表面团结都都维持不了。持不了。18/454.imagination makes things out far worse:what one imagines tends to be worse than reality

21、make out:see or understand esp.with difficulty 勉勉强看出、看出、认出;了解出;了解Translate:黑暗中我看不清他表情。黑暗中我看不清他表情。In the darkness I could not make out the expression on his face.她她这个人真怪个人真怪!我根本无法了解她。我根本无法了解她。What a strange person she is!I can t make her out at all.19/455.address oneself to1)(fml.)make a speech to,sp

22、eak toE.g.The president was addressing himself to/addressing the meeting.2)direct speech or writing to 针对而而说;针对而写而写,叙述叙述E.g.She addressed herself to all of us.她是她是针对大家而大家而说。3)work at;be busy with 从事于从事于;致力于致力于E.g.Its time we addressed ourselves to the business in hand.20/456.never give in except to

23、strong convictions of honour and good sense:never give in unless we are convinced that it is honourable and sensible for us to do so.conviction n.1)very firm and strong belief 坚信;信念信;信念Translate:我深信自我深信自满情情绪是我是我们各种各种问题根源根源.Its my conviction that complacency is at the root of our troubles.2)finding a

24、 person guilty 判决有罪,判决有罪,定罪定罪convict v.find guilty 宣告有罪宣告有罪E.g.The criminal was convicted of robbery.21/4522/457.our account was closed:we were completely defeated by enemy troops close an account with 与与.结清清帐目、停目、停顿交易,在交易,在.关关闭户头open an account with 在在.开开户头 settle/balance/square ones account with 与

25、与.结清清帐目目;(跟某人跟某人)算算账、将恩怨作一了断、将恩怨作一了断,(向某人向某人)报复复23/458.liquidate1)pay off/settle(a debt,etc.)清清偿;偿还 E.g.The government made every effort to stabilize the economy by liquidating the national debt.政府以清政府以清偿国家国家债务力力谋稳定定经济。24/452)arrange the end of business for(a company)by dividing up its property to p

26、ay debts 清理清理,清算清算(企企业,企企业帐目目),停停业E.g.Unfortunately I had to leave my position,as my employer had been forced to liquidate his business due to the worldwide economic adversity.很不幸地,我不得不离很不幸地,我不得不离职,因,因为这一次世界性一次世界性经济不景气,使我雇主不得不不景气,使我雇主不得不结束束业务。25/453)put an end to;abolish;kill 结束束,肃清清,毁灭E.g.Hitler tr

27、ied to liquidate the Jews in Germany.希特勒希特勒试图全部全部毁灭德国犹太人。德国犹太人。Translate:这些人很危些人很危险,得得马上把他上把他们毁灭掉。掉。These men are dangerous;they must be liquidated immediately.26/459.Britain had drawn a sponge across her slate:Britain was completely wiped out.draw a sponge across the slate:wipe out the slate with a

28、 sponge slate:(粉笔可在上面写字)石板,木板(粉笔可在上面写字)石板,木板pass the/a sponge over sth.:wipe out;agree to forget(an offence,etc.)抹去抹去,勾勾销;忘却忘却(嫌隙嫌隙),不念不念(旧旧恶)wipe the slate clean start with a clean slate:make a new start with past errors,disagreement forgotten 改改过自新;重新开始;忘却嫌隙,重自新;重新开始;忘却嫌隙,重归于好于好27/4510.stand in th

29、e gap:首当其冲首当其冲,承受最承受最厉害害攻攻击,独当独当难局局;挺身阻挺身阻挡 勇敢捍勇敢捍卫 E.g.At the critical moment of world economic recession,a powerful government is needed to stand in the gap.28/4511.flinch:move back,shrink from something unpleasant or difficult as in fear or anxiety 退退缩;畏;畏缩E.g.The sight,bloody and black,made Bigg

30、er flinch involuntarily and lift his hands to his eye.那景象那景象-黑乎乎,血肉含糊黑乎乎,血肉含糊-使使别格不由自主地格不由自主地向后向后缩去去,举起双手捂住眼睛。起双手捂住眼睛。29/4530/45Translate:Kate并不因并不因为快要死去而畏快要死去而畏缩,只是不愿离开,只是不愿离开她所她所爱人。人。Kate did not flinch at the thought of dying.But she hated the possibility of leaving her beloved ones.我我们不不应该惧怕惧怕负担

31、生活担生活责任。任。We shouldnt flinch from the responsibilities of life.31/4512.we have only to persevere to conquer:we have no choice but to hold on until victory comespersevere v.continue firmly in spite of difficulties 坚忍不拔忍不拔,坚持不懈持不懈E.g.Talent is worthless unless you persevere in developing it.perseverin

32、g adj.E.g.He is a persevering student.他是个有恒心学生。他是个有恒心学生。perseverance n.毅力毅力32/45sternTo have a strong character and be more determined than other people to succeed in a difficult situation33/45Language WorkParagraphs ones honor/in honor of 为向向.表示敬意表示敬意,为纪念念,为庆贺,为祝祝贺Translate:为大使大使举行了一个行了一个欢送

33、会。送会。A farewell party was held in honor of the Ambassador.这座座纪念碑是念碑是为了了纪念革命烈士而念革命烈士而树立。立。The monument was built in honor of the revolutionary martyrs.34/452.Compare:,complimentcomplement n./v.(something that)completes or makes perfectE.g.This wine complements the food perfectly./A fine wine is a per

34、fect complement to a good pliment n./v.(make)an expression of praise or admiration 恭恭维;称;称赞E.g.They complimented the hostess on/gave the hostess a compliment on the meal she prepared.35/453.venture v.1)be bold enough to say or do sth.that may be opposed or considered foolish 冒昧地冒昧地说,大胆地大胆地说;胆敢;大胆胆敢;

35、大胆进行行 E.g.venture an opinion/objection/explanation 勇于表明勇于表明观点、表示异点、表示异议、进行行辩解解 I venture to disagree with/differ from you.I venture to say/guess that 恕我冒昧地恕我冒昧地说 I would venture to say that in the near future the distinction between the sexes will become a historic term.我敢我敢说,if I may venture to say

36、 so.,恕我冒昧恕我冒昧这么么说36/45Translate:我能我能够冒昧提个改冒昧提个改动意意见吗?May I venture to suggest a change?我我刚试探着开口探着开口说话,立刻就遭到他,立刻就遭到他厉声声驳斥。斥。The moment I ventured to speak,I was at once contradicted with a snap.37/452)take a riskE.g.Nothing ventured,nothing gained.谚不入虎穴不入虎穴,焉得虎子。焉得虎子。The explorers ventured forth to d

37、iscover new lands.探探险家冒家冒险去去发觉新地域新地域.He ventured out into the storm in a thick coat,hat and scarf.他身穿厚大衣,他身穿厚大衣,头戴帽子,系了戴帽子,系了围巾,冒着暴巾,冒着暴风雨出去了。雨出去了。38/454.Station(c.)1)Social rank 社会地位社会地位(old fashioned)2)position 位置位置(formal)a place where someone stands or sits in order to be ready to do something q

38、uickly if needed 岗位,位置位,位置没有命令,你不得离开没有命令,你不得离开岗位。位。Youre not to leave your station unless told.39/45Text II TimeUseful words and expressions1.succession n.继任任,继位位,继承承(权)in succession to 继.之后之后(担任担任),继位位/任任 first in succession to the throne 是王位第一是王位第一继承人承人succeed v.succeed to the throne/the pro

39、perty/a fortune/a title 继承承succeed 继某人出任某人出任(某某职)succeed 继某人接掌某人接掌(某某职权);袭某人爵位某人爵位/官官衔40/452.take to 1)like;become fond of or attached to 喜喜爱;喜喜欢上上或和或和变得得亲近近E.g.Jean took to Paul as soon as they met.2)begin as a practice,habit,ect.开始开始连续地做地做,养成养成.习惯,沉迷于沉迷于,癖好癖好E.g.Johns taken to drinking

40、 lately.染上了酗酒染上了酗酒恶习41/453.engage v.1)require the use of;occupy,take up(time,thought,attention,etc.)使用使用;占用占用;吸引吸引,引引发(注意注意)E.g.Work engages much of her time.Nothing engages his attention for long.2)Other collocations:be engaged by 为.所吸引所吸引be engaged(in)正做着正做着,正忙着正忙着engage in 从事从事,忙于忙于;(take part in

41、)参加参加,加入加入 be engaged to/engage oneself to 同同.订婚婚42/454.sting v.cause to suffer keenly in the mind or feelings 精神上刺痛精神上刺痛E.g.Those harsh words stung me mit v.1)使(部使(部队)投入)投入战斗斗,指派指派.作作战 E.g.The commander has committed all his troops to the front lines.指指挥员已将其全部部已将其全部部队调到前到前线投入投入战斗斗.43/452)promise(es

42、p.oneself,ones property)to a certain cause,position,or course of action 使使负担担义务;承承诺;约定定E.g.He would not commit himself in any way.他不他不论怎怎样不愿不愿负担担义务.commit oneself to the cause of revolution献身于革命事献身于革命事业.If you want to become an actor,you really have to commit yourself to it.要是你想成要是你想成为一一名演名演员,就得全身心地

43、投入。就得全身心地投入。3)犯(犯(错误、罪);做(坏事、傻事、罪);做(坏事、傻事)commit a crime/an error/suicide44/456.resign v.辞辞职resign from(a job/a board of directors)resign ones position(as secretary)resign office 辞辞职7.sustain v.keep in existence;maintain 继续;维持持E.g.Can we sustain our growth and development going forward?我我们能否能否连续发展,展,继续向前前向前前进?sustainable development 可可连续发展展45/45

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