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1、Unit 2 Happy ChildhoodZhang YanfeiSchool of Foreign LanguagesShandong University1/30Bill ClintonqAn American politician who served as the 42nd President of the United States from 1993 to.qInaugurated at age 46,he was one of the youngest president.He took office at the end of the Cold War,and was the

2、 first president of the baby boomer generation(between 1946 and 1964).qClinton was elected president in 1992,defeating incumbent president George H.W.Bush.As president,Clinton presided over the longest period of peacetime economic expansion in American history.qIn 1996,the re-elected Clinton became

3、the first member of the Democratic Party since Franklin D.Roosevelt to win a second full term as president.2/30Lewinsky ScandalqThe Lewinsky scandal was a political sex scandal emerging in 1998 from a sexual relationship between United States President Bill Clinton and a 22-year-old White House inte

4、rn,Monica Lewinsky.qThe news of this extra-marital affair and the resulting investigation eventually led to the impeachment of President Clinton in 1998 by the U.S.House of Representatives.qIn December 1998,Clintons political party,the Democratic Party,was in the minority in both chambers of Congres

5、s.Some Democratic members of Congress,and most in the opposition Republican Party,believed that Clintons giving false testimony and allegedly influencing Lewinskys testimony were crimes of obstruction of justice and perjury(伪伪 证证 罪罪)and thus impeachable offenses.3/30Lewinsky ScandalqThe House of Rep

6、resentatives voted to issue Articles of Impeachment against him which was followed by a 21-day trial in the Senate.qAll of the Democrats in the Senate voted for acquittal(宣宣告告无无罪罪)on both the perjury and the obstruction of justice charges.Ten Republicans voted for acquittal for perjury.Five Republic

7、ans voted for acquittal for obstruction of justice.qPresident Clinton was thereby acquitted of all charges and remained in office.There were attempts to censure(指指责责,训训斥斥)the President by the House of Representatives,but those attempts failed.4/30Text AMy Childhood5/30Explanations on Text A1.They lo

8、ve me very much;sadly,much better than they were able to love each other or,in my grandmothers case,to love my mother.Meaning:They loved me very much,though grandfather and grandmother always had frictions between themselves,and it seemed that my grandmother disliked my mother.2.make it:(informal)su

9、cceed,be able to do,be successful in life (1)He became very bitter when he realized that he would never make it.(2)Its hard to make it to the top in show business.6/30Explanations on Text A3.avail q(avail oneself of)use or take advantage of(an opportunity or available resource)利用(机会,可用资源)利用(机会,可用资源)

10、My daughter did not avail herself of my advice.qhelp or benefit 有利于;有益于有利于;有益于 with obj.No amount of struggle availed obj.,with infinitive The dark and narrow hiding place did not avail to save them.qto little(或或 no)avail:with little(or no)success or benefit 几几乎乎(或根本)毫无作用;无助(或根本)毫无作用;无助 H

11、e tried to get his work recognized,but to little avail.他试图使自己工作得到认可,但却几乎毫无作用。他试图使自己工作得到认可,但却几乎毫无作用。7/30Explanations on Text A4.Forty years later,he told me he still never walked by that stretch of sidewalk without trying to spot that dime.Meaning:Forty years later,he told me whenever he walked by th

12、at section of the sidewalk,he would try to locate that dime.5.Good Friday qthe Friday before Easter Sunday,on which the Crucifixion of Christ is commemorated in the Christian Church.It is traditionally a day of fasting and penance 受受难难日日(复复活活节节前前星星期期五五,是是基基督督教教堂堂纪纪念念耶耶稣稣受受难难日日子子,依依据据传传统统在在这这天天需需禁禁食食

13、和忏悔)和忏悔)8/30Explanations on Text A6.break downqlose control of ones emotions when in a state of distress (感感情情)失去控制失去控制 The old woman broke down in tears.7.afford q(can/could afford)have enough money to pay for 买买得得起起,支支付付得起得起 The best that I could afford was a first-floor room.with infinitive We co

14、uld never have afforded to heat the place.9/30Explanations on Text Aqhave(a certain amount of something,especially money or time)available or to spare 出得起,抽得出(某物,尤指钱、时间)出得起,抽得出(某物,尤指钱、时间)It was taking up more time than he could afford.qwith infinitivebe able to do something without risk of adverse c

15、onsequences 担负得起担负得起 Only aristocrats could afford to stoop to such practices.只有贵族才能得出这些卑鄙事。只有贵族才能得出这些卑鄙事。qprovide or supply(an opportunity or facility)供供给给,提提供供(机机会,设施)会,设施)The rooftop terrace affords beautiful views.在在屋屋顶顶平平台台上上能能看看得见漂亮风景。得见漂亮风景。with two objs They were afforded the luxury of bed a

16、nd breakfast.10/30Explanations on Text A8.self-conscious qfeeling undue awareness of oneself,ones appearance,or ones actions 不自然不自然,忸怩忸怩,害羞害羞 I feel a bit self-conscious parking my scruffy old car.停放我那破旧汽车时,我感到有点难为情。停放我那破旧汽车时,我感到有点难为情。a self-conscious laugh 不自然笑不自然笑q(Philosophy&Psychology)having kno

17、wledge of ones own existence,especially the knowledge of oneself as a conscious being (哲,心理哲,心理)有自我意识;自觉有自我意识;自觉11/30Explanations on Text A9.Hush Puppiesan international brand of contemporary,casual footwear for men,women and children.The shoes have been described as the classic American brushed-sue

18、de(里里面面刮刮起起毛毛头头或或绒绒做做手手套套等等 用用)小小山山羊羊皮皮;起起毛毛皮皮革革)shoes with the lightweight crepe sole.A division of Wolverine Worldwide,Hush Puppies is headquartered in Rockford,Michigan.Wolverine markets or licenses the Hush Puppies name for footwear in over 120 countries throughout the world.In addition,the Hush

19、 Puppies name is licensed for non-footwear fashion categories,including clothing,eyewear and plush toys(长毛绒玩具长毛绒玩具).12/30Explanations on Text A10.Compare:faithful loyal constant q都含都含“忠实忠实”、“忠于忠于”意思。意思。qfaithful:“一贯忠于誓言、责任和义务等一贯忠于誓言、责任和义务等”。She is a faithful wife.qloyal:“坚坚定定不不移移地地忠忠于于某某人人、事事业业或或国国家

20、家等等”,而而且且含含有有“愿为其不顾艰辛而奋斗到底愿为其不顾艰辛而奋斗到底”意味。意味。We must be loyal to our motherland.qconstant:“坚坚定定”、“坚坚贞贞”、“经经久久不不变变”,强强调调“忠忠诚诚稳定性稳定性”。a constant lover 坚贞情人。坚贞情人。13/30Explanations on Text A11.but my mother had been faithful to her fathers Easter ritual.Meaning:but my mother simply wouldnt make any chan

21、ge to my grandfathers Easter tradition.12.Except for the time grandfather closed the car door on my fingers in the dark,those nights were perfect adventures.Meaning:Those were the most enjoyable nights with exciting experiences excluding the accident that grandfather shut my finger in the car door.1

22、3.Second,grown-ups I didnt know came in to buy groceries,for the first time exposing me to adults who werent relatives.Meaning:The fact that the adult customers came for groceries started my direct contact with the adults outside my family.14/30Explanations on Text A14.segregate qwith obj.(普普通通作作be

23、segregated)set apart from the rest or from each other;isolate or divide 隔离,使分开隔离,使分开 Handicapped people should not be segregated from the rest of society.不应把残疾人与周围社会隔离开来。不应把残疾人与周围社会隔离开来。qseparate or divide(people,activities,or institutions)along racial,sexual,or religious lines (按按照照种种族族、性性别别、宗宗教教信信

24、仰仰)把(人,活动,机构)隔开;隔离把(人,活动,机构)隔开;隔离 Blacks were segregated in churches,schools,and colleges.黑人在教堂、学校和大学里被隔离。黑人在教堂、学校和大学里被隔离。as adj.segregated segregated education systems 隔离教育制度隔离教育制度15/30Explanations on Text A14.Though the South was completely segregated back then,some level of racial interaction was

25、 inevitable in small towns Meaning:Though the south was totally separated along racial lines(以以 种种 族族 为为 界界)at that time,a certain degree of communication between the black and the white was simply taking place naturally,especially in small towns.15.However,it was rare to find an uneducated rural so

26、utherner without a racist bone in his body.Thats exactly what my grandfather was.Meaning:Racial prejudice was popular among uneducated people in the rural area in the South,but my grandfather,though uneducated,was an exception,who was always fair to the black people.16/30Explanations on Text A16.lik

27、e(conjunction)qin the same way that;as 同同一样,如一样,如 People who change countries like they change clothes.qas though;as if 好像,如同好像,如同 I felt like Id been kicked by a common qin joint use or possession;shared 共用;共有,公有共用;共有,公有 The two men had little in common.qin common with:in the same way a

28、s 与与一样,与一样,与相同相同 In common with other officers I had to undertake guard duties.和其它军官一样,我不得不负担警戒任务。和其它军官一样,我不得不负担警戒任务。17/30Explanations on Text A18.deny qwith obj.state ones refusal to admit the truth or existence of 否定否定 Both firms deny any responsibility for the tragedy.qwith two objs refuse to giv

29、e(something requested or desired)to(someone)拒绝把拒绝把给予给予 The inquiry was denied access to intelligence sources.调查组被拒绝给予情报起源。调查组被拒绝给予情报起源。 stamp q(in the US)a voucher issued cheaply by the state to those on low income and exchangeable for food (美美国国)(政政府府低低价价供供给给低低收入者)食品券收入者)食品券18/30Explanations

30、 on Text A20.accountqan arrangement by which a body holds funds on behalf of a client or supplies goods or services to them on credit 账账户户;赊赊购账购账 I began buying things on account.我开始赊购物品。我开始赊购物品。19/30Key to ExercisesCheck Your Understanding1.While Mother was in New Orleans,I was in the care of my gr

31、andparents.当母亲在新奥尔良时,我便由外祖父母来照看。当母亲在新奥尔良时,我便由外祖父母来照看。2.My grandfather loved working there,too.It got him out of the house and reminded him of the mill work hed done as a young man around the time of my mothers birth.外外祖祖父父也也喜喜欢欢在在那那儿儿干干活活。这这么么他他便便能能够够从从家家里里躲躲出出来来,去去回回想想他年轻力壮时做木匠活,那时我母亲刚才出生。他年轻力壮时做木匠

32、活,那时我母亲刚才出生。3.Occasionally,black kids would come into the store and we would play.有时候,黑人孩子会到店里来,我们便在一起玩。有时候,黑人孩子会到店里来,我们便在一起玩。20/30Key to Exercises4.It took me years to learn about segregation and prejudice and the meaning of poverty,years to learn that most white people werent like my grandfather a

33、nd grandmother,whose views on race were among the few things she had in common with her husband.我我花花了了好好几几年年才才搞搞懂懂到到底底什什么么是是种种族族歧歧视视、偏偏见见以以及及贫贫穷穷意意义义;我我一一样样花花了了好好几几年年才才弄弄明明白白原原来来大大多多数数白白人人和和我我外外祖祖父父母母很很是是不不一一样样。多多数数情情况况下下,我我外外祖祖母母总总是是和和丈丈夫夫观观点点相相悖悖,可可他他们们在在种种族问题上态度却是少有一致。族问题上态度却是少有一致。5.One of the mo

34、st memorable stories of my childhood was my mothers tale of a Depression Good Friday when my grandfather came home from work and broke down and cried as he told her he just couldnt afford the dollar or so it would cost to buy her a new Easter dress.21/30Key to Exercises令令人人难难忘忘童童年年故故事事之之一一是是母母亲亲给给我我

35、讲讲一一件件事事。故故事事发发生生在在大大萧萧条条时时期期一一个个复复活活节节,外外祖祖父父(神神情情)沮沮丧丧地地下下班班回回家家,哭哭着着告告诉诉我我母母亲亲,他他没没能能给给她她买买条条在在复复活活节节穿穿裙裙子子,其其实实那那裙裙子子只只要要一一两两块块来钱。来钱。6.She recalled that he had told her that good people who were doing the best they could deserved to be able to feed their families,and no matter how strapped he wa

36、s,he never denied them groceries on credit.她她(母母亲亲)回回想想外外祖祖父父曾曾告告诉诉她她,那那些些尽尽全全力力工工作作好好人人理理应应做做到到让让家家人人填填饱饱肚肚子子,所所以以不不论论他他自自己己有有多多窘窘迫迫,他他都都会会给给那那些些人人赊赊账。账。22/30Key to Exercises7.In 1997,an African-American woman,Ernestine Campbell,did an interview for her hometown paper in Toledo,Ohio,about her grand

37、father buying groceries from mine“on account”and bringing her with him to the store.1997年年,一一位位叫叫欧欧内内斯斯廷廷坎坎贝贝尔尔黑黑人人妇妇女女,在在俄俄亥亥俄俄州州托托莱莱多多接接收收当当地地报报纸纸采采访访时时谈谈到到我我祖祖父父曾曾经经赊赊账账给给她她祖祖父父,而而且且她她祖祖父父还曾把她带到店里来。还曾把她带到店里来。23/30Key to Exercises A Sharp Interpreter1.My grandparents and my mother always made me f

38、eel I was the most important person in the world to them.Most children will make it if they have just one person who makes them feel that way.I had three.My grandparents and my mother always made me feel I was the important person in the world to them.Most children will be successful in life if they

39、 have just one person who makes them feel that they are important.Luckily,I had three people within my family,all thinking I was the most important person to them.24/30Key to Exercises2.During the Depression,when nobody had any money,he would invite boys to ride the ice truck with him just to get th

40、em off the street.They earned twenty-five cents a day.During the economic hard time,nobody had any money.But he would invite those boys to ride the ice truck for him and paid them twenty-five cents a day.He did it for the purpose to keep the boys away from the hooligans on the street.3.Forty years l

41、ater,he told me he still never walked by that stretch of sidewalk without trying to spot that dime.Forty years later,he told me whenever he walked by the stretch of sidewalk,he would try to find that dime.25/30Key to Exercises4.Its hard to convey to young people today the impact the Depression had o

42、n my parents and grandparents generation,but I grew up feeling it.Its hard to let todays young people understand the impact the Depression had on my parents and grandparents generation,but I did feel it while I grew up.5.It hurt,but my mother had been faithful to her fathers Easter ritual.It hurt,bu

43、t my mother would never make a change to her fathers Easter ritual,which means that she insisted that I wear new clothes on Easter.26/30Key to Exercises6.Though the South was completely segregated back then,some level of racial interaction was inevitable in small towns,just as it had always been in

44、the rural South.Though the south was totally separated along racial lines at that time,a certain degree of communication between races was simply taking place naturally,especially in small towns.7.However,it was rare to find an uneducated rural southerner without a racist bone in his body.Most unedu

45、cated rural southerners had racial prejudice against the black matter how strapped he was,he never denied them groceries on matter how poor he was,he always gave them foods on account.27/30Key to Exercises A Superb Bilingualist1.这这家家便便利利店店有有一一个个保保留留了了几几十十年年传传统统:用用户户在在复复活活节节和和圣圣

46、诞诞节节期间能够赊账购物。(期间能够赊账购物。(on account)This convenience store preserves a tradition of so many years,that is,customers can buy their goods on account during Easter and Christmas.2.她她极极难难说说清清楚楚童童年年对对她她今今后后生生活活产产生生多多大大影影响响。她她以以为为之之所所以以她她努努力力要要成成为为一一名名优优异异教教师师,是是因因为为在在她她同同龄龄人人中中极极少少有有些些人人在在小时候受到过系统教育。小时候受到

47、过系统教育。(convey,impact,distinguished,rare)Its hard for her to convey how much impact her childhood had on her future life.She thinks that the reason she tries to be a distinguished teacher is that it is rare that people of her age received systematic education when they were young.28/30Key to Exercise

48、s3.不不论论我我多多么么努努力力,我我都都不不能能改改变变约约翰翰对对我我偏偏见见。(no matter how,prejudice)No matter how hard I try,I cannot change Johns prejudice against me.4.看到被洪水冲垮农田,村民们难过得失声痛哭。看到被洪水冲垮农田,村民们难过得失声痛哭。(break down)Seeing the farmland damaged by the floods,the villagers broke down and wept.5.他他在在接接收收采采访访时时候候说说,他他取取得得成成功功有有赖赖于于老老师师帮帮助助和和父父母母关关爱爱,他以为自己非常幸运。他以为自己非常幸运。(interview,fortunate)He said in an interview that he owed his success to his teachers help and parents love and care.He felt that he was fortunate.29/30The End30/30

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