1、英语课堂竞争机制汇总Grace 第1页A、为何要用竞争机制竞争机制,能调动学生学习主动性竞争机制,能活跃课堂气氛,实现快节奏教学模式竞争机制,有利于培优辅差并控制课堂纪律竞争机制,培养了学生合作精神和集体荣誉感竞争机制,有利于培养学生良好心理素质竞争机制,愈加巩固学过知识第2页B、竞争机制标准竞争性 (团体合作)趣味性 (激发兴趣)公平性 (平等对待)知识性 (教学相关)合理性 (简单适合)连续性 (让孩子有期待-能够教师自己控制)第3页拔河比赛 五子棋加星星,升级QQ鱼吹泡泡小猫钓鱼爬树摘苹果(摘内容与课堂内容相关)砸金蛋画花画汽球C:惯用竞争机制第4页 将全班同学分为两组,进行比赛。每组取
2、得老师给予一个“银行”,上课时哪一组同学表现好,老师就把”钱”存到他们银行,老师存款之后,学生银行要给老师作统计(单词)。Group 1 Group 2 第5页吹扑克牌,把10张扑克牌放在凸起道具上,先请分数略高那组同学來吹,必須每次只能吹一张;吹3次,一张可取得100美元。Football matchDivided Ss into 2 groups,and each group draws a goal.Then draw 10 steps between the 2 goals,put the football in the middle of the line.Which group i
3、s the winner,they can kick the ball one step into the others goal.Once the ball is in the other groups goal,this group wins.第6页Divide the Ss into 2groups.Each group has 6 blocks.If your group do a good job,you can sow a seed or extend a block.(If your group has 36 blocks,you just sow a seed.)Beside
4、that,if you do a good job,you can choose to steal the crop from the other group.But the crop which were sew,at last lesson can be stole.In the end of the class which group has more seeds and blocks is the winner.QQ Farm 第7页Aim:competition methodExplain the meanings of those sings on the teaching aid
5、s.For example,add scores,reduce scores,stop once,scores turn into zero and two groups change scores.Once you get a right answer,you can choose a number.答对即可选择一个号码。按标志加减分。(准备大风吹教具)Typhoon第8页Teacher divides the whole class into two groups then draw an eating flower for each group.Teacher draws some ch
6、ecks between the two flowers and put a plant in the middle of these checksIf students do well,teacher moves the plant one step forward that group.Eating Plants 第9页Teacher divides the whole class into two groups then draws a long ladder for each group.There are different rewards and punishments in so
7、me blanks.For example,go forward 2 steps,go back 1 step or let the other group go forward 1step and so on.If students do well,they can throw the dice.They should throw 6 the first time,so they can begin their journal.Flying chess 第10页T will divide the Ss into 2 groups,then T draws some dots on the b
8、oard,like this:.Which group is better,this group can connect 2 dots with a line,which group can circle the last line,that means the group can get the field.Which group can get more fields,which one is winner.Circle the Fields 第11页T prepares a lovely picture of feces.T writes the Ssnames on the board
9、.Which student is not good,Twill put the feces next to his/her name.At last,who is next to the feces,the student will be the loser,he/she just can get 4points,but the others can get 6 points.Its Yours 第12页变色龙吃苍蝇第13页拯救小猪。(获胜队得剪子)第14页小猫玩毛线球。第15页老牛除草。第16页小猫吃蛋糕(获胜队得一块砖头)第17页剪羊毛。第18页钓鱼第19页鲸鱼。(获胜队得水珠)第20页海豚与苍蝇第21页小蝌蚪找妈妈第22页鳄鱼拔牙 第23页母鸡下蛋第24页沙漠之路。(获胜队得脚印)第25页 Thanks!第26页