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1、achieve its strategic development goals.1.4服务范围:Scope of Service南宁东亚糖业集团有限公司。For and within Nanning East Asia Sugar Group Co. Ltd. only2、履行期限Term of performance双方决定乙方顾问入驻日期为2005年4月 6 日,预计项目完成时间为4个月。咨询项目自乙方顾问入驻甲方开始至项目完成经甲方验收合格止。The two Parties agree to start up this project since 6 May, 2005, and its

2、 expected that it will last four months until the project solutions are checked and accepted by Party A.3、双方责任Responsibilities of Each Party3.1 甲方责任Responsibilities of Party A3.1.1 甲方应高度重视公司管理改善项目的实施,对乙方的工作提供支持,负责协调内部各部门及各工厂的关系,调动相关的资源,提供相关数据资料及方案文字处理等工作。被双方认可的工作或方案,在甲方组织中的贯彻、推动,由甲方负责。Party A should

3、 take special emphasis on this management improvement project, and offer Party B all necessary assistance in coordinating cross-section relations, deploying related resources and, providing relevant data information and word processing service. Project solutions that have been approved by the two pa

4、rties shall be promoted and implemented by Party A. 3.1.2 甲方负责与该项目有关的第三方进行协调,以保证项目的顺利进行。Party A shall be responsible for coordinating with the third party relating to this project so as to ensure it in right progress.3.1.3 甲方应按合同要求支付咨询费用。Party A should pay Party B consultation charge in accordance w

5、ith the provisions of the contract.3.1.4 甲方向乙方顾问提供在甲方工作时必要的办公条件(如办公室、市话),并为乙方顾问提供简便的午餐。Party A should assist Party Bs consultants in providing fundamental facilities such as office and telephone and staff meal (lunch) as well.3.1.5 甲方应确保项目运作期间组织人员的稳定。Party A should assure a stable coordination team

6、during the project in progress.3.1.6 乙方提交的阶段性方案甲方应在5个工作日内予以回复,最终方案应在10个工作日内回复;如甲方在5个工作日后未予阶段性方案明确答复,乙方将视为甲方默许,可以开展下一阶段的工作;如甲方在10个工作日内未予最终方案明确回复,乙方将视为甲方接受。Party A should respond in time to Party B on its solutions submitted, say, offering their opinions about the phase solutions within five working d

7、ays, and about the final solutions within ten working days. Should Party A be unable to give a feedback on the phase solutions within five working days, Party B will take it acquiesced by Party A and will continue the work of next phase. Should Party A be unable to give a feedback on the final solut

8、ions within tem working days, Party B will take it accepted by Party.3.2 乙方责任Responsibilities of Party B3.2.1 乙方应按合同第1.2条规定的内容为甲方提供咨询服务。Providing consultation service in accordance with the provisions of Article 乙方负责咨询计划的制定、方法的传授、工具的提供及方案设计。Responsible for establishing a consultation plan,

9、 tutoring Party A advanced management means and tools, and designing the project solutions. 3.2.3 乙方应按照合同规定的时间、进度保质保量完成工作。Fulfilling the specific tasks and on schedule and in good quality and quantity. 3.2.4 乙方应确保项目组的稳定性,保证进场顾问的专业水平。Insuring a stable consulting team as well the professional level of

10、 its consultants.3.2.5 乙方应尽力协助甲方与项目有关的第三方进行协调。Assisting Party A in coordinating with the third party relevant to this project.3.2.6 负责对甲方相关管理人员的培训,使甲方人员具备管理体系运作能力。Responsible for training the managers of Party A so that they can be capable of running this new management system.3.2.7 乙方完成工作后,应向甲方提供不少

11、于一套的文字材料和电子文档。乙方提供的服务成果应尽可能做到通俗易懂。Providing Party A with at least a set of consultation documents both in written and electronic form when the whole project is done. Trying to make the solutions simple, understandable and feasible. 4、文件的传达Delivering of documents4.1 在本合同执行期内(含跟踪服务期),甲方与乙方之间所有的正式通知及文件

12、均采用书面形式传达给对方。Within the validity of the contract (the service period included), all the formal notices and files to and from the two parties shall be delivered in written paper.5、工作的开展The operation of consulting project 5.1 项目正式启动后,甲方和乙方共同组建一个咨询项目委员会,由双方的高层管理人士负责。When the project is start up, Party A and Party B shall jointly establish a Consultation Committee consisting of the top managers of the two parties. 5.2 为确保咨询服务的质量和进度,乙方委托深圳市东方大成管理咨询有限公司作为合作伙伴,共同组成咨询项目小组开展对甲方的咨询服务工作。小组成员构成如下:乙方项目经理1人(彭荣模先生),管理顾问1-2人(陈耀忠先生、黄道银先生)。乙方在经过甲方同意,确保项目经理不变的情况下可增加、调配顾问组成员。To guarantee the quality a

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