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江西省XX市建筑工程有限责任公司-项目工程施工方案(DOC 140页).doc

1、of services is full featured including consulting on large project management, HR business process best practices, SAP HR functional design and configuration, SAP HR technical design and programming, SAP systems management, end-user training planning, design and delivery management, and change manag

2、ement.We have also proposed a complete solution for production support. Our proposed support model provides centralized support for the SAP HR system. Our support services will be delivered using two of our long term partners, IBM and Arinso, companies that we have teamed with in the past deliver qu

3、ality solutions to our clients. We have recommended that IBM continue to provide system level support for this effort while, the team of KPMG Consulting and Arinso will provide complete help desk, second level and third level support.Our ApproachThe ASAP methodology, used on thousands of successful

4、SAP implementations, will be used on this project. We have modified or extended the ASAP approach through the use of numerous KPMG Consulting accelerators including templates, programs and a knowledge repository. The differences in our approach and our competitors are clear from the first day of a p

5、roject. On the first day that we start the Marathon project our consultants will be using our pre-configured SAP HR system to demonstrate each of the processes and data screens within the R/3 product. The primary goal of this week long exercise is the development of detailed scope for the project, h

6、owever, using this approach allows Marathon to see more of the SAP system and allows our consultants to learn more about Marathons processes. Our entire approach is designed to enhance the development of Marathons product knowledge and increase our consultants early understanding of Marathons busine

7、ss, resulting in improved process design for Marathon.We have developed a thorough transition plan that allows Marathon to fully leverage the prior work performed. Our consultants will completely review previously developed documents prior to starting the project. The final design of the SAP HR proc

8、esses will start with the process definitions already in place, first with validation and then extension of details that will allow the team to start building the SAP HR system. Our transition plan is complete and includes opportunities for the Marathon to validate the final design.After careful con

9、sideration of the project scope, Marathon staffing available, schedule constraints, and attitudes about risk we have developed an approach that brings all business units of Marathon live on October, 2002 with all functionality. While this big bang approach is clearly a less expensive approach, we be

10、lieve it also represents a lower risk approach for a number of reasons. First, the complex nature of the current Marathon HR systems means that using a phased approach would require numerous throw away interfaces. These temporary interfaces must be designed to tie the SAP system into the legacy HR s

11、ystems during the transition period when both system are live. The risk presented by these breaking points is completely eliminated with the big bang approach. Second, in order to complete a true full systems test of the new SAP HR environment, you need the full system available for testing. The pha

12、sed approach greatly inhibits the ability to perform full systems testing since all functionality and all employee population data are not available for early testing. Finally, through our experience on over 50 SAP HR engagements, we have developed a philosophy on testing that we encourage on all pr

13、ojects. The basic principals are test early, test repeatedly, and test completely. While these may seem simple, most consulting firms do not always take this approach. By taking this approach, including early use of full data for unit testing, a complete 100% parallel payroll test using multiple che

14、ck cycles and full integration testing of all processes for all employee groups, we can effectively reduce risk so that a phased approach is not necessary. The benefits of our approach is that full functionality is delivered to the entire Marathon population earlier, accelerating the ROI and freeing

15、 up the Marathon core team for other activities. KPMG Consulting puts a strong emphasis on tangible deliverables that have extended life to the client. The documentation developed throughout the implementation is the key to our post production support transition plan. The detail and quality of syste

16、m documentation that will be transitioned to the support team are outlined in our proposal which includes real samples from our past implementations. Finally we have outlined a post production support effort that meets all of Marathons needs for a continuous improvement environment. Our post product

17、ion support team, with experience supporting over 25 live SAP HR clients, has operating procedures that are designed to provide the level of support that Marathon desires in the post production environment. Additionally, our support offering can provide strategic HR consulting and business process o

18、utsourcing services.We have teamed with three companies to provide Marathon with the best possible team; IBM, SAP and Arinso. IBM will be assisting with SAP systems and security consulting - two areas that are currently in scope for their post production support contract. SAP has been included on ou

19、r team because of their deep product knowledge and so the project has good access to the SAP development team. Finally, KPMG Consulting will provide a level 1 help desk and Arinso will assist with level 2 and level 3 support. KPMG Consulting has a strong history of working with each of these organiz

20、ations.Our ValueWe believe that our offering represents the best value for Marathon. Our proposed services offer significant advantages:n We have a complete offering. It includes all the services and functionality that Marathon needs for this project to be successful. n We have the strongest team an

21、d bench. Our team is one of the strongest with an average of over 13 years business experience, over five years of SAP experience and over 4 implementations. The combined bench of our team has over 1200 SAP HR consultants - larger than any of our competitors. And we also have a large pool of change

22、management, data warehouse and HR process consultants.n We have an approach that balances risk and cost. KPMG Consulting will deliver Marathon value by addressing your business needs. We have a reputation of paying careful attention to leveraging the SAP HR software against the delivery of business

23、benefits through business processes improvement, employee self service, increased operational efficiencies and post-implementation service and support. Our record includes multiple complex engagements where we included both business process improvement and service delivery design as part of our SAP

24、HR implementation. KPMG Consultings methodology, tools, personnel and past experience allow us to deliver full featured implementations with shorter time lines, fewer consulting resources and lower risk.n We have strong relationships with our Alliance Partners, including IBM and SAP. KPMG Consulting

25、 has a recognized reputation of maintaining strong relationships with alliance partners such as IBM, SAP and ARINSO International. Our relationship with IBM has includes 19 joint engagements over the last year and 16 current bids that are outstanding. SAP has awarded KPMG Consulting its Partner Awar

26、d of Excellence four times. In addition, we helped to develop the Accelerated HR toolkit with SAP America. Our engagement manger, Tony Perroni was previously Director of HR Consulting for SAP America and Wolfgang Kenna, the President of SAP America sits on KPMG Consultings Board of Directors. Arinso

27、 is the recognized leader in providing SAP HR post production support, currently supplying production support services to 28 天天文档在线 联系qq:744421982 中国最庞大的下载资料库 (整理. 版权归原作者所有 如果您不是在 网站下载此资料的,不要随意相信.请访问 3722, 加入)必要时可将此文件解密成可编辑的DOC或PPT格式管理信息系统课程设计报告设计题目: 采购管理业务 院:机电工程学院 班级:工业工程 1班 设计人 李立群 潘敬伟 石导华 彭北养

28、王宣发 严军键 吴育环 张苑鎏指导教师 胡常伟 完成日期 2006 年 1 月 18 日广东工业大学目录1概述 1.1系统介绍 。 31.2系统的主要业务 。 31.3系统开发目标 。 31.4系统适用范围 。 31.5开发小组成员任务分工 。 42系统分析2.1用户需求: 。 42.2.1 系统的现状和主要问题。42.2.2用户需求 。52.2.3系统功能 。 52.2.4系统接口 。 52.2.5采购管理的基本任务 。 62.2.6系统的主要内容 。 62.2可行性研究: 。62.3目标调查和分析: 。 62.3.1业务流程 。72.3.2数据流程图 。72.3.3功能层次图 。102.3

29、.4数据字典 。 113系统设计3.1总体设计 。 17 3.1.1处理流程总体设计 。173.1.2系统平台的总体结构设计。173.2详细设计 。193.2.1代码系统设计 。193.2.2数据库结构的具体设计。213.2.3模块设计 。254 系统实现4.1数据库表结构的建立与数据输入: 。264.1.1建立数据库表 。 264.1.2数据表关系表 。264.1.3在数据库中输入数据 。274.2应用程序设计与测试: 。294.2.1数据库的连接 。294.2.2界面设计与程序 。295系统运行5.1写出系统操作使用的简要说明 。385.2运行系统并打印出运行结果 。396系统评价 。41

30、7 系统对决策的支持 。418 开发人员体会 。411概述 1.1系统介绍(潘敬伟,王宣发)采购是企业物资供应部门按已确定的物资供应计划,通过市场采购、加工订制等各种渠道,取得企业生产经营活动所需要的各种物资的经济活动。无论是工业企业还是商业企业,“采购”业务的状况都会影响到企业的整体运营状况。过多的库存,会使企业产生下列不良影响:一、产生额外的库存管理费用,如:仓库租赁费、保险费等。二、造成资本的僵化,使周转资金紧张。三、过多的库存,会因陈旧而变成废料,或削价出售,导致收益的恶化。虽然库存发生的原因可能来自生产过程,但是管理不善的采购作业所导致的生产缺料或物料过甚仍会造成企业无法计算的损失。

31、 采购管理系统可帮助采购人员完成采购物料从采购计划的制订、采购申请、采购询价、采购订单、订单跟踪等采购业务的全部过程,每一业务都能有效控制。采购人员在向供应商发出采购令前不必像以前那样,繁琐地填写大量的各种表格,只需审查系统所产生的每一期间内的采购计划即可。如遇生产计划变更,采购计划相应变化。采购人员因有了及时准确的计划信息,他们可从烦琐的事务作业中解脱出来,用更多的时间和精力来进行价值分析,选项择货源和开发更多的合格供应商。有效地监控采购计划的实施及采购成本的变动情况,帮助采购人员选择最佳的供应,确保采购工作高质量、高效率、低成本地执行,使企业处于最佳的供货关态。 1.2系统的主要业务(潘敬

32、伟,王宣发)采购业务是进行采购业务的日常操作,包括请购、采购订货、采购到货、采购入库、采购开票、采购结算等业务,用户可以根据业务需要选用不同的业务单据和业务流程,月末进行结账操作。用户可以查询现存量 1.3系统开发目标(彭北养,吴育环) 采购管理的目的还为了及时、准确的保证企业制造所需求的各类物料,快速处理并下达采购计划.采购管理系统追求的目标是:密切供应商关系,保障供给,降低采购成本。采购管理系统是分销系统的一个子系统。它主要进行采购订单处理,动态掌握订单执行情况,向拖期交货的供应商发出催货函;采购管理系统处理采购入库单、采购发票,并根据采购发票确认采购入库成本。采购管理系统与“应付款管理系

33、统”一起使用可以掌握采购业务的付款情况;与“库存管理系统”联合使用可以随时掌握存货的现存量信息,从而减少盲目采购,避免库存积压;与“存货核算系统”一起使用可以为存货核算提供采购入库成本,便于财务部门及时掌握存货采购成本1.4系统适用范围(彭北养,吴育环)本系统适用于各类工业企业和商业批发企业以及医药、物资供销、对外贸易、图书发行等商品流通企业的采购部门和采购核算的财务部门。1.5开发小组成员任务分工(王宣发)开发小组有8位成员,共分为四个小组:1李立群 张苑鎏 2潘敬伟 王宣发 3 彭北养 吴育环 4石导华 严军健1.4.1第一阶段:第一周星期六之前,完成如下:1)尽可能多的收集采购管理信息系

34、统的有关资料,为以后开发做准备;1,2,3,42)系统概述 :企业的现状,系统目标,存在问题等;2,33)需求分析;1,41.4.2第二阶段:第二周星期四之前,完成如下:系统分析 :1)结构图,业务功能结构图1,22)业务流程图(重点)2,13)数据流程图(重点)4,34)数据字典3,45)系统能在多大程度上支持企业领导进行决策 1,2,3,41.4.3 第三阶段:第三周星期五之前,完成如下:系统设计:1)功能结构图设计 张苑鎏 ,彭北养2)系统初步设计 石导华 王宣发 3)数据库设计 王宣发 吴育环 潘敬伟,李立群4)界面设计 严军键 ,彭北养。潘敬伟,李立群,吴育环 5)程序编写 张苑鎏,

35、石导华,彭北养2系统分析2.1用户需求: 2.2.1 系统的现状和主要问题(李立群,张苑鎏) 传统模式中采购管理的特点: 物料采购与物料管理为一体,目前决大多数企业行使采购管理的职能部门为供应部(科),也有企业将销售职能与采购职能并在一起,称为供销科。在这种模式下,其管理流程是: 需求部门提出采购要求-指定采购计划/定单-询价/处理报价-下发运通知-检验入库-通知财务付款 主要问题:物料管理、采购管理、供应商管理由一个职能部门来完成,缺乏必要的监督和控制机制;同时在这种模式下,供应部(科)担负着维系生产用原材料供给的重任,为保证原材料的正常供应,必然会加大采购量, 尤其是在原料涨价时,这样容易

36、带来不必要的库存积压和增加大量的应付帐款;业务信息共享程度弱;采购控制通常是事后控制。2.2.2用户需求(石导华,严军键)采购管理系统的目的是在弄清楚需要采购什么,采购多少,何时采购的基本问题的前提下,如何保障企业物资供应的适时适量,保证质量,费用最省,同时降低企业的采购运营管理成本;对采购管理的内容和流程进行信息化的科学管理。2.2.3系统功能(石导华,严军键)l01) 供应商档案的管理,包括供应商动态、供应商总欠款、供应商未结订单; l02) 供应商到货状态详细信息的动态查询; l03) 采购订单的各种数据的输入、修改、删除和采购订单的统计; l04)采购计划录入与处理; l05)应付货款

37、的记账管理,包括,记账、核算、汇总等功能; l06)经营采购活动的综合统计、分类统计、台账生成; l07)物料需求计划任务直接生成采购计划单 l08)采购系统与应付帐子系统相连,直接生成采购凭证,无需财务人员手工填制 l09)采购单可自动结清或手工强制结清 l10)跟踪、催查采购订单的功能 l11)可维护物品代码与供应商物品编号对照表 l12)可分析采购成本差异 l13)可进行历史数据查询2.2.4系统接口(李立群,张苑鎏)采购管理既可以单独使用,同时采购需求信息可由生产等其他部门直接下达,无需手工录入采购订单,采购管理是与合同管理、主生产计划、需求规划、库存管理、销售管理、存货核算、应付款管



40、应商管理:用户可以设置供应商存货对照表、供应商存货价格表,并可进行供应商相关业务的查询和分析。3)采购业务:进行采购业务的日常操作,包括请购、采购订货、采购到货、采购入库、采购开票、采购结算等业务,用户可以根据业务需要选用不同的业务单据和业务流程,月末进行结账操作。用户可以查询现存量4)采购报表:可以查询使用采购统计表、采购账簿、采购分析表。采购管理进行采购流程操作,采购单据包括采购请购单、采购订单、采购到货单、采购入库单、采购发票、采购结算2.2可行性研究:(王宣发,潘敬伟)2.2.1 从技术上考察1) 处理速度快,准确;2) 通过权限的设置,数据的安全性好;3) 方便查询;4) 控制精度或生产能力的提高2.2.2 从经济上考察1) 系统建设不需要很大的投入;2) 可缩减人员编制,减少人力费用;3) 人员利用率的改进;2.2.3 从各种社会因素来考察1) 降低工作人员工作强度,提高效率,会得到学校员工的一致同意的;2) 可引进先进的管理系统开发方案,从而达到充分利用企业现有资源 2.3目标调查和分析: 2.3.1业务流程(张苑鎏,李立群,潘敬伟,王宣发)1.)请购部门填制采购请购单。2.

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