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汽车营销-上海汽车荣威Roewe产品销售培训手册(PDF 56页).pdf

1、 the person but to the individuals performance in a given job. Some low-performing man- agers were A or B performers earlier in their careers and may attain that level of performance again. This begins to hint at why many companies under- manage C performers at why, in fact, tolerating them has beco

2、me an unspoken code of conduct. Even though managers would love to make room for more talented people, the act of confronting low performers is fraught with emotional, ideological, and practical barriers. Ac- cording to our research, the primary reason executives dont act on C performers is understa

3、ndably an emo- tional one: They are unwilling to move on people with whom they have worked for many years or people who have contributed to the company for so long. In many cases, a C performer has formed a friendship with his or her manager over time, and that emotional attachment can cloud the man

4、agers objectivity. Even when there is little personal connection, the very human tendency to empathize with others comes into play. All of us have felt humiliation and loss, and few of us would wish it on others.Disciplining or fi ring someone is a painful and dif- fi cult process for everyone invol

5、ved. There are also ideological barriers to doing the hard work of managing C players.Some managers erroneously believe that all C performers can be developed into B or even A performersand that the organization should in- vest in people indefi nitely for this to happen.Other man- agers believe loya

6、lty should be reciprocated, even when an individuals performance is lacking,or that it should be enough for someone to be trying his or her best. Les Wexner, CEO of clothing retailer the Limited, struggled with this issue of fairness. He asked himself,“Do I really want to identify a top,middle,and b

7、ottom tier of people reporting to me? Decisions around peoples careers and responsibility to their familiesthose are the toughest.”In the end, though, he found the other side of the equation more compelling: “If I dont make the tough decisions about the people who are preventing the enterprise from

8、being successful,then I am putting at risk 175,000 people who are depending on that leadership.” Finally, practical barriers often prevent executives from taking action. Chief among them is the fear of liti- gation, fanned by the recent high-profi le examples of companies being sued for racial, age,

9、 or gender discrimi- nation after they implemented systems to identify low performers.Other practical barriers are the often onerous process of documenting underperformance and the fear that resentment and negativity will spread throughout the organization. For all these reasons, most companies fail

10、 to deal with C performers.Indeed,just 19% of the thousands of senior managers we polled believe their companies remove low performers quickly and effectively. And while the man- agers surveyed surely sympathize with the plight of the 82 harvard business review A New Game Plan for C Players Beth Axe

11、lrod is a principal at McKinsey others prefer to leave. This approach al- lows the person to stay with Home Depot and allows the company to leverage the talent it already has.But the company also runs the risk of placing people who have plateaued into important managerial roles or of transfer- ring

12、problems from one unit to another. Companies that are unwilling to take that kind of risk, such as GE,Arrow Electronics,and PerkinElmer,ask those who have failed to improve in their job to leave the com- panyexcept,of course,if there was an obvious mismatch between the individual and the position. B

13、ill Conaty, senior vice president of human resources at GE,explained the companys philosophy: “We are continually raising the performance bar for all our employees, so the sooner in ones career that performance issues are candidly ad- dressed,the better for all concerned.” HOLD MANAGERS ACCOUNTABLE.

14、Even the most ex- plicit action plans will fail if managers are not compelled to carry them out. Senior leaders should hold their man- agers accountable for building strong talent pools; carry- ing out the actions to improve or remove C performers should be an explicit part of that. First, in a very

15、 formal sense, the CEO and a senior human resources executive should regularly follow up with each of the unit leaders to check on implementation of any ac- tion plans and to help them over- come any barriers. At SunTrust, for instance, this follow-up process in- cludes a tracking system that report

16、s on performance management at each of its 30 banks, allowing the CEO and division heads to see at a glance which banks are progressing well and which are not. The report shows the number of people who were identifi ed in the last review process as C performers.It outlines the percentage of people w

17、ho are in ex- plicit improvement programs; who have adequately raised their perfor- mance; who were moved to more suitable positions; who have left the company; or who are still in place with no progress. Other companies formally check the progress of any talent action plans during their quar- terly

18、 operational reviews. SunTrusts leaders have instituted another practice that many more companies should imitate: They base a portion of their managerscompen- sation on how well they strengthen the talent pool.Up to 20%of the bank heads bonuses depend on meeting the talent-building goals agreed to i

19、n their annual talent reviews, which often include specifi c objectives for 86 harvard business review A New Game Plan for C Players What About A and B Performers? Acting on C performers is only part of managing a talent pool effectively; companies need to be just as deliberate in managing A and B p

20、erformers. The A performers create signifi cant value for their companies directly and through their leadership of others.The objectives with A performers are to accelerate their development and to do everything you can to retain them. The B performers are the solidly contributing majority of a comp

21、anys man- agerial force.Collectively,they are critical to the success of the business.They should be developed and affi rmed so they realize more of their potential and feel valued for their unique contributions. Ultimately,A and B performers require the same types of developmental actions,including

22、 the following: IAccelerate their professional development through a steady stream of challenging job assignments. IEncourage their involvement in tasks outside their jobs so they are connected to a broader network and build a stronger sense of belonging. IAssign mentors to nurture their development

23、 and to help retain them. IOffer candid feedback about their weaknesses,and praise them for their distinctive strengths. IRecognize and reward their contributions. One challenge for executives is determining how to allocate a companys scarce resources among the A and B performers.High-quality coachi

24、ng,sea- soned mentors,generous compensation,promotions,and highly visible roles are often in short supply,so they need to be invested in those people with the highest performance and potential. managing low performers. This kind of formal account- ability should be reinforced informally as well.In f

25、act,fre- quent casual inquiries, advice, and encouragement from CEOs and division presidents may go furthest to signal the importance placed on effective talent management. Of course, managers who are being asked to do some- thing about their C performers should receive full sup- port from their hum

26、an resources and legal departments. But those groups sometimes hinder managersefforts by advocating protection of employees and avoidance of all legal risk. Signifi cant effort may be required to reorient these professionals toward teaching, counseling, and prodding line managers to exercise their t

27、alent- management responsibilities. Companies can take steps to reduce the risk that their termination decisions will be chal- lenged in court.Examples include early identifi - cation of performance issues in writing,with an opportunity for employees to address them; monitoring to assess whether cer

28、tain groups in- advertently represent a disproportionate share of the proposed terminations; and offering sev- erance in exchange for a release of legal claims. All of these iron-hand stepsidentifying C performers, developing action plans for them, and holding managers accountable for implementing t

29、he action plansare best carried out through a talent review process, which the CEO and other senior leaders conduct at least once a year in each division. Ensuring Fairness and Respect So far, weve been discussing the iron hand of discipline that companies need in order to identify and deal with C p

30、erformers.But doing so in an insensitive way would be inhumane and could cause tremendous ill will between the organization and its employees. Companies must be very deliberate in ensuring that low performerslike all employees are treated with dignity, respect, and care. Thats where the “velvet glov

31、e”side of this directive comes into play. Senior management should note that candid feedback along the way, instructive coaching, and gener- ous severance packages can help to ease the burden for underperformers,reduce managersreluctance to identify low performers, and enhance trust in the way the c

32、om- pany deals with its people generally. DELIVER CANDID FEEDBACK ALONG THE WAY.Sugar- coating the truth about subpar performance is disre- spectful and unfair; people need regular and candid feed- back on how well they are doing and what they need to do to improve. Not telling people where they sta

33、nd de- prives them of the information they need to take respon- sibility for their development and to make informed de- cisions about their careers.Fully 89%percent of managers we surveyed said that candid, insightful feedback is very important to their developmentyet only 39% said their companies d

34、o a good job of providing it. All managers,no matter the level of their performance, have some distinctive strengths and some signifi cant weak- nesses that have been the basis for their past successes and failures. Telling C managers about their strengths affi rms them and helps them fi nd their wa

35、y.Likewise,C perform- ers benefi t from unambiguous feedback about their weak- nesses so they can overcome them. Most managers need to get a lot better at delivering both kinds of honest,con- structive feedback. This feedback should be delivered in writing as part of an annual performance review and

36、 informally throughout the year.Termination for low per- formance should never come as a surprise. OFFER INSTRUCTIVE COACHING TO HELP CPLAYERS IMPROVE.Telling people to improve without providing the requisite coaching and support is unhelpful; the in- dividual may feel like he or she is being set up

37、 to be fi red. C performers need specifi c guidance on how to do things differently in order to make a signifi cant change in their performanc鎂貘貘謀貘鎇堀颋醌!艁氃枪畭般唀腕貘浧鎇唀飚醌!艁氃親艿堀腘謀貘İ羉鎇堀颋醌!氆厳舗吀葅貘颺醌鎇飘醌貘艁氄璻舆腋貘艁氃璻蜆腋貘艭饥鎂一飩醌偐鉁洄斂螙儀艎貘襭鎂唀飚醌!艁洃趉螳唀腕貘潰鎂飈醌!飪醌!瀄蝯嘀艄İ貘貘鎂儀颚醌!脀鎂飉醌!颪醌!猅苭嘀荄飈醌!颩醌!飪醌!猄蟭嘀艄貘貘鎂飸醌!艁猃续蟄腇貘鎂吀飊醌!鎇吀飊醌2艁

38、甃舵腉餀貘魒鎂匀颺醌鉁甆刵螛吀艓貘兿鎂颙醌!艁甃缵蝑腉餀貘湸驛鎂匀颺醌!鄀湸驛鎇匀颺醌2鄀艁稄仞芉吀腔貘艁稅仞螉吀腔貘N鎂匀颺醌鉁笆丬蜀吀艓貘鎂倀怠颊醌!飊醌!笆璡蜆吀艐欐言貘貘鎂颩醌!艁縃趿蟯腊貘鎂儀颚醌!鎂飉醌!艁縃组蟇腌貘乭鎂飘醌!瀀艁縃淏蝎腅貘鎂飙醌!怀艁縄瓏蜆腍貘艁縃染芄腌貘葧鎇飉醌!艁縃苧腉餀貘鎂伀灐飹醌!颺醌!縅早蝈匀艏飹醌!颺醌2耉栃舸嘀葄鄀飈醌!颩醌刡貘艁贃舧膿腰。塞。曼:。煮。未:望 硕士学位论文 题目 专业学位研究生 江铃公司培训 体系分析与设计 ”* 郭彬 领域 指导教师 申请学位日期 工商营理 郭鹏 2 0 0 6 年7 月 来自资料搜索网(w w w .3722.c

39、 n ) 海量资料下载 陌北T 业火学M B A 论文 摘要 目阿国内汽车产业的竞争已经是全球化的竞争。江铃汽车目前处于快速成长 的企业生命周期阶段,如何在江铃汽车快速发展的背景下,面对全球的汽车公司 的竞争,人力资源培养与开发面对着巨大的挑战和压力。本文研究的意义在于, 从培训的角度,对企业在面临规模上百亿的门槛时人力资源- 丌发面对的挑战提出 解决方案,让培训体系带来企业核心竞争力的原动力,实现培训职能向“战略管 理、组织管理和业务管理的伙伴”转变。 本文以汀铃汽车公司的培训体系为研究对象,以现代人力资源培训与开发中 有关人力资源管理、培训模式、需求层次理论、学习理论、培训效果评估等管理

40、理论为依据,对江铃汽车公司人力资源培训与开发存在的问题进行了深入分析并 提出问题的对策。本文研究方法采用理论研究与应用研究的方法相结合、定性分 析和案例分析相结合、标杆研究b e n c h m a r k i n g 的方法。本文对江铃汽车公司的 企业文化与人力资源战略、培训组织设计、培训组织运转、培训内容规划四个方 面进行了深入的问题珍断。为企业发展中面对的人力资源发展的挑战和压力提出 了解决方案利对策。:肾培训需求聚焦在战略的实施层面,将愿景、使命、战略与 人力资源培养与丌发有机结合在一起,提出了江铃汽车公司的人才价值观、人力 资源培训与丌发战略、培训价值定位、培训原则、培训方针、培训组

41、织模式、培 训组织职能分配,制定了培训需求、培训计划、设计和策划培训、提供培训、培 训效果评估和改进具体的实施办法。使江铃汽车人力资源培养与开发能够满足公 司战略的需要。 【关键词】:人力资源培训与开发 培训体系培训模式 【论文类型】:应用研究 来自资料搜索网(w w w .3722.c n ) 海量资料下载 西北工业大学M B A 论文 A B S T R A O T N o w a d a y s ,D e m e s t i ca u t o m o b i l ei n d u s t r y Sc o m p e t i t i o nh a sb e c o m eg l o b

42、a l c o m p e t i t i o n A saf a s t g r o w i n gc o m p a n y ,J i a n g l i n gM o t o r sC o L t d f a c e sb i g c h a l l e g ea n dp r e s s u r ei ni t sh u m a nr e s o u r c e st r a i n i n ga n dd e v e l o p m e n t T h ep u r p o s e o ft h i sa r t i c l ei st of i n das o l u t i o

43、nf o rt h i sc h a l l e n g ew h i l et h es c a l eo fe n t e r p r i s e e x c e e d e dt e nb i l l i o na n dm a k et r a i n i n g s y s t e m t h ep o w e rf o r e n t e r p r i s e S C O r e c o m p e t i t e n c ea n dt r a n s f e rt r a i n i n gf u n c t i o nt ot h e “p a r t e n e ro f

44、s t r a t e g i cm a n a g e m e n t o r g a n i z a t i o nm a n a g e m e n ta n db u s i n e s sm a n a g e m e n t ” T h er e s e a r c hi nt h i sa r t i c l ei st a r g e t e dO i lt h et r a i n i n gs y s t e mo fJ i a n g l i n gM o t o r S C o L t d O nt h eb a s i so fm o d e mh u m a nr

45、e s o u r c e st r a i n i n ga n dd e v e l o p m e n tt h e o r yi n h u m a nr e s o u r c e sm a n a g e m e n t ,t r a i n i n gm e t h o d o l o g y , r e q u i r e m e n tl e v e l t h e o r y , l e a m i n gt h e o r y , t r a i n i n ga s s e s s m e n t ,t h ea u t h o ra n a l y z e d t h

46、 e p r o b l e m so ft h e c o m p a n y Sh u m a nr e s o u r c e st r a i n i n ga n dd e v e l o p m e n ta n dp r o p o s e das o l u t i o n T h i s a r t i c l eu s et h e o r ys t u d ya n da p p l i c a t i o ns t u d y , q u a n t i t a t i v ea n a l y i sa n dc a s ea n a l y s i s , a sw

47、 e l la sb e n c h m a r k i n gs t u d ym e t h o d o l o g y I nt h i sa r t i c l e ,J i a n g l i n g SC o r p o r a t i o n C u l t u r ea n dh u m a nr e s o u r c e ss t r a t e g y , t r a i n i n g o r g a n i z a t i o nd e s i g n ,t r a i n i n g o r g a n i z a t i o no p e r a t i o na n dt r a i n i n gc o n t e n tp l a nw e r ed i a g n o s e da n das o l u t i o ni s t a i s - e df o rt h ec h a l l e n g ea n dp

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