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6、0.500勈墭珸甀贀挀栀琀洀氀5Qkwap前台访问/p-847362.html203.208.60.730勈墭甤椀瀀栀琀洀氀/Mg前台访问/d-2005739.html156.234.98.260勈墭癐椀瀀栀琀洀氀偔/Mk前台访问/p-2499926.html220.181.108.1830癐翹哢椀瀀栀琀洀氀簀5Qkwap前台访问/p-596274.html203.208.60.880婊睼%最脀眀愀瀀漀漀欀刀攀愀搀愀猀瀀砀椀搀1YuloginUserName:15261735473219.159.246.380秔攀瀀栀琀洀氀 天天文档在线 qq:744421982AGREEMENT ON EX

7、ECUTIVE SEARCH 猎头服务协议 Party A:甲方:XXXXXXX信息技术有限公司 Party B: 乙方:XXXXX人力资源服务有限公司This Agreement on Executive search, made between. ). Whereas Party B agrees to search the vacancies, as Party A requires.Now, therefore the parties hereby agree as follows:就XXXXXXX信息技术有限公司(以下简称甲方)委托XXXXX人力资源服务有限公司(以下简称乙方)提供猎

8、头服务事宜,乙方同意按甲方要求搜寻空缺职位。双方达成协议如下:1. Party As Rights & Responsibilities:甲方权利与义务1.1 Party A has the right to receive candidates recommended by Party B according to the contract.甲方有权依据合同要求,录用乙方推荐的人选。1.2 Within 3 working days of every written assignment issues, Party A shall provide reliable and accurate

9、necessary information such as position requirements, job description, company introduction, structure of organization, possible remuneration package, etc. which will help Party B to assess potential candidates and communicate to these candidates what they need to know about the company and the job.

10、合同签署后3个工作日内,甲方就向乙方提供可信的、准确的和必须的信息,包括职位要求、职位说明书、公司简介、组织架构、可能的薪资预算等等。帮助乙方寻找潜在的人选并与候选人就职位信息和公司情况进行沟通。1.3 Party A shall keep the information on individual candidates provided by Party B confidential and guarantee all the information will not be transferred to another party before Party A officially empl

11、oyee the candidate. 甲方应对乙方推荐的候选人及其情况保密,并保证在甲方正式录用乙方推荐人选前,不会将所有信息泄密给第三方1.4 Party A shall keep all information obtained from Party B confidential during the execution of the contract. Party A shall not use the information for other purposes more than the contract stipulates. Any loss incurred by breac

12、hing this statement by Party A, Party B has the right to claim compensation from Party A.甲方应对在合同期内从乙方处获得的所有信息进行保密,甲方不得将此信息挪作合同规定之外的用途。甲方如有任何有违本条规定的行为,乙方有权对所造成的损失向甲方索赔。1.5 Party A shall pay the service fee to Party B according to the contract.甲方应按照合同规定向乙方支付服务费。2. Party Bs Rights and Responsibilities乙

13、方的权利与义务2.1 Party B has the right to receive service fee according to the contract.乙方有权依据合同规定向甲方收取服务费用。2.2 Party B shall maintain close contact with Party A to keep Party A well informed of the process of the recruitment.乙方应与甲方保持紧密联系,保证甲方对招聘信息有所了解。2.3 Upon Party As request, Party B shall provide the

14、candidates detailed background and other relevant information.依据甲方的要求,乙方向甲方提供详细的背景和其它相关信息,以供甲方选择人员时作参考。2.4 Party B shall transmit all the requirements provided by Party A to the candidates. Party B shall guarantee the candidates have a good understanding about Party As requirements, working conditio

15、ns and location of Party A.乙方应将甲方提供的要求告诉候选人。乙方应确保候选人知晓甲方对职位的要求、工作环境和工作地。2.5 Party B shall conduct reference checks on the candidates recommended to Party A as per Party As request.应甲方要求,乙方应对每位候选人进行资信调查。2.6 Party B shall keep all information concerning Party As assignment strictly confidential.乙方应对甲方

16、的相关信息保密。3 Recruitment Fee and Terms of Payment费用与支付3.1 Party B shall summit short name list and background information within 20 working days after signing the agreement and receiving the job description and requirements from Party A. Party B shall provide at least 2-3 candidates for each single pos

17、ition to meet Party As needs. Upon Party As requirements, Party B may provide more name list until Party A identifies the satisfactory candidate.乙方应在收到合同签署并收到甲方职位说明的20个工作日内,向甲方提供候选人名单和背景情况。每一个职位乙方应提供至少2-3位候选人以满足甲方需求。在合理的范围内,按照甲方要求,乙方应提供更多的候选人直至甲方确定满足的候选人为止。 3.2 The service fee for each successful pl

18、acement will be 2 months salary of the position, including the salary, bonus, commission and allowance. 每个成功职位的服务费用为两个月的月薪(包括基本月薪及岗位津贴,奖金,佣金等)。3.3 The service fee for each position should be paid to part B in 5 days after the candidate getting qualified, for different positions, the fee will be char

19、ged individually.每个职位的服务费用在候选人试用合格转正后的5个工作日内全部由甲方支付给乙方。有多个职位时,每个职位单独结算。如甲方延迟付款,乙方有权每日收取应付未付款项的5做为滞纳金。 3.4 Additional fee shall be paid according to the clause 3.2 within 5 working days if the additional person or persons be identified whom Party A may wish to appoint to another capacity.如果原候选人被确认调整到

20、其他职位并且工资有所提高时,甲方应在该候选人被提高工资之日起5个工作日内依据3.2条款支付增加的费用.3.5 In case that Party A employs more candidates recommended by Party B, Party A shall pay service fee to Party B according to clause 3.2.如果甲方录用乙方推荐的更多人选时,甲方应依据条款3.2向乙方支付费用。4 Compensation and Penalty:违约赔偿4.1 Should the engagement of candidate termin

21、ate within the first three month from the date of engagement for any reason, either at Party A or the candidates discretion, then Party B agrees to recruit another candidate free of charge upon the conditions that Party A notifies Party B of such termination within five (5) working days in written f

22、orm and the recruitment fee has been paid as stipulated in clause 3.如果候选人自入职后3个月内以任何原因离职,不论是甲方辞退或是候选人辞职,乙方在收到甲方的书面通知5个工作日内,在确认甲方已按照第3条付清款项后,同意免费向甲方重新推荐候选人。4.2 Should either party violate the following, the violating party shall pay the violated party actual expenses plus 100% of the service fee stip

23、ulated in Article 3 as penalty.如果任一方违背以下条款,违约方应赔偿对方的损失,另外支付按第3条应付服务费用的100%作为罚款。4.2.1 Should Party A reject to recruit the candidate introduced by Party B, Party A shall not hire the candidate or transfer any information of the candidate to the third party within one (1) year from the date of present

24、ation of the personal information of the candidate by Party B.如果甲方拒绝录用乙方推荐的人选,甲方在1年内不得聘用该候选人或将其信息泄密给第三方。4.2.2 Should Party A employs the candidate recommended by Party B, Party B shall not recommend the selected candidate to the third party while under Party As employment within one (1) year.如果甲方录用乙

25、方的人选,乙方在1年内不能将其推荐给第三方。4.2.3 Party B shall not poach any employee working for Party A within the execution of the contract.乙方承诺在合同有效期内不猎取甲方人员。There are two duly copies of this agreement and each party shall hold one copy.本合同一式两份,双方各执一份。This agreement shall take effect upon execution by both parties c

26、ompany seal or signature of their representatives and will be valid for the three years assignments.本合同自双方代表签字盖章之日起生效。自合同签署之日起,一年内有效。Part A: Part B: XXXXX人力资源服务有限公司 Representative:Representative: Mr.ZhangBANK:xxx银行XXX支行ACCOUNT:111111111111111111(账号)Date:Date: 塜塜塔:大筑债台,负债经营美国可口可乐公司的前任董事长伍德拉夫是位极保守的金融家

27、,他一生最厌恶负债,经济大萧条前夕,他刚好偿清公司的全部贷款。一次,得知公司 一位主管财务的负责人要以9.75%的利息去借1亿美元的资金来兴建建筑时,他马上回答说:“撤了他,可口可乐永远不借钱!”他的谨慎战略使可口可乐公司在经济大萧条中免遭灭顶之灾,但也因此産生副作用,使这个公司长期得不到发展,不能进入美国特大公司之林。後来,戈苏塔担任了公司董事长的职务,一改前任的作风,看准方向,大举借款。他接手时,可口可乐公司资本中只有不到2%的长期债务,从那以後戈苏塔把长期债务猛增到资本的18%,这种举措使同行们大惊失色。戈苏塔用这些资金来创建可口可乐公司的瓶装设备。并大胆投资於哥伦比亚影片公司,他说:“要是看准了兼并物件,我并不怕增加公司的债务负担。”这种不怕负债的勇气使可口可乐公司从困境中解救出来,公司的利润一下子增长了20%,股票也开始上涨。 悿悿 槐槐衣飬裬裬裬綨裬塶衷

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