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零点知识库—Loss Analysis Presentation_Chn.ppt

1、Kano Model Analysis Kano Model.docPage 1 of 3V 0.0 The Kano Model of Customer (Consumer) Satisfaction classifies product attributes based on how they are perceived by customers and their effect on customer satisfaction. These classifications are useful for guiding design decisions in that they indic

2、ate when good is good enough, and when more is better. Project activities in which the Kano Model is useful: Identifying customer needs Determining functional requirements Concept development Analysing competitive products Other tools that are useful in conjunction with the Kano Model: Eliciting Cus

3、tomer Input Prioritisation Matrices Quality Function Deployment Value Analysis Introduction The Kano Model of Customer satisfaction (Figure 1) divides product attributes into three categories: threshold, performance, and excitement. A competitive product meets basic attributes, maximises performance

4、s attributes, and includes as many “excitement” attributes as possible at a cost the market can bear. Threshold Attributes Threshold (or basic) attributes are the expected attributes or “musts” of a product, and do not provide an opportunity for product differentiation. Increasing the performance of

5、 these attributes provides diminishing returns in terms of customer satisfaction, however the absence or poor performance of these attributes results in extreme customer dissatisfaction. An example of a threshold attribute would be brakes on a car. Figure 1: Kano Model Product Function Customer Sati

6、sfaction Absent Fully Implemented Low High Excitement Threshold Performance Kano Model Analysis Kano Model.docPage 2 of 3V 0.0 Threshold attributes are not typically captured in QFDs (Quality Function Deployment) or other evaluation tools as products are not rated on the degree to which a threshold

7、attribute is met, the attribute is either satisfied or not. Performance Attributes Performance attributes are those for which more is generally better, and will improve customer satisfaction. Conversely, an absent or weak performance attribute reduces customer satisfaction. Of the needs customers ve

8、rbalise, most will fall into the category of performance attributes. These attributes will form the weighted needs against which product concepts will be evaluated. The price for which customer is willing to pay for a product is closely tied to performance attributes. For example, customers would be

9、 willing to pay more for a car that provides them with better fuel economy. Excitement Attributes Excitement attributes are unspoken and unexpected by customers but can result in high levels of customer satisfaction, however their absence does not lead to dissatisfaction. Excitement attributes often

10、 satisfy latent needs real needs of which customers are currently unaware. In a competitive marketplace where manufacturers products provide similar performance, providing excitement attributes that address “unknown needs” can provide a competitive advantage. Although they have followed the typical

11、evolution to a performance then a threshold attribute, cup holders were initially excitement attributes. Other Attributes Products often have attributes that cannot be classified according to the Kano Model. These attributes are often of little or no consequence to the customer, and do not factor in

12、to consumer decisions. An example of this type of attribute is a plate listing part numbers can be found under the hood on many vehicles for use by repairpersons. Application of the Kano Model Analysis A relatively simple approach to applying the Kano Model Analysis is to ask customers two simple qu

13、estions for each attribute: 1. Rate your satisfaction if the product has this attribute?; and 2. Rate your satisfaction if the product did not have this attribute? Kano Model Analysis Kano Model.docPage 3 of 3V 0.0 Customers should be asked to answer with one of the following responses: A) Satisfied

14、; 匀洀眀愀瀀瀀栀琀洀氀漀v3kPC后台访问/FlexPaper/BookDownLoad.aspx124.64.17.1570勈墭劰椀瀀栀琀洀氀焀/Mi前台访问/p-2491883.html116.179.32.1940椀瀀栀琀洀氀猀5gwap前台访问/BookRead.aspx?id=128603242.156.137.300勈墭她欀搀栀琀洀氀甀5wwap前台访问/tag/shipinpeisongfuwufangan.html178.154.200.900勈墭愀笀漀漀欀刀攀愀搀愀猀瀀砀椀搀眀礒/a前台访问/BookRead.aspx?id=2481555111.206.198.260勈墭








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