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1、ing to buy in the future, the larger the total number is, the more likely this type of machine will be the key type of machine demanded in the future. If more weaving companies wish to make a certain fabric in the future, this fabric will most likely be the key fabric in the market in the future. If

2、 more government / industry people think that a certain fabric will be in greater demand in the future, this fabric will most likely be the key fabric in the market in the future. Key assumptionsKey assumptions Key product and fabric Page 31Key product and fabric Of the total machines demanded Of th

3、e 100 weaving companies Mid-end rapiers and high-end airjets are the most popular types of machines in the next three years. Though higher percentage of the 100 companies would prefer to buy mid-end rapiers than those buying high-end airjets, the total number of high-end airjets demanded is bigger.

4、Source: PwC China Market Consulting and field interviews Page 32Key product and fabric Low-end rapiers will continue to lose market share over the next three years, but mid and high-end rapiers will grow in their market shares. High-end airjets will most likely experience some significant growth in

5、future demand. Waterjets will see its market share falling steadily. * * * From Unitrust Source: PwC China Market Consulting, field interviews and Unitrust Page 33Key product the imported parts are costly and sometimes hard to find in some areas. For local machines, issue of spare parts is more impo

6、rtant as these machines have more breakdowns than the imported. Key customer Source: PwC China Market Consulting and field interviews Page 42 Key customers technical requirementsKey customers technical requirements Required 2 Strongly required 1 Not sure 3 Rapier opening small Continuos electronic l

7、et-off Electronic rolling Dobby Letter weaving jacquard Almost all weaving companies want continuous let-off, electronic rolling and dobby. Computerization and automation are becoming essential. Many factors affect the need for jacquard, letter weaving jacquard and rapier opening among the different

8、 companies. Key customer technical demand Key customer Source: PwC China Market Consulting and field interviews Competitive market position Assumptions PST market position Picanol market position Page 44Competitive market position How weaving companies think of a companys product quality, price, tec

9、hnology, brand image and after sales service could help gauge the companys competitive market positions. Since the end users overwhelmingly think that product quality and price are the most critical for them to choose weaving machines, quality and price should have a higher weight of importance than

10、 the other factors when measuring market position. The more sample end-users rank a companys machine as the most competitive, the more likely that this company holds a stronger market position. The findings in this section is based on the following assumptions The following market position rankings

11、are based on how the sample weaving companies rated each company in 5 aspects. We calculated the average, adjusted the average by certain weight factor and by how frequently a manufacturer is mentioned in order to find the market position. Page 45 PST market position based on 6 key factorsPST market

12、 position based on 6 key factors Price Quality Technology Brand Service Mkt Position CTM PST Xian Jinwei Gaochun Liaochen Kingtex Suwu 4.04 3.27 4.15 4.50 3.73 4.13 3.89 3.88 3.27 3.77 3.75 3.25 3.18 3.44 3.11 2.38 3.19 3.39 3.65 3.19 3.09 3.33 3.11 2.50 3.92 3.67 4.05 3.63 3.11 4.13 3.14 3.35 3.73

13、3.89 3.38 3.70 3.57 4.11 31 16 12 12 13 11 9 8 Weight*30% 40%10% 15%5% Hangzhou4.003.003.00 1 2.753.38 Score 3.59 3.56 3.91 3.68 3.35 3.75 3.40 2.94 2.35 Frequency adjustment 0.87 0.45 0.37 0.35 0.34 0.32 0.24 0.18 0.02 Competitive market position * We assigned different weights to the 6 factors, the market position is the same. Source: PwC China Market Consulting 7 页售楼中心项目室内设计任务书第 2 页 共 17 页编制单位:惠州大亚湾德洲投资有限公司2011 年 8 月售楼中心 项目室内设计任务书正文部分一、项目概况二、设计依据及基础资料三、设计工作内容及工作深度要求六、设计要求七、时间进度安排八、合作方式:附件部分一、图纸资料(基础资料、条件图等相关图纸) (应同时提供电子文件)二、规范规定三、其他支持性文件(报告、表格等)第

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