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三军大学: 中国历代战争史 10.pdf

1、三、2020-2025年我国血液灌流器市场竞争趋势四、2020-2025年血液灌流器行业竞争格局展望五、2020-2025年血液灌流器行业竞争策略分析六、2020-2025年血液灌流器企业竞争策略分析第11章 血液灌流器重点企业竞争分析第一节 A第二节 B第三节 C第四节 D略.第12章 未来血液灌流器行业发展预测第一节 未来血液灌流器需求与消费预测一、2020-2025年血液灌流器产品消费预测二、2020-2025年血液灌流器市场规模预测三、2020-2025年血液灌流器行业总产值预测四、2020-2025年血液灌流器行业销售收入预测五、2020-2025年血液灌流器行业总资产预测第二节 2

2、020-2025年中国血液灌流器行业供需预测一、2020-2025年中国血液灌流器供给预测二、2020-2025年中国血液灌流器产量预测三、2020-2025年中国血液灌流器需求预测四、2020-2025年中国血液灌流器供需平衡预测五、2020-2025年中国血液灌流器产品价格预测六、2020-2025年主要血液灌流器产品进出口预测第13章 血液灌流器行业投资环境分析第一节 经济发展环境分析一、2015-2020年我国宏观经济运行情况二、2020-2025年我国宏观经济形势分析三、2020-2025年投资趋势及其影响预测第二节 政策法规环境分析一、2015-2020年血液灌流器行业政策环境分析

3、二、2015-2020年国内宏观政策对其影响分析三、2015-2020年行业产业政策对其影响分析第三节 技术发展环境分析一、国内血液灌流器技术现状二、2015-2020年血液灌流器技术发展分析三、2020-2025年血液灌流器技术发展趋势分析第四节 社会发展环境分析一、国内社会环境发展现状二、2015-2020年社会环境发展分析三、2020-2025年社会环境对行业的影响分析第14章 血液灌流器行业投资机会与风险第一节 血液灌流器行业投资效益分析一、2015-2020年血液灌流器行业投资状况分析二、2020-2025年血液灌流器行业投资效益分析三、2020-2025年血液灌流器行业投资趋势预测

4、四、2020-2025年血液灌流器行业的投资方向五、2020-2025年血液灌流器行业投资的建议六、新进入者应注意的障碍因素分析第二节 影响血液灌流器行业发展的主要因素一、2020-2025年影响血液灌流器行业运行的有利因素分析二、2020-2025年影响血液灌流器行业运行的稳定因素分析三、2020-2025年影响血液灌流器行业运行的不利因素分析四、2020-2025年我国血液灌流器行业发展面临的挑战分析五、2020-2025年我国血液灌流器行业发展面临的机遇分析第三节 血液灌流器行业投资风险及控制策略分析一、2020-2025年血液灌流器行业市场风险及控制策略二、2020-2025年血液灌流

5、器行业政策风险及控制策略三、2020-2025年血液灌流器行业经营风险及控制策略四、2020-2025年血液灌流器行业技术风险及控制策略了解2020-2026年中国血液灌流器行业市场调查研究及投资潜力预测报告报告编号:1277801 中国市场调研在线()是公司旗下独立运营多年的一家专业性大型行业研究网站,是专门从事产业研究与市场调研的专业网站,也是提供国内外行业报告的最大供应商之一。博研咨询从创建之初就矢志成为中国最具专业的商业信息收集、研究、传播的资讯情报机构,近年来公司已构建起庞大的企业商业情报数据库,并与业内有实力、有信誉的专业竞争情报公司、媒体监测公司、商业资讯研究公司、市场调查研究公



8、等多种调查课题。博研咨询(B&Y Consulting),全称为“北京博研智尚信息咨询有限公司”,是国内致力于“为企业战略决策提供专业解决方案”的顾问专家机构。博研咨询凭借多年的咨询服务经验,通过采用国际化的科学管理制度,博研咨询向客户提供更高品质的咨询服务。自成立初始,博研人基于明确的战略定位,凭借强大的专家资源优势、数据信息优势、专业技术优势,秉承“一心一意做研究,全神贯注为客户”的服务理念,博研咨询在行业研究和市场调研两大核心领域取得了长足的发展,研究专长从最初的农业、工业、流通和服务产业,扩展延伸至农业食品、钢铁冶金、生物医药、能源环保、石油化工、交通运输、电子信息、机械加工、服装纺织

9、、电力电气、金融服务、建筑地产、汽车制造、家电通信、教育培训等十六大行业,并形成了行业研究、市场调查、投资咨询、拟上市企业IPO咨询和商业信息数据五大业务模块,提供行业监测与定制研究、竞争对手调查、市场进入研究、消费者研究、投资决策评估、商业融资计划、IPO细分市场研究及IPO募投可行性研究报告等咨询服务。经过多年的发展和开拓,博研咨询已成为中国国内领先的多元化信息服务提供商之一,建立起了政府部门、行业协会、调查公司、商业数据库四位一体的数据支持平台。 截止2019年底博研咨询已累计完成各类咨询项目19800余例,我们不仅服务于国内客户,也帮助国外企业在中国大陆市场取得更大的成功。服务客户涉及

10、世界500强企业、各大商业银行、高校及科研院所、各级政府机构、各类投资公司、律师事务所、会计事务所、中小型企业等。目前,博研咨询以北京作为公司总部,旗下同时运营中国市场调研在线()和博研报告()两大信息服务门户网站。行业研究咨询服务l 研究行业的发展历程、现状、产业政策、产业布局、发展规划、技术水平l 研究行业的市场规模、价格波动、销售渠道、供求状况、市场需求结构及影响因素l 研究行业的细分产品市场的产销状况、重点地区市场规模、上下游产业及价值链结构l 研究行业的竞争格局、市场集中度、标杆型企业及其市场占有率l 研究行业的投资机会与风险、产业关键机遇与挑战、未来发展趋势分析及预测,向企业提供发

11、展战略建议市场调研咨询服务提供竞争对手调查、市场进入研究、消费行为研究、价格研究、市场细分研究、神秘顾客检测、满意度研究,协助客户在市场进入、产品定位、营销推广、渠道组织和管理等方面做出准确的商业决策投资咨询服务提供项目可行性研究报告、项目申请报告、资金申请报告、项目建议书、节能评估报告、社会稳定风险分析报告、商业计划书、产业及园区规划报告等数据来源【一手调研数据】对行业内相关的专家、厂商、渠道商、业务(销售)人员及用 户进行访谈,获取最新的一手市场资料。【市场监测数据】市场跟踪研究、长期监测采集的数据资料。【官方统计数据】国家统计局、国家发改委、国务院发展研究中心、行业协会、海关总署、工商税

12、务等政府部门和官方机构的统计数据与资料。【行业公开信息】1、行业重点企业及上、下游企业的季报、年报等;2、主流媒体的文章、评论、观点等;3、行业资深专家公开发表的观点。【商业数据】博研咨询长期合作的商业数据服务商。 【文献检索】各类中英文期刊数据库、图书馆、科研院所、高等院校的文献资料。【其它来源】其它具备一定权威性和参考价值的数据来源。研究方法1、时间序列时间序列是指将某种现象某一个统计指标在不同时间上的各个数值,按时间先后顺序排列而形成的序列。时间序列法是一种定量预测方法,亦称简单外延方法。在统计学中作为一种常用的预测手段被广泛应用。时间序列分析在第二次世界大战前应用于经济预测。二次大战中

13、和战后,在军事科学、空间科学、气象预报和工业自动化等部门的应用更加广泛。时间序列分析(Time series analysis)是一种动态数据处理的统计方法。该方法基于随机过程理论和数理统计学方法,研究随机数据序列所遵从的统计规律,以用于解决实际问 between management and employees of the organisation.All appropriate support structures need to be aligned to achieve shared values throughout the organisation.Policies, rewar

14、d systems and resource allocation mechanisms must all support the values which we wish all employees to adopt. Once the values are created, the alignment of support structures reinforce them.Instilling shared values is a long-term process The positive results from instilling shared values may not ma

15、nifest themselves in the short term and these results may, in any case, be difficult to measure through traditional techniques. If we do not see some return in the short-term we may be tempted to move onto another priority, not recognising the often imperceptible but fundamental shift in attitudes w

16、hich is occurring. We need to expect that after an initial introduction, the road may get a little rocky as people are testing out new ideas and beginning to understand what these ideas mean for them. It is important that the management team recognise this at the outset. Their commitment during thes

17、e times is critical to sustaining progress.Using the above guiding principles we have formulated the following approach. This incorporates a number of phases, although each phase is an integral part of the whole process:Phase 1 - Create cohesive management teamPhase 2 - Create shared value set and o

18、perationally define them within the organisationPhase 3 - Translate values into specific goals through strategic prioritiesPhase 4 - Reinforce values through learning sessionsThe power of creating shared values is realised when they span all operating companies, providing the UGC group with an under

19、lying sense of purpose. Phase I of the approach, therefore, relies on the involvement of management from group and all operating companies. Subsequent phases, however, are more likely to be tailored to the individual requirements of the operating companies and as such are more flexible in their appr

20、oach.The precise approach adopted will largely depend on the size and nature of the operating company concerned and will best be determined by discussions with the managing director of each company.Phase 1 - Create cohesive management teamLeadership is vital to the success of this endeavour. The obj

21、ective of this phase is to create a management team which collectively takes ownership for the strategic management of this endeavour. This is likely to include group directors and the managing directors of the operating companies. This group is responsible for laying the tracks for the rest of the

22、organisation to follow. That is, understanding and working with the concepts will be asking their employees to adopt and putting the processes and support infrastructure in place to ensure a successful roll-out. In order to do this the group must:become grounded in the progressive concepts and pract

23、ices of the UGC vision, values and people change, help design the overall process for creating shared values for UGC and their operating companies gain an understanding of the likely people issues which may arise during this transition to help clarify their own expectations and those of their teamsT

24、o enable you to achieve this we will design a two-day intensive seminar that will introduce this management team to some of the leading edge ideas and practices of creating and instilling shared values that we are developing with MIT. This seminar will be followed up with supplementary material incl

25、uding - readings, videos and cassettes- from leading experts which will reinforce the seminar learnings. In addition, we can put you in contact with others who have embarked on such endeavours so that they may share their insights with you. Following on from this we will work collectively with the m

26、anagement group to define the approach going forward in interactive working sessions. During this phase we will also seek to clarify the role, position and inderdependency of all existing Unipart programmes and institutions including the U, supplier Ten to Zero, Customer Satisfaction endeavour and O

27、CC.In addition, we will work with you to develop a communications strategy. In our experience we find small group discussions a very effective means of communicating such an agenda to employees since it gives them a feeling of involvement from the start and provides a forum for answering question an

28、d concerns. Written communications such as memos or brochures are useful to supplements to reinforce the group discussions. This phase can be considered akin to a management programme, whereby the group has the opportunity to update their current thinking and ideas with some of the leading practices

29、 which will serve them well beyond this endeavour.Phase 2 -Create shared value set and operationally define these within the organisationThe objective of the second phase is to create a set of shared values within the organisation for which people feel ownership and link them to what people need to

30、do on a day to day basis.As mentioned, the specific approach will be determined as part of Phase I. We believe, however, that a Search Conference approach would appear to be well suited to achieve these objectives.Search Conferences are an innovative large scale technique for gaining common ground,

31、creativity and committed action for a group or organisation. They are typically 2-3 days in length and are used for several purposes such as visioning, problem-solving, and strategic planning. In our experience, they are a compelling event for creating organisational values as they are so reliant on

32、 discovering and make explicit the common ground of individual values that we all share. Further, given the unique characteristics outlined below, we will have the opportunity to work with customers to determine what living these values would look like to them on a daily basis.Conference Success Fac

33、torsParticipants represent the whole business system - these include customers, suppliers and a cross section of employees and management - for maximum diversity of interdependent stakeholders.Participants create a shared understanding of the past and present situation and desirable futures - unders

34、tanding where we have come from and keying on the values necessary to guide Unipart toward its vision.Once the values are defined, the external groups including the customers, help Unipart define what living the value will look like to them. This operationalising of the values helps to anchor the be

35、haviours necessary in the minds of the employees, help set milestones for progress (see strategic priorities below) and brings the values down to an individual level, acting as meaningful guidelines for people on a day to day basis.The final stage of the Search involves getting commitment to action.

36、 Employees will be invited to commit their time and effort to being a member of an OCC responsible for developing the strategic priorities for each individual value. We advise that employees volunteer for specific circles for which they feel personal commitment. This will generate tremendous commitm

37、ent to action from each individual.The conference will be jointly facilitated by ourselves, the managing directors of the operational unit and nominated UGC missionaries.Whilst the specific roll-out approach will be determined with you as part of Phase I, one option for rolling out Search conference

38、s is using the cascade approach. This involves selecting a core group of Unipart employees and educating them on the Search process with additional training in how to help facilitate them. We envisage that we will co-facilitate with the missionaries at first, then they will be responsible for rollin

39、g out a modified version of the search conference to others in the organisation. The number of search conferences and roll out specifics will be dictated by the needs of each operating unit, the number of employees, the capabilities of the missionaries, and your time objectives.Phase 3 - Turn values

40、 into specific goals through strategic prioritiesAt the outset of this phase the organisation will have:developed a set of shared values by which they wish to live byoperationalised these values with key stakeholdersa corp of employees committed to taking this forward. The purpose of this phase is t

41、o consider each value in turn and develop four or five strategically consequential pieces of work that will move the company into a position where it is better able to live by its values. The first step is for missionaries to establish OCC circles with those employees committed to taking a specific

42、value forward. These circles will then further develop operational definitions for each value and translate them into 4-5 discreet tasks to move forward. An example to illustrate this translation may be:Value: put the customer firstOperational definition:respond to any customer query within an hour

43、Strategic priority:put telephone system in place which logs calls; train staff to deal with all call types In order to implement the strategic priority the circles must understand the current reality in the operating companies so that they may decide the appropriate action and magnitude of effort re

44、quired. What you choose as strategic priorities will determine a significant amount of your work over the next six months. It is important that these priorities are quantifiable and observable, so that you can measure or estimate whether or not you have achieved them. This creates a set of milestone

45、s and you can therefore see whether or not individuals move closer towards their goals.Phase 4 - Reinforce shared values through learning sessionsAfter the value set has been created, operationalised, and communicated via OCC circles we need a mechanism to ensure that people take the new behaviours on board. Institut

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