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1、plication Positioned between the tooth and its alveolus. Maxillary posterior forceps Universal maxillary forceps Physical characteristics 1. Plierslike appearance. Beaks have smooth edges that allow them to fit around the bifurcated areas of all maxillary molar teeth. a point on the buccal beak that

2、 allows them to fit into the buccal bifurcation area. Use To extract maxillary posterior teeth from their alveoli. Maxillary premolar forceps/universal forceps Physical characteristics 1. Plierslike appearance. 2. Instruments with bayonet -shaped beaks are Universal. Use To remove premolar teeth fro

3、m their alveoli in the maxillary arch. Mandibular posterior forceps Physical characteristics 1. Plierslike appearance. 2. Universal design and therefore functional in either quadrant of the arch. 3. Often referred to as a cowhorn forceps. Use To remove mandibular posterior teeth from their alveoli s

4、ockets. Mandibular incisor and premolar extraction forceps Physical characteristics l. Plierslike appearance. 2. Beaks designed to remove all mandibular teeth, but most often used on incisors and premolars. Use To extract mandibular incisor and premolar teeth. Pedodontic extraction forceps Physical

5、characteristics 1. Design identical to forceps manufactured for use on permanent teeth. 2. Smaller in size than standard forceps. Use To remove primary teeth from the oral cavity. Bone chisel/ surgical Mallet Physical characteristics Chisel 1. Length and width of the shaft vary. 2. Cutting end avail

6、able in single- bevel and double-bevel designs. Mallet 1. Hammer shaped. 2. Head available in lead or nylon. Use To trim or reshape bone to section teeth. INSTRUMENT STERILIZATION A profession engaged in delivering health care must be concerned with infection. It is imperative that sterilization of

7、dental instruments be a routine procedure in every dental office. Various methods of disinfection and sterilization can be employed to reduce the probability of infection and crosscontamination. It is mandatory that the dental team understand and properly use these methods. Sterilization Sterilizati

8、on is the act of destroying all forms of life. The most accepted methods in dentistry and medicine for achieving true sterilization are extended periods of high heat and steam heat. Disinfection Disinfection only inhibits the growth of disease- causing microorganisms and is not nearly as effective a

9、s sterilization. Only dental instruments that cannot withstand the high temperature of heat sterilization should be placed in a disinfectant solution. Some of the chemicals available for use as disinfectants are benzalkonium chloride, hexachlorophene, and rubbing alcohol. A more popular term for che

10、mical disinfection is cold sterilization.” The instruments are placed in an open disinfectant bath for the required length of time. IMPACTED TEETH A tooth is spoken of as being impacted when its eruption is partially or wholly obstructed by bone or some other teeth. Impacted Teeth Classification of

11、Mandibular Impacted Teeth The classification of mandibular impacted teeth may be stated simply as (l) mesioangular, (2) horizontal, (3) vertical, and (4) distoangular. In addition, the tooth may be displaced to the buccal or to the lingual. Furthermore it may be located at a high occlusal level (nea

12、r the ridge surface) or a low occlusal level. Etiology Many pathologic conditions bring about retarded eruption, displacement and impaction of teeth. The growth of the jaws and the movement of the teeth are in a forward direction; consequently, anything which interferes with this forward movement or

13、 growth will cause impaction of the teeth. Acute infectious fevers of childhood, such as scarlet fever and measles, may interfere with the forward movement by producing a deposit of dense bone. Etiology Local increase in the density of the bone may also be brought about by inflammation of the peride

14、ntal membrane, extending into the alveolar process. Severe traumatism to the jaws may cause a deposit of lime salts in the cancellated bone tissue and thus bring about impaction. Ankylosis of the mandibular joint in childhood, resulting in arrest of growth of the jaws, may leave insufficient space f

15、or the eruption of all teeth. Too early extraction of deciduous teeth may cause arrested development of the jaws and malpositions of the permanent teeth, this leading in turn to impaction of unerupted teeth. Disturbances caused by impacted teeth Impacted teeth may be present without giving rise to a

16、ny symptoms whatever. Others cause many complications such as some of local and general effects. (I) Local effects An impacted third molar may press against the crown of the second molar and cause decay of the tooth, or itself becomes the seat of caries around the point of contact. It may also cause

17、 pressure absorption of the root of the second molar. Exposure and devitalization of the pulp from these causes may give rise to neuralgia. Neuralgia may be caused in another way by pressure of the impacted tooth on the inferior dental nerve or its branches. (I) Local effects -cont. Sometimes, espec

18、ially in the case of the lower third molar, pericoronal infection, pericoronal abscess, cellulitis and osteomyelitis are set up, often accompanied by trismus. In any patient suffering from acute cellulitis in the back part of the mouth and inability to open the mouth, an impacted lower third molar s

19、hould be suspected. (Il) General effects Impacted teeth may be the cause of obscure headaches. Cases of more serious nervous or even mental disturbance have been at times traced to this cause. In such conditions as epilepsy, chorea and dementia precox, impacted teeth may at least be a contributing f

20、actor. In these cases there may be no local signs of trouble. Diagnosis If the tooth is partially erupted, the diagnosis is at once apparent on inspection, but in other cases the diagnosis depends on absence of the tooth from the denture and the X-ray findings. The X-ray is most valuable not only in

21、 detecting the presence of impacted and unerupted teeth, but also in accurately localizing them and determining the shape and position of the crown and roots, and relation to adjoining teeth. Treatment If treatment is indicated, it consists as a general rule in removal by operation of the impacted t

22、ooth Principle of Removal of Mandibular Impacted Teeth The underlying principle in the removal of mandibular impacted teeth is a sectioning technique. Bone is removed to expose the crown. The tooth is split with a fresh sharp chisel so that a good portion of the crown is separated from the tooth. Wh

23、en this portion is removed, space is obtained so that the remainder of the tooth can be elevated into the defect. Before this technique was developed, space for elevation was obtained by more extensive bone removal and consequently more trauma. Complications of extraction of teeth (1) Loosening of a

24、djacent teeth is caused by inappropriate use of forceps and elevators. (2) Fracture of adjacent teeth and restorations occasionally occurs during a routine extraction procedure. This most commonly occurs with the inappropriate use of elevators. Teeth can be fractured if the tooth being extracted suddenly yields to uncontrolled force and the forceps strike the opposing teeth. Complications (3) Fracture of the buccal or l

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