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1、期中考试120%第一卷 65% 一 听力 20% ( 一)听句子选择正确的图画。按所念句子的顺序,分别写出该图的字母序号。(二)听对话,根据对话内容和对话后提出的问题选择正确答案。 ( )1. A. At the doctorsB. At the libraryC. In the classroom ( )2. A. Skating B. SwimmingC. Running ( )3. A. 12 B. 38 C. 50 ( )4. A. Jim returned it B. He got it from JimC. He lend it to Jim ( )5. A. he is unin

2、teresting B. He wants so change his job C. He needs some interesting stories. ( )6. A. At the museum gate . B. In the street. C. In the police station. ( )7. A. Because she was ill and she needed someone to look after her. B. Because she had to look after her sick grandmother. C. Because she wanted

3、to spend her holiday in her home town. ( )8. A. 1.50 B. 2.80 C. 2.00 ( )9. A. Jims aunt.B. Jims uncleD. Jims brother. ( )10. A. Boy will be late. B. She thinks Bob wont come .C. She thinks Bob will be on time . ( )11. A. At 8:30.B. At 9:00.C. At 9:30. (三)听短文,并回答下列问题。( )1. According to the passage, i

4、n which country is football the most popular?A ItalyB EnglandC Germany ( ) 2. What is the most surprising thing about football according to what you hear?A A stranger can tell you anything about football in Britain.B Even a little child is able to tell you everything about the game.C Even a little c

5、hild can play football.( ) 3. Why do most of the schools in Britain take football very seriously?A Because it is interesting.B Because it is helpful.C Because it makes a big money.( ) 4. Which of the following is right about education according to what you hear?A Education is to train a large number

6、 of college students.B Education is to make a mans mind rich.C Education is to train a boy to be a true man. 二 选择填空20分( )1.It is not _ to cut down the trees on the hill.A wrong B interesting C right D dangerous ( ) 2. My mother often _ at 6:30 every morning.A wake up meB wake me upC calls me upD wak

7、es me up( ) 3. His father is a worker and a singer_.A alsoB eitherC as wellD neither( ) 4.She _ run or walk since she had an accident last month. A will be able toB was not able toC has not been able toD could not( ) 5 I think the coat in that shop is really_ expensive.A much tooB many tooC too much

8、D too many( ) 6 He is a person who has only one idea but makes it _.A workingB to workC doD work( ) 7 I dont know _ next.A what doingB what to doC how to doD how doing( ) 8 We found _ interesting _ a horse.A it, to rideB that, ridingC it, ridingD this, to ride( ) 9 Please read as _ as you can.A many

9、B moreC muchD most( )10 Where is your father? He _ the library.A have been toB is going toC has been inD has gone to( ) 11 Could you tell me_?A what have you doneB what you have doneC how you have doneD how you have make( ) 12 How much does it _ to get to Nanjing by train?A spendB payC costD take( )

10、 13 She told us that she _ the film.A has seenB had seenC sawD seeing( ) 14.Youd better _ English every day.A practice to speakB practise speakingC to practice to speakD practice speaking( ) 15 _ you eat,_ you will be.A The more, the fatterB The much, the fatterC The much, faterD More, fatter( ) 16M

11、y uncle has been in America _ 1998.A inB sinceC beforeD after( ) 17.Shes never looked after a baby before, _ she?A isnt B hasntC hasD is( ) 18 Ive been here for days, but _ I havent tried surfing because Im afraid of the high waves.A so thatB so longC long ago D so far( )19 Mrs Baker, all the studen

12、ts in our class say you are a good English teacher. Have you taught for a long time? In fact, I have only been an English teacher _ I came to China in 1999.A afterB sinceC whenD before( )20 At her birthday party, when Susan was asked to give a speech, the shy little girl said, “ Ive nothing_.A to sa

13、yB sayingC sayD should say三: 完型填空 10分Animals should live in the natural environment. They are beautiful and _1_ then. But we have an ever- growing population in the world, so there is less and less room _2_ our earth for wild animals. If we dont do something, some animals will _3_ in their wild envi

14、ronment. And it also means a disaster(灾难) to _4_.One of the ways to stop the disaster is to build special places for all the wild animals. And then they _5_ be protected from man. _6_ wild animals should be collected, fed and copied by modern technology.We see many things_7_ the animals in the past.

15、 Most of the dangerous to the animals safety come from _8_ activities. I should like to see an international law(法律). It _9_ the use and sale of meat, skin and tusks from animals. We do great wrong _10_we allow any of these wild animals to die out.( ) 1.A strongB livelyC excitingD enjoyable( ) 2A at

16、B inC onD to ( ) 3 A go awayB run awayC get offD disappear( ) 4A the earthB man C the animals worldD the environment( ) 5A mayB canC shouldD will( ) 6A CertainB ManyC FewD All( ) 7 A improvedB changedC happened toD took away( ) 8A the earthsB the wild animalsC the weathersD mans( ) 9A stopsB attacks

17、C protectsD describes( )10A ifB asC as ifD when 四 阅读 15分 阅读短文 选择正确答案 AChannel OneChannel Two18: 00 Around China17:45 Computers today18:30 Childrens programme18:10 Foreign arts19:00 News18:30 Modern English19:30 Weather report19:00 Animal world19:40 Around the world19:25 In Asia20:10 TV play: Sisters

18、20:20 Sports21:00 English for today21:00 Sports player: Yao Ming21:15 pop music21:45 English news21:55 Talk show22:05 On TV next week ( )1. If you want to know something about Yao Ming, the best programme for you is_. A TalkB SportsC Sports playerD TV play ( ) 2 Youll know something about _ at 19:00 on Channel Two.A animalsB newsC foreign artsD Asia( ) 3 If you want to watch NBA, the best programme for you would be _. A SportsB Around the worldC Foreign artsD English news (

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