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黄冈实验中学2011年中考模拟考试 .doc

1、people to conserve natureD. a newspaper report in 197051. Whats the most important thing for us to do to save our world?A. We should know what will happen in the future.B. We should plant more trees and flowers.C. We should clean the banks of our rivers.D. We must do what we must do to save our worl

2、d.52. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. 1970 was World Conservation Year.B. The United Nations wanted everyone to know that the world is in danger.C. Conservation is necessary.D. Young people are helping to save our world.D Recently, many of Americas biggest zoos have decided to close down their

3、 elephant exhibits. A new study shows that elephants live better in the wild. Researchers studies 4,500 elephants in European zoos and compared them with elephants living in wild. They found that wild elephants are healthier, live longer and reproduce(繁殖) more than those kept in zoos. Many animals l

4、ive longer in zoos than those who live in the wild. In zoos, they are not worried about some animals that may attack them at any time when in the wild. Theres always plenty to eat. And they are cured when sickness strikes. But when it comes to elephants, the situation is different. The researchers s

5、aid that zoos do not offer enough space for elephants to walk about as much as 30 miles a day. Too little exercise and too much food are causing zoo elephants to put on extra pounds. The weight gain can lead to heart disease and other health problems. Even the baby elephants born in zoos are heavier

6、 than those born in the wild. Bringing Asian and African elephants together in zoos has also caused problems. A disease that is not dangerous for African elephants has spread to Asian elephants, and is harming them. “ Zoos have accidentally created this,” says Mason. “Its killing Asian adult elephan

7、ts.” Exerts point out that keeping elephants in zoos isnt a problem for the animals only; its also quite costly for humans. In the last 10 years, zoos have spent about $500 million on caged space for about 250 animals.53. Compared with wild elephants, elephants in zoos _.A. live longer B. are heavie

8、r C. are healthier D. reproduce more54. The fourth paragraph mainly tells us that _.A. baby elephants are difficult to live in zoosB. elephants walk as long as miles a dayC. little room to wander leads to problems for elephantsD. too much food in zoos leads to heart disease for elephants55. What can

9、 we learn from the passage?A. Asian elephants are more easily attacked by diseases than African elephants.B. The diseases of zoo elephants are caused by being overweight.C. Zoos free the elephants because of the cost of keeping them.D. Elephants live better in the wild than in zoos.56. The passage i

10、s probably taken from _.A. the zoo rules B. a guide book C. a healt高一英语同步练习必修2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games单元综合评估测试(100分,45分钟)一.单项选择( 每题1分,共15分)1.Their basketball team _ours last Sunday, but we_the game yesterday afternoon. A. beat;beat B.beat;won C.won;won D.won;beat2. -Mary, what do the letters CBA _?

11、 -China Basketball Association. A.stand up B.stand by C.stand for D.stand out3. Fifty students will _ the first place. A.compete B.compete against C.compete for D. compete with4. -Peter, whats your favorite sport? -_. A.Yes, very much B. I love sports C.No, not really D. Football, I think.5. To enjo

12、y the scenery, Sue preferred to spend long hours on the train _travel by air. A. as B. with C.rather than D.while6. Many of the Chinese medals were won in table-tennis and gymnastics and also in_ such as diving and weightlifting. A. events B. businesses C. matters D. affairs7. Everybody believes he

13、will be the winner of the 100-meter_. A. match B. competition C. contest D. race8. The World Cup will _ in Tokyo next month. Do you know how many countries will be_? A happen; taking part B. be held; taking part in it C. play; taking part in D. take place; joining in9. Why not _us ? _ the favorite g

14、ame? A. join in ; Join B. join; Join C. join; Join in D. join in; Join in10. -Have a cigarette please. -No, thanks. I _heavily, but Ive recently given it up.A. am used to smoke B. used to smokeC. used to smoking D. has used to smoke11. After walking _ the bridge, they walked _ the woods and then got

15、 to a village. A. across; through B. into; across C. over; above D. under; into12. When Xiao Ming was ill in hospital, his friends went to see him _. A. every a few days B. everyday C. every two days D. every the day13. The new bridge _ by the end of this month. A had been completing B. has complete

16、d C. will be completed D. will have been completed14. Selecting a mobile phone for a personal use is no easy task because technology _ so rapidly. A. is changing B. will be changed C. will change D. will have changed15. The Olympic Games, _ in 776BC, did not include women players until 1912. A. firs

17、t play B. to be first played C. first played D. to be first playing二.完形填空 (每题2分,共30分) Mexico, the largest nation in the region, is a good example of life in Middle America.Although Mexico is a large country, only 12 percent of its land is good for farming, 16 40 percent is good for grassland. The re

18、st of the land is hills and mountains, 17 plateaus(高原 ), or wet coastal regions. The mountains are too 18 to farm . The high plateau in the middle of Mexico would be good farmland if it had more 19 . The coastal areas receive so much 20 that the land often becomes waterlogged(浸泡水的). For all of these

19、 reasons Mexicans must 21 the good farmland they have. Yet good farming has not always been 22 in Mexcio. For many 23, Mexcian farmers had grown traditional crops. These 24 corn, beans and squash. 25, when the Spanish arrived in the 1500s, they tried to 26 new ideas. They thought new 27 such as onions, turnips(萝卜), sugarcane, and bananas would 28 well in the warm tropical (热带的)29. But the Mexicans wished to continue with their old 30.16 A.OtherB.AnotherC.The otherD.with17 A.dryB.wetC.far-awayD.cool18 A.warmB.c

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