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1、. tell; say D. say; tell( )10. What happened _ “Young Lives” last night? A. onB. inC. toD. of( )11. I finished my _ exam last week. A. end of yearB. end of years C. end-of yearsD. end-of-year( )12. Im at Marys house _ a homework project. A. work on B. working onC. workD. working ( )13. TV and comput

2、ers can _ our eyes to the outside world. A. start with B. open up C. turn up D. take up ( )14. She will go to Marcias house _ Friday night. A. at B. in C. for D. on ( )15. I hope you are _ good health. A. in B. on C. with D. for ( ) 16. Im three years _ than you.A. old B. older C. oldest D. bigger(

3、)17.John is _ of the twins.A. taller B. the taller C. the tallest D. high综合提高五、阅读理解(每题1分,共20分)(A) 仔细阅读下面的文章,然后选择正确答案Mark Twain was famous in his days as a public speaker. In his public speeches he always liked to tell funny stories. He also liked to listen to funny stories and play jokes on his frie

4、nds. One day one of his friends lost his wallet and asked Mark Twain to pay his train fare (车费)for him. “But I dont have enough money to pay both your fare and mine, ”Mark Twain said. The friend didnt know what to do. “We can do this, ”said Mark Twain. “We can get on the train and when the conductor

5、 comes to check the tickets,you can hide under my seat. ” Later, however, when the conductor came to check the tickets, Mark Twain gave him two ticketsone for his friend and one for himself . Then he explained in a loud voice. “My friend here is a strange man. When he travels on a train, he doesnt l

6、ike to sit on the seat. He prefers (宁愿)to lie on the floor under the seat. ”Of course everybody in the train looked at the poor friend and laughed at him loudly. ( )1. The friend asked Mark Twain to buy a ticket for him because _. A. he was too poor to buy one B. his wallet was lost C. his money was

7、 little D. Mark Twain had a lot of money ( )2. Mark Twain told him he couldnt buy him a ticket because _. A. he didnt have enough money B. he wanted to play a joke on him C. he wanted to save some money D. he didnt find his wallet, either ( )3. When the conductor came to check the tickets, the frien

8、d was _. A. lying under the seat B. sitting on the seat C. lying on the seat D. standing nearby ( )4. Mark Twain spoke in a loud voice because _. A. the conductor was standing far away B. his friend was deaf (聋) C. he enjoyed doing so D. he wanted all the people here to know there was a man under th

9、e seat ( )5. Which of the following sentences is not true? A. The friend didnt know Mark Twain had bought a ticket for him. B. Mark Twain not only liked to tell funny stories but also liked to listen to funny stories. C. Both Mark Twain and his friend got on the train without a ticket. D. Mark Twain

10、 bought two tickets before they got on the train.(B)仔细阅读下面的文章,用所给动词的适当形式填空。A sudden ringing woke Peter up. He turned on the light, got up and went to answer the phone. “ 1 you still _ (lie) on the bed?” Came Henrys voice. “Yes,” said Peter. “But its only four.” “ 2 your watch _ (not work)? Open the

11、window and look outside. I 3 (arrive) at the bus stop already.” Peter did as his friend said. It 4 (snow) heavily and it was white everywhere. Skiing was both Peters favorite hobby and mine, too. I ran to the telephone and said, “Wait for me there and I 5 (get) there in a quarter of an hour.” After

12、half an hour Peter and his friends were on the bus. It was cold and the roads 6 (cover) with snow. The old driver seemed to be careful. He drove slowly and all the passengers 7 (understand) why he did so. Suddenly a woman in the front of the bus called out. People 8 (not know) what happened and they

13、 looked ahead. A truck quickly approached our bus. We were too 9 (frighten) to say a word. At the last moment the driver turned the bus aside and it hit a tree by the road. The truck passed by quickly and fell into the river. Luckily, none of the passengers 10 (hurt). But they were not happy. They h

14、ad to save the truck driver!六、完成对话。从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话,有两项多余。(每空1分,共5分)John:Its too hot today.Wed better go swimming in the afternoon.Jim: 1 .John:Shall we swim in the Kunming Lake?Jim: 2 By the way, who do you think is the best swimmer in our class?John: Mike.He is very strong.Jim: 3 I think he swims q

15、uite slowly.John: But I think 4 Jim: Can Tom swim as well as Mike?John: 5 Jim: But I think so.1 .A.I dont agree with you.B.I agree with you.C.Im not sure about that.D.Oh,I dont know.2. A.I havent thought of that.B.You must be joking.C. Thats a good idea.D. Im against it.3.A.Im afraid I really cant a

16、gree with you. B. You are quite right.C.I agree. D. Thats just what I think.4.A.he is poor at swimming. B. he is really good at swimming.C .he doesnt like swimming. D. he is really good at swimming.5.A.Thats true.B.I dont think so.C.I agree.D. Maybe youre right.七、书面表达。(共15分)请按照所给的成绩报告单完成下面的这封信。开头已给出

17、:Name: Jack,Class: Class 2, Grade 1Math: hard-workingEnglish: good at speakingHistory: can do betterChinese: so-soScience: lazy studentGeography: do well in writingDear parents,I got my report card yesterday. I did OK in some subjects. My math teacher said _Yours Jack答案一、每个2分共28分.1. soap opera 2. re

18、port card 3. a surprise party 4. be mad at 5. first of all6. have a fight with sb/ fight with sb. 7. in good health8. pass on 9. not any more.10. be supposed to do sth 11.get over 12. do well in/ be good at 13 end-of-year exam 14. be surprised to do sth二、每个1分共10分. 1. report card 2. supposed 3. get o

19、ver 4. could do well 5. surprise party 三、每个1分共5分1. surprise 2. return 3. better 4. copy 5. report四、每个1分共17分1-5 BBBAD 6-10 DBACA 11-17 DBBDABB五、(A)每个2分,共10分; (B)每个1分,共10分 (A).1-5 BBADC (B). 1 Are lying 2 doesnt work 3 have arrived 4 snowed 5 will get6 were covered 7 understood 8 didnt know 9 frighten

20、ed 10 was/were hurt六、每空1分,共5分1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B七、共15分One possible version: Dear parents,I got my report card yesterday. I did OK in some subjects. My math teacher said I was hard-working. My English teacher said I was good at speaking. My history teacher said I could do better. But my Chinese is so

21、- so and my science teacher said I was a lazy student, which isnt true. My geography teacher said I did well in writing.I hope Ill do better and better in my study.Yours学科王Jack客服热线:025-68801918、68801919 - 7 - 学科王_中国领先的教育出版与服务平台11、我的叔叔于勒学习目标:1、通过读课文,概述文章主要故事情节。2、分角色朗读课文,讨论分析人物语言的个性化,进一步学习运用对比手法刻画人物形象


23、(简评讲述情况)大家已熟悉了周边的某些人围绕“钱”而发生的或喜或悲的故事。下面让我们走近19世纪的法国,看看莫泊桑笔下的人物故事。二、预习导学1文学常识:在世界文坛上,有三位短篇小说之王,他们是法国的 莫泊桑 、俄国的 契诃夫 、美国的 欧亨利 。莫泊桑,法国19世纪后半期著名的批判现实主义 作家 ,他的代表作有长篇小说 、 中篇小说 、 、 。2、给加点字注音。别墅( ) 阔绰( ) 撬开( ) 栈桥( ) 褴褛( )3、解释下列成语的意思。拮据 褴褛 阔绰 恭维 张皇 端详 十拿九稳 与日俱增 狼狈不堪 整体感知1、请同学们快速阅读课文,然后请一位同学叙述故事情节。(100字以内)2、请同

24、学们快速默读课文。(1)、要求在每个自然段落前标上相应的序号,同时把课文中菲利普夫妇对于于勒的称呼的词语圈点出来。坏蛋、流氓、无赖;正直的人、有良心的人;小子、家伙、老流氓、贼、流氓。(2)学生们分组讨论发言:小说前前后后为什么会有这么多对于勒不同的称呼?因为于勒当初花了菲利普夫妇的钱于勒到美洲赚了钱,不仅愿意还他们钱,而且还可 以多给他们钱破产又失去了钱,又可能要回来花他们的钱。(3)学生讨论:从上面的这些不同的称呼中,可以看出菲利普夫妇对于于勒的态度是如何变化的?教师引导小结:恐怖希望恐怖、仇恨 (4)学生根据上面的这条感情线索,归纳出本文的情节。(情节的每部分用一个字来概括)教师引导小结

25、:盼-赞-见-躲(开端) (发展) (高潮) (结局)(5)层次分析:第一部分:14 故事的开端,盼望于勒。第二部分:519 故事的发展,夸赞于勒。第三部分:2047 故事的高潮,巧遇于勒。第四部分:4849 故事的结局,躲避于勒。合作探究一、研读赏析第25到38段,分析人物写法,感知人物形象1、找出课文中能表现人物性格特点的地方,在课文中做批注。然后我们来概括:我认识了一个-(人物性格特点)的-(人物),你瞧,-(人物表现),运用了-(描写方法)。示例:我认识了一个自私的菲利普,你瞧,他在船上认出弟弟时“神色很狼狈,低声嘟哝着:出大乱子了。”运用了神态和语言描写。学生阅读课文,找出对人物进行

26、的描写、烘托的句子,分析人物的性格特点。学生自主或指明回答。菲利普夫妇:虚荣、势利、自私、贪婪、冷酷无情。 克拉丽斯:精细、刻薄、泼辣。 对于勒的认识:糟蹋钱、自作自受、不知悔改、怀念亲人、令人同情.对于“我”的认识:是一个涉世未深,比较天真单纯、富有同情心2、分析明快个性化的语言(1)“你们要不要我请你们吃牡蛎?”揭示了菲利普夫妇附庸风雅的庸俗心理,表现了他想上上流社会的性格特征。(2)“啊!啊!原来如此.如此.我早就看出来了!.谢谢您,船长。”菲利普夫妇神态异常,说话语无伦次,生动的描写了他内心的极度恐慌。虚荣、势利、自私的个性跃然纸上。(3)我就知道这个贼是不会有出息的,早晚会回来重新拖





31、同情和怜悯。“虚荣”说:小说通过菲利普夫妇对待亲兄弟于勒前后截然不同的态度的描述,表现了他们爱慕虚荣的丑态。“势利”说:小说通过菲利普夫妇渴望见到已经发大财的于勒和在船上遇到的贫困潦倒的于勒后极力躲避的心理的刻画,深刻揭示了菲利普夫妇嫌贫爱富的低级庸俗的势利心态。三、拓展延伸如果现在又在换乘的船上看到了有位富翁像于勒(或就是于勒),那么菲利普夫妇又会有哪些出色的表现呢?请展开想象,续写故事,注意人物语言、神态、动作描写。 开头为:回来的时候,我们换乘了圣玛洛船4人教版(新目标)八年级上册英语学案 Unit 9Unit 9 Section A 1a-2c一、学习目标:1、掌握P53-54单词2、

32、学会对多长提问(how long)和对时间提问(when)的用法,When was he/she born? He/She was born .How long did he hiccup ? He hiccupped for 69 years.二、预习目标:自己学会单词,写出下列单词的过去式play start Do stop hiccup(现在分词) 三、预习检测: 写出词组:一位很棒的乒乓球运动员 国际体育明星 在1976年 四、导学:停止做某事stop doing sth , stop to do sth停下来去做某事五、课堂检测:I翻译短语1. 世界纪录_ 2. 开始打嗝_ 3. 篮

33、球运动员_4. 一位中国运动员_ 5. 他哪一年出生?_6.他打嗝打了多长时间? 69年零5个月_.II单项选择:1. When _ Deng Yaping born? In 1973. A. is B. was C. were D. am2. He started sneezing _ January 13. 1981. A. in B. on C. of D. at 3. _ did Charles hiccup? About 69 years and 5 months.A. Hong long B. How old C. How many D. How much4. There_ man

34、y people in the library yesterday. But there _ not many people today. A .were; are B. were; were C was; are D. are; are5. Bill can play _ basketball. Jim can play _ violin.A. the, the B. a, the C. /,the D. the,/6. She was born _America _June 2,2003A. on, in B. in, on C. in , in D. on , in 7._did he stop running?in1978 A. When B. What C. who D. whyIII按要求改写句子1. Jim was born in 1981. (画线提问)_2. He hiccupped for ten years. (画线提问)_3. He stopped sneezing in 1992.(否定句)_

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