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1、How was your weekend课时教学设计教材分析:本单元的语言训练重点是互相询问如何度过周末,并对已过上一周的周末进行评论。Section A主要是听读说和基础语言运用,为目标句型提供分步示例和指导性练习;Section B知识扩展;新旧知识的运用;循序渐进的写作练习;运用所学的语言完成各种任务使学生能够对已经学过的目标句型运用自如;Self Check自我评价,词汇知识的评价,语言应用能力的评价.教学目标:.认知目标:能熟知课文主要内容,掌握相应的语言知识(单词、习惯用语、语法和功能用语)。能结合所给任务,综合运用新、旧知识完成任务。2.技能目标能培养良好的听、说、读、写的能力,


3、我完善和自我奖赏。激发成就感,强化竞争意识。献爱心,见行动。加入the Heartwarming Project,服务社会,关注社会。树立正确的人生观和价值观。教学策略巧引妙导,挖掘教学内容和教学方法的新颖性和艺术性,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。采用互动的课堂模式,提倡开放式教学。倡导“任务型”教学途径,让学生“做中学”或“用语言做事”。“学”是前提,“做”是目的;“学”是为了“做”,“做”又促进“学”,两者缺一不可。面向全体,因人因材施教。建构民主氛围,营造宽松和谐的课堂教学气氛,合理利用评价方式,捕捉学生亮点。正视个体差异,倡导过程激励,以多层次、多角度、多主体的结果与过程并重的评价方式激励进

4、步。学习策略树立正确的“以人为本”的学习观,倡导自主学习、合作学习与探究式学习,发展主体性,培养独立学习意识,养成良好的学习习惯。明确“熟能生巧”的原理,积极参与课堂活动。在学习活动中讨论weekend activies或参加课堂上的才艺表演(Talent show),创设语境,猜测周末活动,乐于探究,勤于动脑动口。课后访谈调查,读写摘记,重视语言运用。掌握科学的学习方法,通过不同的活动形式(小组活动、配对活动、班级活动等)共享资源,互助学习,在合作中取长补短。文化意识:Self check阅读部分中讲到old Henry因失去his cute dog而悲伤不己,写到He has no dog

5、 and no family。借此向学生渗透在西方,狗备受宠爱和青睐的文化。有关狗的词汇不像在汉语中,如:“狐朋狗友”“看家狗”“痛打落水狗”等都含有贬义。拓展一些词汇,如:lucky dog(幸运的人),big dog(大亨),clever dog聪明的小孩,伶俐的小孩子)。Every dog has his day(人人皆有得意时)。教学重点和难点:单词:beach,pool,visit,stay,cute,test,cook,spend,mountain,practice以及不规则变化行为动词is,do,go,have,read,see,write,sit的过去式形式was,did,we

6、nt,had,read,saw,wrote,sat短语:go to(a place),go shopping,go for a walk with,visit(a person),watch sb do sth,It is time to do sth,read a book about(history),see an interesting talk show,study for the(math)test。语音:掌握动词过去式规则变化中动词词尾所加的-ed的三种不同的读音规则(|t|d|id|)。语法:掌握一般过去时表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态。通常由动词过去式表示,与表示过去的时间状语

7、连用。日常交际用语:What did you/your friend/he/she/they do last weekend?(2)How was your weekend?(3)It was great!/It was OK./It wasnt very good.(单词的词义/词的搭配和它们在一般过去时中的用法是难点)Lesson OneStep1.Warming-upAsk some questions to have a short review.What do you do?Whats your favorite subject?Step2.Presentation1.Ask:Do

8、you like weekends?And what do you usually do on weekends?Students:I usually watch TV.(give some pictures to help them)2.Show some pictures,and the students ask and answer in pairs.What do you usually do on weekends?3.Last weekends,I cleaned my room.Explain“last weekends”is a past time,so you must us

9、e past tense.So I added.What about you?What did you do last weekend?(write on the blackboard)did-doShow pictures and the verbs are past tense.First only say the phrases.Likedid the homework,and pay attention to the past tense.Step3 PracticeWhat did you do last weekends?I did.Step4 Exercise1. Do 1a o

10、n P53.Match the words with the pictures.Then read together twice.2. Do 1 on P53.listen and write the day and“morning”,“afternoon”,“night”below each picture.Then practice according to the picture:On Saturday morning/Saturday afternoon/Sunday night/Sunday morning,I did.Step4 Expansion1. Show a boy,ask

11、“What did he do last weekend?”S:“He talked on the phone.”Another two,and ask the same,2. Show a girl,ask:What did she do last weekend?She played the guitar.(Another two)3. Show two people,ask:What did they do last weekend?They had a party.4. Students practice in pairs:What did he/she/they do last we

12、ekend?He/She/They did.(According to the pictures)Step5 Listening practice1. Listen to 2a on P54,and underline the words you hear.2. Listen again and write“C”for Carol,“B”for Ben or“E”for Emma next to the statements above.Step6 Pairwork1. Practice the conversation on P54.You can use the information i

13、n the box.2. Make a conversation by yourself.Step7 SurveyWork in groups and ask other three students:What did you do last weekend and fill in the chart.Then give a report:Last weekend,LiMing went to the beach.Xiao Hua wrote a letter.Step8 Conclusion1. Read sentences in the Grammar Focus together onc

14、e.2. Conclude the changes of the verbs.Step9 Homework1. Copy the words of P53P54 five times.2. Write a short passage about your last weekends.3. Workbook(1)P33.Lesson TwoStep1.Revision1.Ask:Where did you do last weekend?/yesterday evening?2.Check the past forms of some words and phrases.3.Please giv

15、e a report about your last weekend.(Its yesterdays homework)Step2.PresentationFirst review“Hows it going?”,and the four kinds of answers.“Not bad”“Great”“Terrible”“Pretty good”.Then ask:What did you do last weekend?How was your weekend?First the students will answer using only those phrases.So can y

16、ou answer my question using a sentence.:“It was.”Step3.PracticeShow pictures and ask about it.T:How was your weekend?S:It was.I(activity)Then ask the students to make a dialogue.Ask about each others weekend.Step4.ExercisesDo 3a.Use the given sentences to complete the conversation.Then ask students

17、to read it and check the answers.Step5.ExpansionAsk:Who is the girl in Picture1.How was Mings weekend?What did Ming do last weekend?S:It was great!He went to the beach.Then what about Tonys and Sarahs weekend?Ask and answer with your partner.A:How was Mings weekend?B:It was great.She/He went to the

18、beach.Ste6.ReportTell us your happy things and unhappy things last weekend:It was OK,I(activity)It wasnt very good,I(activity)Step7 SurveyWork in group,and ask your friends what did they do last weekend?And How was/were the things about the weekend.Then give a report like this:Mary went to the beach

19、,the weather was sunny;the beach was beautiful;and the people are friendly.Step8.InterviewSuppose one is a famous people you like,and he/she came to Wenzhou last weekend,and another one is a reporter.Make an interview,and ask the famous person questions about his weekend in Wenzhou.Homework1. Copy G

20、rammar Focus once。2. Do workbook(1)P34,(2)25Lesson ThreeStep1.Revision1. Check the past tense of some words.2. Practice“How was your weekend?”Step2.ExerciseAsk:What did you do yesterday?Lets see what Sally and Jim did yesterday.Do 1a on P56.Do you like the things they did?Ask:Do you like to play the

21、 guitar?.Listen and write down what Sally and Jim did last weekend and complete the chart.Step3.SurveyInterview your partners about their parents:What did your mother/father do last weekend?Then give us a report:My friend*s father/motherlast weekend.Step4.ReadingRead 3a by yourself,and circle the ac

22、tivities you like.Underline the activities you dont like.Then let the students give their answers.Explain:For most kids.Then ask some students to read the passage.Step5.SurveyWhat did most of you do last weekend?Ask about your friends in your group and give a report:Last weekend,most of us.Step6.Exe

23、rciseDo 3b.First ask questions about the pictures?What is he/she doing?Then fill in the blanks according to the pictures.Step7 Oral WritingCan you introduce your last weekend like 3b?Homework:1.Write about what you did last weekend.2.Do workbook(1)P35(2)26Lesson FourStep1.RevisionAsk students to int

24、roduce his/her last weekend.Step2.Guessing GameA student talk about a famous persons weekend,and the others guess who he/she is.Step3.ReadingDo you like your weekends?Are you all happy on your weekend?Old Henry is not happy.Do you know why?Read it and find the answer.Explain:Old Henry does not;went

25、for a walk;it was time to;Listen to the tape and read after it.Step4.GroupworkFirst ask:If you are Old Henrys friend,how can you help him?Then work in groups and talk about what you can do.Suppose you went to visit him last weekend.What did you do?Step5.ConclusionAsk students to conclude what we lea

26、rned in this unit.List the main words;main phrases;main sentence pattern;Step6.Solve the problemsDo you have any problems in this unit?Explain some exercises in Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?一 Teaching aims: animals:tiger elephant koala dolphin panda lion penguin giraffeSome adjectives about charact

27、er:cute smart shy ugly clever beautiful friendly quiet lazycountries:Africa Japan Australiaothers:grass leaf meat sleep relax kind of 二Topic: Animals in a zoo三、Teaching guide:1.language goals: Talk about animals2.Functions: 1.Describe animals 2.Express preferences3.Target languages:Why do you like k

28、oalas?Why does she / he like koalas?Because they are cute.Where is/are from ?Its/Theyre from. What animals do you like ?What other animals do you like 4.Learning strategies: active, cooperation, studyUsing what you know Inferring content5.Recycling:small, quiet, scary, interesting, very, Australia,

29、China, He is fromShe is five years old.6.Emotion: 1.Train the students to protect animals consciously.2.Love nature, parents, friends and life more。3.Help each other actively。四Difficult point and Important point: 1. Master the vocabularies of animals. 2. Discuss the reason why you like it most kind

30、of and very五Teaching plan: Four periodsThe first period : P.13P.14The second period: p15The third period: p16p17The fourth period: p18Period One Topic: Why do you like ?Structures: Why do you like koalas? Because they are very kind of cute.Task: Talk about your favorite animal.Culture: Know somethin

31、g about the animals in the world.Vocabulary:Animal: koala, elephant, dolphin, lion, tiger, panda, dog, penguin, very, kind of , cute Grammar:Why do you like koalas? Because they are very/kind of cute.Abilities: Students can ask and talk about the animals they likeEmotion: Talk about animals, underst

32、and animals, love them and enjoy lifeImportant points: The names of the animals and some adjectivesDifficult points: Plurals Teaching steps:Step 1 Review:Do you like ? and some adjectives:(1) chant: do you like fruit?(2) Talk about the movies.T: I like the comedies. Do you like the comedies?S: Yes,

33、I do.T: why?S: Because theyre funny.Step 2:presentationTalk about persons and teach friendly, beautiful, cute, clever, shy, smartT: I like Zhao Wei . Do you like her?S: Yes, I do.T: Why?S: Because she is beautiful.Talk about the people near usStep 3: Review the animals they have learnedLook at the a

34、nimals . what is this? It is a lion. dog, pig, monkey, chicken, ox, fox, cow , cat, sheepDo 1a, 1bStep 4 Talk about your favorite animals with some adjectives:I like lions. Do you like them?Yes, I do.Why do you like them?Because they are cute.Practice in pairsStep5 make a surveyHow many students lik

35、e the kind of animal?Step6 Homework Period TwoTopic: where are from?Structures:Where are the lions from?They are fromWhat other animal do you like?Task: Talk about the rare animals.Culture: Know something about your friends/parentsVocabulary: Australia South Africa ugly friendly shy clever grammarWh

36、ere are you /they from?Where is he /she/it from?What animal do you like?What other animals do you likeStep1 Lets chantWhat fruit do you like ?What fruit do you like ?Do you like apples?Yes, I do . Yes, I do.Do you like bananas?Yes, I do . Yes, I doDo you like bananas?No, I dont. No, I dont.Step2 pre

37、sentationI like B: Why do you like him / her?A: Because he/ she is very/kind of Practice with these adjectivesFriendly shy ugly cute beautiful smart cleverStep3 Talk about your family members and classmates.What animal do you like (best)?I like Why do you likeBecause theyre 1a Match the words with t

38、he animals in the picture1b Listen and check the animals you hearstep4 Ask about your partners favorite animals.A: Do you want to see lions?B: Yes , I do .A: Why ?B: Because theyre cute.Step 5 listening2a Listen . Write the animals you h八年级上文言文阅读复习 LYH湖心亭看雪 张岱崇祯五年十二月,余住西湖。大雪三日,湖中人鸟声俱绝。A是日更定矣,余挐一小舟,拥

39、毳衣炉火,独往湖心亭看雪。雾凇沆砀,天与云与山与水,上下一白。B湖上影子,惟长堤一痕,湖心亭一点,与余舟一芥,舟中人两三粒而已。到亭上,有两人铺毡对坐,一童子烧酒炉正沸。见余,大喜曰:“湖中焉得更有此人!”拉余同饮。余强饮三大白而别。问其姓氏,是金陵人,客此。及下船,舟子喃喃曰:“莫说相公痴,更有痴似相公者!”1下列各级句子中,加点词语意思相同的一项是( )A湖中人鸟声俱绝/绝巘多生怪柏 B上下一白/惟长堤一痕C是日更定/是金陵人 D余强饮三大白/强人所难2下列各组句子中,加点词语意思相同的一项是( )。A湖中焉得更有此人/即更刮目相待 B客此/满座宾客无不伸颈C湖中人鸟声俱绝 /哀转久绝 D

40、及下船/不及汪伦送我情3把文中画线的句子翻译成现代汉语。A句译文: B句译文: 4作者在“”、夜深人静之后,撑小舟“”。湖上冰花一片弥漫,天与云与山与水浑然一体,“”。不期亭中遇客,三人对酌,临别才互道名姓。舟子喃喃“ ,”,以三人为痴,殊不知这三人正是性情三人。5文中开头说“独往湖心亭看雪”,后来又写到“舟中人两三粒”,况且文章末尾舟子还出现了,这是否矛盾?答: 6下列对选文内容的理解,不正确的一项是( )A本文用白描手法描写西湖雪景,“一痕”、“一点”、“一芥”、“两三粒”,简练自然,高度概括,宛如中国画中的写意山水,寥寥数笔,传达出景物的形与神。B作者写雪景,却着力去写堤、亭、舟、人,不

41、但丰富了文章的内涵,而且绘景写人,相映成趣,西湖雪景因为有了人的活动,更具生气与魅力。C文中写湖心亭上两个金陵人对坐饮酒、“余”被邀勉力喝三杯而别的情景,是“看雪”行动的延伸。能够真实地体现作者喜极而悲的情绪变化。D开头两句交代“看雪”时间、地点,并先从视觉上描写西湖“大雪三日”的景象,接着从两个角度描写夜晚雇船独往湖心亭所看到的湖中雪景。7选出下列说法不恰当的一项( )。A. 湖心亭巧遇虽是叙事,但重在议论。B. 文章叙事时的情绪是一波三折,但是都与“看雪”有关,是“看雪”行动的延伸。C. 本文写景句文字简练朴素,不加渲染,不事雕琢,寥寥几笔就勾勒出一幅绝妙的湖山夜雪图。D. 文章结尾引用舟

42、子的话包含了对“痴”字的称赏,同时以天涯遇知音的愉悦化解了心中的淡淡愁绪。附:湖心亭看雪全文翻译崇祯五年十二月,我住在西湖。接连下了三天的大雪,湖中行人、飞鸟的声音都消失了。这一天初更以后,我撑着一只小船,穿着毛皮衣,带着火炉,独自前往湖心亭看雪。冰花一片弥漫,天空、云朵、山峰和湖水,上下全是一片白色。湖上比较清晰的影子,只有一道长堤的痕迹,一点湖心亭的轮廓,和我的一叶小舟,以及舟中的两三粒人影罢了。到了亭子上,看见有两个人铺着毡席,相对而坐,一个童子正把酒炉里的酒烧得滚沸。 (他们)看见我,十分惊喜地说:“想不到湖中还能碰上您这样有闲情雅致的人呢!!” 拉着我一同饮酒。我痛饮了三大杯,然后(

43、和他们)道别。问他们的姓氏,得知他们是金陵人,在此地客居。等到(回来时)下了船,船夫嘟哝道:“不要说相公您痴,还有像您一样痴的人呢!”记承天寺夜游 苏轼(一)元丰六年十月十二日夜,解衣欲睡,月色入户,欣然起行。念无与为乐者,遂至承天寺寻张怀民。怀民亦未寝,相与步于中庭。庭下如积水空明,水中藻荇交横,盖竹柏影也。何夜无月?何处无竹柏?但少闲人如吾两人者耳。8下列各项中加点字解释不相同的一项是:( )A、念无与为乐者/念近中无此禅院 B、遂至承天寺/毎至晴初霜旦C、但少闲人如吾两人者耳/两耳不闻窗外事 D、解衣欲睡/随心所欲9下列各组句子中,加点的词语意思相同的一项是( )A遂至承天寺寻张怀民/寻病终 B怀民亦未寝/废寝忘食C庭下如积水空明/而或长烟一空 D欣然起行/品行10把文中画线的句子译成现代汉语。译文: 11作者在文中为我们描绘了一个怎样的世界?表现了作者怎样的心境?答: 12古人爱把竹柏比作君子,比作好友,苏轼写竹柏的用意是什么?答: 13从“但少闲人如吾两人者耳”的“闲人”两字,你能体会到作者怎样的思想感情?答:

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