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考点1 物质的变化和性质.doc

1、 at home. But they 44 a cousin brother Mike. He is here today. They ask Mike to 45 them.( )36. A. is B. am C. are( )37. A. can B. cant C. doesnt( )38. A. can B. cant C. doesnt( )39. A. like B. want C. can( )40. A. Jane B. her C. Janes( )41. A. The B. a C. /( )42. A. take B. carry C. help( )43. A. Ja

2、nes and John B. Jane and Johns C. Theys( )44. A. have B. like C. want( )45. A. come B. go C. join五、阅读理解:(10分)A Jimmy lives in the country(农村), and he loves playing in the river near his house. But his father gets a job(工作) in a big city, and he moves(搬) there with his family. Their new house has a g

3、arden, but the garden is very small. Jimmy isnt happy. “Is there a river near here?” He asks his mother on the first morning. His mother answers, “No, there isnt, but there is a nice park near here and theres a pool(池塘) in it. Were going there this afternoon.” Jimmy is happy now. After lunch Jimmy a

4、nd his mother go to the park. Jimmy wants to walk near the pool, but there is a sign(标记) before it. His mother reads it to him, “Warning(警告): This pool is dangerous(危险). 367 people fell into(掉入) it.” Jimmy looks into the pool carefully, and he says, “But I cant see them.”( )46. Jimmy likes playing _

5、 very much. A. in the park B. in the garden C. in the river D. in the zoo( )47. Jimmys father works _. A. in the country B. in the big city C. in the small city D. in the park( )48. There is _ near Jimmys new house. A. a river B. a garden C. a zoo D. a park( )49. Jimmy goes to the park with _. A. hi

6、s father B. his mother C. his teacher D. the 367 people( )50. Which is true? A. Jimmys family move to the big city. B. There are 367 people in the pool. C. Jimmy fell into the pool. D. Something is wrong with Jimmys eyes.B Tom and Mike are good friends. They are kind to children. They want to find s

7、ummer jobs. One day Tom tells Mike that Beidaihe Kids Summer Camp needs help with sports, music and computers. They are both very glad to hear(听说) this. Tom can play basketball and volleyball, and he can swim, too. Mike can play the violin, the trumpet, the drums and the guitar. Tom and Mike like co

8、mputers very much. Can they join the Summer Camp?( )51. Tom and Mike want to _. A. help with sports, music and computers B. be good with children C. join the Summer Camp D. get help from the Camp( )52. What does the Summer Camp need help with? A. Flying kites . B. Sports, music and computers. C. Mak

9、ing cakes. D. Drawing pictures.( )53. Tom can play _. A. balls B. computer games C. music D. violin( )54. Mike can play _. A. the drums B. volleyball C. basketball D. football( )55. What do Tom and Mike both like? A. Football. B. Computers. C. Swimming. D. Sports.六、单词拼写:(10分)56. I like _(跳舞) and pla

10、ying the guitar.57. _(唱歌) is her favourite.58. She is Chinese, but she _(说) English very well.59. The _(年轻人) like guitars and sports.60. He wants to be a _(音乐家) in the future(将来).61. Whats your e-mail _(地址)?62. Can you _(表演) us how to play the guitar?63. She says she likes _(画画).64. He _(参加) the art

11、 club in the evening.65. Do you want to go to the _(象棋) club.七、句型转换:(10分)66. He would like to join the music club. (同义句) He _ _ _ the music club.67. She can sing and dance. (否定句) She _ _ _ dance.68. Li Lei can play the violin. (一般疑问句) _ Li Lei _ the violin?69. She wants to join the music club. (就划线部

12、分提问) _ _ _ _ _ to join?70. My sister can swim very well. (就划线部分提问) _ _ _ sister swim?51. He can play the piano. (对画线部分提问)_ _ he do?52. They can play the piano, the violin and the guitar. (改为一般疑问句)_ they play the piano, the violin _ the guitar?53. I want to join the music club. (对画线部分提问)_ _ do you wa

13、nt to join?54. Bill can play the drums. (改为否定句)Bill _ _ the drums.55. Whats your name? (改为同义句)_ I _ your name?八、补全对话:(5分)A: Can you speak English?B: Sorry, I cant.A: 71. ?B: I want to join the English club and the chess club.A: Can you play chess?B: Yes, but 72. . 73. ?A: I can play it well, but I c

14、ant sing well, so 74. .B: I want to learn to sing. I think 75. .九、书面表达 根据下面提示写一篇不少于60个词的短文:(10分)提示:我的朋友Tom是学生,是一个有趣的人,人人喜欢他。因为他父亲是美国人,母亲是日本人,他出生在中国,所以他会说中文,英文与日文。他的美式足球踢得不错,想成为一名像Beckham那样的足球运动员。他加入了足球俱乐部,并成为队伍的队长。_参考答案(10)叓叓_人_,农牧业生产_程度高,耗用劳动力很少。澳大利亚利用不同地区的自然条件,因地制宜地发展农业,形成了四个不同的农牧业区。(P74图8.37,了解农牧



17、部地区虽然处于大分水岭的雨影区,但引水灌溉可以满足其小麦种植和畜牧业的利用,因此这个地区发展混合农业比较有利。3、坐在矿车上的国家:澳大利亚矿产资料十分丰富,许多矿产储量居世界前列:如西部的_矿,东部沿海的_矿和东北部的_矿。澳大利亚矿产品的开采和出口也在世界上占有重要地位。澳大利亚开采的矿石有_以上用于出口,是世界矿产品的主要出口国之一。目前_业成为澳大利亚的经济支柱产业。(P77图8.40知道几种矿产在图中的位置)4、澳大利亚的城市和人口主要分布在_沿海地区。首都_,_是全国最大的工业中心和港口城市,_是全国第二大城市。(P77图8.40记住主要城市在图中的位置)气体及粉尘0.34元/ k

18、g煤气3.9107J/m3有较易完全有大量的二氧化碳气体1.00元/ m3天然气7.8107J/m3无较易完全有大量的二氧化碳气体2.05元/ m3(1)如某用户平均每个月燃烧燃料获取的能量为1.56109J,以天然气为燃料时,每月至少需支出多少燃料费用?(2)根据上表提供的信息,说出天然气这种燃料有哪些优点.(要求说出三条)33、(1)利用能量转化与守恒的观点分析家用液化气炉灶能量利用率达不到100%的原因,并提出提高家用液化气炉灶利用率的措施(2)在寒冷的冬天为使自己的身体暖和一些,请你用不同的物理知识(概念、原理),写出两种能够使身体暖和的方法并简要说明理由34、太阳能热水器广受人们青睐资料表明,晴天地面附近垂直于太阳的表面接受到的太阳能量平均为1.010J/(ms),即在1s内每平方米的面积上接受到的太阳能是1.010J(1)品牌太阳能热水器可以将接受到的太阳能的40%用来给水加热,其集热器接受阳光垂直照射的有效面积为2m2, 现向贮水箱中注入100kg、20的水,则晴天曝晒在阳光下8h,,贮水箱中的水的温度可升高到多少?(假定水的质量保持不变)(2)请你从能源利用和环境保护两个方面谈谈大力开发和推广使用太阳能的意义 5

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