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1、 攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 中西诗歌意象比较:以天净沙.秋思和在一个地铁车站为例学生姓名: 彭玉 学生学号: 200910201089 院 (系): 外国语学院 年级专业: 2009级英语本科4班 指导教师: 李丽琴 副教授 二一三年五月The Comparision betwenn Chinese and English Poetic Images:Thoughts on Autumnto the Tune of Sky Scouring and In a Station of MetroPengYuUnder the Supervision ofLi LiqinSchool of Forei

2、gn Languages and CulturesPanzhihua UniversityMay 2013攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 ContentsContents Abstract.IKey Words .I摘要.关键词.Introduction.1 I.The Differences in Image.3 A. Diffrent Painting Style.3 1. Wash Painting Features.3 2. Oil Painting Characteristics.3 B.The Images Combination Modes.4 1.Juxtaposition.4 2.S

3、uperposition.5 C. The Images with Emotion Color.51. Sadness and Loneness.8 2.Depression and Frustration . .9 D. The Cultural Difference. 10II.Similarity of Images .11 A.Metaphorical Images .12 C. Combination of Dynamic and Static .13III. Chinese Ancient Poetic Feature in the Pounds Poems 14 A Simple

4、 and Profound Context.15 B. The Aesthetic Picture.16Conclusion.17Bibliography.18Acknowledgements.19攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 AbstractAbstract “Thoughts on Autmnto the Tune of Sky Scouring”wrote by Ma Zhiyuan and “In a Station of Metro”composed by Pound are masterpices of imagist poetry. This paper compares the di

5、fferences in the use of visual images between this two poems based on the theory of poetry appreciation proposed by Gu Zhengkun. By analysis of the images which generated by the different techniques of expression in emotion, painting and other aspects, this paper explore the Chinese ancient poetic f

6、eatures in Pounds poems and experience the charming of imagist poetry. Key WordsImages; painting; emotion; Chinese poetic elementsI攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 摘要II摘 要马致远的天净沙.秋思与埃兹拉.庞德的在一个地铁车站是意象派诗歌的经典之作。本文根据辜正坤先生提出的诗歌鉴赏理论,比较天净沙.秋思和在一个地铁车站在视像运用上的差异,通过分析不同的表现手法所产生的意象在绘画、情感等方面的差异,探寻庞德诗歌中的古典汉语诗歌元素,体会意象派诗歌的魅力。关键词意象;绘画;情

7、感;汉语诗歌攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 Introduction IntroductionEzra Pound(1885一1972) was born in Haily, october,1885.Then he attended Hamilton College and the University of Pennsylvania, where he got in touch with Chinese Ancient poetry for the first time. Pound was attracted by a book named A History of Chinese Litera

8、ture. Pound moved to London in 1908, for he was dissatisfied with the genteel tradition and popular romanticism dominating the American literary, and he began to study Chinese culture in Europe. Influenced by Chinese poetic theory, Pound created his imagist poetry. And his imagist poetry has many Ch

9、inese ancient poetic elements.In rencent years, schoolars do many resarches on difference between Chinese and English poems. The America famous critic Earl Miner divides genre into drama, lyrics and narrative literture from a cross-cultural perspective. In his book Comparative poetics, he gives a cl

10、ear definition of comparative poetic theory, discusses the structure of Chinese Ancient poems and confirms the the value of Chinese ancient poems with a equal attitude. The English famous scholar Peter Jones puts forward that Pounds imagist poetry is a recreation of Chinese poems, through analysing

11、the characteristic of Ezra Pounds poetics in his book Imagist Poetry. The American poet Brooks Cleanth and Robert Penn Warren bring the “New Criticism ” into poetic filed and points out the methods to understanding poems in his book Understanding Poetry.The famous domestic scholar Cao Shunqing prese

12、nts that Chinese ancient poems and western imagist poems have their own charecters and each of them from the perspective of artisitic style, cultural background and the essence of poems. Famous scholar Feng Huazhan proposes the developemet of imagism poetry and the relationship between imagism poetr

13、y and Chinese poetry from the perspective of comparative literature in the book named The Comparison between Chinse and West Poetry. Another scholar Cao Xia and Lv Minhong do some reserches on the differences and similarities between Chinese ancient poems and west imagist poetry, and point out that

14、imagisim poetry of Pound and Chinese ancient poems have great similarities in poetic structure and composing technique. Most foreign and demotic resarches about Chinese ancient poetry and western imagist poetry focus on the poetic structure, sytanx structure of poetic laguage and the development of

15、western imagist poetry. “Thoughts on Autmnto the Tune of Sky Scouring”wrote by Ma Zhiyuan and “In a Station of Metro”composed by Pound are masterpices of imagist poetry. This paper compares the differences in the use of visual images between this two poems based on the theory of poetry appreciation

16、proposed by Gu Zhengkun. By analysis of the images which generated by the different techniques of expression in emotion, painting and other aspects, this paper explore the Chinese ancient poetic features in Pounds poems and the charming of imagist poetry. 23攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 Main bodyI. The Images Differe

17、nceImage is one of the best effective methods in poetry with its visualization and concreteness, according to aesthetic principles of Chinese ancient poems. Pound gave several definitions to “image”, the important one is that image presents an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time

18、. He also practiced in his works to show this definition. He also emphasized the concentration of intellectual and emotional content in a poetic image, although it was a brief moment of experience. Different images create different poetic effect.In a Station of Metro and Thoughts on Autmnto the Tune

19、 of Sky Scouring created by different poets in different country have their own feature in painting style, images combination modes and emotion color.A. Differenct Painting StylePoem is a painting and colored by one painting. “The combination between poem and painting” is the most important techniqu

20、e in Chinese ancient poems. Chinese poets emphasize the picturesque scene in their poem. Pound imagist poetry develops from Chinese ancient poems, so it carries on the Chinese ancient poetic features. Pound also attempted to combine poetry with music, painting and scu1pture. 1.Wash Painting Wash pai

21、nting is a typical Chinese painting which emphasizes the picturesque scene presented by the flowing and graceful lines. It created the unique aesthetical standards of “ reckon blank as inked”. The brief an心协力来保持技术上的先进性。信息服务部门和用户管理部门应该注意到那些有可能提高生产率和效率的技术发明。 2.起促进作用。在发现新的信息系统和提高现有的信息系统方面,信息服务人员应该起促进作用

22、。任何改善数据处理或管理决策过程的机会都应该引起有关业务领域管理人员的注意。 3.提供建议来源。信息服务人员是向用户团体提供建议和咨询的源泉。信息服务部门应该提供一个机构(例如,用户联络部门),以便用户能够通过该机构要求有关计算机和信息处理的建议。 4.在系统开发过程中帮助用户。系统开发过程按一半对一半的比例,由业务领域的专家与(信息系统方面)技术专家相结合,共同开发一个以计算机为基础的信息系统。 在1980年之前,在用户和信息服务人员中流行的看法是系统开发是信息服务部门的责任。今天,信息系统为用户所拥有,因此,系统开发是用户的责任。信息服务部门的责任是“帮助”用户实现他们的信息系统项目。 5

23、.为信息系统提供运行能力。信息服务部门负责一个生产系统与硬件有关的部分。当然,这点并不适合于分布数据处理环境。所谓与硬件有关的部分包括机房、控制、输出的发送和数据录入(仅对成批处理环境)。 有关数据库的责任,有时会产生混淆。公司数据库存储在由信息服务人员控制和操作的大容量存储设备上。数据库管理员负责数据库的物理和逻辑上的维护。然而,对数据库的任何改变是由用户输入来进行推动的,因此,数据库的正确性由用户负责,而不是由数据库管理员负责。 6.维护信息系统的资料。对任何一个现有的信息系统,全套资料包括系统和程序设计资料、计算机操作员的“运行命令”、数据库资料(可能支持一个或多个信息系统)以及用户手册

24、。对系统的任何改进必须反映在上述资料中,这些资料由信息服务人员来分发和维护。 7.为公司整体化提供帮助。数据成为综合(组合)一个公司的工具。每一个公司、教育部门和政府代理机构在数据和程序方面都存在冗余性。信息服务部门有责任提供技术上的能力(硬件和专家)来消除这种现象。 8.向用户提供教育方案(大纲)。当今普遍的看法是,用户在计算机和信息处理方面的教育,对于一个单位的成功有着重大的影响。用户经理和高级行政领导正在充分利用专业报告会、面向用户的书籍以及内部讨论会。信息服务部门负责组织用户管理人员的内部报告会。对于计算机和信息处理知识,存在着这样一种要求,即对用户教育合理收费,即使在小公司也如此。

25、根据用户的不同要求,可以向大组、小组或个人正规地提供下述的教学大纲。 (1)用户管理人员报告会。这种报告会适合于在操作级、战术级以及战略级的各级经理。(2)用户分析员报告会。很多业务领域的管理人员雇用分析员与信息服务人员联系,虽然这些分析员中有一些出色的信息服务基础知识,但多数不是这样。 (3)信息系统的方向(目标)。这部分教学大纲的目的是提供一个具体的以计算机为基础的信息系统的轮廓,这部分大纲主要是以用户手册的内容为基础。 (4)一般信息服务方向(目标)。这部分大纲面向秘书、行政管理助手和文书人员。其目的是说明信息服务组织和它在公司中的作用,同时鼓励受以计算机为基础的信息系统直接影响的那些人

26、参加进来。 (5)专门职能报告会。在已经取得技术进步和新的能力时,使用户了解这些能力的最好办法是举办专门职能报告会,这类报告会可以介绍以下有关概念:分公布数据处理,新设备,如何使用查询语言,字处理,过程控制,数据库管理系统以及新的设计思想等等。 9.在可响应性和可靠性之间保持平衡。由于开发和维护一个信息系统可用的资源是有限的。因此,信息服务部门必须在系统可响应性和可靠性之间保持平衡。例如,一个信息服务管理人员不能把为某个项目的可响应性先前提供的资源转给另一个用户。信息服务管理人员不能忽略保持已批准的项目按计划进行的责任。这几乎是信息服务管理人员必须解决的一个日常冲突。 10.信息服务的战略规划

27、。信息服务的战略规划,由高级信息服务的指导委员会来制定(如果该委员会存在)。而信息服务人员作为执行人员来开发由指导委员会批准的这个规划。 11.与厂商的谈判。根据公司的政策,应该把硬件和软件的厂商请到一个中心地点(至少在开始时如此)。由于信息服务管理人员要例行地与各种厂商谈判,因此,信息服务部门是最初与厂商谈判的一个合理的地点。这种做法的最大限度地避免了某些不负责的厂商向无经验的用户提交一大堆产品清单的情况。这种方法另一个理由是标准化。例如,采购独立的字处理计算机的情形是很普遍的,但是如果一个公司每个部门所采购的字处理计算机与其他部门都不同,则将抵消了硬件兼容性所带来的明显的利益。 12.字处

28、理。指定信息部门来负责字处理系统的理由与指定他们负责与厂商谈判的理由非常接受。为了作出字处理方法和字处理设备的一次性的决定,用户管理人员将花费大量的时间,为了作出一项非正式的决定,他们必须去熟悉品种繁多的字处理方法。信息服务部门主要负责技术支持和建议,而不必负责具体的字处理应用。通常是将字处理硬件分发给用户。 13.获得硬件。所获得的任何计算机硬件应该集中,指定信息服务部门负责这件事是唯一的合理办法。这种集中措施的主要理由是维护硬件和保持软件的兼容性。四、社会的影响 估计各种公司信息系统的社会影响是信息服务经理和专业领域管理人员的责任。应该检查所有计划中的和现有的信息系统,以判别这些系统是否会

29、带来有害的社会影响。特别应该定期地检查现有的系统。 社会影响可能是内部的,也可能是外部的或者二者兼而有之。影响的严重程度将涉及从职工不喜欢某种新方法这种短期影响到由于计算机化而使得一些职工被精减这样的长期影响。这些情况说明了信息系统有害的内部社会影响。如果事先知道实现(在某些情况下,仅仅是设计)某个计算机化的特定应用系统将带来有害的社会影响,那么用户经理应该与信息服务经理及公司管理部门合作,把这种影响反应缩小到最小程度。 外部社会影响涉及到与公司有来往的那些人(顾客,委托人,服务人员,债权人等)。某种手续的改变也可能对公司的形象带来重大的影响,从而也影响到公司的利润。例如,一个相当大的全国性的

30、公共事业公司决定撤消它在12个小镇上的服务机构,然后要求这些镇的居民将付款邮寄公司本部,该公司并未估计这种政策上的改变所带来的影响。居民们对于不能直接交款(或邮款)给本地机构感到气愤。唯一的结果是公共事业公司必须重新开设那些地方机构,并且从头检验新安装的收帐系统。五、技术的转移 技术转移的必要性 在当今技术迅速发展的时期,人们往往认为计算机或信息处理领域是高度自动化的,而且多少有点不依赖于人的。但是情况并非如此。当然这话也不能反过来说尽管许多信息服务工作是由计算机帮助完成的,但是信息服务人员才是真正紧张的劳动者。对于复杂的事情,有限的人员起着高薪的白领职员的作用。然而,有限的信息服务人员并没有

31、减缓人们对更多、更好的信息系统的要求。有时,在信息服务经理看来所有请求都是高优先级的,而且是今天就需要解决的!这就更加加剧了这种情况。 除了少数例外,实际上每个计算中心都深受人力不足的影响,而且强烈要求增加人员。 摆脱这种困境的一个途径是技术转移。技术转移是一句老话,它意味着将已有的技术应用到当前的问题或情况中去。许多公司(和卖主)花了将近20年的时间才认识到信息服务技术转移的潜力。解决问题的方法可以是技术转移,也可以不是技术转移,但是作为一种方针,应该调查它的可能性。有些公司在系统开发过程的可行性研究阶段就把调查技术转移的可能性作为一种要求提了出来。 技术转移的来源 技术转移可以采取提供某种

32、方法、经验教训、软件、资料、代替的办法等形式,下面给出技术的转移之来源: 1软件卖主 2硬件卖主 3其他同类公司 4顾问 5有关计算机和信息处理的书籍 6杂志和期刊 7学术会议 8专业报告会 软件卖主可以提供带有资料的完整的信息系统。硬件卖主可以协助与有类似情况的单位进行联系。同类公司可以指出在具体实现一个系统时可能遇到的问题。顾问们可以利用他们的经验和专门知识来填补技术上的空白,书籍、杂志和专业会议是最新技术的源源不断的来源。 专利软件 尽管技术转移的内容是从数据库管理系统到计划技术应有尽有,但是通常把专利软件(又称作成套系统)作为技术转移的同义词。专利软件是软件商投放到市场上的产品。这些产

33、品由程序(软件)和有关的资料组成。软件商经常还负责有关的培训和咨询。 1专利软件的内容。专利软件可以分为五个主要方面:与硬件相关的部分,系统软件,数据管理,系统设计和应用软件。用户经理感兴趣的主要一类是应用软件(例如,收帐系统、病人帐单系统、工资系统等)。通常,用户经理有权最后决定接受或拒绝应用软件。 软件商所面临的一个严重的问题是专利软件被“剽窃”。多数的许可证协议阻止获许可证者复制专利软件和把资料给其他公司使用。这件事表面上看是很容易做到的,而且,即使违反这种合同看来也是不受损害的。但是它是不合法的。曾经有一个无知中文词句EnglishEnglish Definitions144A 条例R

34、ule 144AAn SEC rule that modified a two-year holding period requirement on privately placed securities by permitting Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs) to trade these positions among themselves. 18定律Rule of 18A rule whereby the sum of the inflation rate and the P/E ratio of the Dow Jones Industri

35、al Average is an indicator of the direction of the stock market. If the total is above 18, stocks are supposed to decrease. If the total is under 18, then the stock ma1940年投资公司法Investment Company Act of 1940Created in 1940 through an act of Congress, this piece of legislation clearly defines the res

36、ponsibilities and limitations placed upon fund companies that offer investment products to the public.72定律Rule of 72A rule stating that in order to find the number of years required to double your money at a given interest rate, you divide the compound return into 72. The result is the approximate n

37、umber of years that it will take for your investment to double.APICS(美国生产及库存控制协议)商业前景指数 APICS Business Outlook Index A national manufacturing index that surveys several manufacturing firms on a monthly basis. If the index is above 50 it signals expansion, if it dips below 50 it indicates contraction

38、.CAMELS评级制度 CAMELS Rating System An international bank-rating system with which bank supervisory authorities rate institutions according to six factors. The six areas examined are represented by the acronym CAMELS. CEDEL CEDEL One of two principal clearing houses for Euromarket securities. Notice th

39、at the formula may also be written as: accounts payable / (cost of sales/number of days). Notice that the formula may also be written as: accounts receivable / (credit sales/number of days). Net Operating Income Total Debt Service Net Income Shareholders EquityThe ROE is useful in comparing the prof

40、itability of a company to other firms in the same industry. Calculated as total tax paid divided by taxable income. 2. In the case of fixed income, a bond with a rating of BBB or higher. Operating cash flow is calculated through a series of adjustments to net income. It can be found on the statement

41、 of cash flows. ? 2. The difference between the swap rate and the lending rate offered through other investment vehicles with comparable characteristics. GDP平减数 GDP Deflator An economic metric used to account for inflation by converting output measured at current prices into constant-dollar GDP. The

42、 GDP deflator shows how much a change in the base years GDP relies upon changes in the price level. GDP差距 GDP Gap The sacrificed output within a countrys economy due to the failure to create sufficient jobs for all those willing to work. H股 H-Shares A share of a Chinese company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

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