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英语新目标九年级英语期末复习资料 Unit1-10.doc

1、知识汇总Module 1 Using my five sensesUnit 1 What can you see?单词:whitepurplepinkorangebrown白色的紫色的粉红色的桔色的棕色的blackredbluegreenyellow黑色的红色的蓝色的绿色的黄色的beautifulrainbowshineoutsidewindow美丽的彩虹照耀外面窗户rabbitapplebirdbutterflybutterflies兔子苹果鸟蝴蝶蝴蝶(复数)词组:beautiful rainbowover thereoutside my window美丽的彩虹在那儿在我的窗户外面What

2、colourin the parktwo butterflies什么颜色在公园里两只蝴蝶句型:What can you see? I can seeWhat do you see? I seeWhat colour is it?ItsWhat colour are they?They areUnit 2 Touch and feel单词:watchbagsofthardrough手表书包软的硬的粗糙的smoothbigsmalllongshort光滑的大的小的长的短的,矮的fatthintallbirthdayfeel胖的瘦的高的生日感觉touchguesspencil caseopenlik

3、e触摸猜测笔袋打开喜欢dollnicepigskiptable洋娃娃好看的猪跳(绳)桌子句型:Touch this Is it? Yes, it is. / No. ItsUnit 3 What can you hear?单词:trainbuscarvanbicycle火车公交车汽车面包车,货车自行车shipplanetaxitigercat轮船飞机出租车老虎猫dogboopchoobeep狗(公交车声)(火车声)(货车声)词组:the bus stopwait forbeside the window公交车站等待在窗户旁边句型:What can you hear? I can hearWha

4、t do you hear?I hearWhat can Ming hear?Ming can hearModule 2 My favourite thingsUnit 1 Things I like doing单词:runskatehoprideplay跑步滑滑板单脚跳骑玩dancejumpflyeatswim跳舞跳飞吃游泳singwritekitegirlfrog唱写字风筝女孩青蛙bookfavouritetogether书最喜爱的一起词组:ride a bicycleskip a ropefly the kite骑自行车跳绳放风筝sing with medance with mewrit

5、e with me和我唱和我跳和我写字句型:Do you like (doing)? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.What do you see? Yes. I like (doing)/ No. I like (doing)Lets go flying together.Unit 2 My favourite food单词:saladcarrotfishchickenbanana色拉胡萝卜鱼鸡肉香蕉soupmeathamburgerpizzanoodles汤肉汉堡匹萨面条ricegrasscakehandhen米饭草蛋糕手母鸡句型:What do you like eat

6、ing? I like eating(不可数名词/可数名词复数)Unit 3 Animals I like单词:giraffesnakezebrabearmonkey长颈鹿蛇斑马熊猴子pandaelephantlionwolflovely熊猫大象狮子狼可爱的词组:in the toy shopvery muchlong tails在玩具店非常长尾巴句型:What are they? They are Do you like? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.Can I help you? , please. Here you are. Thank you.They are Th

7、ey have They likeModule 3 Things around usUnit 1 The four seasons单词:springsummerautumnwinterwarm春天夏天秋天冬天温暖的hotcoolcoldsunnywindy炎热的凉爽的寒冷的晴朗的有风的cloudysunzoo多云的太阳动物园词组:in springin summerin autumn在春天在夏天在秋天in winterin the wateron the ice在冬天在水里在冰上eat fruitmake snowmenfour seasons吃水果堆雪人四季句型:Spring is nice

8、 and warm. I like riding my bicycle in the park.Summer is sunny and hot. I like swimming in the water.Autumn is cool and windy. I like flying a kite in the park.Winter is cold. I like skating on the ice.In spring/summer/autumn/winter, we likeUnit 2 Rules单词:rulestopgowaitlight规则停止去等待灯childchildrengar

9、denmouthnose孩子孩子们花园嘴巴鼻子roadcrosspastallfast马路穿过超过所有的快的词组:look atthe red lightthe yellow light看红灯黄灯the green lightcross the roadvery fast绿灯穿马路非常快句型:Look at the light. Its red. Lets stop. The light is red. Stop!Look at the light. Its yellow. Lets wait. The light is yellow. Wait!Look at the light. Its

10、green. Lets go. The light is green. Go!Unit 3 My clothes单词:trousersshortssweatercoatclothes长裤短裤毛衣大衣,外套衣服dressskirtT-shirtshirtblouse连衣裙短裙T恤衫男衬衫女童衫havehasschooltimeclose有有学校时间关词组:go to school time for class come in close the door去上学上课时间到了 进来关门句型:What do you have? I haveWhat do you have for? I have fo

11、rModule 4 More things to learnUnit 1 Activities单词:footballbasketballping-pongcard足球篮球乒乓卡片词组:play footballplay basketballplay ping-pong踢足球打篮球打乒乓play cards make a bird listen to drive a car打牌 做小鸟听 开车句型:Can he/she? Yes, he/she can. No, he/she cant.Unit 2 Mothers Day单词:letterballooncarnationidea tea信气球康

12、乃馨主意 茶loveblowfindpiece paper爱吹找,发现片,张 纸decoratetiegivedear smile装饰系,扎给亲爱的 微笑hugkiss拥抱吻词组:Mothers Daya good ideaa cup of tea母亲节一个好主意一杯茶blow upa piece of paperon the paper吹大一张纸在纸上Unit 3 Story time单词:hungrythirstybreadmilktired饥饿的口渴的面包牛奶累的句型:I am I want动名词/现在分词jumpjumpingsingsingingplayplayingflyflyin

13、geateatinggogoingreadreadingdrawdrawingskateskatingdancedancingwritewritingrideridingcomecomingshineshiningrunrunningswimswimminghophoppingskipskipping三思而后行。 论语公治长 谁穿上谦卑这件衣裳,谁就是最美最俊的人。 蒙哥马利 谦虚其心,宏大其量。 王守仁 一知半解的人,多不谦虚;见多识广有本领的人,一定谦虚。 谢觉哉 看不见河底就不要涉水而过。 英国谚语 真正有学识、有涵养的人,是不会刻意炫耀自己的。 大卫汉生 一种美德的幼芽、蓓蕾,这是最宝

14、贵的美德,是一切道德之母,这就是谦逊;有了这种美德,我们会其乐无穷。 加尔多斯 自满者,人损之;自谦者,人益之。 魏征如 愚蠢和傲慢是一树之果。 谚语 人们要发展自己首先要虚心向别人请教。 -武者小路 人因为博学才谦逊,因为勇于牺牲才力量无比。 吉卜林 一个真认识自己的人,就没法不谦虚。 佚名 谦虚使人的心缩小,象一个小石卵,虽然小,而极结实。结实才能诚实。 老舍 在人生道路上谦让三分,就能天宽地阔。 卡内基 【君子养心莫善于诚。】-荀子.修身 【真者,精诚之至也,不精不诚,不能动人。】-庄子.渔父 【两心不可以得一人,一心可得百人。】-淮南子.缪称训 【至诚则金石为开。】-西京杂记 【锄一恶

15、,长十善。】-宋史.毕士安传 【诚无不动者,修身则身正,治事则事理。】-(宋)杨时 【世间好看事尽有,好听话极多,惟求一真字难得。】-(清)申居郧 【真诚才是人生最高的美德。】-(英)乔叟 【世上的言语,本无所谓奇警与平凡。一句话所以成为奇警或成为平凡,视其与真实的内容相符与否而定。】-徐懋庸 【有了真诚,才会有虚心,有了虚心,才肯丢开自己去了解别人,也才能放下虚伪的自尊心去了解自己。建筑在了解自己了解别人上面的爱,才不是盲目的爱。】-傅雷 【良心是我们每个人心壮举的岗哨,它在那里值勤站岗,监视着我们别做出违法的事情来。它是安插在自我的中心堡垒中的暗探。】-(英)毛姆 【要让新结识的人喜欢你,

16、愿意多了解你,诚恳老实是最可靠的办法,是你能够使出的最大的力量。】-(美)艾琳.卡瑟拉 【推心置腹的谈话就是心灵的展示。】-(苏)温.卡维林 【实话可能令人伤心,但胜过诺言。】-(苏)瓦.阿扎耶夫 【质朴却比巧妙的言词更能打动我的心。】-(英)莎士比亚 【老老实实最能打动人心。】-(英)莎士比亚 【我要求别人诚实,我自己就得诚实。】-(俄)陀思妥耶夫斯基 【真实与朴实是天才的宝贵品质。】-(苏)斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基 【真诚是一种心灵的开放。】-(法)拉罗什福科 【真诚是通向荣誉之路。】-(法)左拉 【金钱比起一分纯洁的良心来,又算什么呢?】-(英)哈代 【诚实的人从不为自己的诚实而感到后悔。】-(

17、英)托.富勒 【诚实的人必须对自己守信,他的最后靠山就是真诚。】-(美)爱默生 【一个人要表现最高的真诚,就必须做到无事不可对人言。】-(印度)泰戈尔 【你不同情跌倒的人的痛苦,在你遇难时也将没有朋友帮忙。】-(波斯)萨迪 【诚实而无知,是软弱的,无用的;然而有知识而不诚实,却是危险的,可怕的。】-(英)约翰逊 【你在个人生活或工作当中,可能由于诚实而丢掉某些你想要的东西。但是,在漫长的人生旅途中失掉一次应有的回报算不了什么。】-(美)艾琳.卡瑟拉 【人与人之间,只有真诚相待,才是真正的朋友。谁要是算计朋友,等于自己欺骗自己。】-(尼日利亚)哈吉.阿布巴卡.伊芒 【对于心地善良地人来说,付出代

18、价必须得到报酬这种想法本身就是一种侮辱。美德不是装饰品,而是美好心灵的表现形式。】-(法)纪德 【我愿证明,凡是行为善良与高尚的人,定能因之而担当患难。】-(德)贝多芬 【具有才能的人总是善良的,坦白的,爽直的,决不矜持。】-(法)巴尔扎克 【善良的行为有一种好处,就是使人的灵魂变得高尚了,并且使它可以做出更美好的行为。】-(法)卢梭 【在一切道德品质之中,善良的本性在世界上是最需要的。】-(英)罗素 【越是善良的人,越察觉不出别人的居心不良。】-(法)米列 【当一人言行不一致时,这就完全糟了,这会导向伪善。】-(俄)列宁 【当一个人不仅对别人、甚至对自己都不会有一丝欺骗的时候,他的这种特性就

19、是真挚。】-(俄)柯罗连科 【诗人之所以成为诗人,就在于努力使自己的灵魂摆脱一切与虚伪世界相像的东西他是纯洁的,他是天真的。】-(德)席勒 【真正的蒙味主义并不去阻止传播真实的、明白的和有用的事物,而是使假的东西到处流行。】-(德)歌德 【人与人之间最大的信任就是关于进言的信任。】-(英)培根 【质朴却比巧妙的言辞更能打动我的心。】-(英)莎士比亚 【一颗好心抵得过黄金。】-(英)莎士比亚 【虚伪永远不能凭借它生长在权力中而变成真实。】-(印度)泰戈尔 【诚恳,不欺骗人;思想要纯洁公正;说话也要如此。】-(美)富兰克林 【味着良心做事是不安全、不明智的。】-(德)马丁.路德 【没有单纯、善良和

20、真实,就没有伟大。】-(俄)列夫.托尔斯泰 【本性流露永远胜过豪言壮语。】-(英)莱辛 【太阳既不会夸大,也不会缩小,有什么就照出什么,是什么样子就照什么样子。】-(苏)高尔基 【真实之中有伟大,伟大之中有真实。】-(法)雨果新目标英语九年级Unit 6同步阅读(含答案)Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to.1选择适合的词语完成下面的短文。Dear pen pal, Im having a great time in Hong Kong, although I have to _1_ and say that I _2_ Shanghai. Still

21、, its a great place to visit and Im _3_ to be here for my six-month English course. Some other students are learning Japanese. I might like to learn some too. What languages would you like to learn? Theres just _4_ to see and do here. Last night I went to a Chinese musical concert. Most of my friend

22、s like _5_ music that they can dance to. I prefer quite, traditional music _6_ the concert suited me just fine. What kinds of music do you like? Before the concert we _7_ Italian food. Do you like it? There are lots of different kinds of food here. I dont know what to _8_ next. What kinds of food do

23、 you prefer? My host family is taking me over to an Indian film festival _9_ weekend. Im not sure what to expect because Ive never seen an Indian film. Have you? Some people say theyre boring, _10_ say theyre great. What kinds of films do you prefer?( ) 1. A. interested B. honestC. confidentD. sure(

24、 ) 2. A. ever likeB. dont likeC. never preferD. prefer( ) 3. A. luckyB. luckilyC. fortunatelyD. unfortunately( ) 4. A. a littleB. too muchC. so muchD. so many( ) 5. A. quietB. beautifulC. goodD. loud( ) 6. A. becauseB. thatC. soD. and( ) 7. A. went forB. visitedC. searchedD. have( ) 8. A. likeB. pre

25、ferC. expectD. try( ) 9. A. on nextB. nextC. lastD. every( ) 10. A. the othersB. otherC. othersD. the other2根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 In 1826, a Frenchman named Niepce needed pictures for his business. But he was not a good artist. So he invented a very simple camera. He put it in a window of his house and took

26、 a picture of his garden. That was the first photo. The next important date in the history of photography was in 1837. That year, Daguerre, another Frenchman, took a picture of his reading room. He used a new kind of camera in a different way. In his picture you could see everything very clearly, ev

27、en the smallest thing. This kind of photo was called a Daguerretype. Soon, other people began to use Daguerres way. Travelers brought back wonderful photos from all around the world. People took pictures of famous buildings, cities and mountains. In about 1840, photography was developed. Then photog

28、raphers could take pictures of people and moving things. That was not simple. The photographers had to carry a lot of film and other machines. But this did not stop them, for example, some in the United States worked so hard. Mathew Brady was a famous American photographer. He took many pictures of

29、great people. The pictures were unusual because they were very lifelike. Photographers also became one kind of art by the end of the 19th century. Some photos were not just copies of the real world. They showed ideas and feelings, like other kinds of art.( ) 1. The first photo taken by Niepce was a

30、picture of _.A. his businessB. his houseC. his gardenD. his window( ) 2. The Daguerretype was _.A. a Frenchman B. a kind of picture C. a kind of camera D. a photographer( ) 3. If a photographer wanted to take pictures of moving things in the year of 1840s, he had to _.A. watch lots of filmsB. buy an

31、 expensive cameraC. stop in most citiesD. take many films and something else with him( ) 4. Mathew Brandy _.A. was very lifelikeB. was famous for his unusual picturesC. was quite strongD. took many pictures of moving people( ) 5. This passage tells us _.A. how photography was developed B. how to sho

32、w your ideas and feelings in picturesC. how to take pictures in the world D. how to use different cameras3阅读短文,选择正确答语回答下列问题。 Music is an international language. The songs that are sung or played by instruments are beautiful to all people everywhere. Popular music in America is what every student lik

33、es. Students carry small radios with earphones and listen to music before class, after class, and at lunch. Students with cars buy large speakers and play the music loudly as they drive on the street. Adult drivers listen to music on the car radio as they drive to work. They also listen to the news

34、about sports, the weather, politics, and activities of the American people. Most of the radio broadcast is music. Pop or popular music singers make much money. They make a CD or tape which radio stations use in every state. Once the popular singer is heard all over the country, young people will buy

35、 his or her tape. Some of the money from these tapes comes to the singer. Wherever the singer goes, all the young people want to meet him or her. Now the singer has become national star. There are other kinds or music that are important to Americans. One is called folk music. It tells stories about

36、the common life of Americans. Another is called western or country music. This was started by cowboys who would sing at night and the love between a country boy and his girl is called western or country music. Serious music for the concert halls is called classical music. Music for instruments is ca

37、lled orchestra music, such as the symphonies of Beethoven. There is opera for singers. There is ballet for dancers like the story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai in China.( ) 1. Why is music an international language according to the passage?A. Because music is very important to all people everywher

38、e.B. Because all people everywhere dont understand each other without music.C. Because the songs that are sung or played by instruments are so beautiful and understandable that everyone can appreciate.D. Because the songs are so popular that everyone enjoys it very much.( ) 2. When do the students i

39、n America listen to popular music?A. They listen to popular music before and after class. B. They listen to popular music at lunch.C. They listen to popular music class. D. They listen to popular music in their spare time.( ) 3. How can a singer become a national star according to the passage?A. Whe

40、n he or she makes much money. B. After he or she makes a CD or a tape.C. Once the singer is heard all over the country on radio. D. After young people meet him or her.( ) 4. Which sentence is NOT true?A. There are other kinds of music that are important to Americans, such as folk music, western or c

41、ountry music and so on.B. Western music was started by the people in the west part of America.C. Folk music tells stories about the common life of Americans.D. Country music is about country life and the love between a country boy and his girl today.( ) 5. How many kinds of music are mentioned in the passage?A

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