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1、便说一下(常用于引出一个较重要的问题);顺便问一下 【即学即练】用上述词语填空。(1)Knowing that help is _, the exhausted man fell asleep.(2) _, where did you get this dress?It looks great on you.(3)Failure is _good to one,s development.(4)Shes determined to remove all obstacles(阻碍) _success.(5)As she was about to speed the car, she saw a

2、large cow _.答案:(1)on the/its way (2)By the way (3)in a way (4)on her way to (5)in the way8. It should also watch over my naughty niece.(P24)它(机器人)还应该看管我那淘气的侄女。词语辨析watch out; watch over;watch out for sb;be careful; take care; mind(1)watch out 常用于紧急情况下提醒别人小心,常用于祈使句。(2)watch over 监管,照顾(3)watch out for密

3、切注意;提防(4)be careful 用于提醒某人要小心谨慎,以防可能出现的危险或差错,含有“提防”之意。(5)take care 常用于提醒某人要当心注意身体健康及安全等。可译为“保重”。(6)mind 常用于提醒某人要留意、留心某些危险。 【即学即练】选用上述词语填空。(1)_! There is a motorbike speeding here!(2)Would you please_ my luggage when I am away for some water?(3)_ your steps, please.(您走好)(4)_ pickpockets on the bus.(5

4、)Youd better _when you have to work with him, as everybody knows he likes to say ill things about his workmate.(6)Its getting colder and colder. Please _not to catch cold.答案:(1)Watch out (2)watch over (3)Mind (4)Watch out for (5)be careful (6)take care 9.After all, with the help of my electronic bra

5、in which never forgets anything, using my intelligence is what I,m all about! (P23)不管怎样,在我过目不忘的电子脑的帮助下,运用智能就是我的一切!词语拓展after all 毕竟,不管怎样above all 最重要的first of all 首先in all总共all in all 总的说来at all根本,究竟【即学即练】选用上述短语填空。(1)_there are only 300 people passing the driving test.(2)Dont ask him to carry such a

6、heavy box. _ he is only a 6-year-old child.(3)Im glad to be your English teacher, but _ please allow me to introduce myself to you.(4)He didnt worry about her _,for he was sure that she could succeed in getting the first prize.(5)There are many beautiful sentences in your article and its handwriting

7、 is good too. _, Im quite satisfied with it.(6)_, you must prepare everything you need before the examination.答案: (1)In all (2)After all (3)first of all(4)at all (5)All in all (6)Above all 10. 重点句型Over time my memory has developed so much that, like an elephant, I never forget anything I have been t

8、old.(P18)随着时间的推移,我的记忆能力发展得如此之快,就像一头大象一样,我从来不会忘记告诉我的任何事情。so+adj./adv.+that.如此以致He kept on working so hard that everyone admired him very much.【即学即练】他一直坚持努力工作,以致大家都非常钦佩他。活学活用-模仿造句。(1)李平跑得如此之快,没人能赶上他。_ (2)妈妈太担心了,以致整晚都睡不着。_ 答案:(1) Li Ping ran so fast that nobody could catch up with him.(2)Mother was so worried that she could not fall asleep all night.4

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