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1、八年级上册同步练习内部使用教材Unit 2 Whats the matter?一、单选1. I met my old friend when I _ to hotel.A. Go back B. come back C. went back D. come2. The man sat _ the bus.A. at the back of B. at back of C. after D. in front of3. At last , they were _ in the match.比赛A. shoulder and shoulder B. hand in hand C. neck and

2、 neck D. step by step4. What is the matter to you?- I _ .A. get a headache B. have a headache C. got a stomachache D. have good grades5. She went back home _.A. 3 days ago B. before 3 days C. ago 3 days6. Some men _ down on the sand last summer.A. lie B. lay C. lied7. Before the important test, I fe

3、lt _.A. stress B. street C. stressed out D. happy8. It becomes _ from spring to summer.A. hot B. hotness C. hotly D. cool9. Dont arrive at the station too _!A. quick B. fast C. soon D. quickly10. It is important for us to _ of life and work.A. keep balance B. move balance C. keep balanced11. Every d

4、ay, we have _ food, so many of us lose health.A. much too B. too many C. too much12. Though the herb is so strange, you must _ it.A. have B. eat C. take D. drink13 .Drinking water in summer _ your health.A. is kind to B. is good at C. are good for D. is good for14. How long do you _?多A. live Kaifeng

5、 B. live in Kaifeng C. stay in Kaifeng D. life Kaifeng15. If you want to _, you must have more exercises.A. keep health B. keep in healthy C. stay health D. stay healthy16. The old man gave me _.A. advice B. a suggest C. a suggestion D. 2 pieces of advices17. He advised me _.A. have a good rest B. t

6、o have dinner on time C. walking after dinner18. He suggests that_.A. I should have a good rest B. to have dinner on time C. I walking after dinner19 . _, you are right.A. may be B. maybe C. can be20. You _ right多A. may be B. maybe C. can be21. _ water is good for you body.A. Drinks B. drink C. drin

7、king22. Last night, I _ a bad dream, I hardly _ at night.A. make; dreamed B. made; dreamed C. am making; dreams D. made; dream23. _ you walk outside alone when you were a child?A. Do B. were C. Did24. _ the decision决定 is so hard.A. Makes B. make C. made D. making25. _ so fast on the street.A. Dont r

8、un B. doesnt run C. running26. The singer enjoy _ the film.A. to see B. seeing C. looking 27“_!” the teacher said angrilyA. Stop talking B. stop to talk C. Dont talking 28. -How about _ this night?A. Going shop B. go shopping C. going shopping D. to go shopping29. The _ man may leave us.A. ill B. si

9、ck C. illness D. disease30. The _ lady likes living _.A. 不填, alone B. alone; lonely C. long; lonely31. The baby is _.A. sleep B. asleep C. wake32. He stayed in Kaifeng 5 years _.A. before B. ago C. in front of D. in front33. Tom _ work it out before dark.A. have to B. has not to C. didnt have to 二、完

10、形填空Mary was ill, so she went to see _1_.“Doctor, Im not feeling _2_,” said Mary. “Every time I do my homework, I feel _3_. If I go to school on foot, I have to sit down and _4_ for a few times.”The doctor looked over her _5_. At last he said, “_6_ serious(严重的), but Im afraid you are eating too much.

11、”“I dont understand. What do you mean(意思)?” asked Mary.“I mean you eat _7_ food,” said the doctor.“Oh! You mean Im too _8_. Thats a problem,” said Mary. “What should I do?”“The answer is easy,” said the doctor. “If you want to be thinner and healthier, you _9_ eat a lot of food and you should also d

12、o much _10_.”( )1. A. her motherB. the teacherC. the doctorD. her friend( )2. A. terribleB. illC. goodD. well( )3. A. hungryB. thirstyC. tiredD. happy( )4. A. stand upB. lie downC. eat foodD. have a rest( )5. A. carelesslyB. carelessC. carefullyD. careful( )6. A. SomethingB. AnythingC. EverythingD.

13、Nothing( )7. A. too manyB. many tooC. too muchD. much too( )8. A. thinB. healthyC. stressed outD. heavy( )9. A. mustB. shouldC. shouldntD. didnt( )10. A. houseworkB. homeworkC. shoppingD. exercise三、阅读理解AIn the doctors waiting room, sick people are waiting on their chair. Bob, a school boy, is among

14、them. They all look very sad except(除了)Bob. He is enjoying an exciting story in a magazine. Just then the doctor comes in to say he is ready for the next person. Bob jumps up and runs into the doctors room.“Whats your trouble?” says the doctor. Before Bob could say a word, the doctor makes him lie d

15、own on a bed, “Now, let me listen to your heart.” Bob tries to speak, but the doctor tells him not to say anything. “Ill take your temperature.” Bob tries to sit up, but the doctor stops him. After a moment, the doctor says, “Well, boy, you dont have a fever. In fact, theres nothing wrong with you.”

16、“I know there isnt,” says Bob. “I just come here to get some medicine for my father.”( )1. Bob sits in the waiting room to _.A. see the doctorB. wait for the doctorC. read his magazineD. buy some medicine( )2. All the sick people look sad except Bob because _.A. Bob is too young to(太小了而不会)worry abou

17、t anythingB. his father isnt very illC. he is interested in the magazineD. there is nothing wrong with him( )3. From the passage we can see that _.A. the doctor is carelessB. there is no nurse in the doctors roomC. the doctor is warm-heartD. the doctor takes Bob as(把Bob当作)a sick person( )4. While lo

18、oking over Bob, the doctor might think that _.A. Bob is funnyB. Bob isnt naughty(淘气的)C. Bob is foolishD. Bob is very ill( )5. When Bob tells the doctor what he is here for, the doctor might think that _.A. he himself is funnyB. he himself is carelessC. he himself is foolishD. he himself is naughtyBA

19、n exhausted(筋疲力尽的)looking woman came into the doctors office. She said, “Doctor, there are dogs all over my neighborhood. They bark(犬吠)all day and all night, and I cant get a good sleep.”“I have good news for you,” the doctor said, taking out a small bottle. “Here are some new sleeping pills(药片)that

20、 work like a dream. A few of these and your trouble will be over(结束).”“Great, thank you.” the woman was very glad to go back home with the pills.A few weeks later, the woman came again, looked worse than ever(比以前更坏). She said, “Doctor, your pills are not good at all. Im more tired than before.”“I do

21、nt understand how that could be,” said the doctor, shaking his head, “Those are the strongest(最强的)pills on the market.”“That may be true,” answered the woman, “but Im still up all night running after those dogs and when I finally(最后)catch one, its hard to get him to eat the pills.”( )1. The woman ca

22、me to see the doctor because _.A. her dog was illB. she was bitten(被咬) by dogsC. she couldnt sleep wellD. her son was ill( )2. The doctor gave some pills to the woman for _.A. the dogsB. herselfC. her sonD. her neighbors( )3. The woman got _ in a few weeks.A. betterB. healthyC. worseD. well( )4. Whi

23、ch of the following is RIGHT?A. The doctor gave the woman wrong pills.B. The woman liked to run with the dogs.C. The woman took the pills but the pills didnt work at all.D. The woman might feel better if she took the pills.( )5. When he heard what the woman said, the doctor might think that _.A. he

24、gave the woman the right pillsB. the woman was a very clever personC. the woman was very foolishD. he should give the woman the pills againCDo you know the story about Tom? It was a true story. Tom was an English boy and he二 芦花荡【学习目标】1、复述故事情节,感知老头子的英雄性格。2、领悟文中景物描写的妙处,提高描写的能力。3、感受老头子的爱国主义精神及文章对抗日军民的讴

25、歌,培养学生的爱国主义情感。【教学重点】 把握故事情节,感知老英雄的性格,感悟其性格中的真善美。 【教学难点】 理解老头子“过于自信和自尊”性格中“过于”二字。探究景物描写起了什么作用。【知识链接】1、 题目解读:本文是孙犁的代表作品之一,小说用明快、优美的笔墨叙述了芦花荡里一位老人护送两位女孩及智杀日本鬼子的经过,塑造了一个性格鲜明的英雄形象。 2、 走近作者:孙犁,1913年4月6日,河北人。现代小说家、散文家,“荷花淀”派代表作家。主要作品荷花淀芦花荡白洋淀记事等。白洋淀纪事是他最负盛名和最能代表他创作风格的一部小说和散文合集,它主要反映抗日战争、解放战争和建国初期,冀中平原和冀西山区一

26、带人民在中共领导下进行战争、土地改革、劳动生产、互助合作以及移风易俗的生活景。其中荷花淀等作品,已成为广泛流传的名篇。【自主学习】 1、给加点字注音。 疟( )子 寒噤( ) 仄歪( ) 阴惨( ) 泅( )着 飒飒( ) 悠闲( ) 2 芦花荡的作者是 现代作家 。芦花荡的姊妹篇是 (风云初记 荷花淀)。3指出下列描写句是属于哪一类描写。A他没法解释:大江大海过了多少,为什么这一次的任务,偏偏没有完成?自己没儿没女,这两个孩子多么叫人喜爱!自己平日夸下口,这一次带着挂花的人进去,怎么张嘴说话?()B可是那晒得干黑的脸,短短的花白胡子却特别精神,那一对深陷的眼睛却特别明亮。很少见到这样尖利明亮

27、的眼睛,除非是在白洋淀上。()4“你什么也靠给我,我什么也靠给水上的能耐,一切保险。”怎样理解这句话,用自己的话概括,表现人物怎样的性格?【合作探究】5、本文体裁?这种体裁的三要素是什么? 6、本文的主人公是谁?作者是用什么方法刻画人物的?找出来分析 7、请用不同的标记分别从文中画出外貌,语言,心理,动作的句子。 8、这些描写表现了老头子的什么性格特点? 9、小说中着意突出的是其中哪一性格特征?“过于自信与自尊”的“过于”应当怎样理解?这一性格在全文中起什么作用? 【精讲精练】阅读芦花荡“第二天,中午的时候,非常闷热”至结尾。10、给选文拟一个恰当的标题 11、文段中写老人引诱鬼子上当,他用什

28、么作诱饵?(用文中的语言作答)12、以上内容塑造了一个什么样的人物形象? 13、从当时的大背景来看,这一英雄事迹更深层的说明了什么?14、文章结尾处的景物描写有什么作用? 15、第二天二菱看到了老英雄的行为后,会怎样重新认识老头子? 【主题阅读】我的父亲曾经为我苦了一生,把我养大,送我进学校,为了造屋子,买了几亩田地。60岁那一年,还到汉口去做生意,怕人家嫌他年老,只说五十几岁。大家都劝他不要再出门,他偏背着包裹走了。“让我再帮儿子几年!”他只是这样说。后来屋子被火烧掉了,他还想再做生意,把屋子重造起来。我安慰他说,三年以后我自己就可积钱造屋了,还是等一等吧。他答应了。他给我留下了许多造屋的材

29、料,告诉我这样可以做什么,那样可以做什么。他死以前不久,还对我说:“早一点造起来吧,我可以给你监工。”但是他终于没有看见屋子重造起来就死了。他弥留的时候对我说,一切都满足了。但我知道他倘能再活几年,我把屋子造起来,是他所最乐意的。我听到他弥留时的呻吟和叹息,我相信那不是病的痛苦的呻吟和叹息。我知道他还想再活几年,帮我造起屋来。16、 本文围绕哪件事描写父亲对儿子的深情?_17、 文中画横线句子应怎样理解?_18、 父亲为儿子做的事很多,你能写出两件事吗?从中你有什么体会?_【能力提升】19、 提供原句和仿句的开头或结尾,要求仿写出与原句大致相同的句子。勇敢是把利刃,可以斩落对手,自大也是一把利

30、刃,却只能割伤自己 _是一把利刃,可以_,也是一把利刃,可以_ _。 20、下面语句有语病,找出并修改。 在这场没有硝烟却惊心动魄的抗击非典型性肺炎的战斗中,无数英雄无畏的医务工作者经受了生与死的考验,血与泪的代价。 21、研读下面的材料,写出你的发现。 据日本农林水产省公布的食品浪费统计调查报告显示,日本的食品平均浪费率为5.1%,其中一般餐馆的食品浪费率为3%,饭店的食品浪费率为15.7%,结婚宴会的浪费率竟达到23.9%。严重的食品浪费现象让人瞠目结舌。面对这种社会现象,日本制定了食品再生法。日本各种资源都比较匮乏,自去年4月1日,日本开始实行家电循环法,节约资源已深入人心。 以家电循环

31、法的成功经验为基础,日本政府又顺理成章节地提出了汽车循环法案。作为一个汽车大国,日本生产的名牌汽车销往世界各地,国内市场也很大。全国拥有七千多万辆汽车,每年淘汰上百万辆,如果驱车前往东京郊区,经常可以碰到废汽车堆积而成的小山。汽车循环法案的目的就是要变废为宝。 【教(学)后记】第二课时【自主学习】1、 选择与上下文衔接最恰当的语句:( )可是假如是月明风清的夜晚,人们的眼在尖利一些,就可以看见有一只小船从苇塘里撑出来,在淀里, ,奔向东南去了。 A. 像一朵荷花B. 像一条鱼C. 像一片苇叶D. 像一只鸟2、 判断下列句子的修辞手法:( ) 老头子浑身没多少肉,干瘦得像老了的鱼鹰。 苇子还是那

32、么狠狠地往上钻,目标好像就是天上。老头子狠狠地说:“为什么不能?” 鬼子们像是玩着捉迷藏,乱转着身子,抓上抓下。 A. 夸张 夸张 引用 比喻 B. 比喻 拟人 反问 比喻 C. 比喻 拟人 反问 没有 D. 比喻 夸张 设问 比喻3、“他没法解释:大江大海过了多少,为什么这一次的任务,偏偏没有完成?这老脸呀!你们不信我的话,我也不和你们说。可是,等到天明,你们看吧!” 此段表现了老头子什么心理状态? 4、对历史上的成吉思汗,有很多评价,阅读下面摘选的几则材料,说说你从中有什么发现。 (1)电视连续剧成吉思汗主题曲:长天飞沙,壮士血在狂号。一代天骄,千秋知我名号。(2)黑格尔评价成吉思汗和蒙古帝国:“他们在几年之内把罗马世界、波斯世界和中国世界变成了废墟。” (3)普希金:“蒙古人征服俄罗斯以后,除了肆无忌惮的攫取和破坏,一无所给”【合作探究】5、芦花荡写的是残酷的战争环境里的人和事,但是我们读后并没有感到非常的凄惨,没有让人感到压抑,而是感到写得非常优美,给人一种积极向上的力量。其中猖琖甖瘖眖砖礖稖笖簖紖縖编耖脖舖茖萖蔖蘖蜖蠖褖訖謖谖贖踖輖逖鄖鈖錖鐖锖阖霖頖餖騖鬖鰖鴖鸖鼖世伖倖儖刖化吖唖嘖圖堖外娖嬖尖崖帖弖怖愖或挖搖攖昖朖椖栖樖欖氖洖渖漖瀖焖爖猖琖甖瘖眖砖礖稖笖簖紖縖编耖脖舖茖萖蔖蘖蜖蠖褖訖謖谖贖踖輖逖鄖鈖錖鐖锖阖霖頖餖騖鬖鰖鴖鸖鼖世伖倖儖刖吖化唖

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