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1、 总目录 美国学生世界地理 美国学生世界历史 美国学生艺术史 更多资料请关注我的新浪博客h t t p :/b l o g .s i n a .co m .cn /ccy 73210 更多资料请关注我的新浪博客h t t p :/b l o g .s i n a .co m .cn /ccy 73210 A CHILDS GEOGRAPHY OF THE WORLD 更多资料请关注我的新浪博客h t t p :/b l o g .s i n a .co m .cn /ccy 73210 图书在版编目(CIP)数据 美国学生世界地理/(美)希利尔著;赵玲丽,王小琼译天津:天 津人民出版社,201

2、2.12 ISBN 978-7-201-07778-9 美 希 赵 王 地理世界青年读 物 地理世界少年读物 K91-49 中国版本图书馆CIP数据核字(2012)第264669号 天津出版传媒集团 天津人民出版社出版、发行 出版人:刘晓津 (天津市西康路35号 邮政编码:300051) 网址: 电子信箱:tjrmcbs 北京金秋豪印刷有限公司 2012年12月第1版 2012年12月第1次印刷 7101000毫米 16开本 30.5印张 字数:600千字 插图:156幅 定 价:59.80元(上下册) 更多资料请关注我的新浪博客h t t p :/b l o g .s i n a .co m

3、 .cn /ccy 73210 TO THE NINE-YEAR-OLD WHO SAID, “I wish there were a hundred more Lands in the World for you to tell us about” 本书写给9岁的孩子们,他们说:“我希望你能再讲世界上一百个这样的 地方的故事” Just suppose you could go way, way off in the sky, sit on a corner of nothing at all and look down at the World through a spy glass 更多

4、资料请关注我的新浪博客h t t p :/b l o g .s i n a .co m .cn /ccy 73210 A Childs Geography of the world begins here 一本写给孩子们的世界地理,由此开始 更多资料请关注我的新浪博客h t t p :/b l o g .s i n a .co m .cn /ccy 73210 目录 前言 01 The World Through a Spy-Glass 透过小望远镜看到的世界 02 The World Is Round, for Ive Been Round It 世界是圆的,我围着 它绕了一圈 03 The

5、 Inside of the World 世界的内部 04 The Endless Parade 没有尽头的队列 05 The 13 Club 十三俱乐部 06 A City Built in a Swamp 建于沼泽中的城市 07 Marys Land, Virginias State, and Penns Woods 玛丽的领地、弗 吉尼亚的领土和佩恩的森林 08 The Empire State 帝国州 09 Yankee Land 扬基人的定居地 10 Five Big Puddles 五个大水坑 11 The Father of Waters 河流之父 12 The Fountain

6、 of Youth 青春泉 13 The Covered Wagon 大篷车 14 Wonderland 仙境 15 The Est, Est West “之最”最多的西部 16 The Est, Est West (continued) “之最”最多的西部(续) 17 Next-door Neighbors 隔壁邻居 18 The War-Gods Country 战神的国家 19 So Near and Yet so Far 近在咫尺,远在天涯 20 Pirate Seas 海盗的海洋 21 North South America 南美洲北部 22 Rubber and Coffee La

7、nd 橡胶和咖啡之国 23 Silver Land and Sliver Land 白银之国和棉条之国 24 The Bridge Across the Ocean 越洋之旅 25 The Land of the Angles 盎格鲁人的土地 26 The Land of the Angles (continued) 盎格鲁人的土地(续) 27 The Englishmans Neighbors 英格兰人的邻居 28 Parlez-vous Franais? 你讲法语吗? 29 Parlez-vous Franais? (continued) 你讲法语吗?(续) 更多资料请关注我的新浪博客h

8、t t p :/b l o g .s i n a .co m .cn /ccy 73210 30 The Land Below the Sea 低于海平面的国家 图7 图8 书名页2 31 Castles in Spain 西班牙城堡 32 Castles in Spain (continued) 西班牙城堡(续) 33 The Land in the Sky 天空之国 34 The Boot Top 靴子顶端 35 The Gates of Paradise and the Dome of Heaven 天堂之门和天国的 穹顶 36 The Dead and Alive City 死亡而又活

9、着的城市 37 A Pile of Ashes a Mile High 一英里高的一堆灰 38 Wars and Fairy-Tales 战争和童话故事 39 The Great Danes 伟大的丹麦人 40 Fish, Fiords, Falls, and Forests 鱼儿、峡湾、瀑布和森林 41 Fish, Fiords, Falls, and Forests (continued) 鱼儿、峡湾、瀑布和森 林(续) 42 Where the Sun Shines All Night 极昼之地 43 The Bear 熊 44 The Bread-Basket 装面包的篮子粮仓 45

10、The Iron Curtain Countries 铁幕国家 46 The Land of the Gods 众神之国 47 The Land of the New Moon 新月之国 48 The Ship of the Desert 沙漠之舟 49 A “Once-Was” Country 昔日辉煌的小亚细亚 50 A Land Flowing with Milk and Honey 丰饶之国 51 The “Exact Spots” “确切地点” 52 The Garden of Eden 伊甸园 53 The Land of Bedtime Stories 产生一千零一夜的国家 54

11、 The Lion and the Sun 狮子和太阳 55 Opposite-Feet 对面脚踩之地 56 Opposite-Feet (continued) 对面脚踩之地(续) 57 The White Elephant 白象 58 Where the Thermometer Freezes Up 温度计冻住的地方 更多资料请关注我的新浪博客h t t p :/b l o g .s i n a .co m .cn /ccy 73210 59 A Giant Sea-Serpent 一条巨大的海蛇怪 60 Picture Post-Cards 风景明信片 61 Man-Made Mounta

12、ins 人造山 62 Afraid of the Dark 害怕黑暗 63 Zoo Land 动物王国 64 The End of the Rainbow 彩虹的尽头 65 Fortune Island 财富岛 66 Cannibal Islands 食人生番的岛屿 67 Journeys End 旅行结束 返回总目录 If you are under fifteen years, eight months and three days old 如果你未满15岁8个月03天 DONT READ THIS 请勿读此篇 更多资料请关注我的新浪博客h t t p :/b l o g .s i n a

13、 .co m .cn /ccy 73210 INTRODUCTION 前 言 This book is for the child who: thinks heaven is in the sky and hell is under the ground; has never heard of London or Paris and thinks a Dane is a kind of dog. It is to give a travelers view of the Worldbut not a commercial travelers view. It is to show the ch

14、ild what is beyond the horizon, from “Kalamazoo to Timbuktu.” It is to show him not only “the Seven Wonders of the World” but the seventy times Seven Wonders of the World. When-I-was-a-boy in New England we had for Thanksgiving six kinds of pie: apple, peach, cranberry, custard, mince, and pumpkin,

15、but I was allowed to have only two kinds and I never could make a satisfactory choice. I have had the same difficulty in selecting geographical places and subjects to tell about. There are too many “most important” places in the World to be included in this first survey, and there will inevitably be

16、 those readers who will wonder why certain countries and certain places have been omitted, especially the place where the reader may live. To me, as a child, geography was a bugbear of repellent names Climate and Commerce, Manufactures and Industries, and products,PRODUCTS, PRODUCTS. It seemed that

17、the chief products of every place in the World were corn, wheat, barley, rye; or rye, barley, wheat, corn; or barley, corn, rye, wheat. In my geography modern Greece had but a paragraphbecause, I suppose, it did not produce wheat, corn, barley, rye. Geography was a “stomach” geography; the “head” an

18、d “heart” were left out. I loved the geography pictures and maps but hated the text. Except for an occasional descriptive or narrative paragraph the text was wholly unreadablea confused jumble of headings and sub-headings and sub-sub- headings: HOME WORK, NOTES, MAP STUDIES, Suggestions to Teachers,

19、 Helps, Directions, Questions, REVIEWS, PROBLEMS, Exercises, Recitations, LESSONS, PICTURE STUDIES, etc., etc., etc. The World was an orange when I went to school, and there were only three things I can remember that I ever learned “for sure”that the Dutch children wore wooden shoes, the Eskimos liv

20、ed in snow houses, and the Chinese ate with chopsticks. We had a question and answer catechism which we learned as we did the multiplication tables. The teacher read from her book: Q. “What is the condition of the people of the United States?” and a thirteen-year-old boy in the next seat answered gl

21、ibly: A. “They are poor and ignorant and live in miserable huts.” At which astounding statement the teacher unemotionally remarked, “No, thats the answer to the next question, What is the condition of the Eskimos?” When my turn came to teach geography to beginners nine years of age, I found the avai

22、lable textbooks either too commercial and industrial, on the one hand, or too puerile and inconsequential, on the other. Statistics and abstractions were entirely beyond the ken of the child of nine, and random stories of children in other countries had little value as geography. As I had been a tra

23、veler for many years, had visited most of the countries of the Globe, and in actual mileage had been five times the distance around the World, I thought I would write a geography myself. Vain conceit! A class would listen with considerable attention to my extemporaneous travel talks, so I had a sten

24、ographer take down these talks verbatim. But when I read these notes of the same talk to another class, then it was that I discovered a book may be gooduntil it is written. So Ive had to try, try again and again, for childrens reactions can never be forecast. Neither can 更多资料请关注我的新浪博客h t t p :/b l o

25、 g .s i n a .co m .cn /ccy 73210 one tell without trial what children will or will not understand. Preconceived notions of what words they should or should not know are worthless: “Stupendous and appalling” presented no difficulties whatever but much simpler words were misunderstood. I had been read

26、ing to a class from an excellent travel book for children. The author said, “We arrived, tired and hungry, and found quarters in the nearest hotel.” The children understood “found quarters” to mean that the travelers had picked up 25-cent pieces in the hotel! Then again I had been describing the “Br

27、idge of Sighs,” in Venice, and picturing the condemned prisoners who crossed it. Casually I asked if any one could tell me why it was called the “Bridge of Sighs”. One boy said, “Because it is of big size.” A little girl, scorning his ignorance, said, “Because it has sides.” A boy from the country,

28、with a far-fetched imagination, suggested it might be because they used “scythes”; and a fourth child said, “Because it belonged to a man named Cy.” The study of maps is interesting to almost all children. A map is like a puzzle picturebut new names are hard. And yet geography without either name or

29、 place is not geography at all. It is only fairyland. The study of maps and names is therefore absolutely essential and large wall maps most desirable. Geography lends itself admirably to research on the part of the child. A large scrap-book arranged by countries may easily be filled with current pi

30、ctorial news, clippings from magazines and Sunday newspapers, and from the circulars of travel bureaus. There is a wealth of such scrap-book material almost constantly being publishedpictures of temples in India, pagodas in China, wild animal hunts in Africa, parks in Parisfrom which the child can c

31、ompile his own Geographic Magazine. Furthermore, the collection of stamps offers a most attractive field, particularly for the boy just reaching the age when such collections are as absorbing as an adult hobby. Of course, the best way to learn geography is by travel but not like that of the business

32、 man who landed in Rome with one hour to see the city. Jumping into a taxi and referring to a slip of paper, he said: “There are only two things I want to see hereSt. Peters and the Colosseum. Drive to them as fast as you can and back to the station.” He was accordingly driven to St. Peters. Stickin

33、g his head out of the window he said to the driver, “Well, which is this?” In the little town where I was born, there lived an old, old man whose chief claim to distinction was the fact that he had never in his whole life been ten miles away from home. Nowadays travel is so easy that every child may

34、 look forward to traveling some day. This book is to give him some inkling of what there is to see, so that his travel may not be as meaningless as that of the simple sailor who goes round the world and returns with nothing but a parrot and a string of glass beads. “ALL ABOARD !” WHEN-I-WAS-A-BOY, m

35、y nurse used to take me to the railroad station to see the trains. A man in a blue cap and blue suit with brass buttons would call, “All aboard for Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and points north and east!” and wave his arm for the train to start. My nurse said he was a conductor. So when I went

36、 home I used to put on a cap and play conductor shouting, “All aboard for Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and points north and east!” over and over, again and again, until I was told, “For pity sake, stop it!” But some day I hoped, when I grew up, to be a real conductor in a blue cap and a blue s

37、uit with brass buttons. And now that I am grown up, I am still playing conductor, for in this book I am going to take you to Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and points north, east, south and westround the World! 这本书是写给这样的孩子:他认为天堂在天上,地狱在地下;他从 未听说过伦敦或巴黎,他认为丹麦人是一种狗1。 这本书将呈现一个旅行者眼中的世界但不是一个旅行推销员眼 中的世界

38、。 这本书将告诉孩子,在地平线以外有什么地方:从“卡拉马祖到廷 巴克图”。 更多资料请关注我的新浪博客h t t p :/b l o g .s i n a .co m .cn /ccy 73210 这本书不但给孩子讲“世界七大奇观”的故事,还要给他讲七十倍于 世界七大奇观的故事。 我小时候在新英格兰过感恩节,有六种果馅派:苹果派、桃子派、 越橘派、蛋奶派、百果派和南瓜派。但只准我从中选两种,而我从未能 做出让自己满意的选择。在选择要讲述哪些地理上地点和主题时我也遇 到了同样的困难。在这第一本世界地理概述中,世界上有太多的“最重 要”的地方要提到,而不可避免的是,有些读者会奇怪为什么某些国家 和

39、某些地方被忽略了,尤其是读者本人生活的地方。 小的时候,我觉得地理是个令人头痛的学科,有着那么多令人厌恶 的名字气候和商业、各种制造业和行业以及产品、产品,还是产 品!似乎世界各地的农产品都是玉米、小麦、大麦、黑麦;或者是黑 麦、大麦、小麦、玉米;或是大麦、玉米、黑麦、小麦。在我读的地理 课本里,现代希腊部分只有一个段落的叙述我想,就是因为希腊不 产小麦、玉米、大麦、黑麦吧。地理只关心“吃的”的学科,却忽视 了“思想”和“感情”。 我爱看地理书上的图片和地图,却讨厌读上面的文字。除了偶尔出 现的一段描写或叙述还能吸引人之外,地理书中的文字统统让人读不下 去一大堆杂乱无章的大标题、小标题以及小标

40、题下的小标题:家庭 作业、注释、地图练习题、给老师的建议、辅导、指导、问题、复习、 疑难、练习、背诵、课程、图片习题,等等。 我上学的时候,世界对我来说就像一个橙子 吴正俊, 俞萍实现教育公平, 夯实和谐社会的坚实 基础重 庆 工 商 大 学 学 报 ( 社 会 科 学 版) , () : 张忠, 陈家麟阿德勒的个体心理学理论对贫困大学 生“ 心理脱贫” 的启示中国青年研究, () : 莫飞平“ 济困扶志强能” 三维立体型高校贫困 生资助模式的构建策略广西青年干部管理学院 学报, () : 崔邦焱切实做好 年高校学生资助工作中 国教育报, ( ) 黄建龙, 陈雯对高校家庭经济困难学生资助工作的

41、 思考南 京 邮 电 大 学 学 报 ( 社 会 科 学 版) , () : 史保怀, 苏柔伊解决高校贫困生精神贫困问题的路 径探析教育导刊, () : 吕迎春贫困大学生社团参与的价值探索浙江 师范大学学报( 社会科学版) , () : 犆 狅 狀 狊 狋 狉 狌 犮 狋 犻 狅 狀犪 狀 犱犘 狉 犪 犮 狋 犻 犮 犲狅 犳犛 狅 犾 犻 犱犉 犻 狀 犪 狀 犮 犻 犪 犾犃 狊 狊 犻 狊 狋 犪 狀 犮 犲犈 犱 狌 犮 犪 狋 犻 狅 狀 犛 狔 狊 狋 犲 犿犳 狅 狉犎 犲 犾 狆 犻 狀 犵犘 狅 狏 犲 狉 狋 狔 狊 狋 狉 犻 犮 犽 犲 狀犛 狋 狌 犱 犲 狀 狋 狊 , (犆 犺 狅 狀 犵 狇 犻 狀 犵犝 狀 犻 狏 犲 狉 狊 犻 狋 狔狅 犳犘 狅 狊 狋 狊犪 狀 犱犜 犲 犾 犲 犮 狅 犿犿 狌 狀 犻 犮 犪 狋 犻 狅 狀 狊,犆 犺 狅 狀 犵 狇 犻 狀 犵 ,犆 犺 犻 狀 犪) 犃 犫 狊 狋 狉 犪 犮 狋: , , , ; , , , , , 犓 犲 狔狑 狅 狉 犱 狊: ; ; ; ; ( 编辑: 蔡秀娟)

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