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电大考题 精选 西方经济学期末复习题(一).doc

1、 leave D. cant you leave13. They were so far away that I couldnt _ their faces clearly. A. see through B. make up C. make at D. make out14. I can hardly believe my eyes. This _ man is actually a scientist who once won the Nobel Prize. A. remarkable B. unusual C. magnificent D. unremarkable15. He sai

2、d he _ return from Germany the next day. A. is to B. was to C. is going to D. would go to16. I ran _ Alice, who was on her way to see how I was getting along. A. up B. out of C. over D. into17. I know nothing about it _ what I have read in the papers. A. besides B. beside C. expect D. except18. The

3、government will have to work hard _ the confidence of the people after the terrible event. A. to win back B. to win through C. to come up with D. to come at19. None of them spoke English _ Sam. A. except of B. except C. exception D. except for20. _ he works hard, I didnt mind when he finishes the ex

4、periment. A. As soon as B. So long as C. As well as D. So far as21. I tried very hard to persuade him to join our group but I met with a flat _. A. disapproval B. rejection C. refusal D. decline22. Do you think that the labor bill will be passed?劳工案是否通过 Oh, yes. Its _ that it will. A. almost surelys

5、urely adv.的确地, 安全地 B. very likelyte adj.很可能的, 合适的, 可靠的, 有希望的adv.或许, 很可能 C. near positiveh肯定的 D. quite certainly 的确23. Send us a message if you _ any difficulty.(重复) A. have B. had C. will have D. have had24. It was difficult to guess what her _ to the news would be. A. reaction反应 B. comment意见 C. imp

6、ression感想 D. opinion意见,看法25. Could I borrow that book when youve finished _ it? A. to read B. not to read C. in reading D. reading26. I will repair this new TV set without charging免费 because it is under _. A. initial最初 B. trial考验 C. guarantee保证期 D. maximum最大量27. They have never heard any .顾客投诉 A. a

7、customer complaint B. the customers complaints C. customers complaint D. the customers complaints28. He is given answers that only his confusion混淆.(重复) A. add to增加 B. come with伴随发生 C. add with D. come up上升,发生29. many of the customers work during the day, Billy has to collect收集 the money from them at

8、 night. A. Since B. Although C. Therefore D. From30. Ill call to see you this evening _ I can stay only a few minutes. A. which B. however然而 C. even D. though虽然二、判断题1. Every one of the students had to do their own experiment试验, and then于是 professor Brown judged判断 the results结果 . A. their (his?) B. o

9、wn C. and then D. the results2. The problem is how we can operate the new machine on such a short time. A. how B. operate C. on (in?) D. a3. He cannot remember the thing whose made me very sad. A. cannot B. thing C. whose (which?) D. sad4. Now that the newspaper arrived we can see the scores of the

10、tennis matches. A. that B. arrived 到达 C. can see D. of the5. Only after he comes to consciousness意识 you can make the final decision结果. A. Only B. to C. you can(can you?) D. make三、词汇题1. We were _ for half an hour in the traffic交通事故 and so we arrived late.(重复P4) A. put back延误 B. broke down破裂 C. held u

11、p被占(抢劫) D. kept off不接近2. I didnt know what to do, but then an idea suddenly _ to me. (重复P1) A. happened发生,碰巧 B. occurred发生,出现 林C. emerged浮现 D. appeared出现,出席,发表7. The speech演讲 _, a lively discussion started活跃的讨论开始了.(重复P4) A. being delivered送递 B. be delivered C. was delivered D. having been delivered

12、4. Some of your suggestions意见 have been adopted采用 but others have been _ as they are not workable有效. A.最茀眀愀瀀漀漀欀刀攀愀搀愀猀瀀砀椀搀需崀騃/Mi前台访问/p-2970648.html116.179.32.1460%鮞儀欀猀椀琀攀洀愀瀀栀琀洀氀餀崀/Mi前台访问/p-2970642.html111.206.198.680勈匀漀漀爀搀攀爀栀琀洀氀鬀琀崀5Smwap前台访问/p-2324486.html116.179.32.440匀漀眀愀瀀瀀栀琀洀氀鴀崀黣/Mk前台访问/p-2970649.html220.181.108.1690%欀搀栀琀洀氀鼀崀5gwap前台访问/BookRead.aspx?id=2969718220.181.108.820%鮞椀瀀栀琀洀氀崀騃/Mi前台访问/d-2970640.html116.179.32.2420勈欀

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