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产品需求文档模板 (2).doc

1、r consideration by the working party set up under paragraph 5, simultaneously informing the Member concerned.5. A working party shall be set up, on behalf of the Council for Trade in Goods, to review notifications and counter-notifications. In the light of this review and without prejudice to paragr

2、aph 4(c) of Article XVII, the Council for Trade in Goods may make recommendations with regard to the adequacy of notifications and the need for further information. The working party shall also review, in the light of the notifications received, the adequacy of the above-mentioned questionnaire on s

3、tate trading and the coverage of state trading enterprises notified under paragraph 1. It shall also develop an illustrative list showing the kinds of relationships between governments and enterprises, and the kinds of activities, engaged in by these enterprises, which may be relevant for the purpos

4、es of Article XVII. It is understood that the Secretariat will provide a general background paper for the working party on the operations of state trading enterprises as they relate to international trade. Membership of the working party shall be open to all Members indicating their wish to serve on

5、 it. It shall meet within a year of the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement and thereafter at least once a year. It shall report annually to the Council for Trade in Goods. UNDERSTANDING ON THE BALANCE-OF-PAYMENTS PROVISIONSOF THE GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADE 1994Members,Recogniz

6、ing the provisions of Articles XII and XVIII:B of GATT 1994 and of the Declaration on Trade Measures Taken for Balance-of-Payments Purposes adopted on 28 November 1979 (BISD 26S/205-209, referred to in this Understanding as the 1979 Declaration) and in order to clarify such provisions ;Hereby agree

7、as follows:Application of Measures1. Members confirm their commitment to announce publicly, as soon as possible, time-schedules for the removal of restrictive import measures taken for balance-of-payments purposes. It is understood that such time-schedules may be modified as appropriate to take into

8、 account changes in the balance-of-payments situation. Whenever a time-schedule is not publicly announced by a Member, that Member shall provide justification as to the reasons therefor.2. Members confirm their commitment to give preference to those measures which have the least disruptive effect on

9、 trade. Such measures (referred to in this Understanding as price-based measures) shall be understood to include import surcharges, import deposit requirements or other equivalent trade measures with an impact on the price of imported goods. It is understood that, notwithstanding the provisions of A

10、rticle II, price-based measures taken for balance-of-payments purposes may be applied by a Member in excess of the duties inscribed in the Schedule of that Member. Furthermore, that Member shall indicate the amount by which the price-based measure exceeds the bound duty clearly and separately under

11、the notification procedures of this Understanding. 3. Members shall seek to avoid the imposition of new quantitative restrictions for balanc安全工作检查记录表检表903133办公、生活区检查记录表检表904134安全工作复查记录表检表905135月安全工作情况分析评价表检表906136环保技术交底记录表检表907137开工前环保工作准备情况检查表检表908138环保工作检查记录表检表909139办公、生活区检查记录表检表910140环保工作复查记录表检表911141月环保工作情况分析评价表检表912九、公用表格142基 坑 检 验 表检表101143模 板 检 验 表检表102144混 凝 土 检 验 表检表103145平 整 度 检 验 表检表104146锚杆、拉杆检验表检表105147宽度检验表检表106148厚度检验表检表107149宽度及中心线检验表检表108150断面尺寸检验表检表109.

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