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1、 B.No, she did. C.Yes, she didnt.( )8.Im thirsty. A. Heres a jacket for you. B. Heres some water for you. C. Heres a fan for you.( )9. Could you swim when you were three? A. Yes, I could. B. No, she couldnt. C. No, he could.( )10. I could a ball when I was two. A. throw B. swim C. eat四连词成句(10%)1.the

2、 art room Where is ?2.on It is the floor second. 3.are Where the toilets , please ? 4. are good a You citizen .5. stealing our are They computers.五情景交际(10%) A. Can you help mum cook lunch? B. What are they doing?C. Whats the weather like today? D. Have a seat, please. E. Susan, Im hungry.1. A: ? B:T

3、hey are stealing the computers.2. A: . B: Thank you.3. A: ? B: Yes, I can.4. A: ? B: Its cloudy today.5. A: . B: Heres some food for you.六根据短文内容,判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。(15%)Bill and Kate are school students. They are Young Pioneers. They are in Grade Three. There are six classes in Grade Six. In Kates c

4、lass there are forty-two students. Twenty-five students are girls. There are forty-five students in Bills class. Twenty students are boys. And there are thirty-four Young Pioneer in Bills class. In Kates class there are thirty.( )1. Bill and Kate are brothers.( )2. Bill and Kate are Young Pioneers.(

5、 )3.They arent in Grade Three.( )4.There are forty-two students in Kates class.( )5.There are six boys in Grade Six.Dear Uncle: Thank you for the new jeans. They are very pretty. Its cool in Beijing. Its sunny, too. I can wear my jeans and sweater . I have a pair of new shoes .My old shoes are too s

6、mall .Today is grandmas birthday . I want to buy some apples for grandma . She likes apples . You are at the farm. Whats the weather like at the farm? Is it warm? How many ducks are there? John( ) 51. Its sunny and cool in Beijing .( ) 52. John can wear the jeans.( ) 53. Johns old shoes are too big.

7、( ) 54. Today is Johns birthday.( ) 55. Uncle is at the farm.么么 注射液。 (3)比较图中乙和丙两条曲线,它们的下降趋势不同,请简要描述小白鼠体内铅含量与血红蛋白含量变化的关系: 八年级地理、生物学业考试试卷8(共8页).试合格者统一颁发出口食品生产企业质量管理人员考核培训证明。7.1培训时间 理论培训不少于24学时。7.2学时分配表序号内容学时1法律法规知识22食品安全基础知识23食品安全卫生控制和管理方法24出口食品生产企业备案制度介绍25出口食品生产企业卫生要求46食品安全卫生控制体系的建立和实施87食品安全卫生控制体系的内部审核与持续改进28食品检验检测基础知识2合计248. 考试方式及试题类型8.1 采取笔试方式进行。 考试成绩达60分及以上者为合格,85分及以上为优秀。8.2 笔试卷考题由A、B、C三套试卷组成,其中A、B试卷又根据不同企业再细分为若干专项小类。试卷由单项选择题、多项选择题、填空题、判断题、简答题五部分组成, A类试卷可附加案例分析题。9. 培训考核资料出口食品生产企业质量管理人员培训教程 王大宁主编 南京大学出版社食品安全控制体系-HACCP 车文毅主编 中国农业科学技术出版社

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